FFXV: After the Fall

Od Malandra78

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A brand-new fanfic based on the hugely-popular Final Fantasy XV and Kingsglaive franchises by renowned compan... Více

A Word From the Author
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (Epilogue)

Chapter 12

50 3 0
Od Malandra78

They awoke at nine to discover that they were the only ones still left inside the trailer. The others had already awoken, probably seen them cuddled up together on one of the long couches, and decided to leave them to it.
Gladiolus awoke first, though there wasn't much of a gap between them, and also discovered that a faint smell of bacon was wafting in through the slightly-open trailer door, so they'd started breakfast too. There was definitely bacon involved, somehow.
He stroked at Helena's shoulder, and her hand rose up to take hold of his as an answer, along with a contented sound.
Her head then lifted up shortly after. "Morning." She said with a slightly-sleepy look as well as a smile. "That time already?"
   "Morning. And yep, 'fraid so." He smiled back. "I'd love to stay here but they might come after us soon."
   "I'd really love to stay here." She whispered as her head dropped back down to kiss his chest.
He grinned. "Oh yeah?" She appeared to be...quite frisky?
  "Mm-hmm." She smiled as she carried on.
He rather liked the idea of that. He wanted to. But... "I doubt they'd leave us alone for that long. Hold that thought for later, though. Should find some time somewhere...specially as we all still need to grab that shower."
Her head came back up. "That sounds interesting."
   "Thought you'd like that."
   "Yeah." She still had a little bit of a pout, though.
He tapped it with his finger. "Put that away, there'll be time. You'll see. And then, we can do somethin' about..." He stopped talking as she caught the tip of his finger between her teeth on one of the taps, and his mind froze. God, this woman...
He quickly took the finger away and kissed her.
It turned fairly passionate within seconds, then happily carried on for about a minute or so until...
   "So!" Prompto poked his head round the trailer door, a huge grin on his face. "I've been voted to check in and see if you two lovebirds were plannin' on gettin' up today."
   "I'm up." Gladiolus said as they stopped kissing.
   "I...I'll believe ya, don't need to see that." He grinned. "There's bacon sandwiches with your names on- if you're not out here real soon, I'm gonna eat them myself."
   "You fuckin' won't. We're comin', okay?"
   "...don't need to see that, either." Prompto then quickly took his head away to avoid getting yelled at, and Helena and Gladiolus looked at each other for a second, then started laughing.
   "See what I mean?" Gladiolus said with a grin.
   "Sure do. Guess I'd better get up before I get too tempted." She leant up on her side and moved her hair, then crawled her way along to the bottom of the couch. Was a very nice view.
Gladiolus sighed, then smiled and also decided to get up.

   "So what's next?" Noctis asked as they all took a mug of coffee a few minutes later.
   "Chocobos." Prompto said.
   "Oh yeah...yeah, we did say we'd do that."
   "Gonna ride 'em round a bit?" Helena said around her last mouthful of sandwich.
   "That's right. And you said you'd join us."
She smiled. "I'm...yeah, I've not done it before."
Prompto grinned. "It's real easy, trust me on this. We'll soon get you up and racin'."
   "Racing? I don't think so." She laughed nervously.
   "Don't worry, you won't do the one with the hoops."
   "I'll see how I feel once I've actually learnt to ride."
   "You seem a little nervous." Noctis commented.
She paused. "...I can't talk to them."
   "You don't have to."
   "You mean you don't. I'm always a little jumpy around creatures that can't understand me...or don't want to."
Ignis smiled. "I suppose you feel a little out of your depth, as you've always been able to talk to creatures."
She nodded gratefully. "That's it, yeah."
   "Honestly, you'll be fine." Prompto nodded. "You'll wonder why you ever flapped at it. At least you like them."
Gladiolus looked at him. "Don't tell me you're still steamin' at Shiva not liking Chocobos. Tell me you're not."
   "...maybe I am. A little bit." He saw Gladiolus' exasperated look and tried to explain. "I just can't get my head round it, ya know? What's not to like? It's not as if one kicked her on the ass."
   "You might have to let that one go. At least we like them. That's all that really matters, right?"
He smiled. "Yeah, guess so. Just cos' she doesn't know what fun is. Screw her, right? We'll have plenty ourselves."
   "That's the way." Helena nodded. "I suppose you'd better show me how to ride one then...unless I can take a raincheck?"
   "Hell no. You're gettin' on one, missy."

