The creature deep within

By Udumise

68 34 2

a simple man becomes a victim of a terrible experiment that turned into a vicious creature and placed itself... More

When I was human
The beast unleashed
On the run
The baby's arrival
The new ability
The comet
The beast vs the slayer
The tournament
The cold
Dariella's parents
The big mistake
The return
Phase three
The Beast Colony
Back to Silverdale
The mutant phase
Q&A (Questions & Answers)
Clarence and Lorelei (Origins)

On the run from Lance

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By Udumise

Clarence has been through enough but it looks although his problems are going to follow him for the rest of his life. Clarence was at the gym working out like he had never worked out in his entire life. Clarence was punching the punchbag with all his strength and anger. Clarence grunted viciously as he punched the punchbag,eventually the punchbag ripped and all its contents fell to the ground. Clarence panted heavily "Hey Mitch get me another punchbag" said Clarence. "No man this is the 10th punchbag you've broke,just... relax,anyway why are you doing this?asked Mitch. "I need to protect my family I have kids so you wouldn't understand" said Clarence. "Actually I will understand soon cause Lorean is..." said Mitch. "Lorean is what?asked Clarence. "She'" replied Mitch. "Whoa pregnant how?asked Clarence. "We made love unprotected cause we were you know...drunk" replied Mitch. "I told you guys to take it easy with the drinks and now look where that got you,about to have a kid" said Clarence. "I'm gonna be a dad man" said Mitch. "Too bad man Lance Monaco has been released from prison and Lorean is one sneaky dame" said Clarence as he took off his shirt. "No man she's sweet she would never do that,if she's anything she's gorgeous" said Mitch. "She is good-looking but don't come crying to me when she stabs your back" said Clarence. "No she won't" said Mitch hysterically. "Seriously she will stab your back not with knife with a trident or something" said Clarence. "Whoa are you serious?asked Mitch. "I'm being damn serious man she isn't the girl you think she is,let me give you some of my advice:if she says she loves you she's cheating on you,if she's cheating on another man and you don't know then the man all of a sudden meets you,she will lie" said Clarence. "Whoa and how do you know this?asked Mitch as he stroked his chin. "We kinda dated" said Clarence. "What?you and Lorean were dating?asked Mitch. "Yes I'll tell you how this happened" said Clarence. "I'm all ears" said Mitch. "Okay I was in prison in the exercise yard and lifted a 2 ton weight,Lorean saw me and told me to meet her at the prisons warehouse. I came we kinda kissed then she left,then the next day i had to start a riot I went to my cell she came and we k...kissed then Lance saw us and had haterd for me ever since and then she told him that I forced her to kiss me she said I threatened her with a knife" said Clarence. "Whoa so she's a bad apple?asked Mitch. "I think we can both agree on the evidence yes she is a bad apple" said Clarence. "You know I just wanted you to tell me the story so that you could calm down before you start with another punchbag" laughed Mitch. "Man you are crazy,come on let's go home" laughed Clarence. They drove home as the sky darkened. Mitch immediately went to bed with Lorean. Clarence walked up to Natashas room and saw her getting dressed. "Oh sorry" said Clarence. "Sorry didn't know you were coming just wait I'm putting on my shirt" said Natasha. "You done?asked Clarence. "Wait... okay done" said Natasha. Clarence entered the room "Hey Natasha Mitch told me that sapphirius rosius gives me rage so if I like turn into a rage monster I want you to shoot me in the head okay" said Clarence. "With pleasure" said Natasha as she crossed her arms. Clarence laughed and walked to his room. He got into bed with Lorelei and said" Goodnight babe". Lorelei yawned as she said "Goodnight" and she kissed him. The next day Clarence got up early and ran to the city's abandoned building. He took  the bricks and stacked them up to make a pillar,he spread cement across the pillar. He looked around for witnesses and he transformed his arm. He touched the cement and it immediately dried. "Nice" said Clarence. He started punching the pillar. But after 8 punches the pillar fell but it landed on a house. "Uh oh got to go" said Clarence as he ran. But as he ran a toddler appeared in front of him "Whoa sir your arm it was... so big,can you teach me how to do that?asked the boy. "Sorry not everyone can do it" replied Clarence. "Please sir there's a boy at school that bullies me" said the boy. "Oh let me teach you how to fight come with me" said Clarence. "Okay" said the boy. Clarence walked to the gym and the boy followed him. Once they got there Clarence lifted a punchbag for the boy. "Okay boy I want you to punch this with all your strength" said Clarence. The boy pulled back his arm and punched the punchbag. "Okay try to punch it harder to improve your strength and focus" said Clarence. "I'm trying" said the boy. "C'mon use your anger,think about the bully,imagine his face on the punchbag" said