Imperishable (Justin Bieber)...

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

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*Spinoff and third book of Neurotic Series* Imperishable: [im-per-i-shuh-buh l] not subject to decay; indes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 7

2.3K 103 118
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Justin's POV

Two weeks later

I stare her way, not being able to look in any other direction but hers. I watch her interact with her asinine "friends", being overly phony and feigning how happy she is to be around them. A bunch of nonsense if you ask me. She is not delighted to be around those people at all. However, I guess when she felt as if she did not have anyone else to hang around with, she ran back to those negative futile friends of hers.

Seeing how my heart begins to beat out of my chest, I quickly tear my eyes away from her for the first time since lunch started. I look down at my journal filled with my messy handwriting, and intake a deep breath. I am so very upset at her, and at those unintelligent hoodlums she calls her friends. I continue to disguise this hidden anger of mine, not wanting her or anyone else to see it. It is for the best.

With that being said, I continue to breathe in and out slowly. Once I am calmer than what I was before, I look up with a blank expression on my face. I have to mask what I am feeling... I cannot show it, I will not show it.

"You are so fucking stupid, I love your dumb ass, Natasha!" I hear that hellion, Amber as she throws her head back and laughs at something Tash said. "Shhh." I see Natasha mouth the word to her girl "best friend", before slowly turning her attention to me.

Even with her being way on the other side of the indoor cafeteria, we still manage to meet each other's gaze. She quickly looks down and breaks her eye contact with me, but I do not. My eyes remain on her. She looks back up at me sadly, although she doesn't make any type of gesture to hint at anything she could possibly be thinking about. I was going to mouth that this whole deal was stupid, but that Johnny jerk pulls her into a side hug and kisses her head.

Growing pissed as ever, I rip my eyes from those two and begin to write down my thoughts, feelings, and all my pent up anger in my journal. I write how it's not all my fault why we are not talking to one another, I write how sorry I am, how she's blaming me for our kisses, and I write down how much I miss talking to her, and actually sleeping beside her at night.

Oh, I totally failed to mention that huh? Well it's true, I have not been sleeping in her bed with her for two weeks. Yes, two whole weeks now. All because of two days after she kissed me I brought it up, wanting an explanation as to why she kissed me. She got all mad, and started going crazy girl on me. Luckily we were at my place doing homework, because the argument got bad really quick, and a bit physical... from her end... and maybe a little from me as well.

Flashback: Two Weeks Ago

"For the capital of Namibia, did you get Lusaka?" Tasha asks in a bored tone, almost like she doesn't even want to talk to me. "Uh not exactly. That is the wrong answer. The capital of Namibia is actually Windhoek, and Lusaka is the capital of Zambia." I point to her paper, before going back to my own homework.

"Know it all." She mumbles underneath her breath, before erasing her wrong answers. "I am not a know it all, I just study." I state under my own breath, watching her write the right answers.

"So I don't study?" She snaps, throwing her pencil down. I look at her in confusion. "I never said you didn't, but sometimes you don't." I tell the truth in a low tone of voice, but I guess she didn't like that because she scoffs.

"You think just because I don't study all the time I'm dumb? Hmm, am I too dumb for your company, Justin Bieber?" Cocking my head to the side in confusion, I groan at us going into an argument. "What are you getting at? I have never spoken such a thing like that about you. What is all this really about? Is this about the osculation between us?"

"My goodness, Justin! Will you freaking speak English and not like an ultimate brainiac for once!" She raises her voice, making me flinch from how loud she is. "Fine, is this about the kiss? About the kiss we shared two days ago?" I do not mean to sound snappy, but now I am getting just as upset as she is.

"NO!" She yells in my face, while she rushes to get up from my bed and begin her little pacing thing she does. "Then what are you so upset about? Whatever it is has us in this awkward place in our friendship? As you remember I did not kiss you, you kissed me!" I then stand to my feet, getting my point across too.