The others secured theirs, swinging up onto the feathered creatures' saddles easily while Helena...just stared at hers.
   "That's...rather high up." She said.
   "It's just like a horse." Prompto told her. "Hey- try talkin' to one. Who knows, it might cut you some slack."
   "I know exactly what'll happen if I try."
   "Go on, it can't hurt any."
She shrugged, then looked at her Chocobo and started to focus.
After a few seconds, the bird's head slowly turned towards her.
   "...hi there." She said. "It's a...nice day, isn't it? Heh..."
The Chocobo snorted and instantly turned its head away, holding it slightly aloft. Noctis started laughing while the others grinned, and even the other Chocobos found that humorous, clicking and chirping among themselves.
   "See?" Helena said. "They're laughin' at me now too."
   "Maybe they can understand." Ignis mused. "It's just the case that for some reason, they'd rather not listen."
She looked back at her Chocobo. "C'mon, gimme a break here, I'm not an Ogre or anything. I just want to get on."
The Chocobo took a few paces away from her.
Helena huffed and put her hands on her hips. "That's not nice. What did I ever do to you, huh?"
Prompto was giggling his face off. "I never thought I'd see the day that an animal was immune to your charms. Ha!"
   "Shut up." Helena grinned.
   "Maybe...it's cos' you still smell funny and stuff? I mean, they've got big beaks and you're covered in desiccated Behemoth and freeze-dried Lich."
   "If that were the case," Ignis said, "we'd not be on one either."
   "...oh yeah. I'm stumped, then."
Helena tried one last time. "Please?" She wheedled at the bird.
It gave her an almost derisory look, then ruffled its wings and crouched low to the ground.
She gasped, then beamed. "Yes!" She exclaimed. "Thank you very much." She went to give the bird a pat on the neck. "I guess you're not so bad after-"
   "Kweh!" The Chocobo said sharply.
She quickly took her hand back. "Okay okay," she said hastily, "that's fine, we're not buddies yet. That's cool."
With clucking Chocobos in the background- no doubt having a right good laugh at her expense- she decided to get on before her bird changed its mind and used the stirrups to lift herself onto the brown leather saddle. She then took hold of the reins, and the Chocobo looked behind to see that she was seated.
   "There." Helena said with a smile.
The Chocobo then stood up haltingly, head-first, and she pivoted forwards very sharply.
   "Ahh! Whoa!" She leant back into the saddle as the bird's rear end came up, and the Chocobo took one step forwards. "I thought you said this was easy, Prom!" She accused.
He grinned nervously. "It...normally is, yeah. Uh, shall we get goin' then? Have a quick trot around?"
   "How do I make it go?"
   "Just watch us." Noctis said. He then shushed his reins and made a clicking sound, and his Chocobo started off at a gentle trot.
The others also began to move, then they paused to wait for Helena to coax her bird into life.
She tried, but it didn't move a single inch.
She looked at it. "Umm...let's go over there?"
One of the other Chocobos squawked, and Helena's suddenly took off at rather high speed in the direction she'd pointed to.
The others laughed...until it became clear that it wasn't stopping.
   "...follow that bird!" Noctis grinned as he started off in hot pursuit with the others close behind.
They caught her up after roughly half a mile around the track, and two of the men worked together to bring the now-eager bird to a stop. All five birds were clucking eagerly afterwards as they stood in a rough circle, and the others were laughing too.
