Against All Odds (Vampire X W...

By VicSerranoao3

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The life of the Werewolf Princess has its perks; being the strongest one in the pack, even stronger than the... More

Chapter 1: Werewolf Life
Chapter 2: Love?
Chapter 3: School
Chapter 4: Weekend Planning
Chapter 5: Odd Feelings
Chapter 6: Uh-oh
Chapter 7: Admit
Chapter 8: Secrets
Chapter 9: He Likes Me
Chapter 10: Future Thoughts
Chapter 11: Be Careful
Chapter 12: Hiding
Chapter 13: Thanksgiving Break
Chapter 14: In Andy's Eyes
Chapter 15: Winter Time
Chapter 16: Happy Holidays
Chapter 17: Girl Problems
Chapter 18: Vic's Head
Chapter 19: Walking
Chapter 20: The Absence
Chapter 21: V-Day
Chapter 22: Many Surprises
Chapter 23: Beauty, Grace, and a Punch in the Face
Chapter 24: Working On It
Chapter 25: Craziness
Chapter 26: WERK IT
Chapter 27: Famous
Chapter 28: It Has To End
Chapter 29: Fight To Win
Chapter 30: Coming Soon
Chapter 31: As the World Falls Down
Chapter 33: Don't You Dare (Part 1)
Chapter 34: Don't You Dare (Part 2)
Chapter 35: Don't Blame Yourself
Chapter 36: Out with the Old, in with the New
Chapter 37: Finally
Chapter 38: You are my Sun, You are my Moon
Chapter 39: I am a Vision of Loveliness...
Chapter 40: Return Things to their Rightful State
Chapter 41: Back in the Game
Chapter 42: Who Are You?
Chapter 43: Slurpee
Chapter 44: I am (Y/n) (L/n)
Chapter 45: If You want Me to
Chapter 46: Angel
Chapter 47: Whatever Happens in Paris...
Chapter 48: Jessica & Jaime
Chapter 49: Anything You Want
Chapter 50: Creation
Chapter 51: Two Hearts
Chapter 52: Poke
Chapter 53: Changes
Chapter 54: One Year Anniversary
Chapter 55: Blood Streaked Cheek
Chapter 56: Eventful
Chapter 57: Missing Him
Chapter 58: After Him
Chapter 59: I'll Be Damned...
Chapter 60: The Last Fight
Chapter 61: Drink Up
Chapter 62: Against All Odds
A/n: please read
A/n: Hi Again!

Chapter 32: Behind Bars

365 14 5
By VicSerranoao3

Your POV

It's been a week since I was locked in my room...and I'm going crazy. I'm going insane. I feel like I'm actually in jail.

I get to use the bathroom three times a day. I am fed breakfast, lunch, and dinner, they are brought to me; I don't get to leave this room unless I'm using the bathroom. When I do use the bathroom, my dad is waiting and guarding by the door so I don't escape.

Why haven't I transformed and broken out yet you ask? Because I don't know if Andy's alive or not. If I leave to find Andy and he's not alive, I'm going to die. Then, my pack will be left with Jaime as one wants that.

During this past week, individuals from my pack have stopped by my door to ask me if I was really dating Andy (aside from the ones who already knew).

To each of them, I told them the truth. They couldn't believe that I'd date a vamp, the vamp Prince mostly. But they understood that love is love and they support Andy and I for the most part.

At first, they were unsure on whether to be supportive or against my relationship with a vampire, but they learned that if I'm in love, I'm happy...and they want me to be happy...even if it's with our long time enemy.

At the moment, I'm sitting in one corner of my room with my knees up to my chin. I can't cry anymore, my tear ducts are dry. It's dark in sunlight to shine since my window is gone. I could turn my light on, but I prefer the sun much more. The alarm clock on my nightstand indicated that it was indeed 3:43pm. I've already eaten lunch, I wait until 7:00pm for dinner.

My fingers traced along the claw marks I made on my wall, not as an escape attempt, but to take my anger out. My marks were deep, wrath written in each of them.

A slight knock sounded on my door rigged with chains and locks on the other side. "...(Y/n)? It's Vic. How are you feeling?" Vic asked.

"I'm not okay. I haven't seen the sun in so long. I haven't seen you either...I miss you. I miss everyone. And you know who I miss the most?"


