Gabriel and the Binders' Ring

By SiranFew

212 16 0

Ugh.. Its Gabriel's first day of high school. He is flooded with emotions; confusion, excitement, hopefulness... More

Chapter 1
Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Authors Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

13 1 0
By SiranFew

Red as a Rose (Chapter 4)

The bike-ride back to Gabriel's house feels like it takes ages. The whole time he keeps worrying about how his father will react; there is no way his dad will believe him. Gabriel wearily put his bike on the side of the house when he finally got home. Time to get this over with. When he gets to the front door, he lets out a long sigh and puts his hands on the door knob.

The door opens before Gabriel can let himself in. "Gabriel! Thank goodness you're safe!" Isaac swings the door wide open and gives Gabriel a tight hug before pulling him inside and slamming the door behind him.

"Dad, I have a lot to tell you. But you may not believe...." Gabriel stops in his tracks as he steps into the living room to see Molly playing with the red robed woman. Her hood is pulled back to reveal silver hair and the strange glowing marks on her skin.

"Hello, Gabriel," she smiles.

"Hello, Gabriel," Molly repeats in a mocking tone then starts giggling.

Gabriel goes straight for Molly, picks her up, and then rushes away from the woman.

"I don't know how you got in here but you need to leave now," Gabriel shouts angrily.

"No. Rose is staying, Gabriel. And that is no way to treat your godmother," Isaac interrupts calmly as he sits down on the couch next to the woman.

For a moment, Gabriel stares at his father like he was mad. He looks back and forth between the silver haired lady and his dad.


Molly slid out of his arms and makes her way back over to the smiling lady.

"Isaac, lay off him. He doesn't know. There is much that he needs to be told." Rose tuts with a sad smile as she was scooping up Molly.

"Yes, I suppose you're right, Rose," Isaac breathes deeply breath as he looks from Rose to Gabriel.

"Son, you may want to take a seat. I think it's time you found out about what your mother really did, or...what she was." Gabriel hesitantly moves over to the opposite couch and sits down.

"Okay, I'm ready," Gabriel mutters nervously. He tries to get comfortable. Isaac nods at Rose, who is clearly having fun playing with Molly.

"Goodness, I can't believe this is not one of Victoria's children, too. She is a feisty one." Rose chuckles and hands the playful Molly to Isaac. Rose smooths her robes and turns her attention to Gabriel.

"Now, what I'm about to tell you is going to seem unbelievable, but it is true and real, and your mother--may she rest in peace--was one of the greats." Rose begins.

Gabriel feels sweat slide down the middle of his back. He half expects this woman to turn into one of those things that he had fought at the school.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about. Is this about my mom being in the forces?" he asks calmly.

Rose smiles and continues her speech. "Hold on, young one. Just listen for now. In the beginning, the world was ruled by all types of mystical creatures. Some were good, and some were evil, and humans were nothing but playthings to them. There was no balance of power until three all-powerful beings called Unova came from the heavens and brought order to the world: they were Lygo, master of the blades, A'ro, protector of the bow, and finally Mystiva, keeper of Will. The Unova each picked a certain number of humans who showed a pure and good heart; these humans were marked with the feather of the Phoenix, or rather, the Phoenix mark."

Rose stops talking and moves to put back on her hood. "Gabriel, where is your mark?" she asks face hidden. Gabriel is little shocked that she knows about the tattoo on his right side. He stands hesitantly and lifts his shirt to reveal his Phoenix Mark.

"Oh, wow," breathes Isaac, sighing heavily. "I knew this day was going to come soon after his birthday. "Isaac says shifting and sitting the confused Molly down from his knee to the floor.

"I was going to tell you, Dad, but I was scared you would think I was crazy and did this to myself," Gabriel blurts. Isaac stays quiet.