"You kissed me back and you know it!" She quickly turns around and shoves me in my chest. "Please don't push me, Tasha." I speak softly, getting sad puppy eyes in return.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Her voice is full of emotion, and sadness as she hugs me. "It's okay, you are just confusing me that's all, Tash."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry I'm blaming you for my behavior, it's not your fault." She mumbles against my chest, while her hands encircle me into a hug. "It's okay." Responding in a gentle voice, I pat her back and hug her too.

She pulls away and looks at me with tears filling up in her eyes, while giving me a small smile. I smile back, not sure why she is so emotional. I do not want to blame it on her Premenstrual Syndrome coming on, although Tasha only ever gets emotional, confusing, irritable, and many other emotions due to her time of month coming soon.

My face is brought down to Tasha's, where she again whispers how sorry she is. I accept her apology without any thought, thinking that would be it. I go to pull away, but she painfully shakes her head, with those watery eyes of hers staring directly into my eyes. Her expression on her face is unreadable, just before she smashes her soft lips onto mine for the second time without it being deemed innocent.

"Natasha you are like kissing my lips again." I speak between the firm kisses, not knowing what this silly girl is doing. "Mmm." She makes a groaning sound, almost as if it pained her to kiss me.

I try my hardest not kiss her, seeing how she got all mad when I kissed her back the last time. But my goodness gracious her lips feel so incredible, and I cannot fight the urge to be in sync with her movements against my mouth. So, I do what any teenage boy my age would do... I kiss her back. And when I say I kissed her back, I mean I really kissed her back. Way better than last time.

We really get into it, kissing so aggressively in the middle of my bedroom. I do not even know where the sudden burst of courage came from to trail my hands up her shirt, and even massage her smooth back, but hell I did. I guess the sudden courage bug bit Tasha Angel too, because she was rubbing my arms just like I was rubbing her back. With the soft rubbing of each other's skin, and the intense make out session we were in, she eventually pulls my arms from the soft skin of her back to maneuver them underneath the front of her shirt. I instantly pause, keeping my shaky hands from moving any further on her bra covered bosoms.

She continues to kiss me with such eagerness, as if my hands aren't on her breasts at the moment. I kiss her back lightly now, still not making the attempt to move my hands. I guess she doesn't like that, so she makes my hands squeeze her breasts. She seems to like the feeling as she moans against my mouth, dropping her hands from my own to pull her bra up to free her busts. All the saliva in my mouth seems to disappear, yet somehow I continue on kissing her.

Then once again she's moving my hands to touch her now bare breasts! Her skin is so warm against my palms, and I hate to say this but they feel so good to hold in my hands. She didn't have to tell me, or show me what to do next–I'm not an idiot– so I go ahead and softly squeeze and massage the mounds of flesh in my shaky hands. I could have sworn I heard her whisper to squeeze her nipples, though I'm not sure if it was all in my head or not. Still not sure what I heard, I move forth with squeezing her mammary papillas. Those raised circular regions being such an enticement to me.

"Yes." She moans so very lightly, her breath coming out in small pants. "Yes." I confirm, squeezing and pulling on her nipples a bit harsher.

The firmer I tugged on her breast and nipples, the louder her moaning got. We were both in pure bliss, and even more for her which I absolutely loved. She even pulled away to tug off my shirt, revealing my skinny body that I wished had loads of tattoos and muscles on. She moans all while biting her bottom lip, not once looking at me as she is clearly into the moment to even realize what we are doing. Then just like a sexual little minx, she lifts her shirt up and drops it to the ground. Her bra followed right after, and I was there gawking at her breast like some foolish pervert. I have seen them once on accident, but most of time they are hidden from me by her bras. As of right now, they are staring back at me sitting up for attention.

I can definitely tell where all her food goes; right to the two twins sitting up on her chest. They are such a nice size. I timidly bend down to kiss the tops, and instantly get a guttural moan in return. For a couple of minutes I divide my time with lightly kissing the tops of her breast, and French kissing her mouth. The best part of it all, was being soothed by her little sounds of pleasure. Although somehow everything always has to come to an end, and our sky high enjoyment of being in Justin and Natasha Land came crashing down when her darn cellphone started ringing in that annoying ringtone... The Hamster Dance Song.