"Yea...him. I miss him. Do you know if he's ok?"

"I don't know, we haven't heard from the vamps lately." Vic shushed his voice.

"Oh god..."

"At least you're not dead." Vic said, trying to look at the bright side to this. "Honestly Vic, I'd rather be dead than be here in this prison. It's so lonely, so dark, so depressing, and cold. I want to see him, that's my only wish. To know if he's alive. I can't stop thinking about him." I laid down with my ear next to the door. "Vic! What did I say about talking to her?! Go do something else!" My dad yelled. I heard Vic stand up and walk away, leaving me to sit in silence.

My parents are deeply disappointed with me and my decisions. My mom can't even look at me without crying. The work they've put into me, all wasted, useless, because I love him. I've tried talking to them about why I did it, but they never listen. They don't wanna hear me speak. I knew they'd never understand the benefits of my relationship. I was stupid to think that they'd maybe see the good in my choice of partner.

A sliding sound made me go back to reality...someone slid something under my door. I turned my bedroom light on and saw a Hot Press magazine with a sticky note on it.

I thought you'd be bored, so I went and picked up a magazine for you to read. Hope it helps.

Aw, that's my bro, always trying to be there for me. I took the magazine up to my bunk and started reading.

I was a couple pages in when my series of locks started unlocking; it's my second time today to use the bathroom. I hid the magazine under my pillow and jumped down from my bed. My dad opened the door, "Bathroom."

I nodded and started walking out of my room, but I knew that dad wouldn't want me running loose now, so he grabbed my arm, leading me to the bathroom. "Five minutes." He told me, shoving me into the bathroom.

Not only am I imprisoned like a prisoner would be, I'm treated like one. Food isn't handed to me, it's thrown in my face or on the floor, whichever one amuses the server. I'm lucky if someone from my pack is giving me food, they still have respect for me. I'm also handled roughly. There is no holding hands on the way to the bathroom, there's arm yanking, neck grabbing, and shirt clenching. Dad may say he loves me, but my relationship with a vamp is still fresh in his mind and he's still mad about it.

Anyways, I did my business and was thrown back into my room, back into the dimly lit space that is my prison cell.

A conversation was taking place just outside my bedroom between my dad and brother.

"Can I please talk with her? She's all sad and alone, I don't want her feeling that way." Jaime said. "No, she can't talk to anyone. This is part of her punishment. She deserves to be isolated from us all." Dad growled.

"That's my sister in that room. If she's sad, I'm sad, if she's depressed, I'm depressed, I wanna see her." Jaime kept begging.

"Yes, that's your sister, you're related to her, so you two must think alike. I'm not letting anyone in there to see her. She'll want you to help her escape, to help her find the Vampire Prince, to help her take royal power with him...I can't have that." Dad still declined.

"She meant well-"

"HOW THE FUCK DID SHE MEAN WELL WITH HER RIDICULOUS ACTIONS?! SHE COULD'VE GOTTEN ALL OF US KILLED! SHE'S PROBABLY TOLD THAT VAMP PRINCE ALL OF OUR SECRETS! Now...enough asking to see your one is allowed to see her until her wedding day." Dad started walking away, but Jaime trailed after him, trying to give good reasons on why I was dating Andy.

Nothing will change their minds on how they feel about vampires. They won't believe the benefits until they see them. It's no use.


Dinner time crawled around...and thankfully, since Jaime wanted to see me so badly, he was given permission to serve me my food. Dad unlocked all of my locks and let Jaime in.

"Hey, sis! I arranged your dinner myself. I know how much you love pizza. I ordered your favorite. Two slices, five buffalo wings, and a soda." Jaime placed my food next to me on my bed. "Aww, Jaimeeee, come here." I jumped down and hugged him really tight. "And here's dessert." He pulled out a bag of cotton candy. "Oh my god! Yyeeess!!! Thank you! I love you so much, bro!" I squealed.

"How are you holding up?" He asked.

"I'm a lot better now. I get pizza, cotton candy, and I get to see you." I smiled.

"Is there anything I can do to keep you feeling that way?"

"No, I know dad wouldn't want you doing that, don't go looking for trouble." I told him.

"Ok, so-"

"Jaime, that's enough, exit your sister's room now." Dad interrupted.

