Arranged Love: Juliana's Stor...

By DarkMoon

397K 6.5K 406

Juliana Draco receives the dreaded and long awaited red envelope on her 20th birthday. The contents of the en... More

Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 1
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 2
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 3
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 5
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 6
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 7
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 8
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 9
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 10
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 11
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 12
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 13
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 14
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 15
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 16
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 17
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 18
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 19
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 20
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 21
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 22
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 23
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 24
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 25

Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 4

18.7K 322 27
By DarkMoon

Arranged Love: Juliana's Story

Chapter 4

Dammit! I thought as I awoke early the next morning to the bright sunlight shining through the window. I had forgotten to close the curtains last night. Cristina was thankfully still asleep but then that girl could sleep through anything. Huh, wonder where she gets that from—Oh yeah her madre (mother). Well, I could either crawl back into bed and go back to sleep or get up to unload the car. Before I made that choice however I checked Tina's diaper bag and it looked like Rina had packed it for her extra set of clothes where little black cargo pants which I don't remember getting for her or even wanted to know where Rina got them and a cute dark red shirt that said "CUTIE." Looks like I'm getting up to unpack the car. Tina needed new pants there was no way I was putting her in black and I need clothes! I'd forgotten to do laundry yesterday and all I had left was black cargo pants and a black cami top that said, "I am a princess who can slay my own dragons and I can dream my own dreams. My knight in shining armor is me, and I'm gonna set me free." Rina and I had designed it on some website a year ago. It was one of my favorite shirts despite that it being black. At a snail's pace I walked to get a shower, after which I dressed in the clean clothes that I had left, being completely lazy I left my hair down and grabbed my black canvas high tops.

I headed quietly out of the house with keys in one pocket, phone in another and a baby monitor attached firmly on my hip. First chore was to find clothes and since Koran had said that Gabriel packed the car I had no idea where anything was. After about 5 minutes of digging and pulling stuff out of my Ford Escape and getting nowhere real fast I called Rina.

"Ciao, Liana." Came Rina's all too cheery voice for this early in the morning. I hate her first thing in the morning. She is always far too happy first thing in the morning.

"Ciao, Rina. Perché ha fatto il pacchetto di Gabriel sull'automobile? Lo ho pensato dove supponga per farlo. (Why the hell did Gabriel pack up the car? I thought you where suppose to do it.)"

"Poiché ha fatto una certa minaccia. Mi non conosca che cosa circa realmente non stava ascoltando. (Because he made some threat. Don't know what about I really wasn't listening.)"

"Che cosa?! Lo ha minacciato? È guasto non solo per l'imballaggio dell'automobile tutto lo stupida come ma anche per minacciarlo. (What?! He threatened you?! He is dead not only for packing the car all stupid like but also for threatening you.)"

"Così siete ancora pazzo? (So are you still mad?)"

"¡Gee qué le dio esa idea?! (Gee what gave you that idea?!)" I yelled in Spanish. When I am ticked off I have a tendency to change languages in the middle of an argument. As long as I didn't start speaking German, Rina could keep up with all the changes besides that she was use to it.

"Era Cris o el coche. Pensé que usted pissed si él no le trajo detrás Cris. (It was Cris or the car. I thought you would be pissed if he didn't bring you back Cris.)"

"Le daré eso pero las gracias a usted Sadie tienen whacked hacia fuera ahora para soportar. Estaba encima la mayor parte de de la noche con ella le agradezco mucho. (I'll give you that but thanks to you Sadie has a whacked out stomach now. I was up most of the night with her thank you very much.)" Jeez what kind of person tries to feed my dog Turkey and Rice when she is on Chicken and Rice? Talk about one messed up stomach for the poor puppy.

"¿Cómo es que mi avería? Gabriel era el que le dio Sadie en el primer lugar. Èl debe saber cuál dar el perro. Liana santo de la mierda! (How is that my fault? Gabriel was the one that gave you Sadie in the first place. He should know what to give the dog. Holy crap Liana.)"

"Don't holy crap me! He hasn't had to take care of Sadie for long periods of time and no I wasn't going to leave her with mamma she'd ended up being scared for life!" I yelled in English. Good thing Rina was use to this and could keep up.

"Chill drama queen. You should've written him a how to on taking care of the dog then."