"Oh shit not again!" She pulls away from me like she did last time, quickly shuffling to her cellphone ringing on the bed. Her breast are bouncing up and down like two balls–focus, Justin! "H-hello, I mean hey what's up dad?" She clears her throat, as she then listens to what her dad has to say on the other line.

Not listening to her one to two word responses, I pick up my shirt from the ground and put it back on. I even pick up Tasha's shirt and bra, just staring down at the two pieces of material she took off for me. I get so intrigued at the clothing items in my hands, I didn't even hear Tash get off the phone... let alone notice her standing in front of me trying to take her items out of my hand.

"Oh, my bad," I release the items from my hands, where she snatches them and hurries to put them on. "I hope everything is alright." I ignore her sudden attitude, and instead ask about her dad calling her.

"Yeah it is. Dad was just calling to remind me to be inside before nine-thirty." She mutters, quickly snapping the clasps of her bra back together. "Yeah, that's understandable." I agree with Mr. McCann, now realizing how late it's become.

We gotten to my house after three o'clock earlier, and started doing homework around five o'clock... and now it's eight. Geez, time does really does go by fast when you are having fun.

"I-I um, I can drive you home if you like. My mom's car is in the garage." Rushing over to put on my shoes, I am stopped by Tasha's refusal. "No, I'll just walk home instead." Her trying to distance herself, makes me sigh in frustration.

"Please don't tell me we are doing this again!" I throw my hands up in the air in exasperation, clearly starting to get quite fed up with her back and forth behavior. "Doing what, Justin? I just want to walk home!" She yells, giving herself away at feeling some type of way about our kissing and slight petting.

"Do not play dense, Natasha. You are clearly feeling some type of way about what transpired between the two of us. Shall I remind you that you were the one to initiate it all... again?"

"Shut up, Justin!" She grits, walking towards my room door to leave. I block her way of getting out, just wanting to get some words off of my chest. "I will not hush up, Natasha. You are just embarrassed, that you were highly aroused at our moment we just shared a few minutes ago. It is normal and natural for you to feel that way." Shrugging my shoulders as if it's nothing, I cross my arms over my chest and look at her visibly angered exterior.

"I was not turned on!" She shouts up at me, still denying the truth. "Sure you weren't, Tash. Maybe you just wanted to kiss– pardon me, I mean makeout with your best friend for nothing. Hmm, or maybe just maybe you wanted to kiss me again because you actually like kissing me." Her whole entire face displays a pinkish-reddish color.

"Shut your face, Justin, and let me leave already!" She tries to push me to the side, though I do not let her pass. "No. Be honest with me, did you like it? D-did I do okay?"

"MOVE!" She whines, still not answering my question. "W-were you thinking about having relations with me? If you are having those thoughts or acting on your thoughts always have protective coitus." I think this question ticked her off the most, I admit it was pretty blunt.

"SHUT THE HELL UP WITH ALL OF THAT!" A harsh punch to my chest makes me double over in pain, yet I quickly recover and do not let her go past me. "Why are you using such foul language with me? Was I right about my question? Were you thinking about having... sex... with me?" I whisper shyly, not knowing how to feel.

"Hell no! You are my best friend! Shit, it was just another mistake, okay? Like I said before you aren't remotely my type... y-you are just a four-eyed nerd I was using to fill a void. I-I miss Johnny!" She stammers out such rude remarks to me, making me frown.

"That was extremely rude," I whisper, looking down at my shoes. "However, I still believe you are lying. You may not have wanted relations with me– thankfully, but you did kiss me and had me touching all over your breasts. The breasts that evidently showed your arousal. You may just want to blame it on you "missing" Johnny, yet I think it's so much more than that. I think you like kissing me, and having me touch you intimately. I bet if I kissed you aggressively again, you would take off all your clothes within seconds. But then again, you just want "fill" that void of yours, right? Shoot, you probably get that void filled from other guys as well as me." I shrug callously.

