Kiss the Girl: A Chris Evans...

By AvengersCompound

155K 3K 390

-18+ ONLY. Minors DNI- Chris Evans and Emily Stephens are getting married. As much as she's looking forw... More



3.6K 73 14
By AvengersCompound

The offer on the house was accepted. I don't know that I'd ever been more excited about anything before. I had so many ideas for how that house could be our home.

With two weeks to the wedding we returned to LA. Chris had his bachelor party in Vegas over the course of a whole weekend. I'd get these random text updates from his friends trying to get him into trouble. Photos of him gambling, getting lap dances, drunk and passed out. He looked like he was having an amazing time. Kind of wished that I could have had my hens in Vegas to be honest.

The last details and fittings happened on my dress so that when I finally took it home with me it fits perfectly. The bodice hugged my skin so that it looked like the black embroidery was painted directly onto me. I was so in love with this dress.

My stress didn't settle at all. I pretty much felt constantly nauseated. The idea that I had to get up and declare my love for Chris in front of all those people was freaking me out. The fact that it was now becoming pretty clear that there was going to be a media circus outside the zoo when we got married too. I kept just repeating 'we should have gotten married in Boston' any time I got more news about the over the top excitement that the Australian media seemed to have about Captain America marrying one of their own.

I did get my green card with one week before the wedding. That made me feel like a whole weight had been taken off my shoulders. I was actually getting to the point that I was worried they'd stop letting me back into the country after each time I left. Certainly every security check was getting more and more complicated.

With five days to go, we boarded the plane to Sydney and settled ourselves into our seats. I threw up on take off.

"Em, are you sure you aren't actually sick?" Chris asked, coming into my pod when the fasten seat belts lights finally got turned off.

"I don't think so. I keep grinding my teeth too." I said shifting in my chair to let Chris squeeze in with me. "I might see if Amelia can change what we do for the hen's though. I don't feel up to late night drinking. Maybe we can do day spa instead. I need to chill."

Chris adjusted us both so my head was pressed against his chest. "Are you getting cold feet? You can tell me. I won't be mad."

I sat up and looked him in the eye. "No! I want to marry you. Just there's been so much going on. My job. The wedding planning. Buying houses. You leaving town to film Snowpiercer. It's all going to be done with soon and I'll be your wife and we'll be down in Freycinet with the beach and the mountain climbing and bushland and the bath that looks over over the beach, and the ginormous bed. I'm sure I'll be feeling just fine by then."

Chris relaxed back and I lay down onto him again. "You're going to be my wife." He whispered.

"And you're going to be my husband. Aren't we so grown up now?"

A flight attendant passed by and offered us drinks. Chris got a beer and I stuck with ginger ale. I don't even like ginger ale. That's how shitty I felt.

"Chris started stroking my hair and humming to himself. I realised it was 'Kiss the Girl' just as I drifted off to sleep against him.

* * * * *

Amelia rather disappointingly changed my hen's to a day spa thing. It meant Tom and Shan couldn't come along because we were all naked a lot. I mean I wouldn't have cared and I'm sure Ronnie didn't give a shit, the rest of the women probably weren't super keen on it.

Lisa, Shanna, Carly and Tara even came which was amazing.

Around three in the afternoon we were all getting mani-pedis. I was in a massage chair my feet in hot water, when the strippers arrived. I cracked up laughing as Ronnie and Amelia pulled me up and moved me to a chair in the middle of the floor.

"Amelia! You got me strippers." I squeaked as they sat me down.

"That would be me, darling." Veronica laughed.

I'd never been to see strippers before. It was interesting how completely ridiculous I felt. Yet at the same time how much fun I was having. They had hired a man and a woman. The guy was dressed as Captain America and I completely lost it laughing when he started his strip routine. The only thing he shared in common with Chris was the kind of shitty version of his costume. His routine was silly and fun and I did really enjoy it.

The woman they're hired took the job seriously. I had to hold my hands behind my back while she ground into my lap. It made me think of Chris and the more she danced the more actually turned on I became.

We finished the day with dinner at Aria near the Sydney Opera House. Shan and Tom were coming to this bit. I was excited that I did get to do something with all my friends together too. We all headed to our hotel first to get ready. My lapdance had made me horny as fuck, so I dressed in matching black bra and panties and black stocking and garter, with the idea to come back to Chris after and jump him. Over the top I wore short, flirty black dress. Tom, Gaby and I traveled together and were met by paparazzi out the front. I have no idea who tipped them off to Tom being there.

In case you were wondering, Tom looked amazing. He'd gone all out, dressed in a black three piece suit. He looked like he would do very bad things to you.

After the dinner a lot of the girls begged me to go out partying but the paps had stressed me out, so by the end of the dinner I was grinding my teeth again. I was worried about Chris. He hated this kind of attention more than anyone. Our wedding was going to be a fucking circus to get into. I was just glad we had the boat for the reception. They can't crowd us when we're in the middle of the harbour.