"That is what you where there for smart alec!"

"Um, you've seen mine and Gabriel relationship, right? Need I say more."

"It is to early for this shit Rina. Where are mine and Tina's clothes in this mess?"

"OK, first off you yell at me for cussing and second did you look in the back seat? I think that's where he put it not sure since he was bitching about something."

"Now is so not the time Rina. Yes, I check the back seat. Guess again Sherlock."

"Do you have to be so mean? Then check the trunk. I'm starting to wonder who the blond one is here."

"It is you. Forget it I am calling Gabriel. Oh and I know it was you who packed Tina's extra clothes. Black pants Rina really? The poor baby is like her madre (mother), she had practically no hair and everyone already thinks she is a boy."

"Um duh! Do you really think I was going to leave Cris alone with "Mr. I can't do anything with my baby"? Oh come on Liana they aren't that bad. Just match them up with one of those awful pink shirts you already have for her."

"Thanks, sis that makes me feel so much better about her having black pants. I am calling Gabriel he has a lot to answer for and I'll scream at you later today. Enjoy class!" I said the last part all cheery like just to bug her.

"Ugh! You had to remind me, jerk. Anyway give my niece a kiss for me and when your done being pissed at Gabriel call me back and you can scream at me some more."

"You can count on it. Have fun and don't get into trouble. Love you."

"OK twice at the most. I get bored—what do you want me to do? Actually behave myself? Right on the day hell freezes over we'll see. Oh and love you too. Don't kill your fiancé too much—I can't explain that to mamma.”

"Sure sure, I'll try. Bye Rina."

"Bye sis." Well, that was totally not helpful to me and I am pretty sure Gabriel is still sleeping. Perfect time to give him a little wake up call.

"Ugh! Ana do you have any idea what time it is?" Came the groggy sleep filled voice of Gabriel.

"I have a perfect idea of what time it is. I am just not in the mood to be nice to the maniac who packed my car so stupidly that I can't find anything that I need. Also you know better then to threaten my baby sister." I all but shouted at him. No one but me and my brother had the right to threaten my baby sister. As Rina puts it I am a mother bear with anger issues but then again what mother bear doesn’t have anger issues?

"Crap, guess you talked to your sister first."

"Gee what was your first clue Sherlock? I was hoping she would know how the morion that packed my car packed it so I could find the stuff I need first thing this morning.” I really wasn't happy. One I am not a morning person and two who would pack a car so random that it was a mix of everything but what the person needed? Somewhere in yelling at Gabriel I heard the front door open. I kinda hope that I didn’t wake up Koran cause that is just a rude awaking for anyone.

"Wen schreist du an? (Who are you screaming at?)" Asked Koran as he came up next to me.

"Den Idioten, der mein Auto gepackt hat. (The idiot who packed my car.)" I answered him. "Where are the clothes Gabriel?" I yelled into my phone.

"In the middle I think. Somewhere between the backseat and the trunk." Oh that is a real confident buster there.

"¡Ahora con qué usted amenazó a mi hermana?! (Now what the hell did you threaten my sister with?)" I asked into the phone before turned to Koran. "Können Sie den, Stamm zu leeren beenden, während ich anfange, den Rücksitz zu leeren? (Can you finish unloading the trunk while I start unloading the backseat?") With a nod of his head he moved to unload stuff from the trunk while I started with the backseat and still on the phone with Gabriel who I wasn't done with yet.

"It was just some stupid little thing she doesn't want you to find out about. Why don't you ask your sister?" I'm guessing he is just going to continue on in English why I continue on in Spanish. That works for me.

"¿Mi hermana escucha nunca usted? (Does my sister ever listen to you?)"


"Exactly! Now are you going to tell or do I have to make one of my own?"

"Later Ana, I'll tell you later all right? Just cool down some. I'll talk to you later Ana."

"Bye, Gabriel." I hung up and huffed.

This had been one heck of a morning and no where near over yet. Koran looked at me oddly but I ignored it and continued on in my digging. After about 15 minutes we had the entire car unloaded and cries from Tina ring out through the baby monitor. I picked up some stuff and so did Koran, we both headed on up to my room where I dropped everything on the floor not caring where it landed and directed Koran to do the same. I picked up Tina and hushed her while I changed her diaper.