   "Maybe we should bet on yours instead of ridin' it." Gladiolus grinned. "Sure can move once it gets goin'."
   "Yeah, just won't move for me." Helena said snippily. She still wore a smile though, which was the most important thing.
   "I'll call Wiz." Prompto said as he whipped out his phone. "He's the expert. Might be able to give us some cheat codes." He tapped for a few seconds, then put the phone onto speaker. "Hey Wiz, how's things?" He asked it.
   "Howdy!" The voice came through clearly. "You guys okay?"
   "Yeah, it's all good. We're all out on some of your guys right now, and Helena's is bein'...difficult."
   "...really? That's not right."
   "Yeah. I mean, it almost wouldn't let her get on, then it took off at a mile a minute. Took some effort to get him to stop."
   "Uh...that sounds like..." Wiz paused for a second. "That bird doesn't happen to have a red feather on its neck, does it? Bright red, with an orangey one not too far from it?"
Prompto craned his neck. "...yeah, I can see 'em from here."
   "Ah? Whaddya mean, ah?"
   "That's old Jeremiah. He's a bit of a joker, I'm afraid. Been meanin' to get him retrained but just not got round to it yet? Threw some poor guy off last week...but please don't tell the young lady that, heh. Wouldn't want her to worry. It's still quite rare that he does that kinda thang, he just likes to joke by makin' things difficult mostly."
Prompto looked at Helena . "Er...is that so, heh. S-so what should we do if someone happens to be on that bird?"
   "Best thing is to just send it back here with your carrot. I'll put him into the other pen and get him retrained. Sorry bout that. It won't happen again, I promise ya."
   "Okay, thanks. Bye." Prompto cut the call and slid his phone back into his pocket, then looked sheepishly at Helena.
She stared at him right back. "You gave me this bird."
   "I...did, yeah."
   "Did you know that Jeremiah was gonna play up on me?"
   "N-no, I had no idea. Honest!"
   "Come up here on mine." Gladiolus offered. "There's room. Mine's a lot bigger than that one."
Helena paused. "How do I get off this? Without being thrown, if that's at all possible?"
He grinned. "Stay there a sec." He climbed down from his, then went over to give her some help. "Swing your leg over and drop off, I gotcha covered."
Once she was safely on the ground, she gave the mischievous bird a stern look...and it actually managed to appear slightly guilty.
She then smiled. "It's alright." She told him. "I'm not that mad, really. You got me pretty good. You'd better go home, though."
She gave it the carrot, and the bird took it and paced away.
   "Very magnanimous of you." Ignis commented.
   "I agree." Prompto nodded. "If...I knew what that meant."
Gladiolus then went over to his own Chocobo and got it to crouch so that Helena could get on, sat at the front, then he climbed on behind and the bird rose far more steadily than Jeremiah had.
   "There we go." He said. "Now we'll do this properly. Guys?"
   "We'll follow you." Noctis smiled, taking his reins again.
This time, it was much more enjoyable for her. No racing around madly at break-neck speed, feeling like she wasn't in control whatsoever, this was far better. They started out at a trot, then moved up to what would be a cantering speed on a horse, and it was a pretty smooth ride despite the huge bird only having two legs instead of a horse's four.
She finally began to enjoy the experience at last.
That and the fact she had one of Gladiolus' hands around her and stroking at her waist. That helped too, of course.