Gabriel sits back down, and Rose continues. "After the Unova had taught the marked humans everything they could, they returned to the heavens. The Marked humans called themselves Champions, and they were sworn to protect the weak no matter what the cost. So the Champions built a tower; it was a place to call home and a library of knowledge. They called this place Champions' Peak. From then on, Champions would go out into the world on missions, protecting those who needed it. One of the effects brought on by mingling with the worlds was something the Unova could have never have predicted: relationships between the Champions and their dependents. So, they came up with a solution. The Champions could have relationships out in the world; however, their offspring would be born within the Phoenix. On the firstborn's fifteenth birthday, he or she would show signs of the mark and have a choice to prepare for training or lead a normal life. The offspring that choose this life were taken to Champions' Peak to be taught to control their new abilities. Do you understand so far?" Rose asks Gabriel. He sits very quietly and listens intently.

"I think I do. So what you're saying is my mom was a Champion and now that I've been marked, that makes me a Champion, too." Gabriel is reeling; this all felt so strange. He feels as if a childhood fairytale was appearing before him, and he is the main character.

"Exactly. I thought your mother was crazy when she was telling me all this stuff, and then she opened my eyes, and I could see a whole new world." Isaac says smiling at the memory of his wife Victoria.

Gabriel turns to look at Rose. "Is that why I couldn't see Jazmyne, I mean...the Jinn, for what it was?" Gabriel asks.

"Your human side was fighting with your Champion's reality. But at the same time, Jinn are evil creatures that make their victims dreams a false reality. Victims are drawn in close, then eaten alive." Rose says sadly.

Gabriel gulps. What if that had happened to me? He shook the thought away and continues to ask questions. "What all does this have to do with my mom? I mean, besides her being a Champion." Rose and Isaac both shifting in their sits uncomfortably.

Rose began to speak. "Gabriel, before your mother Victoria met your father, her maiden name was Wolfmaine. She was a gifted Champion who had been left in an orphanage. When I discovered her, I was shocked at her keen abilities. Victoria's Phoenix Mark came to her at an early age of 14, and she had been taking care of herself. When I brought her to Champions' Peak, she immediately became a star pupil and a very rare case. She completed every mission with success and was also a successful student who rose to the many academic challenges at Champions' Peak. She made a great name for herself in our world." Rose smiles as she reminisced over good times. For a moment, Gabriel sits and smiles proudly; he was right about his mother being amazing.

"What happened to her, Rose? Gabriel asks. Isaac starts to wipe his eyes. Molly, who had been preoccupied with playing with her doll, starts to yawn, and Rose had gone quiet.

"While your mother was attending the school, she had close friends who would go on missions with her: Lucian Bardock, Janessa Lue, and Wolf Bloodshed. Your mother was close and loyal to her friends; however, your father came along and stole your mother's heart a few months afterward, she had you. Your mother knew the life she had chosen was dangerous; however, she felt a certain calling to a lead her team that she could not ignore. Before she met your father, she and her team went on a very important quest; however, when they returned everything had changed."

She paused and placed her hands in her lap, smoothing out her robe.

"Everyone came back different, particularly Wolf. He became more interested in the history of dark creatures and extremely interested in the Unova's toughest enemies. But the most troubling thing was his new obsession with the Colossals, which were powerful titan-like beasts. To be more specific, he became focused on how to resurrect and control them. This made the team wary, especially your mother. Despite our best efforts to divert him, Wolf found a way to resurrect the beast; unfortunately, your mother was a very important leader in the war to stop him and his followers around the time you turned four. Your mother succeeded in stopping him, but at the cost of her own life. The Colossals stayed captive beneath the earth, and Wolf is believed to have fallen into the earth with them." Rose finishes her story.

Gabriel sits still, taking in the words that hang in the air making the room thick and uncomfortable. It was silent. Molly had fallen asleep on the floor and Isaac kept brushing at the tears clouding his vision.

"I don't know what to say," Gabriel starts. "This is a lot." Before he could continue, he is interrupted by monstrous noises coming from his stomach.

