Boys are Mean

By UltraMist35

110K 3.9K 279

So my life was perfect once, till they showed up. The Clark brothers, the devils who love to bully me at ever... More

The Clarks
Your the moving men!
Where is she?
Lock the door
Please no!
Yes baby
Just breath.
Sit! Now Stay!

They Came Back!

14.1K 452 72
By UltraMist35

Amber Winster Pov

"Mom! Who is moving in next door!" I yelled from my room up stairs when I herd a big truck drive up to the house that has been empty for eleven years.

That's right people eleven years,I assumed it was abandon after the the neighbor hood family bullies left. I remember begging my mom to try and burn the place down so that way all the memories of that place could finally be put to rest and no one could live next door. But mom said that it was bad to burn down houses.

what ever.

I keep get flash backs of those bullies, The douche bags were call Brick and Ryder but well known as the "The perfectly identical twins" or "The Clark Brothers". Apparently since I was the only one that could tell them apart in this forsaken town they decided to target me for their messed up fun.  Everyone says that there is no way to tell them apart even though I pointed out numerous times that Brick is the bigger twin or that  Ryder has a scar right above his left eyebrow, no body believed me no matter what I said. But the truly messed up part was that our houses where built in a way that our rooms were practically next to each other.  

They used to pick on every little thing about me from being the tallest kid in class, having no boobs, having braces, for being ugly, or clothes that weren't super in fashion, and than they would trash all my school supplies every damn day. After the incident happened that is when other people started to step in along with police, lets just say that my self-esteem was at dangerous low point

But after those jerk wads moved away i was finally able to make some friends, I didn't have to worry about any one I talk to running away because they were around. I grew out of a lot of people call my ugly duckling phase to apparently now being a swan. I don't believe people when they say I am pretty because my self-esteem is still not as high I would like it to be. After I hit puberty in high school that when my boobs came in and it seemed like my ass just grew bigger, I remember getting really bad growing pains during the summer that it was just to painful to move at all. I went from being a tall skinny kid to now a girl with too many curves and wishing that there was less people trying to joke that they want to go out with me.

"Its the Clark family sweety! Remember those boys you used to play with? They are moving back in next door. They are also invited for dinner so remember to behave yourself!" Mom yelled back and I felt my world was crumbling around me. No way!

They can't be back! There is now way that they are the ones moving in next door. I will not let them push me back into the life I had before they moved away!

I ran down stairs to try and get a look at who was moving in, and all I saw where the backs of the moving guys. Where are they?

Paranoia started to set in on not being able to spot their appearances of them moving in. Wait where they already over in my house? No way. Right? Of course they wouldn't be here until it was time to eat. Yeah. They are not in this house! Or are they walking into this house by the back door? No way, the door is in the kitchen and Mom have called me in to say "Hi" to them. I wonder if those moving guys are seeing anyone? Wait! Where the hell did that thought come from?

The two moving guys where hot as hell! Both supper fit, and the way their shirts hugged them was like watching an naughty movie. I wonder if I could hire them to move the furniture in my room, but Just thinking about talking to them was making my face feel hot. Why couldn't those guys move in? At least than I would some hot pieces of candy to stare at.

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