"Yes, sir...bye, sis, see you on your wedding day." Jaime frowned, slowly walking out of my room. "Ok! I'll see you! I love you!" I said it loud enough for him to hear.

The locks were locked up again and I was back to being by myself.

I ate my food and left my trash by my door for my mom to take away later. There's nothing to do...why fall into my thoughts...when I can fall asleep instead?

~~~ (remember, dream)

I was forced to wake up the next morning, dad was rambling on about how important something was, "This is the death of a royal, all other royals must be there to witness the death, it's important."

"Death of a royal? Who's dying?" I asked.

"Oh, I don't know, but I know what he did to receive a death sentence. He was your boyfriend." My dad told me with a sarcastic tone. "...He's...gonna die? Can't we do anything to stop it?!" I panicked.

"No. I have no control over what his parents do with him. I almost feel bad for the little sucker...but oh well, that's his fate."

"But who will take over for the King?"

"The strongest male vampire in the clan, Chris Motionless."

"WHAT?! But Motionless wants to destroy all werewolves! He wants to start a war against us!"

"That's just how it has to be. Being Queen isn't supposed to be easy. Now hurry and get dressed. Andy is scheduled for execution in 30 minutes." Dad left my room so I could change clothes.

I changed quickly, I do want to see Andy, I don't wanna see him die though.

Once my parents were ready, we went over to the vampire premises where the King and Queen of vamps waited for us. I was pulled there with a dog collar and leash as part of my shaming. "Good morning, King and Queen (L/n)." Queen Amy greeted us from under her umbrella. We shook hands and went to the execution site near the woods.

There, I saw Andy tied to two trees by his wrists; tied so tightly he could barely move. Completely forgetting that I was on a leash, I tried to run up to him, only to be pulled back by my dad. "SIT AND STAY. BE A GOOD GIRL." He ordered as he sat in a chair while I was the only one to sit on the ground. "Let us start...Andrew, tell us why you're dying today." King Christopher started. "Because I love a werewolf." Andy breathed, so weak and frail.

"And you will be dying from sun exposure, sweet, sweet sun burn your skin down to the bone." Christopher snickered.

"We cut off his blood intake five days ago, he should've died from that, but he still clings for dear life." Andy's mother informed us.

So he's been blood deprived...without blood, he loses his powers. He can't be in human form, can't fly, can't heal instantly, becomes as weak as a feather, must be starving, and when he dies...he cannot reincarnate. That sun will end him for sure.

In front of Andy is a white sheet, blocking and reflecting the sunlight. When his dad rips the sheet down, that's it.

I could only watch Andy from behind as that is where we're seated. He hangs low from the ropes holding him to the trees, nearly out of breath and out of life.

"Any last words?" Christopher asked his son.

"(Y/n)...I love you." Andy could barely get the words out of his mouth. "I LOVE YOU TOO! FOREVER!" I wailed, tears flooding out of my eyes. "And always." He finished, his head hung low.

The white sheet was stripped away, a sizzling sound immediately took over the silence. Andy's screams of pain and agony filled my ears, just watching him hurts me as well. He hisses at the light of the pure sun.


While my parents were distracted, I made my heat rise. I then placed my hand on the metal chain leash my dad was keeping me on and melted it...I'm loose.

No one noticed me melting the leash; I got up and dashed to Andy. "(Y/N), GET BACK HERE." Dad yelled at me. I kept my heat up and touched the rope. It snapped apart and Andy fell to the ground. His once porcelain skin is blotched with red, and even some black spots.

I was suddenly yanked by my hair, away from my still burning Andy. "GET OFF OF ME!" I screeched, Fight Mode: ON.

I whipped around and decked my old man in the throat, he fell back, choking. My mom was gone, she ran off somewhere. I turned back to Andy to see that he found shelter in some tree shade, but his parents were pulling him back out towards the sun. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I ran to them. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! INTERRUPTING THIS EXECUTION ON VAMPIRE PROPERTY. YOUR PARENTS SHOULD'VE KILLED YOU." Christopher raged.

I right hooked him in his face and back kicked the Queen away to aid Andy as fast as I could. I know they're not going to give up that easily, so I formed my fireball (the protective shield), around Andy and I. Nothing can penetrate it.

I slid on my knees to Andy and held him up. "Babe, baby, talk to me...come on, say something." I gingerly stroked his cheek.

