Imperishable (Justin Bieber)...

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

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*Spinoff and third book of Neurotic Series* Imperishable: [im-per-i-shuh-buh l] not subject to decay; indes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 2

3.5K 197 147
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Natasha's POV

As I am sitting at lunch with my friends, I cannot seem to keep my eyes from wandering around the lunch room for Justin. Every single person who walks inside I hope it's him, though it's not. I have texted, called, facetimed, even sent a silly email like my dad has taught me to do, but no type of answer.

Sighing lowly in sadness, I decide to text him again. I am just a bit worried about where he's gone. I know I should be used to his running away; seeing how he does it a lot. Although I am not; I do not think I'll ever be used to him being picked on and running away. He doesn't deserve hate towards him.

Natasha: Justin where are you? We were supposed to have lunch together remember?

I send the message to him, in hopes of him seeing it and responding back to me. He doesn't at all, and I suspect that. So with that, I decide to be annoying and stubborn not backing down to get an answer from him.

Natasha: I am so sorry what happened to you in fourth period today.

Natasha: Justin please text me back. :(

Natasha: Hello, it's me Natasha Sophia McCann... do you remember me? Your best friend in the entire world!!!!

Natasha: Please text me back Justin JuJu *sad pouty face*

Natasha: You are being very mean not answering me back.

Natasha: Fine...

I grow angry and begin to text him back with my fingers tapping away rapidly on the touchscreen. I am sure my friends notice, but they do not say anything about it. And I sure in the hell do not say much at all.


Justin JuJu Bear: Hey... what's up? *side eye emoji*

He finally texts me back, and I smirk knowing I got him there. He loves and enjoys our Friday movie nights just as much as I do. To be honest I think he just likes me showering him with lots of junk food and snacks, along with making him laugh at my awkward silliness.

Natasha: Uh huh, now you want to text me back. -_-

Justin JuJu Bear: Sorry Tasha, I was just getting some studying done...

Natasha: I understand, but we made a promise this morning. Will you please join me for lunch? Pretty please Justin. I know you haven't eaten anything all. My mom packed two of everything again. You know how my mom likes you a lot.

With that he agrees to meet me at the table with our friends, making me sigh in ease. It doesn't last long though, my boyfriend squeezes my knee as he raises his eyebrow in question. I totally forgot he was sitting right next to me; I was so worried about Justin.

"Who were you texting?" He asks, looking at my face then at my cellphone in my hands. "I was just texting Justin. I told him to join all of us for lunch." As I say that, my friends and boyfriend all sigh in annoyance.

"Oh don't start, he's our friend," I state the obvious, looking around the table as I get eye rolls and groans in response. "And you will be nice to him." I make a nice threat pointing to each of them, and especially Johnny.

Johnathan 'Johnny' Perez is biracial– mixed with African American and Hispanic, standing exactly six feet tall. He has the smoothest caramel skin I have ever seen, paired with the softest dark curly hair on top of his head. He even has a few tattoos, and a couple of piercings giving him that bad boy look. He is definitely hot that's for sure.

Johnny and I have been together since last year, and I can honestly say he makes me very happy; just as much as Justin does as well. Sadly he and Justin have not liked each other for as long as I could remember, and it hurts me a terribly. Did I mention my dad doesn't like him either? Well he doesn't; he absolutely hates his guts, and disagrees with our relationship one-hundred percent. I thought he hated Justin– he probably still does, but it is nothing compared to his strong hatred for Johnny.

The only reason why he kind of sort of lets Johnny live to see the next day, is simply because of my mom and her nice motherly ways. She always brings up her dating dad when she was just 17 years old, and it almost always shuts him up quickly for some strange reason. I wonder why he instantly goes mute. Let's just face it, my father doesn't like me dating anyone; probably not even girls either if I was lesbian or bisexual.

Even through all of the dislike for my boyfriend, my dad does allow us to do things... to a certain extent. Johnny and I are not allowed in my bedroom alone, unless one of my brothers or sisters are inside with us. I am also not allowed to be out past nine-thirty at night with him, and I must always check in with him every hour when we are anywhere else but school, my home, and church. This is all because my father doesn't trust Johnny's teenage boy intentions. Dad's words not mine. I guess I cannot blame him for being overprotective– and I mean over the top with the paternal protection. It's not only him, but it's my uncles, and younger brothers too.