After roughly twenty minutes, they gave the birds back and were soon on the road again. Their next destination was one definitely borne of necessity by that point.
   "...we need a motherfucking shower." Noctis said.
   "I hear ya." Prompto wrinkled his nose. "Smell ya, too. Where are we gonna go? Longwythe?"
He paused. "Let's...go to Galdin Quay." He said. "We can grab some lunch or somethin' there too."
   "You after fishin' again, huh?"
   "Partly." He smiled.
   "Those rooms also have their own washing machines." Ignis supplied. "A rather fortuitous extra."
Prompto blinked. "...really? Where?"
   "In one of the storage cupboards. Which you never use, from the sound of things."
   "I'm gonna be all over it now."
   "I didn't notice that either." Helena said.
   "I'd have been surprised if you had."
   "Shut up." She grinned.

Once parked, they all got out and as they walked towards the Mother of Pearl, Gladiolus and Noctis shared a very quick brofist and Prompto was immediately suspicious as to exactly why they'd really come to this place. He decided to keep quiet, though.
Walking past the dining areas was an experience, as a couple of the patrons eyed them while sniffing delicately, but they all ignored it and went straight to the hotel reception desk.
They got given keys for the second floor, and the receptionist gave Gladiolus a very broad smile when presenting him with his.
   "...what's up with him?" Prompto asked after they'd gotten into the elevator.
   "Beats me." Gladiolus shrugged.
   "I mean, it's almost like...hey, what if there's cameras in all of the guest rooms?" He said excitedly. "There isn't, is there?"
   "I hope not." Helena sounded shocked at that.
Ignis shook his head. "They're not allowed, it would break the laws on privacy. There are cameras here, of course, it's a matter of public security, but they're just on the main floors. There's also some along each corridor, and this elevator too."
   "...oh. Right."
Prompto grinned at her. "You didn't! You did, didn't ya?"
   "Not like that!" She laughed as she slapped his arm.
   "I dunno, that was a pretty big smile on his face." He teased.
The elevator doors opened, and Helena left first. Because.
   "Might be a while." Gladiolus left second.
Prompto yelled after them. "When will we meet back up?"
   "When we're finished." He said back loudly.
   "That's...helpful. Not."
Noctis chuckled. "C'mon you, go get that shit out of your clothes. We can grab some food in like, an hour or somethin'." He started to push the blonde towards the other doors.

Once inside their own room, Helena checked each door for the storage closet...and there it was. In the back corner of the closet was a washing machine, as well as a dryer right next to it.
   "I swear I did not see that when I looked in the closet of our first room." She said adamantly. "Swear it."
Gladiolus smiled. "Well to be quite fair, we both had our minds on other things last time we were here."
   "Let's get a drink while we put these clothes in. I have seriously got to get out of these."
They fed the items into the washer, then relaxed on the couch with a mug of coffee each while wrapped in fluffy white towels.
Helena then giggled randomly.
He looked at her. "Sup?"
   "I just...all that time I thought Jeremiah was being a pain in the ass cos' he had some kinda mystical beef with me, when it was actually cos' he was a fuckin' prankster."
He laughed. "That was funny. You laughed too."
   "In the end, yeah. Maybe they can hear me, then. I mean, I swear the other birds were laughing at it too. They had to know."
   "I'll bet they did. Hey, didn't you say that there were some other animals you couldn't talk to? What are they?"
   "Generally, it's ones that either don't have the smarts or are way too aggressive. Like...berserk? They might hear, but they'd never listen. So it's things like...Behemoths, Catoblepas, Jormungand, Midgardsormr, Bandersnatch..."
They both laughed.
   "Yeah." She grinned. "Totally doesn't fit with the others, right?"
   "Not in the slightest. It's curious how they basically just choose to ignore you. That's what I think they were really doin'. They heard you, alright, they just...chose not to listen."
   "I have no idea why. It's not as if I've ever done anythin' bad to one. Never even been near one."
   "What about the other Magisters?"
   "They use them quite often, depending on what travel options there are in a certain area. For some places, there's only Chocobos. So it's not that, either. It's like they don't trust me."
   "I wouldn't take it personally. Might just be cos' you're usually associated with the Divines. Might be them they don't trust."
   "Hmm. Yeah, possible. I'll have to ask sometime." She then remembered something. "Oh! I've not called Roc yet. Shit."
   "Think his kittens will have had kittens by now."
She grabbed her phone from the nearby table, and quickly found his number from her list of contacts. "Speaker?" She asked.
   "If you want to, yeah. I'm not fussed."
   "Okay then. No secrets." She put it onto speakerphone.

