Isolation. Phan

By AllTimePhan73

12.7K 804 915

Dan and Phil are in love. Dan with Phil but Phil with someone they met in America- Noah. Noah isn't who he ap... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 1

1.1K 53 91
By AllTimePhan73

I wrote most of this in early 2016 so sorry if it starts off really crappy but, trust me, it gets better ^-^

TW FOR THE WHOLE STORY (NOT JUST THIS CHAPTER): Abuse (both emotional and physical), minor self harm and depression. If I find more, I'll add them in here and in the story description.

"Another show over." Dan groaned, walking out of the room whilst high fiving Phil in the process.

"Just a billion more to go! It was really fun today, the fans were all really lovely." Phil smiled, taking Dan's hand into his own as they left the building and stood outside, ready to walk home (or at least to their hotel).

"What did we do to deserve fans like them?"

"I have no idea but whatever it was must have been amazing."

"Yeah.. Do you want to go get something to eat before we head back to the hotel?"

"Might as well." They walked down the path, their hands still connected, until they noticed a nearby restaurant. "Here?"



Phil had just got a drink refill when he bumped into someone, spilling his drink down the person's front. "I'm so sorry!" He gasped, looking up to meet someone's soft, emerald eyes.

"It's okay.. I needed a new shirt anyway." The man in front of Phil had an American accent and he was, over all, quite handsome. He had hair similar to Phil's except it was dirty blonde and he was fairly tanned. He was wearing a band shirt and skinny jeans and it looked amazing on him (if Phil could say so).

"Is there any way I can repay you? Do you want me to buy you a new shirt?"

"Are you here alone? You could buy me a drink? That would be cool." The stranger was smirking slightly and it made Phil's heart flutter.

"I am actually here with my friend but it's okay, you can come join us if you want?"

"I don't want to intrude.."

"I did ruin your shirt."

"I suppose so. I'm Noah by the way." Noah. The name suited him so perfectly and Phil just couldn't prevent himself from breaking out into the largest smile ever.


"Also.. May I have your number? Because you are assisting me in buying a new shirt and you have no say in that."

"Sure." Phil then pulled his iPhone out of his back pocket and opened his contacts. "Just type in your number and I will message you."


Dan was staring down at the food on his plate, a frown on his face. Phil was taking an awfully long amount of time to refill his drink and Dan was literally finished with his meal. He took a short sip of his drink before almost spitting it out when Phil sat down with someone behind him. "Dan, this is Noah. Noah this is Dan." Phil grinned widely, placing his cup back down on the table (Dan noticed that it was empty).

"Your cup's empty." Dan mumbled, awkwardly meeting Noah's eyes. He hated Noah almost straight away because he was perfect. Too perfect. You know when someone just looks perfect and is perfect? He was that and it was.. suspicious.

"Yeah.. I kind of spilt it down Noah's shirt." The way Phil said Noah's name just made Dan want to throw up. He was saying it as if he was the best thing in the world.

"Sounds like a cliché fanfiction to me." Dan was exhausted and he just wanted to get home but Phil hadn't even looked at the leftovers of his dinner since Noah had made an appearance.

"Oh, are you done?" Phil ignored Dan's comment, noticing that Dan was finished eating.

"Yeah, I finished a while ago honestly."

"You can go back to the hotel then. I think I am going to take Noah shirt shopping. I owe him. I also need to buy him a drink."

"Okay.. I'll see you later, I guess." Dan then awkwardly shuffled away from the table, his head hung slightly lower than usual.


Around a week had passed and it was Noah, Noah, Noah. Dan was sick of it. Their next show for TATINOF was later that day and Phil was nowhere to be seen. Dan was infuriated to say the least. Phil wouldn't pick up his calls or reply to his texts.. it was almost like Dan was being replaced.

Dan was being replaced.

He had no idea why but at that point, he began to cry.


Dan was pacing around backstage; the show was due to begin in about half an hour and Phil still wasn't there.

Just as he was about to give up, Phil barged into the room, his breathing heavy and guess who was behind him? Noah. Stupid Noah.

"Sorry! My phone died and I was at Noah's.. I completely forgot about the show today and I am so sorry, Dan." Phil rambled, refusing to look Dan in the eye.

"You should be."

"I also promised Noah that he could watch."

"Whatever." Dan couldn't help but glare at Noah. This was his fault after all.


"Noah, can you wait with Dan for a second? I need to go to the toilet." Phil smiled at his new friend before walking out of the room.

The room lapsed into an extremely awkward silence as neither Dan or Noah knew what to say.  Until Dan spoke up.

"Why does Phil like you so much?" Dan mumbled, frowning slightly at the thought.

"Excuse me?" Noah's eyes widened as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, the smile on his face dropping.

"Why does he always choose you over me?"

"Doesn't that sound slightly selfish?"

"It's Dan and Phil though.. not Phil and Noah." Dan's voice was wavering when really, he was extremely angry. Actually, he wanted to feel angry but really, he felt a mix between jealousy and sadness. It was not a good mixture.

"I'm really sorry but doesn't Phil and Noah sound so much better?" Noah's voice wasn't nasty, it was soft and full of sympathy but that didn't really make Dan feel any better. "It does, doesn't it? Now could you go? So I can tell Phil something important in privacy? I'm sure Phil would rather you weren't with us."

"Sorry." Dan mumbled, hanging his head and leaving the room so that Noah could smirk to himself.

A couple of moments later, Phil wandered back into the room. "Where did Dan go?" He asked, looking around the room as if expecting Dan to show up out of nowhere.

"He said he had to leave. Something about being tired."


"I need to speak to you about something though."


"I- I-" Noah then reached out to take Phil's hand. "I like you."

"Me? You like me? Why-" Noah then leaned in and connected their lips and Phil didn't stop him.

If you have any criticism hmu

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