My boyfriend, best friend, and father all not getting along sucks with a passion; I cannot even choose sides because I love all three of them so much. I know for sure Johnny and Justin have gotten off on the wrong foot when we were little kids, but we are older now. Surely they can move past all of it. Dad just doesn't like any boy–except his sons– who come in close contact with me. Sheesh, he barely even gives Justin a break.

I admit, Johnny used to bully Justin JuJu in elementary and middle school, but he's changed now. He is no longer like that anymore; he is different. I know he can be a bit mean at times, but he does have his sweet moments. Justin doesn't see it at all, and I really want him to. He's dead set on Johnny being evil and a huge pain in the buttocks. I agree, he can be an extremely annoying, self-centered, and a tad bit harsh, but I love him. Some may call what we have just a dumb teenage romance and that's okay, but he's special to me.

"I'll be nice to him, baby. But it's going to cost you. Give me a kiss." Johnny's voice brings my attention back to him as he rubs one of his hands along my upper thigh area, as his other hand cups my face. "You promise?" I question hopefully, watching him nod his head just before he kisses me aggressively.

I kiss him back too, just not as rough as he is. He doesn't really like soft and chaste type of kisses. As we make out and display major PDA, I ignore the ooh's and awe's coming from our friends. I even ignore the disgusting remark of, "get that pussy, Johnny" from one of his stupid football teammate friend's. I tried pulling away many of times, but his strong hold on my face keeps me in our kisses.

From the side of me I feel a presence move my backpack and then take a seat right next to me. I try to see who it is, though once more I am pulled back into Johnny's rough kisses. We continue our make out session for a couple more seconds, before I get a soft yet firm bump to my knee as if telling me to stop sucking faces with my boyfriend and ruining everyone's lunch.

I finally get some type of strength to push Johnny's eager self away from me, as I catch my breath and look around me. I instantly see Justin sitting right next to me, looking very uncomfortable. Yet once I connect eyes with him, and give him a big smile he loosens up a bit and softly smiles back at me. Of course Johnny doesn't like our interaction at all, so he sighs loudly so we can hear him. I do and I am definitely sure Justin does, although we both ignore him.

I guess my boyfriend doesn't like that, simply because he turned me around, and pulled me back into his eagerly awaiting lips. I smack his arm firmly and shove him away as I give him a warning look to stop. He does, but that does not seize the over dramatic sigh that leaves his mouth just before he pulls out his cellphone to go on his social media profiles.

"So what is Beaver even doing here?" My friend, Amber speaks rudely to questions all while looking at Justin in distaste. "It's Bieber, Amber. I have told you that before." I correct her mispronunciation of Justin's last name, just before handing him over the second lunch bag my mom packed for him.

Amber doesn't say anything in response to me correcting her, she only rolls her eyes at Justin and then starts talking to our friends. Amber, what can I say about Amber? Well, I consider her my girl best friend. She is quite tall with a slim body build, and lighter skin complexion. We have known each other since the 8th grade. She was new our last year of middle school, and me being the nice and outgoing person I am, I took her under my wing and showed her around. Of course with Justin being right there by my side, and after that Amber and I have been pretty cool ever since.

But like the others, Amber doesn't really like Justin either. I just want to sigh and cry at not many people liking it him. What is there not to like about him? He is such a great guy– a great person in general. I always try to get Amber to see what I see in Justin, yet she does not want to. Or she simply shrugs off my suggestion, and tries to divert our conversation elsewhere. I am not sure what it is with her dislike for him, all I know is that she just does not like about him at all.

"Thanks for the lunch, Tasha," Justin taps his shoe against my own under the table, as he brings my attention back to him. "Please tell your mother I said thank you as well, I really do appreciate her making me lunch whenever she can." He smiles at me, before turning away to take a bite out of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"You're so very welcome, Justin. You know it is not a problem at all." I give him an assuring smile, beginning to open up the baggy to my own peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "Why do you even make him stuff anyway? Is he like your very own charity case?" Amber decides to speak with her usual negativity, causing me to sigh as I look at her with a pleading expression not to start.