"Prossimo sulla neonata lascia per andare ottengono la vostra bottiglia di mattina. (Come on baby girl lets go get you're morning bottle.)" I cooed to her in Italian as I picked her up and headed out the door for her morning bottle. Koran had offered to bring in the rest of my things while I took care of Tina. I wondered how much longer his mood would remain like this. Probably not long. I was sitting on the couch watching TV as I feed Tina her morning bottle of formula when Koran came into the living room. The words that would come out of his mouth would shock me.

"Does Gabriel have his parental rights concerning Cristina?" I looked to see if he was serious and it shocked me to see that he was. Was this the same guy from three weeks earlier? If not what in the world happened to that guy?

"Why?" I croaked out passed my shock.

"Just wondering, so does he?"

"Umm, no he doesn't he signed them over to me before Cristina was born. He is her father, he provides some for her, and I am sure loves her but he holds no rights to her. He is my best friend and though he has cited other reason for signing them over I know it was for the girl he has been dating." I somehow manage to say around my complete shock on the matter. I found it completely odd that out of the blue he would ask me this.

Koran's POV:

I watched as she burped Cristina and thought about what I had asked her. Her face was full of shock and confusion which kinda tore at me. After hearing her yell at Gabriel this morning I had to know exactly what kind of man he was and I found that I didn't like him at all and couldn’t blame Liana for yelling at him. To sign over his rights as a parent for the girl you're dating and who isn’t likely to stay with you whither you have a kid or not is the move of a coward and the scum of the earth.

"We need a fish tank." Liana said out of the blue. Bringing me out of my thoughts and back to the here and now.

"Why do we need a fish tank?" I didn't think we needed a fish tank but then again I could be wrong.

"We need a fish tank cause one fish are relaxing and cool and two you're living room is so flippin empty that a fish tank would be a nice touch and make it look more like you live here." I could tell she was determined to have the tank and she was right the living room was empty looking. Plus Kevan said I need to try. What better starting spot then getting a fish tank?

"All right. Where will we put this fish tank? What kind of fish are we getting? How big of a fish tank are we getting?" I asked her.

"You mean we can really get a fish tank?" The look on her face was funny it was a mix of confusion and surprise. I didn't dare laugh at her though for fear of crushing her and for fear that it’d start another fight that neither one of us needed right now.

"Yes, we can really get a fish tank."

"We'll put it right there." She said pointing a little ways behind the couch. "I'll have to measure to find the size and I was thinking platy fish and some guppy fish since they hearty fish and so colorful. Can we go today to get the tank and stuff so that we can get the fish this weekend?" I couldn't resist the puppy face she gave me. I am not sure anyone could refuse her when given that face.

"Sure thing. When do you go?"

"Well, it is only 9am. Dang got up way to early this moring and I haven't had breakfast yet. How about 11?"

"OK, 11 it is." I chuckled at her.

"Thank you! You've two options. One you can take Tina and get her washed up and dressed or two you can fix me breakfast. Which one will it be?"

"I'll take option two." I said. I still wasn’t very comfortable with holding Tina, she was so tiny and fragile looking that I was afraid I’d break her.

"Chicken." She said with a smirk as she got up and walked up the stairs. I sat there and shook my head laughing for a bit before going to the kitchen to make her some breakfast. Liana was something when she wasn’t yelling and was in a good mood. I’d have to try harder not to make her mad so I could get to know this happier Liana. Not sure how long that will last however but it is a good thought in theory.

Juliana's POV:

I got Tina changed in to her red CUTIE shirt and some light blue jeans with flower embroidering on the left leg. Koran made some eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast which was good. Koran was off upstairs and I was straighten up the kitchen when there came a knock at the door. Cristina was laying on her stomach on the floor with a blanket underneath her. She cooed at me as I passed by on my way to the door. I opened the door and picked up the two boxes that where left by the mailman and yelled up the stairs for Koran.

"Koran! Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, I'll be down in a minute!" He yelled back down. As I moved to put the boxes on the end table near the stairs and went to go get Tina. I was putting on Tina's shoes—which serve no purpose other then to keep her feet warm—when Koran came down.

"Whose car are we taking?" I asked him once he walked into the living room.

"Mine." He answered.

