Can't Escape

By _zahrab

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A stranger in my own home; all I wanted was to be left alone. Disputes, anger and physical abuse; all they w... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 15

63 8 72
By _zahrab

I walk out of the bathroom with my robe clinging onto my body and my hair dripping wet. Sliding my fingers into my dark hair, I give it a shake and watch as droplets of water sprinkle around me. I lift the towel I'm holding and dry the ends of my hair as best as I can before grabbing my dirty laundry, making my way downstairs and into the kitchen where I toss them into the washing machine, loving the feel of walking around with wet hair.

Don't you just love it when no-ones home and the whole house is to yourself?! You can sing, dance and poop your pants because you're free! But in my case, I'd rather walk around half naked (meaning a vest, leggings and a robe!) and let my hair loose to enjoy my own company while it lasts.

Rimsha had dragged Kamil out to...wherever and Nafisah is staying over at her friends house seeing as Rimsha mentioned that they might be home late for some reason. Like I can't take care of my own little sister.

Humming to myself happily, I skip over to the freezer to pull out a tub of bubblegum ice cream and grab a big spoon before closing the door with my hip. I then proceed to hop towards the front room with a spin, loving the feel of my wet hair swirling with me.

Once I'm seated at the corner of the leather sofa with my legs up and the ice cream tub on my lap, I switch on the T.V to watch four Middle Aged jokers daring one another to do stupid things before digging into the cool, blue goodness.

After a while, I rub at my tired eyes with a sigh before realising what time it is. It's nearing midnight and I should be asleep by now due to the fact that
I have an early start at College tomorrow. I flick off the T.V and stand up, grabbing the nearly empty tub of - melted - ice cream and the blue smeared spoon.

As I stuff the tub at the back of the freezer and begin to wash my spoon I wonder where Rimsha and Kamil have wandered off to. Surely they can't have gone anywhere far and no shopping definitely needs to be done even though I'm the one in charge of that. I bite my lip in thought as I rinse the spoon under the flowing tap until I feel a sudden touch on my waist.

I immediately shriek at the top of my lungs and spin around as fast as lightning. My hand sends the spoon crashing behind me as soon as I do, sending water along with it too. It hits something before crashing against the floor with a clang.

I find my lips immediately reciting Ayatul Kursi, my voice shaking slightly. Was it a Jinn?!

My eyes are wide in alarm as adrenaline rushes through my veins and my fists are tightened.

A person stumbles backwards with a grunt so I take this time to swing a punch at his face which he is holding anyway. I breathe heavily as I quickly jerk away from him and grab the knife out of the cutlery drawer before pointing it directly at the perpetrator.

Until I realise who it is.

"Kamil?" I gasp incredulously and lower the knife before placing it onto the kitchen unit. He looks up as he holds his cheek, a grumpy look sitting on his face. "When did you get in?!"

He purses his dry lips as he goes over towards the sink to gather water from the running tap - which I had no time to turn off - in cupped hands. He then brings it to his face and he does this a couple of times before turning the tap off and facing me. Water droplets fall from his chin and I instantly feel uncomfortable with the way he looks at me.

"I never left." He answers my question in a low, slurred voice as he walks over towards me. I immediately take steps backwards, trying to further the gap between us.

My heart begins to beat faster and my nerves begin to rise, however I need to keep calm and portray confidence. "Doesn't look like it seeing as you've got your coat on." My breathing begins to harden once I hit the wall without knowing and he now towers over me with a look of sudden anger.

Well, this escalated quickly.

I watch as Kamil bites down on his lip, his eyes never leaving mine. His bloodshot eye twitches slightly and from where I'm standing, I can see the fading bruise beneath it. The tip of his fringe holds droplets of water which trickle down his dark skin.

This is what scares me most about him. His sudden anger and disturbing behaviour makes my anxiety rise to the roof although I try my best not to let it show.

A few tense seconds pass as we stand in front of one another. My hands curl into a tight fist besides me and I lock my jaw.

Suddenly, Kamil lets out a malicious laugh as he shakes his head. "Zach would love to be in my shoes right now, wouldn't he?" He raises an eyebrow as he eyes me up and down with a look of approval.

A gasp flies out of my mouth once I realise how I'm dressed. My eyes widen in alarm once I take in the fact that my figure and hair is on show before I immediately race past him towards the door. My hands fly to my hair, thinking it will cover it all as I scream at Kamil to look away whilst also muttering "Astaghfirullah!" clearly full of shame.

I can't believe I let this happen! How could I have forgotten that they could have been back any time but stayed in the same clothes I had on when I stepped out of the shower, not to mention the fact that I hadn't worn a headscarf!

