OMG I'm in Supernatural?

By jazzyCrazy

466K 13.9K 5.4K

Mackinley Lesdi woke up next to a garbage skip, next to a handsome guy who just happenes to be Dean Wincheste... More

OMG I'm in Supernatural?
#1 Diner fun. Or not.
#2 Castiel tells some shocking news (and totally surprising.)
#3 Dean gets old. (evil laugh.) Only funny after he doesn't die.
#4 Abandon all hope
#6 Sorry.
#7 Shut up.
#8 Amen.
#9 Why, oh why can he not die?
#10 Cheese chili hamburger.
#11 Deli's suck.
# 12 Serioudly a salad again?
#13 I took three actually
#14 I am always right!
#15 1978-Shops are closed on Sunday.
#16 I love you
#17 Molly Christian Winchester.
#19 Djinn
#20 where is she?
#21 The end is never far.

#5 Shut it Cas.

21K 759 303
By jazzyCrazy

Dedicated to everyone who reads this story :) I hope you enjoy. It's short, as are all the chapters but I hope you enjoy. Pic- (Misha Collins)  Cas getting drunk :) I love everyone who comments/votes/adds to libary/like and I love you all for reading!!!

(There are probably spelling and grammer errors. Sorry in advanced :))

"Save Dean?" Jo laughed. I had the necessary urge to punch her. I didn't, because of course that would be rude.

I smiled at her and sat on the counter of Bobby's kitchen.

"You can believe what you want," I shrugged pulling a disinterested expression, "what's the plan?"

"The Colt..." Dean began.

"That's the cool demon killing gun right?" Dean gave me a frustrated look.

"Yes you dumbass," Jo crossed her arms.

"The name calling is unnecessary," I said as if she hurt me. I still wanted to deck her.

"Oh did I hurt your tanned feelings?" Jo pouted.

I rolled my eyes, "Do you like my tan?" Dean gave me a harsh look, "So you've found the gun. Where're we getting it from?"

"It's more like who are we stealing it from?" Jo muttered.

"Stealing again?" I shook my head staring at Sammy and Dean. They stole. A lot.

"What is this barbie doing with you too?" Jo looked disgusted. Her skinny arms wrapped around her torso.

"What's a barbie?" I glared at Jo. I pulled a confused face. I still wanted to punch hair. I bet she wanted to the same. I've never been in a catfight before. First time for everything.

"Will you two shut up!" Ellen stared at Jo angrily.

"It's not my fault she's so stu..."

"Jo is going to knock on Crowley's mansion asking for some kind of car help. Dean and I are going to sneak in and steal the gun," Sam said running his hand through his thick brown hair. I took this as a sign that he was worried. Very worried.

"I'll go get ready," I watched Jo saunter off upstairs with a huge grin, Ellen followed behind. I pulled a face to Jo's back, only to stop because of Dean's tight lipped expression. I wanted to punch not only Jo but Dean as well.

"What?" I asked, "why can't I help? Why does little Miss No-it-all have to help?"

"Because Jo has more experience than you," Dean said. I blushed deeply. He had no idea how right he was. In other ways. If you know what I mean.

I looked around the kitchen ignoring that Dean was stepping closer and closer. Sam and Bobby, who had gone off leaving me alone. Me alone with Dean. Dean alone with me. Us alone together! My knees were touching his waist.

"Blushing," he ran his hand across my cheek. I shivered. It was innocent enough but...there is always a but in Dean's situation...but it was His finger was gentle but firm as he moved my chin so I was forced to look directly at him.

His green eyes were light, like bright emeralds. He really was unfairly beautiful. Is it possible to pass on beauty, coz I sure as hell wouldn't have minded some. I could smell him pretty good. God damn, the man smelt fine. Leather and musk. Yum!

I licked my lips, his eyes were drawn to my movement. Like the Apocalypse that was sure to come, our lips crushed together. Gerald was a crappy kisser compared to Dean. Dean was like god. In the kissing department. He would've owned it all.

