Merlin Fairytale Series

By PrincessAvatarRose

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Hello, lovelies. I've returned with another story. This one is based off of various fairytales: A story of a... More

Journey to the Past: Introduction
Chapter 1: Rumors
Chapter 2: Journey to the Past
Chapter 3: Once Upon a December
Chapter 4: The Deal
Chapter 5: In the Dark of the Night
Chapter 6: The First Accident
Chapter 7: Princess Lessons
Chapter 8: The Dance
Chapter 9: A Nightmare And a Confession
Chapter 10: Haven
Chapter 11: The Truth At Last
Chapter 12: The End
A Second Chance: Introduction
Chapter 1: And So It Begins
Chapter 2: A Reunion And a Deal
Chapter 3: The Thing He Wasn't Prepared For
Chapter 4: Love Will Find a Way
Chapter 5: What Was Meant To Be
The Gift of True Love: Introduction
Chapter 1: A Beautiful Budding Romance
Chapter 2: An Arranged Accident
Chapter 3: On Board the Good Ship Misery
Chapter 4: Don't Make Me Laugh
Chapter 5: Looks Like I Got Me a Friend
Chapter 6: The Final Fight
The Cursed Princess: Introduction
Chapter 1: Forbidden Love
Chapter 2: The Curse/True Love's Kiss
Chapter 3: Saving a Princess
The 12 Dancing Princesses: Introduction
Introduction Part 2
Chapter 1: Tragedy
Chapter 2: The Princesses
Chapter 3: The Princes
Chapter 4: A Magical Encounter
Chapter 5: The King's Plan
Chapter 6: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 7: I. AM. EMRYS!
Chapter 8: Merlin Reveals the Truth
Chapter 9: The Year of Jubilee
Forbidden: Introduction
Chapter 1: A Feud, A Fight, and A Proclamation
Chapter 2: Love At First Sight
Chapter 3: A Forbidden Romance
Chapter 4: The Secret Wedding
Chapter 5: A Devious Plot And a War
Chapter 6: The End of the Feud
Sequels Galore!!
Special Announcement


55 1 0
By PrincessAvatarRose

And now it's a trilogy!
Part 3 of Merlin Fairytale Series.
Gif was too funny to pass up and fortunately these two have a bromance in this one.

     There is an utterly beautiful island far away known as Paradise. It was created by magic and is still maintained by magic to this very day. For this reason, only those endowed with magic are allowed to live on the island.
     The people of Paradise are often very sweet and romantic, especially when it comes to marriage. Every 10 years, the Heavens rain down gifts of gold, silver, and jewels, as well as other precious metals and stones. The men of Paradise collect what of these gifts they can and create beautiful gifts of the woman they most desire- necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings and other piercings, toe rings, ankle bracelets, crowns, headbands and headdresses, and other such types of jewelry. If she accepts his gift, the couple is married in an official ceremony during a period of time known as the Full Moon Marriage Ceremony.
     This story takes place during such a ceremony for the most perfect couple Paradise had ever seen: Merlin and Rose.
                           * * * * *

     The island of Paradise was full of the sound of voices lifted high in song. The older couples were singing of the love they'd found in the past. The young, newly eligible men and women, meanwhile, were discussing among themselves who they wanted to marry.
Now and forever
I'll show her I care
I'll find her the rarest stones
And maybe if the gifts are perfect
She'll tell me right there
She's now and forever my own!
     Merlin, a handsome young sorcerer who lived on the island, was headed towards home when he was caught up in the singing. His friend, Mordred, stopped to ask him, "Hey, Merlin. Have you decided who you're gonna marry?"
     Merlin, being a shy man, stumbled over his words as he liked, "Uh...we-well y''s...uh...not really."
     Meanwhile, a group of beautiful women were singing on the other side of the island. The group consisted of women of all appearances and powers and was headed by the most beautiful of all: Rose.
Now and forever
We'll do like lovers do
We'll cuddle and coo and kiss
*Girly giggles*
We'll have a little world where
Whatever we dream comes true
A now and forever in bliss!
     At this, the main girls off the group started chatting excitedly.
     Gwen: "Ooh this is all just so exciting!"
     Callista: "And so romantic!"
     Elsa: "Knock it off, ladies, romance has nothing to do with it. Listen."
     Rose: "Y'know, I don't think the gifts should be that important."
     Elsa: "Rose, if you don't care about the gifts, how will you choose?"
     Gwen: "How will you know if he's Mr. Right?"
I will know when, Gwen
Cuz it's not the gifts it's the men!
Now and forever
His heart will be true
That's how I'll know who he is
No matter if his gift is clever
Or borrowed or blue
I'll now and forever be his!
    Merlin was honestly in love with Rose though he'd never admit it and in his mind, when he saw Rose singing and dancing with her friends, he saw a very different scene.
     The real world disappeared for him and suddenly, he being carried on the boys' shoulders while the girls' carried Rose. The two groups met in the middle before setting the couple down. The boys then proceeded to speak on Merlin's behalf while the girls kept pushing a nervous Rose back into Merlin's arms.
Do you take these gifts?
Now and forever
Do you take this man?
Now and forever
Do you?
I do
     The daydream ended with Rose kissing Merlin. Yes he was in love with her but he could never admit it. He was too shy.
     The Islanders finished their singing numbers and everyone rushed back to their homes to rest up for the Full Moon Marriage Ceremony.
     Little did Merlin know that fate was, at that moment, pushing him and Rose together. It just needed a little help. ;)

To be continued....

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