All of a sudden, pain shoots through my scalp and I'm being yanked backwards, making me hit the tiled floor with a thud. I let out a scream of pain and I instantly hold the roots which were yanked at. I take a few minutes to process what just actually happened and when I finally understand the situation, my mouth falls agape and fear is replaced with anger as it rushes through my veins.

I stare up at Kamil with hard eyes as he smirks down at me, clearly satisfied with what he just did. He breathes out slowly before chuckling at me and it soon grows louder, echoing through my ears. I grit my teeth so hard that I'm afraid they're going to chip, however that's the least of my problems right now.

"Oh, look at me!" Kamil changes the tone of his nasally voice to a much higher pitched tone, most likely trying to imitate my own. "I'm Alvina! I'm such a good Muslim! I can't show my curves or my hair to anyone because I'm so religious! Muslims are banned from showing anyone anything, oh my gosh!"

He babbles on with his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his hands flapping against his sides whilst jumping from feet to feet. He doesn't stop mimicking me with his ridiculously screechy voice and his insulting words and I'm afraid he's going to tip me off the edge.

"My pretty hair can't be shown to boys not even my temptatious brother because Muslims are oppressed and pathetically-"

"Oppressed?!" I ignore the disturbing word he used to describe himself and the fact that my scalp is still in pain because of him as his views on Islam just ticked me off. "What the hell do you mean by tha-"

"You know what I freaking mean, dumb cow." He spits, his nasally voice returning and he drops his arms to his sides. "You Muslims disgust me, especially you."

I am taken back by his words and it takes me a few moments to process what he is saying. "You're a Muslim so I don't know what you're talking about."

Kamil scoffs with a roll of his eyes. "Are you stupid?! Why would I want to be associated with them?!"

"Wha- you-" I'm honestly confused as hell with everything that's happening right in this moment. I stutter over my words, unable to say the appropriate things which Kamil obviously takes advantage of.

He blubbers his tongue out of his mouth and bellows out incoherent sounds, once again mocking me and using his hands to imitate an extremely fast moving mouth.

"Ugh," I huff and clamber myself off the floor and keep my balled fists besides me.

I honestly don't know whether to be angry at him or worried about his thoughts on Muslims. I don't understand why he feels so sick at the thought of being a Muslim but I most definitely thought he is one. He's probably just feeling far from Islam and maybe he just needs help? It's maybe-

I'm dragged out of my thoughts as I'm suddenly pushed against the wall and a body is pressed against mine.

Shock runs through me and my eyes dilate with fear. My heart is hammering against my chest and my hands are shaking uncontrollably in front of my chest.

I try to push him off me but he has the upper strength as my body begins to feel weak and my head begins to feels faint. As soon as I open my mouth to scream, his sweaty hand smashes against my lips, causing my voice to become muffled beneath it. I feel his knee jab into my thigh harshly, somehow warning me not to wake the neighbours. I hold back the urge to cry, breathing heavily through my nose.

"Now..." Kamil's smirk wavers slightly and his face is inches away from mine. His bloodshot eyes are wide and the eye bags beneath them are dark and heavy. His hot breath fans over my face and I almost gag at the stench. "My...Alvina..."

I use my arms which are pushed against my chest to jab them into his arm to try to get him off me but this only makes him angrier. The crease between his eyebrows tightens and his jaw locks.

"G...get the hell off me!" I growl once he removes his hand from my mouth although my voice shakes with fear.

I feel his scrawny fingers find their way into my hair and they slowly run circles into my scalp. My stomach churns and I feel bike rising up my throat. My eyes flicker to his face to see his famous smirk once again before he chuckles softly and brings his head down to my ear after pushing strands of hair out of the way.

Shivers run down my spine once I feel his breath on my ear. He takes his time to begin speaking and I feel tears brimming my eyes. I silently pray in my head that this ends right now.

"Well," He begins in a low voice whilst his free hand plays with the roots of my hair. "This is going to be fun, isn't it?"

My eyes widen and I suck in a sharp breath before elbowing him in to his arm. It doesn't affect him so I jerk my body forwards a few times as hard as I can manage to push him off me, yet all it does is loosen the force he had on me.

My mind is whizzing with thoughts and my forehead fills with beads of sweat. I want to scream and fight back but my confidence is deteriorating drastically. The weakness within myself rises to the surface albeit trying hard to hold it back.

Kamil's laugh drills through my ears and echoes through my mind. "Might as well get to you before rat Zach gets you, eh, little sis?" He laughs harder once his fingers latch onto the roots of my hair tightly and yanks at them, forcing my chin upwards.

"Who's going to save you now? Your boyfriend Hud is no-where to be seen. so-called Muslim you are," Kamil's smirk grows insanely wide and he shows the crookedness of his teeth. "Your lousy Baba certainly is no-where in sight."