   "...by the fucking Six, I'm glad to hear from you." Roc's relieved voice poured out of the device. "How the hell are you?"
   "Very well, thanks." She said. "I'm so sorry for not calling sooner, we've been very busy with all sorts of things."
   "At least you've rung now. How is everyone?"
   "All good, thanks. We're just resting in a hotel right now."
   "Ah. And how's young Noctis? I...trust all went well?"
She nodded. "He's okay too. And...yeah, he's been."
A sigh came out of the phone. "I'm very glad. That must have been a trying experience...and an emotional one, too."
   "It was, yeah. But he did good. He did real good. I...would rather not say what they talked about, though. It's nothing bad, I just think that it was for them."
   "Absolutely, I understand. It's a personal thing. How was Regis faring when you spoke to him yourself?"
Helena smiled. "He was very grateful to have had the chance."
   "I can imagine. People get taken at the worst moments sometimes, and we never get the time to say how we feel."
   "Have you met some of the Divines yet?"
   "Two so far. Carbuncle and Shiva have both given blessing."
   "Excellent, I'm glad to hear it. Do you know who's next?"
She paused. "It might be Ramuh, but I'm thinking of checking that with Carbuncle first, just to make sure."
   "I hear that the thunderer is very wise, as well as old."
   "One of the oldest, yeah. It'll be interesting to see if he wishes to test Noctis first or not. Shiva did."
   "...really? Was it difficult?"
   "It...had its moments, but we soon overcame them."
   "They are all very resourceful lads. They drive me crazy half the time, but you'll not find better companions. And...maybe something more in one of them?"
She laughed. "...yeah, I found that recently."
   "I wondered. I'm very pleased for you both. Do tell him when you see him next, won't you?"
   "I sure will. Thank you."
   "Well, I'll let you go. Thank you for calling me, but...please try to not leave it so long in the future?"
   "I won't, I promise. Take care."
   "You as well." The line then went dead, and Helena disconnected at her end and then put the phone on standby.
Gladiolus smiled. "That was different."
   "Oh? I don't think he said anything unusual."
   "I meant hearing it. Don't usually get so much info on what he thinks about us. He'd never say that to our faces."
   "It's good though. All good stuff."
He smiled. "Yeah. He ain't so bad sometimes."
A long beeping noise was then heard in the distance.
   "Aha." She said. "That must be the washer." She got up to go and take a look, and he followed not too far behind her.
She opened the machine's door and started lifting items out, sniffing at the occasional one. "Much better." She smiled.
   "No more freeze-dried Lich?"
   "Nope, fresh as a daisy. Although...some of yours can't really go into the dryer, they'd shrink. I'll hang them over one of the radiators. That should still dry them out, but a lot gentler."
She gathered the two items in question and went to hang them.
   "How long d'you think that'll take?" He asked.
   "Umm, bout...half an hour, maybe?"
She then came back to put the remainder of the clothes into the dryer, and sent it on its way. "There. Set these for the same. Shouldn't be too creased, they'll soon fall out."
   "Sounds like we need to hit that shower. Still got hair to wash and stuff, haven't we?"
She smiled at him. "Definitely."

Helena started first after they'd both gotten in, as her hair was by far the longest. Once she'd rinsed all of the shampoo back out, she then turned around and offered to help with his.
   "I do know how to wash my hair, y'know." He joked.
   "Ooh, someone's in a cheeky mood today." She grinned. "I know you do, I just wanted to help. It's relaxing."
   "...go on, then." He smiled.
He had to admit, it was. Basically, it was just like having a massage but with shampoo and hot water. He stood there looking at her while she worked the lather through all of his hair, then laughed as she left a round blob of it on the tip of his nose as an afterthought for his earlier remark.
He then took some from his own hair and rubbed her shoulders with it as she finished shampooing his own.
   "There's better stuff for that." She said.
He then stood fully under the water to wash it all out, and he reopened his eyes to see her holding a bottle of something else.
   "This stuff." She smiled.
   "Y'know, I'd normally take this for granted if it's just me." He said as he took the bottle and set about covering her chest and shoulders in silky foam after borrowing some water.
   "Me too."
   "Can't now." He turned around as he felt her hands guiding him to, and she started work on his back and arms.
Little things. It was things like this that he was starting to grow very fond of when they were done with her. He also liked the moment when he did her back...but the best so far was when she turned round again afterwards and they could both reach out to do their front sides...
Despite not being able to get the soap completely everywhere.
That would have stung more than a little. She was at a major disadvantage there, as she could still touch him...and she did, but he couldn't get his fingers where he'd wanted to put them.
Once the soap came off, however, he wasted no time in gently backing her towards the cubicle wall he saw in front of him.
The water then mostly fell onto his back, probably totally negating the idea behind doing it in a shower...but oh well.

After they'd wiped the water from their eyes and faces for a brief couple of seconds, he took her by the waist and kissed her as if he hadn't done so for days. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave herself up to it, and he edged closer to her until his body was right up against hers.
When a minute or so had passed, he then began to move.
She felt it; he was rubbing up against her.
He briefly stopped kissing and tapped her right ankle with one of his feet, and she moved it to one side by a few inches. He then stood in that space, leaning into her, and carried on with that slow rubbing movement. It instantly got her attention, now that her leg wasn't quite as in the way as before, and she gasped at it before he also resumed the kissing as well.
Another minute passed, then he looked downwards and stooped slightly to take hold of that right leg, and it bent at the knee as he decided to keep it held up against his left side. His other hand went onto her shoulder to steady her...then he carried on.
She slid down the wall slightly as the sensation caused her to feel weak inside, but he kept hold of her and continued to rub against her lower body as she clung on even tighter with her arms. With enough of this they'd definitely end up coming, but she strongly suspected that it wouldn't quite get that far.
He'd want to be inside her first, of course.