Clarence. The boys frowned with his eyebrows and punched the punchbag,the punchbag ripped and all the contents fell. "Good job" said Clarence. "I think I'm ready" said the boy. "Really?,are you sure?asked Clarence. "Yes I'm going to the bullies hideout" said the boy. "Okay" said Clarence. "But can you please come with me?asked the boy. "Okay why?asked Clarence. "He might ambush me" replied the boy. Clarence nodded his head and followed the boy to the bullies hideout. Once they got there Clarence heard a lot of shouting. "Can you check if there's anyone?asked the boy. Clarence nodded his head and walked into the hideout but the boy pushed him. "Hey what are you doing?asked Clarence but the door closed behind him. "Hey let me out!yelled Clarence. Clarence turned around and saw a shadowy figure standing in the distance. "Hey can you help me get out of here?asked Clarence. "Oh I'll help you get out of my life!yelled the figure. "That voice I recognise it" thought Clarence. "You stole everything of mine,now I shall steal your privilege of living!yelled the figure. "That Samoan accent...the crazy it,Lance" thought Clarence. The figure walked closer and Clarence saw Lance. "De jah vu Clarence" said Lance. "Lance I knew it was you" said Clarence. "So you were gullible to think that boy was being bullied,that boy is Trevors son" said Lance. "Oh I knew there was something up with that boy" said Clarence. "So I now know what you meant by infection" said Lance. "Leave me alone or I will transform" said Clarence. "Relax,I just wanted to return a favour" said Lance. "A fav..." said Clarence but he got ambushed. Clarence woke up in a lab tied to a stretcher. "Guys he's waking up" said Lance. "Where am I?asked Clarence sleepily. "In my lab" said Lance. "Sir we've neutralised the blood allowing your veins to cultivate when you transform" said one of the scientists. "Use your words Percy" said Lance. "Um... you can use the blood to transform so your veins become thicker making you apparently stronger than our subject" said Percy. "Good,thanks for using your words Percy,but how do I transform?asked Lance. "When in:anger,frustration,annoyance or depression or when you cry" said Percy. "Good then this should work" said Lance as he pricked his finger and poured lemon juice over his finger. Lance started screaming and breathing heavily,he transformed but his strings were black and white his eyes turned white. The Lance beast punched Clarence in his stomach multiple times while laughing. Clarence started screaming and transformed. The Clarence beast got up and punched the Lance beast. The Lance beast strangled the Clarence beast tightly with its astronomical hands. The Clarence beast punched the Lance beast and sprung into the air and landed on a mountain but the Lance beast followed. Once the Clarence beast landed the Lance beast landed on top of him. The Lance beast smiled and said in a deep voice "You took everything from me now I shall take your life away,you got my girlfriend pregnant,it was you!,am I right?. The Clarence beast wasn't able to speak because it didn't have a good vocabulary but to Lances surprise the Clarence beast yelled in a loud,deep and vicious voice "NO". The Lance beast looked at the Clarence beast and asked "Who then?. The Clarence beast stared at the Lance beast for a while and said "Mitch". "Lead me to Mitch" said the Lance beast. The Clarence beast looked at his shin and grabbed it,he threw the Lance beast into and through the mountain. The Lance beast transformed into Lance unconscious. The Clarence pressed his hand against Lances face,Lances face started burning and bleeding. The Clarence beast stopped and ran home. Lorelei heard heavy knocking on the door. "Coming" said Lorelei. The knocking started getting louder and faster. "I said I am coming" said Lorelei. The knocking started cracking the door. "Hey who do you think you are?,to just come here and..." said Lorelei but to her surprise it was the beast. "Clarence w...what?,how are we going to get you in?asked Lorelei. The beast pointed at the sky. "Oh it's raining...why don't you force your way?,okay?asked Lorelei. The beast nodded his head and walked in. Mitch walked into the room. "Whoa hey we are not bringing him in" said Mitch. "It's raining please?,you know what happens when he makes contact with water" said Lorelei. "Okay fine bring him in" said Mitch. "He's stuck" said Lorelei. "Wait if you're going to help him put these gloves on" said Mitch. Lorelei put the gloves on and started pulling the beast arm but just after she made contact with his hands he transformed into Clarence. "Oh that was easy" said Mitch. "Where were you?asked Mitch. Clarences only response to his question was "Lance he...can transform". "Lance can transform?,how?asked Mitch. "My blood" said Clarence as he fell to the ground. "I knew it!,Clarence,Clarence wake up man,he's out cold let's take him to bed" said Mitch. They carried him to bed slowly,"Why's he so heavy?asked Lorelei. "Because of the infection and sapphirius rosius,it gave his human form some of the beasts qualities" replied Mitch. They placed him on the bed and Lorelei slept with him. Mitch went to