At the mention of my Dad, anger surges through my body, wiping out the fear and weakness I felt just seconds ago. My teeth crash against one another and my eyes harden as I glare at the weasel stood in front of me.

"I wonder why?" He doesn't bother to stop speaking and he hasn't realised how insanely frustrated he's making me. "Oh...that's right. He's dead. A dead man killed by his own lousy daughter."

His words suddenly sound blurry in my ears yet my brain still manages to process them.

"A dead man who was good for nothing!"

Within a millisecond Kamil is crashing backwards and he slams against the kitchen table. Shock spreads across his face when he finds himself on the floor and I take this time to let my anger take over my whole body. I rush towards him and bend down to grab his collar, lifting his head up before grabbing a load of his hair to yank at it as hard as I can.

Kamil screams out in pain and pushes my hands away from him before standing up shakily. I throw a punch to his face as he rises, making him stumble backwards. His hand manages to grab onto the vase on the table before throwing it at me. I immediately dodge to the side before it can hit me and watch as it smashes against the wall, breaking into pieces.

"Huh?" Kamil grits his teeth as he turns to look at me with challenging eyes. "Hit a soft spot, have I? Missing daddy, are we?"

He lets out a hysterical laugh, the sound booming through the empty house. I flinch at the sound, my nerves crying out. His words replay in my mind repeatedly as I watch him laughing at me.

"Did you know..." Kamil places a hand onto the table for support before spinning to look at me, painfully slowly. "Why my mother decided to marry your precious baba?"

I don't reply and instead I stay glaring at him, my body shaking with anger. My face begins to burn and my nails dig into the palms of my sweaty hands.

I can't take this.

"Cha- Ching!" A simple imatative sound drives me up the roof and I immediately storm towards him.

"My father was a better man than you'll ever be!" I spit, really wanting to swing at him once again but I refrain myself for the moment.

"He wasn't a man." Kamil scoffs and rolls his bloodshot eyes, his head swaying slightly.

"Don't you dare talk about my father like that. You have no right to do so when he took your mother and yourself in. Inviting strangers into my own home and making you both feel welcome-"

"Oh, shut up, you stupid brat." He drags his words out as his tired eyes begin to droop. I watch him skeptically as he swallows before exhaling deeply. "Sometimes I wish you went with him so that everything could be mine but if you weren't here then I...I would be able to do this."

He suddenly falls towards me and grabs me by the waist, causing the both of us to topple onto the floor. A gasp escapes my lips as I was not expecting him do that and I let out an ear piercing scream once I'm trapped beneath his sweaty body.

My mouth becomes dry and my heart feels as if it's about to rip through my rib cage. My anxiety is about to break through the roof as my body begins to tremble under Kamil's dirty touch. It becomes harder to breathe as the seconds pass by dreadfully slow and I struggle to push him off me.

I feel his grimy hands begin to travel up my waist and my eyes widen in alarm.

What is happening?! Is this what I think it is?! It can't be. No. It isn't!

Either way, I need to escape.

I meet his dark eyes which hold amusement within them and he gives me a wink albeit being fully drugged up. They then travel down to my neck as a smirk sprawls across his face until something catches his eyes. They stay there for a second and his hand comes to a halt as he catches sight of my neck chain, dwelling into his own thoughts as he examines it curiously.

Alvina, move!

"The pattern..." He mutters, gazing down at it. "Who gave i-"

I growl through gritted teeth and immediately raise my knee into his 'man area'. He grunts with pain and falls over to the side, finally giving me air to breathe. I quickly slide away from him on my back side, pushing my feet against the tiled floors, towards the door.

My breathing becomes harder once he snaps his head towards me and starts to stand once again, although pain is evident in his reddening face. He struggles to lift himself up as his legs shake slightly however his hard eyes never leave mine.

My palms are sweaty and I can't find myself moving away from him. I'm glued to the floor, afraid to make a single movement as my eyes don't dare to leave his sight.

"You're not getting away t-that easily." Kamil says through gritted teeth, lifting himself up off the floor with a hand on the wall.

You can't let this happen!

All of a sudden, adrenaline surges through me once I realise that he's striding over towards me and I immediately rush into the corridor after slamming the kitchen door in his face to buy me some extra time. I reach the front door and I'm about to open it until I realise that the keys are no-where in sight.

"Come on!" I cry to myself as my eyes dart around the corridor, desperately in need of freedom.

My breath hitches in my dry throat when Kamil's foul language roars through my ear drums and the sound of him yanking the door open is heard. I immediately spin around, my hair slapping my face in the process to see him fuming.

"Don't you dare try to es- esc-" Kamil struggles on his speech and it's evident that his body is finding it difficult to keep him up. He sways side to side as he tries to reach me but before he does, I'm racing up the stairs as fast as I can.