That would have probably been next, but a few seconds later they both heard a thumping noise coming from the living room.
Someone was knocking on the door.
Her head turned slightly towards it, but he held her tighter.
   "They'll go after a while." He said. "Ignore it."
They both tried to do that, but after the third such round of door-thumping, which was even louder, he stopped moving and closed his eyes, starting to feel angry.
   "If that's who I think it is," he growled, "they're dead."
   "Wait- I'll go." Helena said. "You stay here. I'll get rid of them and then I'll be right back, okay?"
He nodded, and set her leg back down onto the floor so that she could shakily leave the shower and search for her towel.
After a moment, he came out as well and grabbed another towel to dry his hair with, trying to not think of butchery.
Helena checked that her towel was secure and strode over to the door. She unlocked and flung it open with unseemly haste, and saw Prompto standing there, about to knock again.
   "Oh- hey." He put his hand down. "You're not ready."
   "Not finished yet." She said evenly. "What's up?"
   "We were just wonderin' if you were comin' out soon." He then studied her hair, skin, towel...and her face. "I...guess not, heh."
   "We'll still be a while." She said as she held her temper in check. "Please don't disturb us again. I'll text you."
   "O-okay, sure." He nodded. "Sorry. Um...any idea how..."
She lifted a finger and pointed it behind him. "Shoo."
   "Okay, I'm shooin', I'm shooin'!" He quickly ran away, and she closed the door with a slam before putting her hands onto it with a sigh. She collected herself, then locked the door again and headed back to the bathroom.

Gladiolus was looking in the mirror when he saw her come back in, and he turned to face her. "Was it Prom?" He asked.
She sat down on the bathroom's cabinet top. "Yeah." She grumbled. "I soon told him, though."
He shook his head. "I swear I'll kill him one of these days."
   "I spose we've been a while. We were talkin' before we got in here. Guess an hour wasn't enough."
   "On the plus side, you've just bought us another." He said as he walked towards her. "One for ourselves."
   "We'd better fucking do."
   "I know." He rubbed her shoulders. "Maybe it'll teach him a lesson. Let's not think about that, huh?" He started gently kissing the left side of her neck.
She was still peeved somewhere inside her, but it slowly began to dwindle as her mind's focus diverted onto him. "...yeah."
He smiled. "Bet you're still thinkin' about it."
   "A little bit."
   "Thought so. Well, I suggest that you start thinkin' more about how I'm gonna fuck you on top of this counter."
She felt those words as well as heard them, and she looked at him as his head came back up with a sultry look on it.
   "You...still want to?" She asked.
   "You bet I do. Ain't always got time, like...earlier?" He glanced at her towel. "I saw that look."
   "I, er...yeah, I should have thought about that some more."
   "I've been thinkin' about it all morning." He pulled at the towel and it fell away from her, dropping onto the counter, then his hands lowered to settle on the tops of her knees. "And right now?" He said as he stroked them. "We've got time. If they wanna drive off for a little bit, that's up to them- y'know what I care more about? I'm lookin' at it."
His eyes were staring directly into hers, and she smiled.
She put her arms around the back of his neck as a gesture of commitment, and he slowly leaned forwards to kiss her.

He then got the impression that this one might be a little on the fast side; not long after they'd started, he could feel himself getting impatient. Maybe...it was because of before? Getting interrupted like that? His body felt like it was trying to pick back up from where they'd had to stop, climbing fast, and that came out in the growing passion of his kisses as well as the hands that now travelled up and down her legs.
She seemed to be right there with him, as she was eagerly returning those kisses as well as starting to squeeze and pull at his shoulders and upper back. Wanting him closer, needing more.
He looked at her after a couple of minutes and she could easily see a fire burning in those hazel eyes, exactly like her own.
His hands went back to her knees as he continued to look at her, and she felt them pushing her legs further apart. She went along with it, wriggling every so often to help him, then she moved forwards sharply as he took her under the knees and pulled her entire body to the edge of the counter.
That spoke to her in ways she could not describe.