"Isaac, can you make Gabriel something eat? I need to be alone with him. Remember, this is his choice." Rose says looking at Isaac, who nods rising up carefully and picking up Molly, left the room.

"I know what he will choose. He reminds me of her more every day." Isaac speaks softly and makes his way down the hall to put Molly to bed.

"Gabriel, I did not come here merely to enlighten you about your mother but because you have been marked. I have come to give you your choice; of course, it is your decision to make. You displayed extreme courage, will, wit and strength today against that Jinn. You protected a fellow student from Jackson and have shown that you do not tolerate the weak being put into harm's way. I stayed by your mother's side in her last days, and she requested certain things of me; the most important was to take care of you, to help you learn and to protect you from what you did not know. She wanted me to be your guide through life, and if you chose this life, I will take you to Champions' Peak and train you as she would have."

Gabriel sits flabbergasted. "If I go with you, won't that leave my dad and Molly in danger?"

"No. By your leaving, their futures will be filled with less danger than if you were to stay. You see, Gabriel, your Phoenix Mark not only shows that you are a born Champion, it also gives off a strong scent. When your mark burns, it's a sending a burning feeling throughout your body, it lets you know that danger is near. At the same time, it gives off a burning odor that some creatures can smell and track. It makes you and those around you easy targets."

Gabriel interrupts. "Here?" Gabriel asks quietly as he pointed to his side.

Rose nods. "That burning feeling and the smell will go away with the proper training," she answers. "This is not your Father's choice to make, understand? This is your future, so it must be your choice." She gives him a sympathetic smile.

Gabriel can see that Rose looks older and, by the looks of it, really tired, but he can't rush this. He sits back into the sofa. There is so much to take in! If he says no, he puts his family in danger; if he says yes, he would be leaving his family a very long time. Then, Gabriel's eyes met one of the photos of his mother on the mantle. She was truly beautiful, inside and out. Gabriel had her smile and her light brown eyes.

"Was she really that awesome?" Gabriel whispers, turning back to his godmother.

"Yes," Rose chuckles, "Victoria is famous in our world. She even has a place among the legendary gravesite known as Hero's Valley; it's a very high honor, and it takes a very special person to be buried there."

Gabriel looks back at his mother's picture. He wants to know what she did, what she really did. Who she was. Better yet, he wants to know what he was, Gabriel wants to see what else he could do. Can he make weapons appear like in his dream? Can he cast bolts of light too?

He wants to know.

He needs to know.

"Yes, I'll come with you, I want to know more."

Rose can only smile, as she reaches into her robes, and pulls out a small circular object that is decorated with two crossed swords and a snake slithering its way between the blades.

"This was your mother's Champion's Seal. She wanted you to have it. In time, you will craft your own. But for now, take hers. This is how we Champions communicate." Rose hands the seal over to Gabriel. He feels a rush of excitement as he takes the seal from Rose and looks it over.

"Now, Gabriel you need to pack. The Gathering starts tomorrow and trust me, you're lucky to be getting there a night early."

He sets off the couch and makes his way down the hall to his room. When he comes in, his dad is putting in the last few items of clothing into his suitcase.

"Dad," he pauses, "you didn't have to." Isaac embraces him.

"Be strong, Gabe. I knew you would choose this. Packing is the least I can do." Isaac lets go and sits on Gabriel's bed. "It's in your blood. I expected nothing less from you. You are your mother's son, after all." Isaac says hoisting himself back up and walking out of the room. Gabriel turns and watches his father's back.

"Do you think mom would be proud of me? "Gabe asks. Isaac turns, while leaning against the doorframe, and he smiles a smile rarely seen anymore.

"Gabriel, your mother dreamt of this day." Isaac leaves the room, and Gabriel stands by his bed glancing around. He is wonders when, or if, he will see this place again. If he does come back, will he be the same?


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