The Half-Blood Princess (A Sn...

By JessicaRivera821

14.5K 362 74

This story takes place after the war. Severus Snape survives Nagini's bite. This is a story about Astoria Al... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Epilogue-11 Years Later

Chapter 12

581 14 7
By JessicaRivera821

Snape smiles and feels proud of Harry for continuing his studies to be an auror, and surprised that Harry wants to name one of his children after him. When he starts to read what Harry said about Astoria, he pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. How will he tell her how he feels. He has already come to terms with how he feels about Astoria. He will have a lot to think about in terms of telling Astoria his true feelings for her. Harry's right, he will have to tell her eventually. He grabs a piece of parchment and picks up his quill and begins to write back his reply to Harry.  

Meanwhile,  Astoria has just discharged a student from the Hospital Wing, after being in a duel with another student in the corridors. Astoria sighs wondering why these students resort to dueling in the corridors. After putting the chart away She heads down to dinner. As she enters the Hall, she sees Snape heading to the staff table. She follows suit. As Astoria begins eating her dinner, Snape looks over at her and wonders what her feelings are towards him. He sighs and turns to his food and begins to eat. Astoria looks over to Snape and starts to feel that warm feeling again. She can't seem to stop thinking about him either. 'What would he see in me anyways,' she thought. She sighs and goes back to eating. After dinner she goes to her quarters. Snape goes to his office, holds out his arm for both Sasha and Hades "Come Sasha, Hades," said Snape, "Time for you two to go to the owlery." Sasha and Hades hop onto his arm. Snape pockets his letter to Harry, leaves his office and locks his door magically. Snape heads out of the castle and towards the owlery. Once there he says, "Of you go you two." They spread their wings and fly up to the rafters. He sends his letter to Harry with another owl.

Snape sighs and leaves the owlery and heads back to the castle. A thought came to him as he was heading to his office. He turns around and heads to Astoria's office. Snape reaches her office and knocks. Astoria's voice is heard as she says, "Come in." Snape enters and takes his seat in one of the two chairs in her office. Astoria smiles upon seeing who it was, "Hello Severus." Snape smiles slightly, "Hello Astoria. May I ask you something?" Astoria smiles and says, "Of course. Ask away." Astoria notices that Snape looks a little nervous. Snape says, "When is your birthday? If you don't mind me asking of course." Astoria chuckles, "I don't mind at all. My birthday is on October 12th. Why?" Snape realizes that her birthday is just 3 weeks away. Snape looking even more nervous, says, "I thought perhaps I could get you a present for your birthday." Astoria blushes slightly, "You want to get me a present for my birthday?" Snape replies with a slight smile, "Yes. I hope you don't mind." Astoria still blushing says, "Oh. Not at all. I like getting presents on my birthday. Thank you." Snape replies with a smirk, " You're welcome. You're blushing again." Astoria blushes even more. With a slight chuckle she says, "Severus don't." Snape smirks, allowing a slight chuckle of his own, "I will leave you to your work." He stands to leave, when Astoria stops him with a question of her own. "When is your birthday, Severus?" Asked Astoria. Snape stops and smiles slightly, then turns around to look at her and says, "January 9th." Astoria smiles, "I'll make sure to remember that." Snape nods with that slight smile, then turns back around and leaves her office. Astoria's stomach flutters as she thought of what Snape would get her for her birthday.

As Snape walks back to his office. His mind wonders on what to get her for her birthday. Perhaps a potion? Or maybe a piece of jewlery? Snape smiles to himself then thought, maybe he can give both. His musings, however were interrupted by Professor McGonagall. McGonagall says, "Is that a smile I see, Severus?" Snape says silky, "What do you want, Minerva." McGonagall chuckles, "Relax will you. I merely noticed that you're smiling that's all." Snape retorts, "So what if I'm smiling." McGonagall says, "Who's the lucky woman that has you smiling?" Snape's cheeks flushed slightly. "I beg your pardon? What woman?" Snape hisses. McGonagall smirks, "Someone put that smile on your face, so I assumed it was a woman. I think I am right, Severus." Snape's cheek was still flushed as he hisses, "If you must know, it's Astoria. You will not tell anyone about this, Minerva!" McGonagall chuckles. Anger flares up in his sallow face, "Your word Minerva!" McGonagall smiles, then replies, " Will you calm down, Severus!" Snape takes a few deep breath then repeats what he says, "Will you give me your word that you will not tell anyone about my true feelings for Astoria. Until I am ready?" McGonagall smiles then sighs, "If you insist. I won't tell anyone of your true feelings for Astoria, Severus. You have my word." Snape sighs in relief, then replies, "Thank you. Now if you will excuse me, I have essays to grade." McGonagall nods, "Good luck, Severus." Snape nods then walks off in the direction of the dungeons. His cloak billowing behind him.