She tried for brushing his mouth but that didn't last very long.
After only a few seconds, he took hold of her face and kissed her much more passionately, hearing a short, muffled squeak of surprise which was then followed by a far more desirous one.
It was their hands that moved next, him reaching out for her chest while hers shot straight to his lower back, then his hips.
They pulled at them with a slight scratch, then one of her hands found his cock and started to stroke quite fast.
That could have made things slightly too fast, a fact that entered his mind after he'd pulled his mouth away from hers with a groan and transferred it to her neck. There was no doubt that he wanted it, but not just yet.
With a slow yet firm push to her shoulders, he leant her backwards and heard a faint thump as her head met the cabinet's mirrored section, taking that hand out of reach of his cock, then his head dropped down further to attack her chest with a lively mouth and tongue, working one breast while a hand stroked and squeezed roughly at the other...with the occasional pinch.
She also felt his teeth every so often as they encircled her, but not to the extent of great pain. There was the slightest glimmer of it, but it complimented what she was feeling, like a spice complimented a dish. It just added a little something, and before long she was urging him on with hands on his head and shoulders as well as a shaky voice.

When one of his hands dipped lower to start stroking between her legs as well, she already felt like she was ready for him.
There was definitely something about the faster approach, and she wasted no time in telling him so.
   "Babe...God...will you just fuck me?" She panted. "C'mon."
His head came up and he looked at her. "I ain't done with this yet." He said. To emphasise that, he then gave the nipple he was right in front of a very slow lick while still looking at her.
He let that sink in for a couple of seconds, then he started travelling down her body with kisses. He took hold of the underside of her right leg and pushed it up, holding it out of the way as he eventually crouched on the bathroom floor. She was hot, but not quite as hot as he was. He wanted her at fever pitch, and knew exactly how to get it.
After reaching his target and giving it a lingering sort-of kiss, he then proceeded to use the same, slow licking motion on her eager clit, travelling from bottom to top of it just the once.

As her head tipped back slightly and her eyes closed, she let out the most beautiful noise he'd ever heard and he looked up at her, a grin briefly touching his face. After a couple of seconds, her eyes reopened and looked back down at his with a question firmly within. She tried to move her hips towards his face, but quickly discovered that she couldn't due to her position. It came out as a wriggle instead, which gave no help to her whatsoever.
He then repeated the lick in exactly the same way while he'd got her eye contact and felt her jump at it, closing her eyes near the end. Her other leg raised up slightly for a second or two, and one of her hands was making its way towards his head.
Pretty much a perfect reaction, he reckoned. He loved it.
After another pause, he then carried on.
Roughly every few seconds, he licked her again. Exactly the same, no change of pace, not much pressure. This was another thing he could have happily done all day, if it weren't for the fact that it was driving him crazy as well.

It definitely had a great impact on her. Without the normal, constant attentions he usually gave it, it more or less kept her in the exact same state...which was almost unbearable.
She was right on the edge of it, but it never tipped over.
With nothing to plant her feet on and the angle of her body rendering her hips useless, she couldn't push towards him to get that extra pressure herself. After what felt like the longest, sweetest minute of her entire life, she had to try something else.
Her head left the mirror and she used her right hand to prop the top half of her body more upright, leaving her left hand free to reach out to his head and stroke the side of his face.
He felt her shaking fingers and looked up at her again, loving the look of desire all over her face, but he didn't speed up. He just kept on going as before, while looking at her every so often.
Watching it happen just added more to her present condition.
She then changed tack, hand moving around to the back of his head to try and push it more onto her aching clit, but it barely moved. He'd been ready for that, it appeared.
She felt the resistance, pushed slightly harder...no. Didn't work.
   "...you loving this as much as I am?" He said quietly.

