When All Else Fails Hope Prevails

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"Stand witness, Time Lord; stand witness." Davros opened up a screen of the 'engine.' "Humans; your strategies have failed; your weapons are useless; and, oh, the end of the universe has come."

Right as the countdown hit one, the screen shut off and nothing happened. All heads turned around to discover what had happened when he heard Donna say, "Mmm; closing all z-neutrino relay loops using an internalized synchronous back feed reversal loop," she flipped a switch and added, "that button there."

It took a while for him to get to the bottom of it - though he could guess what had happened - and then he found out that it was Donna who caused the metacrisis.

Once everything was said and done, the Supreme Dalek came down destroying the magnatron leaving Earth the only planet to send back home. He immediately ran into the TARDIS to wrap a lasso-like field around the Earth in order to pull it home. While on the TARDIS, he felt the Crucible shake and ran out demanding what had happened.

Irritated at his human self he decided to ignore the fact that he destroyed an entire race and had everyone get in the TARDIS. He offered to save Davros but he refused to move so he had no choice but to leave him behind. Once on board, he and Sarah were able to get K-9 to transfer the TARDIS base-code numerals to Mr. Smith - the computer - and he then had TORCHWOOD strengthen the field around the Earth.

Turning to Ally, he said, "You know what to do, Ally."

She smiled and nodded her head, "Right." She looked around at everyone, "I'm going to need all hands on deck; John, if you would place them accordingly."

"Right you are, Ally," he then started placing his friends around the console. "You know why this TARDIS is always rattling around the place? It's designed to have six pilots and I have to do it single-handed. But not anymore! Now we can fly this thing like it's meant to be flown!" As he talked, he showed each companion what they needed to do."We've got the TORCHWOOD rift looped around the TARDIS by Mr. Smith and we're gonna fly planet Earth back home; right then, off we go!"

When he reached Ally she just smiled up at him, "Right; everybody, remember what you've been shown; and, now." She flipped the switch and immediately started spinning the ventilator and, when the light turned green, she pressed the button in front of her. Watching her as she did all of those things, he was glad he had shown her how to fly his ship; although, if truth would have it, she was a better flyer than him and he wondered if the ship had anything to do with that.

Everyone cheered when they returned Earth to its proper place in space and there were a lot of hugs going around. He watched as Martha and Rose laughed, Donna tackled Jack, Mickey and Jackie talked off to the side, and Ally talked with Sarah. His human self walked over to him and he knew they were in for a long talk. Well, maybe not long but it was definitely necessary.

"She'll never really belong to me."

He looked at the metacrisis Doctor and sighed, "You don't know that; maybe she'll want you over me."

He shook his head, "Even if she did, I'll never be able to regenerate and we both know that I have to - you have to - because she's with a future me - you - us."

"Yeah, it gets a little confusing." He smiled at his human self, "How about you decide on a name?"

"Later; right now, there's another matter at hand - Rose." He nodded his head, "We both know she came back hoping to go travelling again. In another time, maybe we would have hoped for that, too; but, we've been in love with Ku'oko'a for so long now that it's physically impossible to love anyone else."

"Oh, but we did love Rose," he reminded his human self.

"Yes, we did; and she was great, but she's not her."

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