Unexpected Roommate | Jimin

By lilmissannonymous

3.7K 141 20

Cherry was on her third year of college. She transfer to a new college because of her own personal reasons pl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 9

191 6 0
By lilmissannonymous

Friday finally came around.

Today Minah have a dinner date with none other than Yoongi. Which to my surprise. I thought Yoongi was an antisocial person, practically because he doesn’t talk much and always sleeping around. I chuckled.

I watched with amusement as clothes covered every inch of Minah’s room floor, sprawled all over her bed. Her roommate sighed in defeat towards me.

Minah collapsed onto her bed and covered her face with her pillow screaming in frustration. “Girls! I don’t have anything to wear!”

She moved her pillow away. She glared at me and her roommate Jihyo. “You two supposed to help me!”

I laughed and got up, straightening my dress and walking towards all her clothes.

“Do you want to borrow one of mine?” I offered. Jihyo offered the same but none of Jihyo’s clothes capture her eyes and mine a just way too far. There’s no time for us to fetch it.

It was almost five and Minah haven’t even found a dress to wear. She looked devastated

“I think I’m going to cry.” she started to sobs. Jihyo seated next to Minah and patted her back.

Just as I was about to replied to her, I saw something shined at the corner of her closet. I turned around and searched for it. Under a whole pile clothes Minah had carelessly thrown around, my eyes caught a sight of a beautiful slim cut gold dress. I pulled the material out and examined the pretty gold dress.

“Do you have a baby black jacket?” I smirked as I hold up the dress to their looking.

“I’m not wearing that.” Minah crossed her hand.

“Yeah you are.” I scoffed at her with approving looks from Jihyo. We argue a little more. She doesn’t want to wear it but I was beyond determined to make her looked sexy in most elegant way.

We had a vote. Minah voted no and both Jihyo and me voted yes.

So obviously she had to wear it. Since she lost. Hah!

Half an hour later, we all had our eyes locked in front of the mirror. Minah looked at the mirror in disbelief and admiration. Minah pinched her face wondered if it was true and real.

“You looked amazing.” I told her sincerely. Jihyo’s smile never leaves her face and her eyes gleamed with admiration.

I grabbed Minah’s phone and took her a few picture. She honestly look flawless and gorgeous in every single one of them. I have one picture of my liking and said to her, “You better use this as your next profile picture on your social apps.”

No words could described how happy I was for her.


The night was calm and peaceful as I walked home. Minah and Jihyo offered to dropped me off but I refused as Minah would be late for her date and Jihyo would be late for her part time jobs.

But really, I just wanted to spent some alone. Billions of thought running through my minds. About me moving to new college, my unexpected bad boy roommate, new boy boys acquaintance, new friends.

I pulled out my cold hands and let out a warm breath, watching it became visible like smoke.

A butterfly began fluttering across my stomach as I recalled all the event occurred between me and Jimin. A subconscious smile tugged at the end of my lips at the mention of him in my mind.

After having walk spent alone thinking. I reached our room few minutes later.

I unlocked the door, shutting the door behind and taking my shoes off. I let out a tired sigh before dragging myself to my bed.

A strong arm suddenly captured my wrist and pushed me against a wall. My back touched the wall harsh making me wince.

I looked up only to met glaring from Jimin. “What the hell, Jimin?” I said to him.

“Where were you?” he glowered down to me.
“What?” I was weirded out. Why does he care.

“Do you know what time is now? Did it ever occur to you to call me and tell me where you were going after classes? Or when you’re getting back? It's late and past eight.” He inquired, looking angry.

“I had to look out for you, because someone forgot to bring their phone.” Jimin scowled, rising his left eyebrow out.

Jimin went out looking for me?

“Geez, mom. Its only past eight” I tried to looked away. But he turned my face towards his so I was facing him again.

I blinked in, letting his sudden outburst sink in.

“I-I’m sorry.” I stuttered in soft-almost-can’t-be-heard voice, finding it tough to utter a word because of our proximity. Not to mention that he still had me pushed against the wall.

With our body pressed on with each other. I can feel his breath on my forehead. A faint blush dusted across my face. Thank god it was night.

“Do you even know how to use a phone? I thought you’re smart.” he said. “You take it with you, when its ring you answer” Jimin explain to me like I was from the Ice Age people.

I tried to make a clever comeback, but I’m just too tired, I let out a sigh. “I get it, mom. It won’t happen again. Sorry for worrying you.”

“Who’s worried?”

I gaped at him, “but you said you looked for me...”

“Hah! Don’t get ahead of yourself, nerd.” he smirked.

I flinched at his words, feeling a bit hurt. I looked away, averting his gaze and feeling bazillion times embarrassed.

He noticed me looking away. “I’m kidding, princess.”

I looked at him and noticed him with a smirk and amused looks. “Jerk!” I shoved him and move to my part of room.

“I know.” he said then continued, “But you’re the one that attracted to this jerk.”

My face heated up again. I practically choked on air. “W-what? I am not!”

“Yeah sure, princess” he then continued chuckled, “You should have seen your face. Priceless.”

“Go to hell” I rolled my eyes and went to sleep.

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