"Huh? Why are you always giving him things? Couldn't he make his own lunch?" She rudely asks again, surely making Justin feel put on the spot and embarrassed. I take the opportunity to answer her ignorant questions, though Justin beats me to it. "She is a nice person that's why. She is a great best friend to me." He responds lowly, yet loud enough for her and the rest of our friends to hear.

"I wasn't talking to you," She scoffs at his wording, before thinking about something and then bursts into fits of laughter as if something she thought about was remotely comical. "I was talking to my best friend, not yours. You think she's your best friend? Bitch please. Natasha is my best friend, in fact we have been knowing each other since middle school." I hear Justin snicker from the side of me, instantly making me turn to watch him try to suppress his laughter at her statement.

"Whatever you say." He shrugs his shoulders, knowing arguing with her will get him absolutely nowhere. Plus, he and I already know we have been best friends since we were little kids. "Yeah, that's right. You are such a loser, come on let's go, Natasha." She stands up from her spot on the lunch bench, and leans over the table to tug on my arm, although I shake my head and give Amber a pained expression.

"Amber I'm still eating my lunch. Let's just be nice to one another, okay? We all are friends here." As soon as I say the word 'friends', my friends all scoff and laugh as they look at Justin in annoyance. "You are so blind, Natasha." A girl who just hangs out with my group comments, making me scoff.

"How am I blind?" I question, but don't get an answer just a head shake in return. "So baby are you coming over to my house after my football practice? I have it all to myself for the afternoon." I feel Johnny whisper in my ear, along with walking his fingers up my thigh closer to my private area.

"Johnny stop," I whisper, removing his wandering hands off of my leg. "I can't tonight. I have to babysit my brothers and sisters, because my mom and dad have to go to a very important meeting– dinner thing with their potential clients." I explain myself, just to get Johnny smacking his lips and rolling his eyes.

"Damn it Natasha, you are always busy! You never have time for me!" He yells, bringing attention towards us and our table. "Hey you guys chill. Y'all have everyone looking over here." Johnny's best friend, Trevor smacks him on his arm, yet Johnny doesn't listen.

"Fuck off, Trevor! I am speaking to my girl," he shouts, shoving his best friend in his chest. "Just get out of watching them, Tash. Tell them to let one of your Grandparents watch them. Shit, isn't that what Grandparents are for? They don't do shit anyway."

I scoff at his impolite remark about my family, while I stare angry daggers into his hard eyes. He's mad and I am damn sure mad as well. We continue to look at each other in silent fury, the both of us not backing down one bit.

"Do you still want me to come over later? Y-You know, so we can finish our Health project for Mr. Singer's class?" The sound of Justin's voice makes me break my intense stare down with Johnny, causing me to turn around to see my best friend looking at me nervously. "Of course I want you to still come over, Justin. Plus, you promised me to help watch my bad brothers and sisters." I smile up and Justin, which he too does the same to me.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? You cannot fucking come over to my house, but invite that asshole to yours? Don't you think the first person you should invite over is me– your actual boyfriend? Fuck this shit, Natasha. I'm out of here." Johnny stands up from beside me and storms towards the exit of the cafeteria, with me calling after him like an idiot.

I call his name one last time before he and all his football buddies leave out, but he still does not listen to me. He just ignores me like he usually does when something doesn't go his way. That's Johnny for you– a big baby about things. I would invite him over to my home, but the thing is he's not invited or allowed over when my parents aren't there. The fact that he gets mad about Justin being over for our Health project clearly makes him seem jealous. But he shouldn't be, Justin JuJu Bear is only my best friend.

"You okay?" Justin lightly bumps me with his arm, with me answering with the shake of my head. "Not really." Sighing lowly, I look up at Justin with sad eyes.

He gives me a little nod as he wears a sad expression on his own face, but like always he makes me feel better with giving me a side reassuring hug. We both ignore the dramatic sighs and sounds of displeasure around us, and begin to talk to one another. I notice our friends getting up and mumbling things yet again, but as always I am used to their behavior. We will all link up later on after school anyway.

For the remainder of the lunch period, Justin and I eat the rest of our lunch, and continue to talk about nothing in general. Mostly it was me talking, only having to do with Justin not being a big talker, but I knew he was listening to every single word I was saying. He is a wonderful listener, and I'm so glad he doesn't tell me I bore him or to shut up already. People have told me that to my face, with the lame excuse of them just joking around. Yeah, right.


