When The Doctor Met Ally

By HaliHasArrived

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Something I wrote a long time ago... DoctorxOC I do not own Doctor Who. All copyrights go to BBC and Steven M... More

Who Are You
Simple Encounters
Ninth Inning
Ku'oko'a Ali'ikai Brown
Changes His Hearts Make
Family is Eternal
Detrimental Sightings
Answers and Saying Goodbye
Nightmares Ensue
A Moment Remembered
Bad Wolf
Coming Together
When All Else Fails Hope Prevails
Explanations, Farewells, and Forever

End of the Universe

112 2 0
By HaliHasArrived

While Jack explained the process of regeneration, Donna just watched him, not really paying too much attention to what was being said whilst Rose followed the Doctor around in order to keep him in her sights. Ally, on the other hand, was rubbing the walls of the ship and he knew she was communicating with her and, since it was a private conversation, he was not privy to it. Suddenly, Ally gasped and walked up to him, "The defenses are down and they're coming."

He nodded in understanding and turned to Rose, "You've been in a parallel universe; you've seen the future; what is it?"

The entire time Rose talked, Ally went around the console to shut things down so that no one but a select few could control the ship and reassured the old girl that everything would be fine. He watched her as she moved about and noticed when Jack paid her some attention but he couldn't say anything as he was trying to figure out how the whole of reality was collapsing; he knew who was behind it and he knew how, but he couldn't explain why.

Donna also got a little bit of information about herself; how she was vitally important to the outcome of all of this. She shook that thought away and walked over to Ally to let the others figure this out.

"I don't understand any of this, Ducky."

Ally smiled at Donna, "You know Davros is the creator of the Daleks; well, somehow, a surviving Dalek from the future went back in time and pulled him out of the Time War and brought him here undetected. I don't really know what this engine is; but, if I had to guess, it's not good."

"How bad do you think?"

"Like John said: end of the universe bad."

"Yeah, I got that; but why?"

Ally shrugged, "Daleks think they're the supreme race and will do anything to make them the only race as they want to survive. Survival is their first objection; the second, and worse of the two, is that they would destroy all in their way to survive." She looked at Donna and whispered, "They don't have emotions; therefore, they don't care."

"Right; Daleks equal bad; got it," Donna turned to find Jack walking over to them. He was looking at both her and Ally with a seductive smile and Donna put her hand up, "Don't; she's already been taken."

"I'm only coming over to say hello," he turned all of his charm on Donna and she swooned.

The TARDIS was then transported up to the Crucible - the Dalek ship - and the Doctor ran over to Ally taking her hand in his. He kissed her knuckles and then pulled her into a hug before letting her go and addressing the others, "We'll have to go out; because, if we don't, they'll get in."

"You told me nothing could get through those doors."

He sighed and looked at Rose but, before he could say anything, Jack spoke up, "You've got extrapolator shielding."

"Last time we fought the Daleks they were scavengers and hybrids. And mad. But this is a fully-fledged Dalek Empire at the height of its power; experts at fighting TARDIS's. They can do anything. Right now that wooden door is just wood." He looked around at everyone, "It's been good though, hasn't it? All of us; all of it; everything we did." He led everyone out of the ship.

Ally turned back around at the last second before stepping out of the door and noticed Donna staring at the console in a daze, "Donna," she walked back over to her, "we've got to go."

"Right," Donna shook her head and allowed Ally to lead her to the doors. But, right as they reached the doors, they shut. "Doctor, what're you doing?"

"It wasn't me," he was frantically trying to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

"Let me out of here; I mean it, Doctor, let me out!" He could tell that Donna was freaking out but there wasn't anything he could do.

"Donna," he heard Ally through the door, "it's going to be okay."

"No it won't, Ducky; you don't know that." She started banging on the door again, "Let me out, Doctor!"

He turned around and shouted, "Let them out; open the doors."

"This is not of Dalek origin; this is Time Lord treachery."

There was a sudden swoosh of air behind him and he turned to find the TARDIS and its occupants gone, "What are you doing?" he turned to the Supreme Dalek and demanded, "Bring it back!" He ran up to the Dalek, "What have you done; where's it going?"

"The Crucible has a heart of z-neutrino energy; the TARDIS will be deposited into the core."

"You can't; you've taken the defenses down," he knew it had been them when Ally told him 'they' were coming. "It'll be torn apart!"

Rose came storming up, "But there are people still in there."

"Let them go!" Jack demanded.

"The females and the TARDIS will perish together; observe." A screen popped up and he walked up to it hoping that something would show itself so that he could save them. "The last child of Gallifrey is powerless."

"Please, I'm begging you." He turned back as he added, "I'll do anything! Put me in their place; you can do anything to me, I don't care; just get them out of there!" He knew they wouldn't do anything so he was forced to watch.

"You are connected to the TARDIS now feel it die."

And he did. He felt the old girl cry out in despair but there was nothing he could do and then, suddenly, it was gone. Jack ended up getting himself killed and he knew that he was trying to find a way to defeat the Daleks (in order to do that, he had to be undetected) so he pulled Rose off of him and walked her out of the room. They were led into the vault where they were shown to the creator of Daleks himself: Davros.

By the time he had rattled Davros's cage, a screen popped up and he saw Martha calling out to the Daleks. When she mentioned the Osterhagen Key, he tried to stop her. But, the truth was, he could see her reasoning in destroying her own world. He had done it himself. Because, the truth was, it was either sacrifice one species or risk losing every species all together. So he understood. He may not be happy with it but he understood.

Jack interrupted then and threatened the Daleks with destroying the Crucible and all who were on it with the Warp Star in order to stop them and, just like with Martha, he understood.

When they were pulled into the vault - Jack, Mickey, Jackie, Sarah, and Martha - he ordered them to surrender because, at this point, there was no use in fighting anymore.

Suddenly, when he thought all hope was lost, he heard her. His ship was materializing in the vault which was impossible but so it was. But, as soon as he saw another him standing in the doorway, he understood - a human biological metacrisis had taken place. He tried to stop him but Davros shot the Metacrisis Doctor down and then Donna came storming out, running right for the gun. Davros shot her, too, and then shot the gun to prevent anyone else from trying to use it. When everyone was distracted, he saw Ally sneak out and run over to Donna but he turned his attention back to the others.

"Stand witness, Time Lord; stand witness." Davros opened up a screen of the 'engine.' "Humans; your strategies have failed; your weapons are useless; and, oh, the end of the universe has come."

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