"Fuck you, you fucking asshole!" Without warning I am slapped with so much force. "How dare you basically call me a slut!" She slaps me again, and this time I push off the door with a speed of lightning and yank her in my arms.

"Don't put your hands on me like that." I grasp her delicate wrists in my hands, squeezing them to get my point across. "Let me go home, before I do it again!" She threatens me again, truly making me grow more angered.

"That's how you feel?" I snatch her into me closer, whilst my breathing becomes more erratic. "It's exactly how I feel, you stupid idiot!" Then just like that I manage to do some kick move to the back of her calf, making her lose her footing.

She yelps at the sudden move, while I slowly kneel down to the floor. She begins to squirm underneath me. She even starts to scream at the top of her lungs, causing me to roll my eyes and let go of one of her wrist to cover her mouth. She really starts to scream muffled cries into my palm, all while hitting me with her now free hand.

"STOP IT NOW!" I yell in her face making her flinch, but instantly she quiets down. "You have hit me multiple times all because I stated my option, which is probably the truth." It's my turn to yell at her.

I do not mean to yell or even raise my voice at her, but she has irked me so badly. Just staring down at her nervous looking face makes me want to apologize to her over, and over again.

"Thank you for quieting your outburst." I lift my hand up from her mouth, but freaking get smacked in my face again! I then react without thinking.

I pull her up by the collar of her shirt and slam her down into the ground... where she screams out in shock... maybe even pain. I do not even know to be honest.

"Why do you keep hitting me?" I pull her up and slam her down again, this time not as hard as before. "Huh? Why do you keep hurting me like those other bullies at school?" I grasp her chin firmly in my hands, now realizing she's visibly and audibly crying.

"P-please l-let me go, Justin JuJu. You are s-scaring me." She begs through her cries, the tears freely falling down her face. "Tasha Angel I never want to scare you, not ever. I just don't want you to hit me, please don't hurt me like those jerks at school. Don't be like them, Tash. Bad things happen to bad people, and I don't want anything to happen to you." I slowly let go of her chin, just to grasp her wrists back into my strong hold.

"O-ow, you are hurting me." Her broken wail makes me loosen my grip on her, but I do not release her. She may feel the need to hit me across my face again. "Promise me you won't turn into those people at school. I don't want you to, you are too special." My own eyes begin to water as I look down at her crying presence.

"I-I promise." I believe her, but somehow I know she's only saying that to be released by me. "Good." I let her go, making sure to kiss the red imprints I made on her wrists.

I move myself from between her legs, and sit beside her on the carpeted floor. We do not say anything to one another, and that makes me feel at fault for it all. I then apologize to her multiple times, and explained to her how I had an unexpected moment of anger and sadness morphed into one. She forgave me each time I apologized, but also begged and pleaded for me to take her home. I kept ignoring her, and I guess she was too scared to make a run for the door. When 9 o'clock hit, she mentioned how her curfew would be coming up. Not wanting her to get into any trouble with her father, I agreed to finally take her home.

The entire car ride was silent... and filled with Tash shaking so ever lightly. I knew she was scared of the person I became back at my house. I tried to assure her it wouldn't happen again, and she nodded in agreement, yet I knew she was only agreeing not to get on my "bad" side. Once we made it to her house she told me I wasn't needed that night, and that I wasn't need for any other night either. I of course tried to disagree with her decision, simply telling her I made a mistake, and that all of this started with her hitting me. She only shook her head and threatened to tell her dad what I did to her back at my place, and I knew she was being serious. I nodded, letting her go.

I finish writing down the last of my thoughts, just as the blaring sound of the lunch bell rings. Lifting up my pencil from my paper, I look down at all the words I have written down... all the names of people I'll pray that nothing bad happens to them. Like I said before, bad things happen to bad people.

A firm hand is placed on my shoulder, followed by a mean gruff voice. "Get on out of here, kid. I have to clean up this shit you students did to my cafeteria." I turn around to see Ms. Ferris, the elderly, chubby, bearded, cafeteria lady.