Justin's POV

As school just let out for the day a couple of minutes ago, I quickly walk towards my locker located down hall to retrieve my things I forgot to grab during passing period. I attempt to avoid as much people as possible, not wanting to get into anyone's way. Yet nothing good really goes my way, so of course I get the usual name calling my way, the tripping of me, the shoving, and the occasional punching as well. Mind you, I do not even know who these people are.

I simply ignore everything around me like I always do; the bullying towards me almost making me numb to my own reality. I even make sure to keep my head down as I walk quickly to the destination of my locker, while I adjust my glasses on my face as they begin fall down. That's the off about glasses when you are constantly looking downward– they begin to fall down your face.

Once I reach my locker– it being a couple of lockers away from Natasha's– I hurriedly put in my combination and start to retrieve my things so I could head on home.

As I am placing the last textbook into my backpack, I am shoved into my locker extremely hard, making me drop my backpack to the floor. I groan in discomfort as I begin to feel a sharp pain shooting up my arm.

Not once acknowledging who just harmed me, I attempt to go back to minding my own business as I kneel down to pick up my backpack. Yet like always, I never ever get what I want in my life. I am shoved again, but this time I am quickly turned around just to be punched in my chest and I go crashing down. My attention immediately focuses on my bullies; Johnny and his a-hole friends.

"You fucking weak faggot!" Johnny yells loudly, as he squats down to my level and pulls his fist back to connect with my lip. Yay, blood from my lip is drawn in an instant. "Get him, Johnny! Get him, bro!" One of his jerk face friend's eggs him on, making him really get into beating me up.

I try to block his punches and protect myself as much as I can, but he hits me everywhere he can land his fist against. I do not plead, nor do I beg him to stop– I tried that many of times before and he doesn't listen at all. I just sit here and take his hits like always, wishing it to be over already.

"Going to make my girl fucking choose you over me? You are sadly mistaking, Beaver! You are so damn stupid!" He punches me all over my body, making sure to hit me with pain and aggression. Of course with his posse behind him cheering him on each time. "YEAH!" His football friends shout all at once, just watching him beat me up like always.

Thinking he's done with my beat down of the day, I try to shakily get up to my feet as I feel weakened to my knees. I guess he hears me getting up, because he turns around and gives me a smirk. I do not react to his mischievous looks at all, I only adjust my glasses on my face as they begin to fall down again. I take the opportunity to look at the several guys around me– about twelve of them or so, and then at the empty hallway around me. I wouldn't have a chance against all of them if I decided to run.

Out of nowhere I feel an excruciating punch to my face, sending me down to the ground as well as my glasses flying off of my face to somewhere else. I crash to the ground harder than before, and before I can even fathom as to what is going on, I am being held up by two guys as Johnny goes completely psycho on me. Geez, where is the faculty members, or any adults passing by? None at all when I'm getting beat down on I see.

Not being able to take his intense punches against my face and stomach area, I make painful suppressed cries while biting down on my bottom lip harshly as I receive a beating of a lifetime. Johnny is definitely angry at me. Oh man, how am I going to explain this to Tasha? What would she think? Should I even tell her? Surely she'll feel bad, and I never want her to feel bad. I mean I'm usually good at hiding my battle wounds from her.

"I. Don't. Want. You. Seeing. Natasha. Ever. Again!" Each hit is pain crossing my heart at possibly not seeing Tasha again. "I swear if I see you with her, by her, near her, looking at her, or even at her house... I WILL KILL YOU!" With the ending of his sentence, one hard and final punch is made against my eye.

I am knocked out of the two guys hands, as I crash to the tile floor again. All I hear is laughter and snickers around me, with a firm kick to my stomach being planted on me. I tightly clutch my eyes shut, as I pull my legs up to my stomach in fetal position, beginning to slowly rock myself.

"HEY WHAT IS GOING ON DOWN THERE?" The sound of a female voice in the distance shouts, making me and my bullies jump and look to see a teacher running our way. "YOU FUCKING SUCK!" Johnny yells as he steps on my glasses beside my head, before he and his buddies take off running.

"HEY! YOU GET BACK HERE!" The teacher I now recognize as my English teacher, Mrs. Parks comes into my view. "Oh, Justin." She drops to her knees by my side and carefully looks me over.