He enters his office and closes the door. He then sits at his desk and starts to think of what kind of potion he can brew as a gift to her and what kind of jewelry he should get her. She was sorted to Gryffindor, so perhaps a gold bracelet with ruby gems set into it, and a golden lion as a centerpiece for the bracelet. Snape smiles at the thought. Now to think of a potion to make for her. He is a potions master after all. Snape gets up from his desk and starts to look through his many potions books. "Beautification Potion? She doesn't need that. She's already beautiful." Snape mutters then stops, "Why did I say that?" Snape shakes his head and continues looking. "Draught of Peace? Hmm Perhaps." "Felix Felicis... Not too sure about that potion..." His eyes fell upon a potion called Sleekeazy's Hair Potion. "Hmm." Said Snape, "If I can tweak this potion so that it will work with her hair. She will be relieved to be able to tame it, for once." Snape smiles, "a perfect gift." He got to work brewing the potion, changing it in certain places where he thought it needed tweaking. He then transfigured a few old books, that he didn't need, into rats and another old book into a cage to keep them in. After securing the rats. He poured a sample of the potion into a vial. Then carefully took out a rat, keeping the other rats secured. He then poured a few drops onto the rat back and massaged the potion into its fur. He waited for a few moment until the potion took affect. The fur on the rat looks so shiny and sleek. He touched the fur. The fur felt so soft. He smiled in spite of himself. He put the rat back into the cage. He brewed the Sleekeazy's Hair Potion as directed. Once that was done brewing, he took a sample of that potion and put it in another vial. He took out another rat and poured a sample of that potion on the rat. Once again massaging the potion into its fur. After waiting for a few minutes, the potion took affect, making the fur silky and shiny and of course, soft. He took out the first rat and touched its fur, then touched the second rat's fur. There was noticeable difference between the two. The first rat's fur was shiner, silkier, and softer than the second rat's fur. Snape was happy with the results. He banished the rats and the cage. He then takes an empty bottle and a cork stopper and begins to fill the bottle with his improved sleeky hair potion. He stoppers the bottle with a cork stopper and labels it: Snape's Sleek and Shiny Hair Potion. Snape chuckles at the name. He put's the potion in a safe place, then cleans up his work area.

After that was done, Snape starts to think of where to go to have the bracelet made. He decides to look in Diagon Alley. Snape goes to his fireplace and grabs a handful of floo powder and throws the powder into the fireplace. The fire turns green as he steps inside and says in a clear voice, "Diagon Alley" and was whisked away. He lands on his feet at The Leaky Cauldron. Snape cleans himself up with a wave of his wand, then heads to the back of the tavern and taps the bricks. The brick wall opens into an archway revealing Diagon Alley. Snape walks down the cobblestone street and looks around for a shop. He finds a shop by Gringott's Bank. It was a nice shop similar to most shops there in Diagon Alley. The sign on the shop says, Gretel's Jewelry Shop. Underneath it were the words. "We make custom jewelry. Prices vary." Snape thought it would be worth the price for this. He enters the shop, the bell tinkling, alerting the owner to his arrival. Gretel, a middle-aged witch, stepped towards him. She was short with grey hair, light blue eyes, and a kind smile. She wore square-rimmed glasses. Gretel smiles and says, "Hello there. Welcome to Gretel's Jewelry Shop. How can I help you?" Snape nods and says, "I would like to have a bracelet made." Gretel smiles, " Ah I see. Come this way, please." Snape follows her to her desk, near the back of the shop. Gretel sits down and grabs a quill, then looks at Snape, "What would you like the bracelet to look like?" Snape replies, "I want a golden bracelet, with ruby gems set into them and a golden lion as a centerpiece. Perhaps make the bracelet look like vines intertwining." Gretel smiles, "It will be done." She writes down the description of the bracelet. Snape asks, "How much will that cost?" Gretel smiles as she replies, " 200 galleons." Snape replies, "Very well." He pulls out a pouch and counts 200 galleons. Then puts the 200 galleons in a smaller pouch and gives it to Gretel. Leaving him with only 100 galleons left in his pouch. Snape pockets his pouch and says, "Send the bracelet to Hogwarts. Make sure it is addressed to me." Gretel smiles, "I understand. I will make sure it gets to you." Snape replies, "Thank you." Then leaves her shop. Gretel gets to work on making the bracelet.

Snape enters The Leaky Cauldron and takes the floo back to Hogwarts. He lands in his office. Once again, he cleans himself up with a wave of his wand. Snape leaves his office and heads out of the castle. He walks into Hogsmeade and finds a shop that sell cards for all occasions for wizards. The shop sign said: "Walter's Greeting Cards." Below it said: "Cards for all occasions." He enters the shop and looks around and finds birthday cards. He looked through the birthday cards. He spotted the perfect Birthday card. the front of the card was black with a glowing red rose. The words Happy Birthday written in cursive. The words were also flashing. He looks inside. Nothing was written inside of the card. Perfect. Just what he was looking for. He prefered it that way, so that he can wish her a Happy Birthday in his own way. He took the card with an envelope to the front. A young man was at the register. "Hello." He said, "I'm Willliam. Walter' son. How can I help you?" Snape replies, "I'd like to buy this card." William said, " Ah ok. That will be 2 galleons and 2 sickles, sir." Snape pulls out his pouch again and takes out 2 galleons and 2 sickles and pays him for the card. He puts the pouch away and pockets the card and envelope. Snape says a quick thank you and leaves the shop. He heads back up to Hogwarts and goes to his office. He closes his door and sits down at his desk. He pulls out the card, opens it and dips his quill in ink. He thinks for a moment then starts to write on the card. After signing his name on the card. He carefully puts the card in the envelope then seals it. On the back Snape wrote her name. Then puts the card with the potion. Snape smiles as he thinks of how she will react to his gifts. He realizes that he can't wait for her birthday to arrive and that he is looking quite forward to it. He sees that it's getting late and gets up from his desk again. Snape heads into his quarters for a good shower and a proper night's sleep. 

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