"My apologies." I reply lowly, whilst getting up to shove my items in my backpack. "Yeah, yeah. Get on out of here." She rolls her eyes in annoyance, beginning to wipe down the table I was once sitting at.

Throwing my book bag over my shoulders, I suddenly take a look around. The cafeteria is empty of any students inside, and left looking as if a tornado ran through it. No wonder why Ms. Ferris was annoyed, or better yet always upset with everyone. Lots of the student body do not even know how to clean up after themselves.

Not wanting to be labeled in the same category as the other messy students at this high school, I quickly pick up my uneaten lunch and toss it in a nearby trash can. Ms. Ferris gives me a small smile, but quickly frowns again and shoos me away.


Natasha's POV

"My damn, that creeper asshole is like stalking you." Amber speaks her mind rather loudly, making me shush her lowly. "Amber would you be quiet? No one is stalking me." I try to ignore the burning gaze on me, only wanting to give my attention to Amber.

"You seriously think that, Natasha? For shit sakes this is volleyball practice! Meaning, only the coaches and the actual team members are supposed to be in here! Now you tell me that's not stalking for Bieber to be sitting at the top of bleachers... just watching you every freaking second!" Well when she puts it like that, it is a bit odd.

"I'm sure it's nothing, plus he was already here before us." I shrug uncaringly, getting an eye roll from Amber. "But when he was told to leave by Coach Kim he refused with a 'no thank you, I am quite fine here.' Like that's creepy as hell, Natasha. Now I know why you wanted to be around all your real friends again. Bieber is so damn weird. Do you want me to call Johnny to get him out of here, you know he can and will?"

"NO!" I yell way too loudly, getting the attention from not only my teammates taking a break, but my coaches, and Justin too. "I-I mean no thank you. Just let him be, he's not bothering anyone." I swallow loudly, turning around towards the bleachers to look at Justin too indulged in writing in his journal.

"Fine then, I won't call Johnny. But you are in denial girl, he is bothering you. Don't act like I don't see stuff. I do, and I see y'all acting weird towards each other. So weird y'all haven't said one word to each other. And then when he tries to talk to you, you ignore him or say "now's not the time". What's really going on, Natasha? You haven't been yourself lately... and neither has four eyes." She points behind her to Justin, and I inwardly gulp at her being so very right about everything she said.

Gosh, I am probably one of the worst best friends ever for not telling her anything. She's all out of the loop here–all of my friends are. It's just I refuse to tell anyone about what happened between Justin and I, especially my family. Oh my goodness I do not even want to go into that right now. Dad literally freaked the hell out, when he saw the light bruises Justin placed upon my chin. What really pissed him off to the point he was grabbing his gun, were the handprints that were imprinted into my wrists when I was rubbing my face in frustration. He and mom were yelling at for literally being two minutes late!

The odd thing about the argument with my parents, were of them accusing Johnny of putting those bruises on me. Of course he didn't, and I explained to them that he wouldn't do that to me, and that it was one of my volleyball players swinging me around. I felt as if I needed to defend Johnny's name for his safety. My dad– Jason McCann– was livid and ready to kill someone that night. I still cannot believe Justin's name never came out of their mouths, not even dad's mouth... when in fact Justin's the one who hurt me. I mean of course unintentionally, and I already have forgiven him for that. But it still hurts my feelings, knowing he would manhandle me like that.

I know I started it all when I kept shoving him, constantly slapping, and hitting him. I just– I guess I'm still caught up on him being rough with me, and yelling at me. It's not like he didn't apologize because he did, and continues to; however, I keep ignoring and avoiding him. He has literally tried to talk to me every single day for the past two weeks.