"H-hi Mrs. Parks, sorry I didn't read my essay in class earlier." I look up to her with an apologetic look, but she shushes me and helps pick up my things on the ground, before walking me to the nurses office.


I wince at the cotton ball saturated in alcohol being dabbed against the many of cuts on my face, as I sit silently on Tasha's family's couch in their living room. I do not dare to look up into her beautiful green eyes, only because I know they are extremely puffy and red at the moment. I can barely even listen to those sniffles, and the small cries of pain as it is. Let alone not notice the little shivers her body does whenever she is upset.

She places the cotton ball down on the coffee table, as she then retrieves healing ointment and then laces a generous amount all over my wounds on my face. She is done, she takes the makeshift ice pack she made for me, and places it on my right eye. I mumble a thank you in return, not getting a response but feeling her intense gaze on me instead. Daring to look up at her, I do and neither ball my eyes out at the sight before me. Watery, puffy red eyes, a snotty nose, and a saddened sorrowful expression on Natasha's face.

"Justin who did this? Please tell me who did this to you." She begs me to tell her for the tenth thousandth time since I came to her house, but I shake my head in refusal instead. "Why not? Why not, huh? We tell each other everything, and you are keeping this from me." Her voice is all croaky as she talks through her cries, and it makes me feel terrible.

I know I should tell her that Johnny beat me up, but the thing is I don't want to. Not now while we are babysitting her brother and sisters at least. Her mind will be wandering elsewhere, and not fully focused on watching her siblings. I need her fully attentive to them, especially the younger two, Israel and Lillian. They are so adorable, and super fun to be around. I actually love helping out babysitting them with Natasha.

I think that's the only reason why Mr. McCann lets me stay over when he and Mrs. McCann go out on business dinners. Although, I am always over here, so maybe just maybe I am a tad bit liked by him. He only ever calls me names that aren't mine, with the ruffle of my hair, or smack me on my back whenever he's happy. I know that is nothing compared to what he always promises to do to Johnny. He literally wants to hurt that guy.

"So now you are ignoring me, JuJu? Are you upset with me again? What did I do? I was good to you today; not that I'm not." Tasha's talking brings my attention from my thoughts, and back to her watery eyes. I am always spacing out. "I am not ignoring you, Tasha Angel," I promptly tell her, not wanting her to think like that. I could never ignore her and her spectacular ways.

"I just don't want you to worry about me too much." I murmur, picking up her little sister, who begins to play with my dirty shoe laces on the floor. "I will always worry about you. How can you say something like that?" She cocks her head to the side, tears falling out her eyes.

I sigh sadly, as I begin to cuddle Lily all while looking at Natasha looking back at me. I break my stare not saying anything, just lightly placing a chaste kiss on the side of Lillian's head. Tasha then makes a growling sound as she gets up and storms off somewhere. I blow out an uneasy breath, not liking my Tasha Angel ever being upset with me. It is not a great feeling at all. I absolutely hate disappointing her.

"Do you think I should tell your big sister what happened to my face... and the rest of my body?" I ask Lillian who is currently playing with my hair at the moment. "Yes." She answers in a whisper, but I cannot take her seriously because that's her answer to everything.

"Hmm, I see. Did you just poop your pants?" I question her again, awaiting her answer. "Yes." She says her favorite word, clearly not having any sign of a bowel movement in her pants.

I sigh again, but smile lightly at Lily beginning to place wet slobbery kisses on my forehead. Aww she is just as cute as can be. I wish I had a younger brother or sister... but mostly a little sister. I am the youngest in my family, and it can get real lonely lots of the time.

"Justin, Justin, Justin! Tasha is so sad." Israel comes running into the living room with a solemn expression on his face. "Where is she, Issy?" I get up from the couch with a grunt; my body feels like it's been through a nonstop boxing match.

"She's in the kitchen crying a lot." He points in the direction of the kitchen, with me beginning to walk there still holding Lillian in my arms. "Let's go make her happy then." I reach down to grab ahold of his hand, as the three of us walk towards the kitchen area.

As soon as we make it inside of the kitchen, I see Natasha crying in her hands as she sits at the kitchen table. I also see my backpack and glasses on the table, with super glue and a glasses repair kit right next to her. There is no use– or in fact no way she could fix them. They are completely damaged from being stomped on by her boyfriend.

