My Perfect Crush

By StaceyHemmington

17.9K 451 61

#169 Gorgina suffered for her whole life. She was treated blankly by her nana. Her life is miserable at its b... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52


390 8 0
By StaceyHemmington

I guess we all have what we called "crush". But then, without our notice, as we keep on thinking about them, we tend to fall in love. We slowly craving for their love and attention. We pray that we are the one whom they love as well. We are hoping that they are thinking about us too. Right?

Crush. A simple word but so complicated to understand.

LOVE. A simple word but undefined.  A simple feeling that makes our life so complicated. A feeling that leads us to danger. A crazy feeling that almost change people. A simple feeling that has the potential to shatter us.

They said love moves in mysterious way. Hmm... yeah. It's true.

We all have that one person who is special to us. They are what we called "destiny".

Destiny. Destiny is something that leads you to the right person. Maybe destiny is sometimes playful, but it knows how to behave. It knows how to make lovelife complicated, it also knows how to make it basic. It knows who is the one for you.

Well, destiny is just a word for the hopeless romantic but... in case of Gorgina and Cauli...

Destiny is loving each other and get married in the church.

The harmonic and joyful sound of the bell wrapped inside the church.

Cauli is now walking down on the aisle. He seems nervous but excited at the same time.

The flowergirls, one of them is Hazel, scattered the petals on the floor. Everyone is happy specially the parents of the two.

Then Jasper walked down the aisle bringing the rings.

Then the closest friends of Cauli and Gorgina started walking down the aisle. They all happy with teary eyes. As for the girls, they wear pink dress. In boys, white shirt in black tuxedo and red ribbon on their neck. It's just simple because that's what Gorgina wants.

Proud, happy and hopeful. These are only some of their feelings.

Then the last one who walked down is Ruby and Tevron. They seems happy now like everything went back to normal.

Few minutes had passed... all their heartbeats now are getting faster. They are waiting now for the moments of the bride.

Gorgina's POV

My heart never beats normal specially now. I'm nervous and at the same time, excited.

I'm standing now in front of the closed door. I'm wearing my wedding dress. Though I wanted it to be simple, mom didn't agree. So... I ended up wearing this really long wedding dress.

Then the door slowly open. Everyone is looking at me. I heaved a sigh before stepping forward.

The music starts to play...

Another day

Without your smile

Another day just passes by

But now I know

How much it means

For you to stay

Right here with me

The time we spend apart will make our love grow stronger

But it hurts so bad I can't take it any longer

I wanna grow old with you

I wanna die lying in your arms

I wanna grow old with you

I wanna be looking in your eyes

I wanna be there for you

Sharing in everything you do

I wanna grow old with you

A thousand miles between us now

It causes me to wonder how

Our love tonight remains so strong

It makes our risk right all along

The time we spend apart will make our love grow stronger

But it hurts so bad I can't take it any longer

I wanna grow old with you

I wanna die lying in your arms

I wanna grow old with you

I wanna be looking in your eyes

I wanna be there for you

Sharing in everything you do

I wanna grow old with you

Things can come and go I know but

Baby I believe

Something's burning strong between us

Makes it clear to me

I wanna grow old with you

I wanna die lying in your arms

I wanna grow old with you

I wanna be looking in your eyes

I wanna be there for you

Sharing in everything you do

I wanna grow old with you

I can't help but to cry while walking down the aisle with dad. Everything flashes back. From the moment I laid my eyes to him until up to now. Everything seems like a fairytale. A not ordinary fairytale came true.

He's the only one I wanna spend the rest of my life though I have wished sometimes it is Tevron.

And speaking of Tevron, I forgave him. He explained everything to me.

And Ruby? Yes. I have learned how to forgive and forget. At first, it wasn't easy. They said, time heals almost everything.

I saw her crying. She's beautiful if you could only see it. She has hidden beauty. She maybe a bitch and wicked outside, she still has a beautiful and golden heart. And that maybe the reason why Tevron loves her.

And then finally... the man of my life is standing in front of us. Crying, laughing and smiling.

I kissed dad and mom's cheeks before I wrapped my hands to Cauli's arm.

And now, I am working in a company. When I graduated in college, I promised myself to build a business regarding with fashion designing. I am the CEO of the company.

And Cauli... he's also the CEO of his own company. The Mercalesia-Hamlet Corporation.

Years had passed by like a wind. We are completely happy and contented with our lives. We have three kids. Two boys and one girl.

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