"OK, I left Tina's car seat in my car. Can you please get it for me?" I asked sweetly as I finished getting Tina ready for our little trip out.

"Sure thing." He said as he headed out to my car.

I had Tina set to go by the time he brought it in. I got her placed and buckled into it and then picked it up following Koran out to his car. It was a thirty minute car ride to the pet store. We'd been there ten minutes and we where already arguing over what size tank. I wanted to get the 100 gallon since it would fit just perfectly where I wanted it but he wanted to get the 75 gallon making me wonder if he knew anything at all about fish or how to fill a room for that matter and make it look nice.

"Koran, das 100-Gallone-Becken ist perfekt für die Stelle, an der ich es haben möchte. (Koran, the 100 gallon will be perfect for where I want it.)"

"Was ist falsch an dem 75-Gallonen-Becken? Es besteht keine Notwendigkeit für das 100-Gallonen-Becken. (What is wrong with the 75 gallon? There is no need for 100 gallons.)"

"Das, das ich mir wünsche wird im Wohnzimmer perfekt aussehen. Außerdem werde ich mich darum kümmern. Bitte. (The one I want will look perfect in the living room. Besides that I'll take care of it. Please.)" I said giving him the puppy face which no one can say no to.

"Gut, solange du dich darum kümmerst. (Fine, as you long as you take care of it.)" He said finally giving in.

"Danke! (Thank You!)" I all but squealed in my excitement over getting a fish tank which is just a little weird when you think about. Oh well it all fine as long as I don’t think about it.

It took us about an hour to get everything and we argued about everything, from what color of gravel, what kind of plants, all the way down to what kind of filter and water conditioner to use. When home it took us another 2 hours to get it set up and filled because again we where arguing over how the plants and ordainments should go. We even agued over what was for lunch and then some. It looks like it is back to world war three for us. There goes the peace we had for a short time. I think I'll go get the fish by myself this weekend since we can't agree on anything at the moment. I was cleaning up from lunch when there came another knock on the door and I knew it wasn't the mailman since he’s come and gone. I was just about to put Tina down for a nap and haven't a clue where Koran is which means it looks like I am answering the door. With baby over my shoulder I answered the door to some skinny brunette dress up all nice and business like.

"May I help you?" I asked politely enough. I knew who she was and I still didn't like her. Whatever Gabriel saw in her was beyond me. What I really wanted to know was what in the world was she doing on my door step. Okay Koran’s door step but that is just a silly little technicality at the moment.

"Is Koran here? I am Layla Jones, Koran's secretary." So Gabriel was following this witch with a capital B. Well that explains his move here. Now how long has she been working for Koran?

"Yes, he is here. Come in and I'll get him for you." I told her all polite like though I was fighting the urge to reach out and strangle her. I'd never meet her but I'd seen pictures from Gabriel the only reason I’ve never meet her was because she didn't want to get to know Gabriel's friends. If she knew that this baby on my shoulder was Gabriel's she would run away screaming and never look back at Gabriel. I walked up stairs and knocked on his office door.

"Yes, what is it?" He asked as he answered the door.

"Your secretary Layla is here to see you."

"Thank you. What else is wrong?" He asked. Hmm...something on my face must have given me away.

"I'll tell you later I need to get Cristina down for her nap." I said as I walked away from him. I didn't reappear until she was gone. Koran knocked quietly on my door and entered as soon as she had left. He sat down on my computer chair and I laid down the book I was reading.

"What's wrong?" He asked quietly since Tina was still sleeping.

"I don't like your secretary." I said bluntly and straight to the point. No point in beating around the bush.

"What? You just meet her." Surprise lined his voice and I know this must seem a little odd but that wasn’t going to get me to explain a thing to him.

"So? I know who she is and I don't like her. Leave it alone I don't want to talk about it right now." I said seeing that he was about to ask and I wasn’t in the mood to drag all this up now.

"Fine." He said and then we proceeded to argue what was for dinner. Oh yeah, this relationship is off to a great start. What a good match up you made Nonna. Two thumbs up there since it was a Hate/Hate relationship we had going. Someone just put me out of my misery please.


Hope you enjoyed the story and don't forget to check out Arranged Love by KC_Holmes for Rina's story. Vote and Comment if you liked it and if you really liked it fan you know you want to cause it is just that good. ;-)

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