I walk over to the table and place Lily down, and direct Issy to sit down in the chair next to her. Just to keep the two from getting busy and bored, I rush over to their pantry and pull out two small bags of Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips for both of them. When I open up the bags, I slowly walk over to Natasha and kneel in front of her.

"Please do not cry anymore, Natasha." I whisper, pulling her shaky hands from hiding her face. "Why won't you tell me who did this to you, Justin? I will kick their stupid assess whoever they are? I swear to you I will, and I promise that. I advocate for you, and I always will." She cries angry tears, as I just nod my head in understanding at what she is saying.

I guess I can tell her, what is there to lose anyway? I did come over here instead of listening to Johnny's constant threats. When I left with Mrs. Parks to go to the nurse's office for slight treatment, I decided to rush out of the office and go home on my scooter. Nurse Betty and Mrs. Parks were asking too many questions, only overwhelming me more. So I just went on home... literally for ten minutes. No one was there like usual, so I decided to go to my best friend's house. Yes, with my face still bloody, and my body in loads of pain.

"You really want to know who did this?" I ask her with a low tone of voice, as I look down at my worn out dirty converse. "What type of question is that? Of course I won't to know! You have told me who all of the other jerks were before. What makes this person or people different from the others?" She firmly yet gently brings my face up to look at her.

"Yeah, I suppose you have a point." I think about what she just said, before clearing my throat to tell her, her idiotic boyfriend beat me up, and has never stopped when he promised he would to her. "Tell me Justin JuJu Bear." She grasps my hands in her own, while squeezing my hands encouragingly.

With the nod of my head and a deep breath being blown out, I begin to tell her everything that happened after school by my locker. She didn't once interrupt me like she usually does, but actually listen while her tears fell out of her eyes. I tried to hold out from telling her it was Johnny for the longest, but Tasha is smart as heck. You firmly asked me to spit out who the person was, and that's when I said it was Johnny and his buddies.

She was quiet for a second, but then she began to nod her head as if she was trying to understand what I just said. She even started repeating, "he promised" over and over again. Then just like that, she burst out into more tears and pull me up to give me a warm tight hug as she apologized several times. Now mind you Natasha cries extremely loud and quite ugly– sorry Tash, which soon had all her siblings running into the kitchen seeing what was going on. That's when Joel, Jacob, Jasper, and Ariel saw my face. They were all in their rooms the entire time. Then just like that, Ariel gives me a hug while Jasper and Jacob pat me on my sadly.

I didn't want any pity, but oddly enough it doesn't feel so bad coming from the McCann's. I also got a word of advice from Jacob, which I would never use. Let's say it involved weapons and people's lives at stake. I couldn't harm anyone like that, and I'm not sure why he would even suggest it. He's one weird kid, and Joel is even weirder for suggesting I talk to their dad about these bullies. Natasha and their other siblings all agreed; even Lillian and Israel agreed and they didn't even know what we were talking about.

"If you will excuse me, I have to make a very important phone call." Natasha rushes out of the kitchen as she pulls out her cellphone from her back pocket. "She's so going to tell that dumbass off." Jasper laughs, while Joel agrees with him.

She truly did tell him off; a lot at that. It was more than just telling him off, she cursed him out and broke up with him. Although I don't know how to feel about the breaking up bit; they break up all the time and get back together. I could hear Johnny begging her it was an accident, and that I provoked him. What a huge liar he is! She didn't want to hear none of it, and told him to never speak to her or me again.

That night when I said my goodbyes to go "home" I couldn't stop thinking about what happened today. Which of course made it extremely hard for me to go to sleep, and Tasha immediately saw that. So being the wonderfully sweet human being she is, she cuddle me for once. It didn't last for long though, because she began to cry about not protecting me. Not liking her crying softly in my ear or blaming herself at all, I decided to turn around and hug her so the both of us could hold each other in a way. It worked, because within seconds I found myself drifting off into a deep slumber, just hoping tomorrow will be a better day for me.


- Chapter 2 has now come to an end, but more to come. Thanks for 1k plus views! I am trying to update frequently for you. I know I can take a long time, and I am so very sorry for that. It's just life you know?

- Also, thank you to those who are reading, voting, and commenting. You are amazing, Chicken Wasabi Bowl! (:

- Alexis

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