My Perfect Crush

By StaceyHemmington

17.9K 451 61

#169 Gorgina suffered for her whole life. She was treated blankly by her nana. Her life is miserable at its b... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52

Chapter 51

149 4 0
By StaceyHemmington

Cauli's POV

"Really?" I smirked.

I want to believe it's true. And with that, it gave me reasons to celebrate. A celebration of being loved. A reason to make me believe that until now, she still loves me. I hope she's not really married with the asshole.

"Yes..." she looked at me directly while smiling. "But that was before. Before I met Tevron. Before I found him." She shifted her eyes to him and smiled. Tevron gave him a smile too.

Damn! Am I jealous?

"Nah. I was the one who found you." He laughed.

Oh come on! I thought that foolish words are only in movies? Sounds gross and gay.

"I'm so happy knowing you two love each other." Auntie Castel smiled at them with teary eyes.

No. I believe Gorgina's just pretending. I know she trully loves me. I know I'm the one who she really loves.

The dinner was ended with marriage things or about them.

I went to garden to breathe fresh air. I don't know how long will I stay here.

Then I was stunned with her presence. She was shocked too but pretended she doesn't care.

For a month, I have known her very well. She can't lie to me. I know she loves me. She still loves me.

"Hi. Coffee?" She hands me a cup of coffee.

I remember the moments with her in my condo. It was peaceful. I remember also how she was so afraid of thunderstorm. I remember how she said her feelings in indirect way.

Now... I'm begging her to do it again. I'm begging her to start a new beginning with me.

I heaved a sigh and faked a smile.

Gorgina's POV

I walked towards him. He seems all alone in life.

"How's life?" I asked as if nothing happened between the both of us.

"I'm... fine." He lied. I know him very well. I know when he'll lie and tell the truth. I know he's not fine. Maybe his words say he's fine, but his eyes don't. I can't see the sparkles in his eyes anymore. It used to be so brilliant.

"Stop fooling yourself, Cauli. Tell me... are you really fine?" He faced me with his teary eyes.

My eyes widened a little bit.

Is he going to cry?

"Tell me then... after knowing the love of your life was owned by anybody, would you still be fine?"

I was frozen.

Of course not! It... It just broke my heart.

I laugh sarcastically.

"Why? Did Ruby cheat on you? How come? If only I knew that she will just hurt you-"

"What will you do?" I joined my lips together at his question. Freaking stupid! How I wish I just shut my mouth.

"I-I won't let go of him." I stammered and he smiled lazily.

"Gorgina..." he made steps towards me. I don't know what to do. Feels like my feet got nailed on the ground.

"Do you... really love him?"

Oh god forgive me!

I'm now confused with my feelings. Yes I love Tevron but... but...

"Yes. I love him more than anything and anyone else." I said proudly.

He looked down, feeling hurt with my answers.

Does he still love me? Why is he questioning me like that? It just trembles me.

"Do you... still love me?"

I'm completely frozen! I don't know what would be the best word as an answer to his question.

I heaved a sigh.

"NO. I love you before. Way before when everything was still okay."

"What if I'll tell you I still love you? Would your feelings for him be gone?"

He just hit my nerve!

"Dream on you, Cauli! Really?" I laughed sarcastically. "You love me? Fuck your love. Is it why you left me hanging? Is it why you left me dumbfounded? It is why you left me shattered? Is it the way of showing your love for me? Remember your promise for me? Have you forgotten all of it? You told me you only wanted to be with me for the rest of your life? I thought you only wants to marry me-"

"I was forced to marry her!" His voice increased.

"No... you were coward." I disagreed.

Tears streamed down through my cheeks like a river. I can see how his tears trailed off down to his jaw.

He heaved a sigh.

"Yes. Maybe I was coward. But don't you know I regret everything about it? Every moment, every second, every minute, you're the only one in my mind."

"No. I won't believe in you anymore. You lied to me. You already broke my heart. I won't let you again. Not this time." I wipped my face hardly and walked away.

Feels like the heavy feeling I'm bearing for eight years had lessen. But... my world shattered with what I saw.

Everything is in slow motion. Seeing them together kills me. The way Tevron kiss Ruby is a concrete evidence that he's into her. His hands are in Ruby's cheeks. He closed his eyes while enjoying Ruby's kiss.

Is Ruby the one he's been referring to?

I laughed at my foolishness.

Now I fully understand everything. I fully understand now why Tevron doesn't want to go here in Canada.

I am so foolish! Why didn't I notice it? Is it why he looked pale earlier?

Ruby released Tevron as she saw me. Tevron only show his shocked face.

"What's the meaning of this?" Seems like my tears will flow endlessly.

"Please... let me explain."

Before he could get near and touch me, I already slapped him forcefully.

It's still not enough. The pain brought by my slap is not enough to make him feel how painful it is to be betrayed.

"Eme!" Ruby walked towards me with her eyes widened. Just like I did to Tevron, I slapped her so hard that she almost fell on the ground.

"You've been a mess of my entire life, Ruby. How can you do this to me? I've been good to you even if I knew you're just adopted, even if all you did was to hurt me. I've been good to you ever since! I let go of Cauli even if it would just kill me. I... let go of him even if it hurts. I let go of him because I believe, you need him more than I do. See? I still treated you as a family when in fact YOU DON'T BELONG HERE. I'm now happy with my life. You got everything you want. But... taking Tevron from me is too much!"


"And you, Tevron! The fuck is wrong with you? Is she the one you've been referring to? I accepted you. I love you because I believe you deserve to be loved. But... fuck!"

I don't want to argue anymore. I... just want to stay away from them.

I stormed out and went to my room. I locked the door so no one could enter.

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