" make pretty lights." He dazed behind me, looking at the shield that protected us. He's all woozy, I'm losing him...he needs blood...well, here goes nothing.

I bit my own arm hard and deep. Blood oozed out of my bite mark and into Andy's mouth. He got a taste...but there was no reaction.

" taste like're so sweet." He drooled, swallowing some of the blood on his tongue. "Are you feeling ok?" I asked him.

He looked drunk. His eyes were half way closed, his tongue was out, he keeps telling me things that aren't related to the situation we're in, and he slurs his words. I don't think my blood is enough. "I feel sleepy." He shifted into a sleeping position with his arms around me, using me as a pillow. ", no! Don't go to sleep! Look! Look at my pretty lights! Open your eyes to see them!" I made a flame sprout out of my palm and made it dance around. He smiled slightly, but his eyes closed all the way.

"They're pretty just like you, baby." He giggled.

"Andy, please stay awake! C'mon! We're in trouble, we need to run away! Please open your eyes, look at me." I leaned down and nudged his nose with mine. "I wuv you...I wuv you so much." His face snuggled into my shirt.

His grip on me loosened, I can't hear his wheezing...his back stopped rising and falling. "Hey, come on...look at me...please...Andy, say something." I held him in my arms. He didn't respond to me. I kissed his forehead and rocked back and forth. A couple tears fell from my eyes to his face. "Awake, my love, so that I may see your bright eyes." I sobbed.

It's over...he's gone...but I can't let go.

("Awake, my love" I turned this into a Romeo and Juliet thing 😂)


I sat up in my bed...rather too quickly...cuz I fell off. "Oowww." I groaned, rubbing my side and elbows.

I need to know if he's alive or not. Guessing that he's alive is killing me. Now...who will help me gather that information?

Just then, a knock fell on my door. "(Y/n)? Breakfast." Kaytlynn said.

"I'm awake." I announced. The locks were all unlocked as routinely done and Kaytlynn was let into my room. Dad always handles the locks.

"Hey, bestie! I made breakfast for you. Pancakes, chocolate milk, and bacon. Sorry the pancakes aren't chocolate chip, we ran out of those." She set my plate in front of me.

"Thank you so much! Man, you and Jaime are awesome." I got up and hugged her, whispering, "I need your help."

Kaytlynn nodded silently, knowing that if my dad heard anything, we'd be in trouble. "Ok, thanks, I love you!" I smiled and waved.

"Love you too, bestie, see ya." She left...and my door shut.

I listened closely. My dad went back to the living room, then went outside. Kaytlynn hurried back and asked what I needed.

"I need you to find out if Andy is alive or dead. Please. I worry too much." I favored.

"I gotcha, I'll just text Kellin." She ran to her room.

Now I wait until Kellin responds. This is good, I'm going to find out if Andy's alive. Who knew all of this would fall into place? I guess I kinda knew that, but I wasn't counting on it.


By midday, Kaytlynn had my information for me. " he ok?" I asked.

"He's alive, but in bad shape. His parents beat him last week and now they're slowly taking blood intake away from him as punishment. He should be at the wedding though. Everyone needs to be there." She reported.

I sighed in relief, a big heavy sigh that I really needed. "Thank you." Was all I could say.

"Anytime." I could feel the smile she held.

So my love still lives...

I laid on my back, hugging myself with a big smile. He lives, my Prince lives...

He's alive. ☺️


Andy's POV

Yes, I'm alive. Hard to believe, I know, but I'm still here.

It's been rough. I've been beaten from time to time, especially if I run my mouth. I'm being kept in the basement, locked down until (y/n)'s wedding day. I haven't taken a shower in days, I'm getting less blood intake, and I'm getting weaker as this goes on.

Vampires don't need much food, blood is the primary source of energy, so I'm barely given food.

Of course I'm not allowed to have my phone or anything else I can communicate with. Nor am I allowed any sort of freedom. It's just me and the basement.

Are you wondering about what my clan thinks about me dating a werewolf? They thought I was crazy, out of my mind, that I belong in a mental asylum. Gerard and Kellin understand me though, they understand that if I love (y/n), I love her and that's that.

Everyone else in the clan, they're not fond of the werewolves. I don't know if it's the classic rivalry or something that the werewolves have done, but they don't like the werewolves.

How am I doing?

I'm doing horribly. I can't function properly, my brain is everywhere, I jump at every sound, and I can't sleep. I can't sleep because the same dream happens over and over again on repeat, that one dream is my hell.