Most everyone else decided to go on partying. Tom, Lisa and I headed back to the hotel. I hugged Lisa goodnight as she got off the elevator on her floor and continued up to the suit Chris and I were staying in. Tom was on the same floor as us, so I didn't think twice about the fact he got off when I did.

I said goodnight to him in the hall and opened the door to our room.

Chris was sitting on one of the lounge chairs facing the door. He was wearing a black suit. His tie was undone and just draped around his neck, and the top two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned. He was also clean shaven. I hadn't seen him without a beard for months now.

"Did you have a nice night, Emily?" He asked. He was holding a leather strap and he tapped it on his thigh.

"Yes, thank you." I answered.

"Would you like Tom to join us?" Chris asked, still tapping the strap on his thigh.

I turned and saw him standing in the door behind me. "Yes, please."

"Come here." Chris said and pointed to a space in front of him. I walked over and stood looking down waiting for direction.

"What are you up for?" Chris asked.

"Don't mark me." I answered.

"Anything else?"

I shook my head.

"Will you take direction from Tom?" Chris asked.

I nodded.

"Don't forget who you belong to." Chris growled. "Now take off your dress."

I reached behind me and pulled the zipper of my dress down. I shimmied out of it and offered it to Chris. He took it and folded it, placing it beside the chair.

"Go help our guest with his jacket, Emily." Chris said.

I turned and approached Tom. I slid his jacket off his shoulders and hung it on the coat hook at the door. I started to loosen his tie and there was a loud crack of leather on skin behind me. I turned started to look at Chris.

"You're taking liberties, Emily." Chris snapped. "Come here and get on your hands and knees."

I followed his instruction kneeling on all fours in the middle of the floor. Chris held out the leather strap to Tom. I watched as Tom removed his cuff-links and slipped them into his pocket. He rolled the sleeves of his shirt up and took the strap from Chris.

Tom ran the strap down the length of my spine, as shiver ran through me. The shudder hadn't even completely made it's way through my whole body when the strap came down on my arse. It forced the air from my lungs in a sudden grunt. He hit me again and I clenched my jaw, breathing through my teeth.

The next touch he made was gentle. He trailed his fingertips down my back. When he reached my hair he grabbed a handful of it and yanked my head back so I was looking up at him. "Go and lie over Chris' lap."

He let my hair go and I crawled over to Chris and draped myself over his lap. Chris stroked his palm over my arse. He carefully unhooked the clasps of my garter and yanked my panties down so they sat around my knees.

"Emily, I want you to watch Tom." Chris growled.

I turned my head to face Tom. He was sitting, reclining on the couch. Chris started teasing his fingers over my public mound and over my arse. Tom unbuckled his belt and unfastened his fly. Chris' fingers slipped between my folds, teasing gently up and down. Tom pulled his cock out and started stroking it. As he stroked himself Chris stroked me. The liquid heat feeling started building in me very quickly. I wanted to bury my face in something to hold back the sounds that were trying to escape from me. Even consciously holding them back I was whimpering. Chris circled his finger around my clit and pressed down on it. That's all it took. My whole body clenched up and I came.

Chris pulled his hand away from me and slapped me hard on the arse.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He barked at me. "Who told you you could come?"

"I'm sorry, Chris. I didn't mean to." I said, looking at the ground.

"I don't even want to look at you." He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me to my feet. His hand went to my throat and he squeezed it lifting me so I was on my tip toes. "You do not get to come unless I say so."

"Yes. I'm sorry. Please. I'll try harder." I babbled.

He let me go and turned me to face Tom and then shoved me towards him. "You do something with her."

Tom took my hand and pulled me into his lap, so I was sitting across his knees leaning into his chest. He slid my panties all the way off and tossed them to the end of the sofa. "You'll be good won't you, darling?"

"Yes, Tom." I breathed.

His hand moved between my legs and he pushed to of his fingers into my cunt. I gasped and he began curling them inside of me dragging them over my g-spot again and again as he rolled his thumb over my clit.

"Oh god! No, No, No, No ..." I cried. "I'm gonna come. Please, Tom."

"She's so worked up for us, Chris. Maybe if she's going to be like this we shouldn't let her stop coming?" Tom said. His fingers continuing to work inside of me.

I looked over to Chris and he nodded. Tom pulled me backwards so I was lying back on the couch, my hips on his legs. His fingers worked like lightning in me, pressing on my g-spot, pinching at my clit. Jolts shot through me. I writhed on his lap and he grabbed my breast, yanking the cup of my bra down and pinching my nipple. I came again, arching off the couch. Tom didn't ease up at all. In fact if anything, he became more focused.

Chris approached, he knelt in front of me and yanked my other breast free and he sucked my nipple into his mouth. He bit and sucked on it. My nerves were on fire. It felt like torture while at the same time feeling like the ecstasy. I came again. Loudly. My throat felt raw.

Chris moved again, this time he sat next to Tom. Two of his fingers joined the two Tom had inside of me already. It stretched me out to an uncomfortable level and I whimpered.

"How attached to that suit are you?" Chris asked.