Meaning, he tried calling me multiple times, texted me loads of messages, left me several voicemails, he requested to FaceTime me over a hundred times, emailed me four times, and even mailed me 14 letters for every single day of the two weeks we haven't been speaking to each other. The poor guy even tries to speak to me at school, and I totally shut him down each time. If it's not me mumbling "now's not the time" it's me blatantly ignoring him, and or turning to walk away from him. I know it hurts him so much; I see the sadness in his eyes each time I do that to him. I'm not even sure if his persistence to talk to me is because he's scared I told my dad–which I didn't– or if he genuinely wants to talk to me.

"Ladies line up!" Coach Kim blows her whistle loudly, snapping me out of my thoughts of Justin. "You ready, girl? You are all dazed and confused looking." Amber nudges me with her elbow, to which I nod in agreement.

As I stretch in my position as Middle Blocker, I feel his heated stare on me for the trillionth time today. I will myself to look up towards his direction, and see him sitting there writing away in his journal. From where I am, I can see his eyebrows forward, almost hiding behind his glasses as he concentrates on whatever he's writing. Ever since I've known him, he's always kept journals. He has never let me read, or see any of them within our time being best friends.

That's another thing, he doesn't have just one, he has multiple ones. I'm guessing they are all filled up maybe.

I remember when we were around 13 years old or so, I tried to read his journal and he got so upset with me. He snatched his journal out of my hands so quickly, I didn't realize I was being scolded until he snapped his fingers in front of my shocked face. He then softly told me that his journals were the only things he would like to keep to himself, and that everything else he owned I could snoop around and be nosey if I wanted to. I agreed with that, and promised never to invade his journal privacy again. Since then I kept my promise, having respect for his privacy. Yet, lately I've been so curious as to what he writes, and or keeps inside that journal of his. He's been writing in it more than ever since we haven't been talking.

I hope he's not writing anything about me, and if he is I hope it's not too bad if things.

Hearing the whistle sound again by Coach Kim, my volleyball teammates and I begin to run through a new play we have been practicing. As I get more into the game, I would feel his gaze on me with each movement I made. Within those moments of feeling as if I was being watched, I would look up onto the bleachers and see him pretending to write in his journal. Little does he know his pretending to look busy with his journal is so obvious. A couple of times when I would feel him looking at me, I would catch his stare. Being the scary person I am, I would quickly turn away, though he would keep his glasses covered eyes fixed on me. Just once did I hold our eye contact, to which he mumbled "please talk to me." I lightly shook my head and continued to practice.

"That's it for the day! You all are free to go, make sure you continue practicing your footing and passing." Coach Kim finally dismisses us from practice, where all the girls scatter in the direction of the locker room.

"Come on, let's get cleaned up so we go hang out at that mall." Amber bumps me with her hip. "I can't actually. I have to study, finish up college applications, homework, and babysit my little brother and sister tonight. My parents are having a business dinner with a potential client." I give her a pained sorry face.

"Ugh! You always have to babysit your parents kids. Geez, like why have a bunch of kids if you aren't even going watch them yourself." I take offense to her comment, making me abruptly stop my walking to turn to her. "Okay I understand you don't have siblings, and you probably wouldn't understand the feeling to look out after someone under you, but I do and I think you are being extremely insensitive and rude. I cannot always hang out with you, and our other friends. Plus, like I said I have to study... which I think you should do too. Why do you even want to go out on a Thursday anyway? Just wait until tomorrow." I shrug my shoulders in annoyance.

"I'm sorry, okay? I guess you are right. It's just you are my best friend, and we haven't talked in a while all because you were with Stalker Bieber. I just wanted us to have some Amber and Tasha time." She sighs, flinging one of her long braids behind her head. "I know, but I can't today. Maybe we can hangout over the weekend or something. You know how my parents are about my school work, and me pursuing my education. They are strict and do not play about that."

She sighs again– overly loud this time, before nodding her head. She then walks away from me without another word, mumbling something I couldn't hear under her breath. Tiredly rubbing my face, I go to turn my attention in the direction of Justin sitting on the bleachers. Although he startles me by being right in front of me, frowning at Amber's figure walking towards the locker room.