It always starts with (y/n)'s wedding. I sit on a chair in the crowd watching everything. And then I see her life with Vic. I see everything unfold. I stay seated in one place while her life goes on without me.

First she's married, then goes on a honeymoon, comes back and gets coronated, lives as Queen for a while, has a kid, and she's happy with Vic.


I yearn to see her, to feel her, to take in her beauty through my eyes once more. (Y/n), (y/n), (y/n), my Princess, my warmth, and my happiness.

I was getting quite deep into my thoughts until someone opened the basement door and stepped down the stairs. My mom's face appeared around the corner, she avoids eye contact with me while serving me my third plate of food this week. " come you never look at me anymore?" I asked.

"You've betrayed us; your family and your clan. I am not pleased with you. You've deeply disappointed not only me, but everyone. So...tell can I even look at my son who was in a relationship with someone on the enemy side? Hm?"

I looked through the pieces of hair covering my face and answered, "I have good reasons about why I did what I did. I think you'd be more understanding than dad. He never lets me speak; if I do, he smacks me."

"Yes, he's still furious...ok, tell me why you went out with a werewolf...the Princess."

"I felt a real connection with her. I only hated her before that because I had preconceived misconceptions about her when really, she is the greatest person I've ever met. I truly do love her...and think about it: If her and I were to be together and get married, the feud between werewolves and vampires would end since the King would be me and the Queen would be a werewolf."

"I feel like that would've started a rebellion against the royals on each side. Then again, royals are the only high power..."

"Exactly! We are the only high power! They obey us! They wouldn't be able to do anything about a royal vampire marrying a royal werewolf, they have no say in what we do!" I beamed.

"Remember the royal council though, they can interfere."

"They haven't interfered with anything in ages! It's like they're not active anymore. They wouldn't get between (y/n) and I." I kept reasoning.

I haven't told you about the royal council? Here's some background information: The royal vampire council was a group of 10 old Vampire Kings and Queens. They were active when vampires and werewolves fought for territorial reasons not here, but in a different region. They would help the King and Queen at the time make decisions about how to rule their clans. They were last active about 30 years ago, they probably don't even exist anymore, so I'm not worried about them.

"Better safe than dead." She said.

"I thought it was better safe than sorry."

"It's better safe than dead in this case." Was the last thing she said when she left the room.


I wonder how (y/n) is being treated...if she's getting beat because of a smart mouth or talking back to her parents. If her mom doesn't look at her anymore like my mom.

"Andy, blood." Someone called at the basement door. Before I could see who it was, the door closed and all I saw was a small cup of blood waiting for me.

I know I said I was cutting down from human blood to animal blood, but in my situation, it's blood, and I need all the blood I can get.

I picked the cup up and saw how much red, valuable liquid there was...less than a cup. This is terrible, I'm getting very weak. I'm so weak that I'm finding it hard to stand on my feet. If I go on like this, I won't be able to stand.

My hand took the cup to my lips and I drank from it, lapping up every drop of its preciousness. The precious, scarlet life source of a vampire.

"Have you finished?" My dad asked.

"Yes sir." I gave him my spotless, empty cup, leaving not a single streak of red behind. ", you know I'm not letting you and the werewolf princess be together, right?"

"Yes sir." I repeated...if I say anything else, he'll punch me in the face.

"Nice to know that you're accepting your fate and letting her go. Since you're not with her...I'm bringing Danielle in here so you two can bond together...she is your betrothed after all." He said, letting Danielle pass into the basement, then shut the door behind her.

"We have an hour, lets bond. We can start with why the fuck you'd choose a dog over me." Danielle walked past me and took a seat on the rug I slept on at night.

You read that right. I sleep on a rug.

"One, don't call her a dog. Two, I love her for reasons you wouldn't be able to understand, so there's no use in explaining why I chose her over you. I-"

"You're stupid is what you are. Having feelings for a werewolf, telling her our secrets, telling her everything like our strengths, weaknesses, so she can see how to kill us all. You're supposed to be my King, you're supposed to protect your clan, but you're leading us right to our deaths." She spat at me.

