The Shadow Girl.

By emogirlEmily

4.4K 107 0

What if Peter Pan got ahold of the curse? What if Rumplestiltskin didn't kill Peter Pan? What if Pan got what... More

Lol Not an Update


154 4 0
By emogirlEmily

Peter Pan's POV
I woke up to Lyric asleep on my shoulder. She looked so peaceful, it would be a sin to wake her up. I got up slowly and went to camp. I kinda don't want to take my eye off her, god know what is going to happen in her sleep. On well, I'll only be back for a moment.

Lyrics POV
I woke up to see Peter was not next to me. I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I look in the mirror and see and evil version of me in the reflection. I ran out of the bathroom and the evil me was in my bed. "Friends on the other side." evil me said before I passes out.

Peter Pan's POV
Felix and I walked back to my tree house and see voodoo dolls and voodoo symbols everywhere. "Pan?" Felix asked. "Lyric." I said and ran to our bedroom and saw the evil side of Lyric on the bed holding a voodoo doll of someone who looked familiar. Her bully. I let her do it anyway. I let her put the needle in the doll version of her enemy.

As soon as the needle was in a big flash of light came from her. The normal Lyric came back. She looked like she just came out of a horror movie. She looked at me. "Peter!" she yelled. I ran to her and held her. "It's okay. It's okay. I have you now." I said to her. "What was that?" she asked. "Your powers." I said to her. "I use shadows to kill my enemies?" she asked. "Yeah. You also use voodoo, the lady who gave me the potion to make you practice voodoo magic." I told her. "Peter that was scary. I don't want to experience that again." she said. "You're going to have to get use to it. Your evil side is the only thing that is going to keep me alive." I said. I kissed her lips. "The emerald necklace." I said. She looked at me. "Do you still have it?" I asked. She pulled the necklace off the side table. "That keeps you from going evil. The only time I will take this off you is if I need you or you're in trouble. When the necklace is off, you need to say the phrase..." "Friends on the.." she said but I cut her off mid-sentence by covering her mouth. "No don't say it. A group of shadows will come and help you." I said. I put the necklace on her and held her. "You're safe." I told her and kissed her cheek.

Lyric was asleep and, I went down to the camp to tell the boys the party will be delayed till tomorrow because of what happened with Lyric. Felix cam up to me. "Is she okay?" he asked me. "Yeah she's fine. Just I was an idiot for leaving her alone without a proper protection from her powers." I said. "We have more weapons, we'll make sure that she is safe." Felix said. "Good. Nothing is going to happen to her this time." I said and walked off.

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