"You should seriously remove her as a friend of yours, she is not someone right for you." His voice is low, yet I hear him loud and clear. "Oh, and who is right for me? You? Please cut the Dr. Phil bull crap, Justin." Placing my arms over my chest, I roll my eyes at him.

"I am not trying to be like Dr. Phil, Natasha. I am simply warning you of that girl's ill intentions in your life. She is no good for you, Tasha." I hear the words he speaks, but I do not listen to them. Amber is my friend, my best friend.

"I do not believe you. But this right here," I motion between us. "This stops now. You are being a total stalker with the following me around everywhere I go. I do not mind you looking at me... or watching me from afar, but following me is a no-no. You are making my friends sense that something is going on between us."

"But there is." That little creepy jerk replies in a smart reply making me grit my teeth. "Don't be funny. There is nothing going on between us and you know it. We had a falling out, but that's it. It was settled and done when I told you I didn't need you any longer." Whisper yell, not wanting anyone to hear our exchange of words.

"I can always tell when you are lying to me, Tash," His tone of voice goes from slight irritation to sad. "You miss my presence just as much as I miss yours. And I'm not talking about those two moments we shared, I'm talking about our strong bond of a friendship: the two of us talking, laughing, our banter we share, and us sleeping next to each other at night in your bed." He whispers the ending of his sentence, looking around for any onlookers.

"No." I shake my head, looking down at our shoes. He's wearing his Vans I got him for his birthday present. "Yes." He says through gritted teeth, as he gently lifts my chin up to look at him.

I try my hardest to fight the urge to cry, but the tears begin to fill in my eyes, and finally fall down my face. He rubs them away from my cheeks like he always does, but I push him away from me.

"Stop it." I turn away from him, roughly wiping away my tears. "Why? You always let me comfort you when you're upset, especially when you cry."

"You don't have the right to do that to me anymore!" My voice is loudly raised and sharp now. "You ruined that when you left– when you left freaking bruises on my face and wrists!" I turn around and jab him in his chest.

"I didn't mean to," he grabs my hand in his, which I struggle to remove, but he's stronger than me so I stop trying. "You are being a hypocrite, Tasha Angel. That's double standard, when you were the one to hit me. Like physically hit me in my face, when I just grabbed you a bit roughly. I could never hit you in such a way. I had to get you to calm down... you were acting like them. I didn't want to hurt you, I never want to hurt you. I just didn't want to lose control. I have never lose control when anyone has hit me; I did a good job at staying in control." I frown at his words, quickly snatching my hands out of his.

I take a couple of seconds to look at him, and to be honest his outer appearance looks like my Justin JuJu; although, something is off. His eyes look so much different behind his glasses– they look distant, not fully there. I go to say something, though I am cut off by Amber's voice.

"Natasha are you okay? I heard loud voices in here," She comes up to the side of me, turning me in her direction to look at me. "You are crying. Why are you crying? What the fuck did you do her?" She lets me go and shoves Justin in his chest pretty hard.

He doesn't say anything, although I notice the flare of his nose. I watch him close his eyes in what seems like concentration, all while Amber continues to shove and curse him out like a crazy woman. I then look closely and see him mumbling something silently. Is he counting? Why would he be counting? Then out of nowhere Amber smacks him in his face, making his head whip to the side. He snaps his eyes open, and out of nowhere he tries to lunge for her. I scream and quickly block him from attempting to grab her.

"Oh no the fuck you didn't? Were you going to hit me? Hit me like a pussy!" She shouts at the top of her lungs, all while Justin breathes erratically, not saying anything in return. "Justin?" I say his name, yet he doesn't listen, he only frowns in a loudly yelling Amber's direction.

"Justin look at me," I firmly pull his face towards me, wanting him to only look at me. "Hey, relax, alright?" I look into his hard eyes, feeling him pull me closer to his body, his hold on my waist terribly painful.

"I-I am so tired of people hitting me." He looks down at me with tears sparkling in his eyes, and freaking Amber had to open up her damn big mouth. "Oh is that so? So that made you want to hit me? You woman abuser! I'll get someone to kick your ass, then maybe you'll get used to people hitting you!" She begins to walk her way towards the exit of the gym.