"She isn't that kind of person, she's sweet, kindhearted, and I know she truly loves me. You know nothing about her, you have no right to talk badly about my Princess."

"Your Princess? HA!" She snorted, "I may not know her, but I know her kind. I know werewolves. They'll kill us once they have the chance, just you wait."

"She's different, she's not kill thirsty like you think she is. She's nothing like how you describe werewolves."

"You should really forget her. I mean, she'll forget you the minute she marries Vic, why keep holding onto her? Why not try me? I'm so much better than that mutt. I'm taller, I have a marvelous complexion, I'm a proper lady...she's nothing compared to me." Danielle smirked her stupid smirk while I restrained myself from smacking her across her face.

"(Y/n) is my moon, my sun, and she's everything the sunlight touches. She's my entire world...YOU are nothing compared to HER. MY BABE IS EVERYTHING I'VE EVER WANTED AND MORE. She's beautiful, gorgeous, has an outstanding personality, and a rockin' body, so you'd better stop talking shit about her and you PRAY TO GOD THAT SHE DOESN'T HEAR YOU TALKING SHIT." I told her sternly. She was unmoved.

"Oh yea? And what will she do? What could she possibly do to me?" Danielle challenged.

"Hm, let's see: she could beat your ass in two seconds, burn you to a crisp, make you burn slowly, make your beating last a lifetime, she's only scary when she's mad, so don't make her mad." I said, chuckling to myself.

"I'm shaking." Danielle responded sarcastically.

"Can you fucking leave?! Get the fuck out! You're my least favorite person at the moment." I pulled her to the basement door and pounded on it. "Have you two bonded?" My dad asked from the other side. "Yes, definitely." I sighed.

He opened the door and I immediately shoved Danielle out of the basement. I was already in a bad mood, all she did was piss me off even more.

So here I am, alone in the basement, while I await the day of (y/n)'s wedding. That'll be the day.

The day I get out of here.

The day she will wear her dress.

The day she will say "I do".

The day she becomes Vic's.

The day I die from losing the one I love the most.


Your POV

Spending all of this time alone makes every passing day go by like a year. I've been in this room for what seems like ages! My skin hasn't seen the sun in a while...this is what I think about at two in the morning XD.

"Pssst, (y/n)." Some called me in a whisper.

"Yea?" I scooted to my door.

"Hey, it's Vic."

"Hey." I laughed.

"I just wanted to talk to your for a bit so I stay sane. How are you?" He asked.

"Honestly, I'm scared, hungry, and I've been yearning for the sun's touch on my skin...I miss the warmth."

"Here, cheerios." He shoved his hand under my door and there were three cheerios in his hand. "Thanks, Vic...and how bout you? How are you feeling?" I returned his question.

"I'm not doing so well. I hate this whole thing. You being locked up, not being able to talk to you, you being treated like a prisoner...I hate seeing you like this. And on top of that, you're forced to marry me. If you were to marry me, I'd want you to do it willingly." He sighed.

"Yea, that too. If I have the guts to say no, don't take offense to it. It's not you, it's me XD."

"(Y/n), I warned you about this and look what's happened. You're a prisoner in your own home. Why don't you listen? You knew this wouldn't go well." Vic said. I just knew he was rubbing his face with his hands as he shook his head.

"I did it out of love. It was a crazy thing to do, but I love him...I'd do anything for him." I sighed. "You must really love him." Vic chuckled lightly. "I do, with all my heart." I smiled and hugged myself. "Well, it's late, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Ok, goodnight." I stayed on the floor.

What day is it today? What's the date? How long until my wedding day? I lost track of days a while ago...I don't like surprises. I guess I'll just ask whoever wakes me up in the morning.


"(Y/n), wake up, hurry." Erin shook me.

"Hm? What's up?" My groggy voice took over.

"You need to wake up and get in the shower, hurry." She started pulling me. I haven't taken a shower in days, how come I get a shower now? And why am I in a rush? "Erin, what's happening?" I asked.

"You don't know what today is?!"

"No, I lost track."

"It's your wedding day!" She clarified.



(A/n: Well shit! The wedding is happening in the next chapter! We're finally doing it XD! After 32 chapters of this whole process, it's happening. I wanna thank everyone who's been with me since chapter one. We've come a long way. I also thank the ones who joined along the way. I love you guys ☺️💖💕


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