It's not the best time for my body to be feeling weak; I find it hard to reach the top without giving in. The walls feel as if they're caving in on me and my safe haven feels too far to be reached. My vision becomes blurry as puke rises up my throat.

"Alv-Alvi-" His voice bellows as he follows my steps a little slower than usual, nevertheless I feel his hand trail the rope on my robe.

A gasp escapes my lips once he tugs at it, trying to pull me back. I immediately grit my teeth and turn my head around before kicking his filthy hand off my robe.

My feet stumble away from him and I hit a wall, watching him as he breathes heavily. I furrow my eyebrows: what's wrong with him today?

He must have done something to himself to make him act this way. His eyes and body language tells me that he's either drank it took some kind of drug.

"A...are you..." My voice is hoarse and I wonder what I'm saying and why I even care about this pervert.

Kamil is bent over on a step and I stare down at him curiously. He heaves in a few breathes before slowly looking up at me, his eyes pleading for help.

"I'm- I'm sorry." He cries, his eyes glistening with tears before lifting his hand towards me.

I swallow a load of spit, my breathing still hasn't returned back to it's usual pace. My eyes are fixed on his raised hand which is shaking and I don't know whether to believe his cry for help.

He sure looks like he does.

Get away from him!

I have an internal debate which almost gives me a mental breakdown on the spot, however I'm able to stop myself as I know that that won't exactly help me get away from him. I slowly take a hesitant step towards him before opening my mouth to speak but no words come out as regret and fear suddenly envelope me.

Instead, I slowly reach for my key that's attached to my bracelet, trying my best not to make him lift his head at the sound of my charm bracelet's movement. Kamil immediately clicks on to what I'm doing and he snaps his head up to look at me with a hard glare.

"Cunning little bi-"

I raise my feet to quickly to push him back with it, causing him to slide down a step, giving me a few extra seconds to rush to my bedroom door and jab the key into the key hole with a shaking hand. I struggle to place it inside as my head keeps spinning back to look at Kamil who is now screaming out curse words and getting up off the stairs, holding the wooden railing for support.

I cry through gritted teeth as my frustration builds up from trying to unlock my door. I hear his footsteps crash against the floor and my anxiety is about to blow.

The sound of my door unlocking is music to my ears and I immediately push myself inside . My eyes widen in alarm once Kamil is pushing against the other side of the door and I try my hardest to close it, my whole body pressed against it. His voice booms through my ears as he roars at me to let him in, threatening me with violent consequences.

My eyebrows knit tightly as sweat drips down my forehead. Every time Kamil pushes at the door he knocks me back a little, making me weaker and much more tired. I bite down on my lips as I struggle to keep up a good fight until I internally scream at myself.

You are not a quitter!

My emotions may be getting the best of me and my strength may be deotrorating but I will not let him win.

"ALVINA!" Kamil bellows from the other side of the door, trudging his arm against it. He slides his hand through the closing gap and tries to grab my hair but I instantly lean away. "I'M GETTING IN, THEN YOU'LL SEE-"

He suddenly cries out in pain and his hand slips away from the gap once I build up extra strength to push back against the door instead of just using force to stop him from entering.

I hear him crashing against the floor, screaming in agony whilst yelling out curse words. I take no time to slam my door shut and immediately lock the door to ensure that he doesn't get in although I'm slightly worried that he might just break through. 

I exhale and spin to place my back on my door, closing my eyes and trying to calm my self down by trying to return my breathing back to its normal pace.

Images come swirling into my mind from what just happened a few minutes ago and the feel of Kamil's hand makes its way back into my senses. I feel his hot breath as he whispers into my ear, sending my stomach in a knot.

He didn't just take it that far. He didn't just do that. This isn't what you think it is, you're okay. It didn't happen, nothing happened.

My breath hitches in my throat and I find myself crying, tears streaming down my burning face. My chest heaves up and down as sobs escape my quivering lips and the lump in my throat grows bigger than ever.

I slide my back down my door and hit the ground, bringing my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. Rocking myself back and forth, I try to calm down but in all honesty, I can't.

I struggle to breathe and begin to gasp for air: here we go again with another panic attack.

My vision is blurry when I raise my head up finally after God knows how long but I don't fail to recognise the fact that my room is spinning.

Kamil's yelling starts to fade away and is replaced with a familiar ringing sound, zooming through my ears.

I exhale and find my hand travelling up to my neck to hold my neckchain. I stare down at the entriquette design for a while before planting a soft kiss against it.

I wish you were here, Baba.


Wow, Kamil. You really had to just ruin Alvina's night!
Who else hates the guy? LOL!
Anyway, hope you're ready for what's coming!

- LazyHijabi

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