his room and slept. In the morning Clarence heard knocking on the door. He opened it and saw a muscular man by the door with a knife and a gun,he had a black hair and brown eyes. Just then Mitch walked into the room "Whoa who's that?,the is that Lance?asked Mitch. "No it's not him Mitch" replied Clarence. The man looked at Mitch and said "Mitch". "Do we know each other?or are you coming for my 36th birthday because you are a little early plus you didn't get an invitation" said Mitch. The man ran and tackled Mitch "Whoa okay man you're invited" said Mitch. The man picked Mitch up and threw him out of his glass sliding door. "Whoa man no need to get violent over a birthday party" said Mitch. The man screamt and tackled Mitch,they both landed in Mitchs pool. Clarence ran outside and jumped into the pool,he strangled the man but the man punched Clarence. The man took his head out of the water and tried to drown Mitch. Clarence grabbed the man by his leg and threw him out the pool along with Mitch. The man got up and ran for Mitch but Clarence tackled the man and started punching him. The man started bleeding rapidly. Mitch got up and tried to pull Clarence away from the man but Clarence pushed him. Natasha ran into the room and immediately took out her gun. "Whoa hold your fire,do not fire" said Mitch. "He told me to,now move!said Natasha. Lorelei ran into the room and said "Don't shoot dammit". Natasha frowned and shot. The bullet travelled to Clarence but as it made contact with Clarence it got damaged instead of him getting damaged. Lorelei ran to Clarence and put her hand on his cheek and said "Clarence stop". Clarence stopped and said "It's okay I'm keeping this imbecile alive I want him to give Lance a message,tell Lance it's going to take more than a muscular Samoan to stop me!. The man nodded his head and ran to Lances hideout. "I don't think he wanted to come to your birthday party" said Clarence. "Too bad it was gonna be a good party plenty of cake and I was gonna buy a Jacuzzi" said Mitch. "We don't have time to do party planning" said Clarence. "Oh my bad" said Mitch. Just then the government supervisor walked into the house and said" Clarence Jones we have information that you are the beast that has been causing all the destruction you are coming with us". They took Clarence and put him in a helicopter along with Lorelei. As they flew the pilot saw on his city camera that there was another beast but it was black and white. "Sir the beast is in the street" said one of the soldiers on the radio. The pilot looked back and saw Clarence,he turned back and said over the radio "I've got him you get a hold of yourself young man". Clarence got up and looked at the city camera and said" Oh no Lance" said Clarence. "Wait there's another one of you?asked the pilot. "Apparently don't worry I'll stop him" replied Clarence. "Okay I'm gonna land us near it" said the pilot. "No keep us high,open the hatch" said Clarence. Clarence walked to the edge and Lorelei ran after him. "Wait Clarence this is insane,you don't have to do this" said Lorelei. "Lorelei I've gotta try I'm sorry" said Clarence as he leaned over to kiss her. He kissed her and let go of her hands. Lorelei walked into the helicopter. The pilot turned around and asked "So if he dies you're single right?. "This is not the time for flirting" said Lorelei. "Jeez lady just making small talk" said the pilot. Meanwhile Clarence was falling to the ground trying to transform,he closed his eyes in hope that he would transform but he didn't. "Oh sh..." said Clarence but he crashed into the street. Lorelei thought he might've died "Okay now I'm single" she said. The pilot thrusted his fist. But Lorelei saw the beast get up. "Oh never mind I'm not single anymore" she said. The pilot stopped smiling. The beast saw the Lance beast and the Lance beast saw the Clarence beast. The Clarence beast punched the Lance beast into the abandoned building. The helicopters propeller stopped working and the helicopter crashed next to the two beasts. The Lance beast pinned the Clarence beast against the wall. The Lance beast grew a spike on his elbows,heels and knees. The Lance beast said" You don't deserve this power now watch her die" as he stabbed him with his spike. The helicopters gas made a puddle and sparks were flying one landed in the puddle. The helicopter set alight. The Clarence beast grabbed the Lance beasts spike and ripped out of his elbow and stabbed him with it. The Lance beast screamt and fell. The Clarence beast ran to the helicopter and clapped his hands,the flames dissappeared. The Lance beast got up and the Clarence beast punched him. The Clarence beast took a chain that was attached to two pieces of a stone pillar and used it to strangle the Lance beast. "STOP!yelled Lorelei. The beast looked at Lorelei and let go of the chain and kicked the Lance beast. The beast transformed into Clarence and hugged Lorelei. The police waited for the Lance beast to transform into Lance,after that they took him to jail once again. Clarence and Lorelei and left things as they were. Guys chapter 10 is gonna be a good one.

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