It was then that she knew what real desperation felt like.
   "I..." She almost couldn't speak. "Just..."
Her words then broke off altogether as she got another lick, instead giving vent to a loud, passionate cry. He studied her, looking at her face and the rapid breathing that made her chest rise and fall, and judged that she was almost there.
Something else definitely told him that too; it was very wet now.
Curiosity made him briefly push his index finger inside up to the first knuckle, and it almost felt like it was burning hot.
He also felt her body fluttering around that finger, gripping it tightly, so he decided not to go any further with that. He pulled it back out, and she watched him briefly put it in his mouth before giving her one last lick for good measure. Now she was ready.
She found part of her voice again. "P-please...I need..."
   "I know exactly what you need." He then stood up, still keeping hold of her right leg as he moved forwards into the space that was between them. They were shaking slightly. He took hold of the other one as well, then slowly pushed himself into her.
   "You...you need this." He managed to say once he was fully inside. God, the friction...he could feel that fluttering, too, as well as the heat surrounding him. He couldn't stay still, the urge to move was far too strong, but he did need some sort of compromise or he'd probably come within seconds.

As her arms went to his back and started wandering up and down it, urging him on silently, he decided to move out quite slowly and then shove hard on the way back in. He groaned at it at the same time that she cried out sharply, and her nails were already starting to dig into his back and shoulders.
He did it again and reckoned he could just about cope with that for a while, so he chose that as his current pace and wanted to keep it there as long as he could. She was going out of her mind by this point, scratching at his back and also aiming for his neck between thrusts, planting hasty kisses and at some moments, even wanting to bite. He felt the teeth just grazing most of the time but once in a while, they dug with a hint of an edge.

That undid him, in the end. Knowing she'd been pushed that far and was that desperate ended up setting his thoughts on fire.
On one such bite, his speed suddenly started to increase and he went for her own neck, giving it the exact same treatment as he pushed with the same hardness, but twice as often.
His hands left her knees and went straight for her back to pull at her to try and get even deeper into her, and her legs hung in the air for a couple of seconds before she took control and attempted to lock them around his lower back. They slipped and missed the mark, but she tried and tried and eventually, they crossed over at the ankles and she squeezed at his lower back with them as her arms held him tightly to her chest.
He then became frantic, driving it into her as hard as he possibly could while near-constant noises poured out of the both of them inbetween fast, shallow breaths.
It almost seemed like they weren't going to come; it just kept on going for some reason, as if he couldn't go fast enough.
Just when she thought she couldn't take anymore, she felt a wayward finger sneaking down between their bodies to rub at her clit...and that finally set her off. She stiffened and her ankles came apart as her knees drew up sharply, and she tried not to make too much noise but she couldn't help it. She wanted to scream the place down, and very nearly did. It was that good.
He felt the very strong, sharp contractions and knew it wouldn't be long before that extra stimulation got him, and barely had enough time to think that before his own delayed orgasm began.
It hit him very hard, almost to the point where he thought it'd hurt, and he yelled twice at the top of his voice before he reached out and sank his teeth into her left shoulder, an attempt to muffle the rest. She didn't even register it, and as they continued to writhe and wriggle through the feeling, they also didn't notice a couple of items being knocked from the top of the counter by a flailing hand, one falling with a loud smash.

It took quite some time before they gave any thought towards trying to move, and even then...
   "Y'know what?" Gladiolus said with a smile. "I actually feel like I wanna lie down on that bed."
   "Me too. And I'm the one sitting."
   "C'mon. Few minutes can't hurt."
He helped her put her feet back onto the bathroom floor as her legs were still very shaky, then they started to walk towards the bedroom. At almost halfway, she stopped.
   "Might end up fallin' asleep, though." She said.
   "Uh, we can...set a phone alarm? Half an hour?"
   "Worth a shot." She went to grab her phone, then followed him into the bedroom and saw him peeling back the covers.
   "Make sure it's somethin' really annoying, so that we don't end up ignoring it." He advised as he got in.
   "Okay..." She tapped for a few seconds. "There. That'll go off in thirty minutes, leaving us about ten or so." She threw it to him, and he put it on the bedside table.
   "Awesome. Now get over here."
She smiled, then got into bed and laid beside him.
   "You're still miles away. C'mon."
With a laugh, she shuffled right up next to him and turned onto her side, leaning into him. "That better?" She asked.
   "Oh yeah." His arms moved to cradle her. "That's the stuff."
They then lay there, breathing now far more regular but still not quite at normal pace, and dozed for a while.

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