Back to Silverdale

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After the series of phase three that Clarence survived,the gang decided to leave New York City and find another place. Everyone was clueless of where they were going except for the man suffering the most,Clarence. "Clarence,where are we going?"asked Mitch. "Somewhere" said Clarence. "It is not the time for sarcasm,dude! Just talk" said Mitch. "Well our location is for me to know and you to find out" said Clarence. "Wait!,I recognize that scent!,Silverdale?"asked Mitch. "Mm-hm" hummed Clarence. "Why are we going back there?"asked Mitch. Clarence sighed. "I missed it,and the S.S.I might not be still hunting me" said Clarence. "You have got a point" said Mitch. "Yeah,oof!"said Clarence as the speed boat came to a complete stop and the vibration faded. "Whoa" said Lorean. Clarence jumped into the water and his body adapted to the aquatic current. Gills formed in his neck and on his ribs. His fingers and toes became webbed,soon Clarence was breathing just fine. He saw a fish stuck in the propeller. "Dé Jah Vu" thought Clarence. He grabbed the fish and threw it upwards onto the speed boat deck. Clarence got onto the boat and sat. "You didn't have to do that,dad" said Rebecca. "You guys were going to ask me to do it anyway" said Clarence. "Busted" said Mitch. Clarence chuckled. A wave tumbled over the speed boat and flipped it over. Everyone was drenched in water. Mitch flipped the speed boat back over and got almost everyone on board. "Where are Clarence and Dariella?"asked Lorean. "I couldn't see 'em" said Mitch. Clarence and Dariella had been submerged under the water laying limber. Clarence woke up and saw his wife's motionless body lying limber. Clarence swam to her body in a rush but as he tried to pull her upwards,he saw her leg was stuck in a field of coral. He breathed into her and she woke up immediately. Dariella could breathe perfectly. Clarence grabbed a rock and hit the coral with it until it shattered. They both swam upwards but Dariella's air ran out. She fell limber again. Another wave tumbled again and submerged them even lower. Clarence breathed into her again and they carried on swimming upwards. Clarence got Dariella on board as well as himself. Clarence panted heavily and sat back. "You're alive!"said Mitch. "Yeah,we...we made it" said Clarence. "Man,it's getting dark" said Mitch. "We should hurry up" said Clarence. As the sky darkened the waves got rougher and wilder. Everyone was asleep except Clarence because he had to drive the boat in order to hurry the process up. A wave slammed into the boat and Clarence fell over. He immediately adapted to the water. He swam upwards but got bumped into a rock by a hammerhead shark. Clarence grabbed the shark by its tail and threw it away from him. Clarence carried on swimming upwards. He climbed onto the boat and accelerated way faster than before. The scent in Clarence' nose started getting much more clear. "We're almost there" said Clarence. Clarence sped the boat up. Lorean woke up. "How do you manage?"asked Lorean. "Manage what?"asked Clarence. "How do you manage having sleepless nights?"asked Lorean. "If the beast doesn't sleep,...neither do I" said Clarence. "Nice,I like an active man" said Lorean. "Can't you keep yourself busy?"asked Clarence. "I can by thinking of you" said Lorean. "Go back to sleep" said Clarence. Lorean sighed. "Why do you hate me?"asked Lorean. "I don't hate you,I just hate the things you do" answered Clarence. "I guess I'll try to stop myself" said Lorean. "Thanks" said Clarence. Lorean leaned in for a hug and Clarence hugged her back. "You can let go of me,now" said Clarence. "I need to savour the moment" said Lorean. "I need to drive the boat" said Clarence. Lorean kept quiet. Clarence threw his shoe at the auto-pilot switch. The boat carried on forth. "Hey!,I can see Silverdale" said Clarence. After a few hours Lorean finally let go of Clarence and they reached Silverdale. "Land ho'!"said Clarence as he shook everyone until they woke up. "You're not a pirate,dude" said Mitch. "Yeah but it feels good" said Clarence. Clarence got off the boat and walked forth. The entire city scattered in fear of Clarence. A team of police officers shot at Clarence. Clarence looked at a wall that had a paper with Clarence' face that wrote:"Report if seen". "Damn!"said Clarence. The bullets ricocheted off of Clarence. Clarence walked towards his old house,opened it and saw a family watching television. "Sorry" said Clarence. "It's the man from the telly,father" said a girl who sounded British. Clarence closed the door. "I am not an enemy to Silverdale,not that I ever was,I want to make peace with all of you,I have seen the error of my ways,please lay your weapons down,I'm not going to fight or cause trouble and if I don't deliver that you may strike me down,...if you can" yelled Clarence to the police and Mayor. "So if you go beserk,we get to contain you?,do we have a deal?"asked the Mayor. "Deal" sighed Clarence. "Keep your end of the deal,remember" said the Mayor. "Yeah,yeah,a man is nothing without his word" said Clarence. The rest of the gang walked toward Clarence. "Looks like we're going to need to get accommodation" said Mitch. "I have a house prepared for you" said the Mayor. "Well we'll take it" said Clarence. The Mayor led them to a beige house with a red roof. "Is it furnished?"asked Mitch. "Of course it is" said the Mayor. "Just a question" said Mitch. "Well are you going to get in?,it is your house after all" said the Mayor. They walked into their house and saw luxury furniture,flat screen televisions,floors made from marble stone and a good-looking couch. "Not bad" said Clarence. "The finest quality of houses,enjoy,...for now" said the Mayor. They lived there onwards.

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