"Amber no! Come on Amber, come back here!" I scream for her to stop, though she's already gone. "It's okay, I'll be fine." He pulls himself from me, whilst taking off his backpack.

"No, I don't want anyone hurting you. I'm so sorry for hitting you. I guess I am just like them." I look up at the high ceilings, not wanting to cry again.

"You are nothing like them, you were just mad and filled with mixed emotions. Did you um, did you have any cramps, or vomited this time during your menstruation?" I tear my head from being upward, to see Justin writing away in his journal, before looking at me with a knowing smile. "Yes, very bad ones to the point I was crying like a huge baby. I only threw up like twice." I bite my lip, feeling a bit embarrassed at Justin kind of knowing about my period and its symptoms.

"You should have called me, I would have came over to take care of you." He mumbles, too into his writing. "I wanted to." I admit, knowing he would have definitely taken care of me– he always does.

"I know you did. You should have called me even if we weren't talking to each other," he looks up from his journal, before placing it and his pen back into his backpack. "Next time you call me no matter what the circumstances are." The way he speaks to me is serious, and no room to disagree.

I nod in agreement, making him lightly smile at me complying with his want. He soon tells me to get changed into my regular clothing, and that we would fully discuss our little falling out later if I liked. Of course I agreed to talk our problems out, and invited him to come over to my place seeing how I would be there babysitting. He agreed as well, and gave me the go ahead to run into the locker room.

I could have not been in the locker room more than five minutes, before I heard loud cheers and yells coming from the gym. And then the all too familiar words of "fight" were being chanted repeatedly, and I knew right then and there it was a fight involving Justin. With a quick pep in my step, I follow–run towards the loud yells. I even get a couple of faculty members to follow me. I'm sure their gossip about a pregnant freshman can wait until later.

"NO!" I about out, watching Justin take the beating that Johnny was given to him. "Johnny what are you doing?" I try to pull him off of Justin, though I am pulled back by one of the faculty members I brought with me.

"Cut it out, let him go!" The male administrative person pulls Johnny off of Justin's frail body, revealing his bleeding nose and lip. His poor glasses are even broken again. "Why would you do this to him?" I question Johnny, who glares in Justin's direction.

"That's enough here everybody, clear out of here!" Dean James comes in shooing away students too busy filming the entire fight, instead of helping Justin. "Baby I'm sorry, Amber said he tried to hit her and he made you cry."

"He didn't make me cry, and he sure didn't try to hit her!" To be honest I'm not sure what Justin was going to do to Amber. "Well I have to protect you, you are my girlfriend." He walks up to me, kissing me on my cheek.

"Wait, you are dating him again?" Justin asks, while pushing away the nurse's hand from dabbing his swollen, bleeding lip. "Duh, we've been back together for two weeks now." Johnny answers before I do.

"Will you shut up, Johnny?" I push him away from me, slowly walking over to Justin. "Y-you are dating him again?" He looks at me with nothing but clear disappointment in his eyes.

"Y-yeah." That's all I can say, seeing how I'm lost for words. "I cannot even believe you took– you know what? Good for you, Natasha. That conversation between us that was supposed to happen later on tonight at your place, that will not be necessary. I see you still choose people over the ones who have been there for you since the beginning. You always have, and you alway will choose negative beings in your life. See you around."

With that, Justin storms pass me with a bump as fast as he could. Everyone from the dean, the nurse, Johnny, and myself all seemed to have gone quiet at Justin's words. I personally went quiet due to his departure. I know with him leaving, that meant we weren't going to ever talk to each other again. He was done with me–done with our friendship. All because I took Johnny back? Is that why he's letting go of our friendship, because I took my ex back? I guess I'll have to find out.


- A very long, and someone what crazy chapter 7 has now come to an end! Definitely more to come.

- Do you like this story? I know I take a while to update, but I'm not going anywhere.

- Alexis

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