His slowly dragged his right hand away from my chin and placed it behind my neck. The kiss was passionate and fast. Probably all the sexual tension there had been between us. Trust me, there had been quite a bit. There was a little niggle at the back of mind. Okay, it was my mother's voice screaming you are fornicating in public! You dirty whore.

 I couldn't help but moan, at that moment all I really wanted to do was take Dean Winchester to bed. Something I'd actually never done. I was starting to realize why Gerald cheated. I just didn't put out easy. I wanted to wait until marriage. Trivial but true. I at twenty three was still very much a virgin. I bet Jo wasn't a virgin. Oh, god. I shook away from that thought.  I found myself moving with him and bringing him closer. I locked my legs around his back. I could feel his "attraction" towards me. Hot damn. I had never felt so good. Like fireworks that have just exploded. Hot and dangerous.


I yelped, tearing apart from Dean and pushing him back a bit. I looked over to Sammy covering his eyes in the kitchen doorway.

"Oh my god! I fornicated in public," I blushed deeper than beetroot. I would never be able to look Sammy, or Dean in the eyes ever again.

"That was not fornicating," Dean shook his head.

"Yeah it was," I wasn't a fan of PDA. My mother's words coming back to bite me in the butt; only dirty whores kiss in public. It is for the bedroom only. That was always the funny thing, she had no problem with us doing it (we never actually did the full Monty) in the bedroom. But never in public.

"You don't have to worry Sammy that will not be happening again," I reassured him, getting off the counter and looking through Bobby's fridge.

"Why not? You liked it," Dean protested, I could hear his pout.

I grabbed a beer from the fridge. I opened it and downed some.

"How do you know that?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"You kissed my back," he grinned arrogantly, "and you moaned like a little pus..."

"That is quite enough," my voice had hitched higher. How dare he say that in front of me! "I'll be outside."

"Probably just cooling off. I am pretty hot."

"Arrogant pig," I muttered.


Castiel was drinking shots. He was on his fifteenth. He was still fine. I hadn't done any. I had watched Ellen do some but I still really wanted to see Castiel get drunk. Sam and Dean were pacing up and Bobby's living room. Apparently it had gone "too" well. Crowley the "demon" had handed them the gun. Like just given them the gun. They think it's a trap, it probably is but they do have the gun.

Sam and Dean were talking.

"You still not feeling anything?" I asked Cas.

He smiled sweetly "I think I feel a slight tickle."

"Damn it that is so cool. Although how do you drown your sorrows?"

"What sorrows?" Cas asked with laugh.

"Where you being sarcastic?"

"The one time I am and nobody gets it," he shook his head.

"Fail," Jo called.

She walked off to the kitchen and Dean followed. Hell, no.

I sneaked around the corner. "What are we doing?" Cas said behind me. For an angel he was really not getting the sneakiness of this situation.

"Sneaking, now be quiet."

What I found in the kitchen was Jo and Dean wrapped in a kiss. Oh! I was going to kill Dean Winchester. Not that I expected anything less, but what a douche.

"I would harm him for you if I could," Castiel wrapped his arms around me, in a slightly awkward but still very welcomed hug.

"Yeah, but you can't because he is Micheal's vessel. I know." I took Castiel's hand and dragged him back to the Jack Daniel bottle in the living room. I poured Cas and myself a drink. Dean came out the kitchen looking flustered. I downed the drink.

"Having fun?" I said with a grin. The only thing Dean and I had was sexual attraction. Nothing more. (That's what I was telling my brain)

"No," he groaned his hair was messy, "look..."

"I don't care Dean," I laughed but it didn't sound right even to my ears, "in fact quite the opposite."

But my mother's voice was nagging at me liar, liar blond hair on fire.

I smiled and turned to Cas who was now on his twentieth shot.

"Nice Cas."

"If I make it to thirty can I have a kiss?"

"No, Castiel. You're much to pure to kiss."

"Not true," he looked at me with his eyebrows raised, "you're the pure one. The innocent..."

"Shut it Cas," I snapped. How the hell did Castiel know I was still a virgin?

"I can read minds."


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