"I have others." Tom chuckled.

"Work her clit and hold her down. She's going to try and escape this." Chris said.

Tom moved a hand so it was pressing down on my hip bone and pulled his fingers from cunt, using them to focus on my clit. It actually set off another orgasm and I was clenching down around Chris' fingers before he even had a chance to use them on me.

My legs started to shake and Chris started dragging his fingers back and forth over my g-spot.

"Oh god! Please!" I cried. I didn't even know what I was begging for. My hips bucked and I tried to pull away.

"Hold her down." Chris growled, and Tom increased the pressure on my hips. "And you, shut your fucking mouth!" He said, slapping me across the thigh.

His fingers pressed hard against my g-spot, while Tom's worked frantically on my clit. I couldn't stop coming now and I started to cry.

"You had better relax and let this happen, Emily." Chris snarled.

"I can't. Please, Chris." I wailed.

Chris hit me again. "Emily. I mean it."

I took a deep breath and focused everything I had on relaxing my pelvic floor. It took every bit of self control I had and as soon as I did another orgasm tore through me, gushing onto Chris and Tom.

"That's it, good girl." Chris cooed, stroking my thigh. He got up and wiped his hands on his pants and Tom shifted so he was between my legs. He dipped his head down and began lapping at my pussy. Each touch of his tongue on my engorged clit felt like heaven.

Chris went to the mini bar and retrieved a bottle of water he crouched in front of me and unscrewed the cap. I propped myself up on my shoulders and he tilted the bottle letting the water slowly trickle into my mouth. I drank and he let the water pour faster. When I was done he took the bottle away and put the cap back on.

"What colour are you, Em?" He asked.

"Green. I can keep going." I said.

He stood and unfastened his fly, pulling his cock free. He was hard and he stroked his erection as he looked down on me. He stepped over me, resting his knee on the back of the chair and thrust his hips forward. I took his cock into my mouth and sucked along his length. He thrust into me as I used my tongue to roll over his shaft.

Chris pulled away suddenly and started removing his clothes. I let my eyes fall closed, allowing the sensation of Tom's tongue circling over my clit and his fingers swirling in my cunt, wash over me.

I was grabbed suddenly and dragged away from Tom and pulled to my feet. Chris turned me to face him and then lifted me, sliding me down, his cock entering me as I moved into place. I clung to his neck as he raised and lowered me on his dick. Tom came up behind me and I felt his fingers trail down my back, and between my arse cheeks. He circled my anus with one finger and squirted lube so is it trickled down my crevice. I felt his cock push up against my asshole. I groaned as he pushed in, stretching me out.

Together they fucked me. I felt helpless. Trapped between them. I leaned back wrapping one arm around Tom. He kissed me, biting my lower lip, his tongue teasing me. When we broke apart Chris took his place. His kiss was hungry and full of need. I moaned into it and let myself go. My body wasn't mine any more it was theirs. It came apart. My orgasm crashed down on me. My body clenched and I went limp, collapsing up against Chris. Clinging to him as I panted and whimpered. Helpless in his arms.

Tom came first. I felt him pulse inside me and he let out a low groan. As he pulled out, Chris came. When his cock stilled inside me he set me on my feet. I swayed and leaned into him.

He wrapped his arms around me and bunched one hand into my hair. "How are you doing, babe?" He asked, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"I feel really shaky." I answered.

"Tom, could you start her a bath?" Chris asked.

"Of course." Tom replied. He scooped some of his clothes off the ground and disappeared into bathroom.

"Do you want Tom to stay for your aftercare?" Chris asked.

I looked up at him, I still felt like I was in a bit of a daze. "I don't know. I mostly just want you but what if he's not okay? This is new for him too."

Chris let me go and I swayed a little. He went to the hall closet and grabbed me a robe and helped me into it. "What if you go talk to him for a minute. See how you both feel. I'll leave you alone. Then if you decide you both want him to stay we'll work from there?"

I nodded and headed to the bathroom. Tom had the spa running. It was one of those giant oval tubs, much like the one at home. He was sitting on the edge and buttoning his shirt.

"How are you doing there, Emmy?" He asked. "That was a little intense."

"I'm fine. Feel a little floaty and my legs feel like jelly, but I'm good. I enjoy all that kind of stuff. How about you?" I sat down next to him and put my hand on his knee.

"I'm good. I think. I enjoyed it. I've had girlfriends in the past who liked things a little rough, or being ordered around. I've never gone that far before." Tom said.

I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Do you want to stay? Talk about it?"

"No. I should go clean up and get some sleep. Thank you for including me again."

He stood and I got up and hugged him. "I love you. You know that right? I really consider you one of my best friends." I said as I squeezed myself against him.

He kissed my cheek. "Thank you, darling. I think I needed to hear that. I love you, too."

I sat on the edge of the tub and watched Tom leave. Chris appeared a moment later. He had a Lush shopping bag in his hand.

"You went to Lush?" I squeaked.

He crouched down in front of me and kissed my cheek. "Gotta keep my future wife happy." 

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