My Perfect Crush

By StaceyHemmington

17.9K 451 61

#169 Gorgina suffered for her whole life. She was treated blankly by her nana. Her life is miserable at its b... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 46

153 6 0
By StaceyHemmington

Gorgina's POV

Morning had arrived. As expected, the kids woke up early. They really wanted to see the famous tower. I don't know what's with it. I heard it's beautiful. That Paris is the most romantic place in the world.

I wish he will find me.

Yeah. My one and only. I mean, my true love. I hope he's looking for me. I hope he's chasing after me.

"Okay! Prepare now, babies! We'll be going soon." I announced.

"All are settled down ate, since last night." I was a little bit surprised by Hazel's words. Did they even sleep last night?

"O...kay? Okay. Let's go now."

The nannies are carrying them towards the car. Yes, I will bring some nanny in case I'll forget those kids or I'm busy, they will take handle of them.

Paris-Paris-Paris. What a beautiful place! And the Eiffel Tower? Oh.My.God! Really really beautiful!

The place seems like a love park or something. You can see lovers or couples everywhere. Some are taking pictures with the tower. They look good together. Their smiles are not fake. They were all real.

"Please take me a picture!" Hazel begged.

"Yeah! Picture picture!" Jasper agreed.

"Can we go there?" Hazel asked as she's pointing to somewhere.

I smiled before I responded.

"Yes, baby. But please, don't be far away, okay?"

"Yes, ate! I'll be with Jasper." She stated while smiling widely

"Okay. Please, don't go away from yaya." I diverted to yayas. "Please, don't let them astray. I mean, look after them anytime. Just please, take good care of them. In case of emergency, call me. Here's my number." I handed her my phone and she typed my number to her phone.

They nodded and smiled as a response.

"Bye, babies!" I waved at them while smiling, so as them to me.

I heaved a sigh.

How are you now, Cauli? I really miss you so much. I hope you're still thinking about me.

I shook my head to divert my mind. I heaved a sigh again. I need to focus. I have to forget him.

Far away, I accidentally saw a man. I think his age is around eighteen or more than that. Well, I'm eighteen too. We can be together... joke!

He's wearing a white v-neck shirt, ripped jeans and white shoes.

I remember Cauli in him.

Damn! Damn! Damn! Why am I keep on thinking about him? Why?! Why can't I just delete him immediately in my system?! Why?! Fucking why can't I?!

I roomed around to breathe fresh air. I need to move on as soon as I can. The sooner, the better. I just want to forget him. I just want to move on. That's it. He made me believe that he loves me. But what happened? He will marry Ruby? What about me? Already forgotten? The fuck is wrong with me? I'm just the only one who loves him. Yeah. Because I thought everything he did, is meaningful towards him. That it's a way to show his love for me.

My phone suddenly vibrated.

I felt queasy.

I pressed the green button to answer the call.


"Madame! Madame! Madame!"

Wait, is she one of our nannies? Oh my god!

"Why?! What's wrong?!"

I can feel the loud beatings of my heart that I can hardly breathe.

"Jasper is missing! I'm sorry, madame! I'm sorry." I heard her sobbing. Her voice is cracked as well.

I immediately hang up. I want to cry. My world seems ruined by earthquake.

Fuck! Not now please. Oh, god! Please, give me back my Jasper.

I looked around. I can see no baby. I ran to everywhere.

Good heaven! Where's my baby? I can't afford to loose him. Oh my god! I hope I can see him again. Please good heaven... bring back Jasper to me. Please. I promise I will move on from Cauli and just take good care of them. Just please. Please...

My cheeks are wet by tears. I don't know what to do. I don't know where to go. I don't know if I can see Jasper again.

I went to a garden and my eyes got widened.

Oh my god! Is that... Jasper?

I ran as fast as I could towards him.

"JASPER!" I called out. He shifted his eyes to me then smiled. He's licking his ice cream.

I knelt down and hugged him tight.

"Where have you been? Don't you know I'm worried sick about you?"

He's pouting like any moment, he will burst out into cry.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I'm just worried about you. Where have you been? I told you to not go away from Hazel."

"He's with me, miss. I'm sorry if I made you worry." An unfamiliar voice of a man suddenly interrupted us.

I stood up to face him. My eyes widened when I realized who he is.

He was the one who I saw earlier. Really? Just wow.

"Who are you? Why are you with him?" My forehead creased as I raised my right eyebrow.

"I'm Tevron Saldivia." He smiled as he presented his name and offered his hands.

"I don't care who the hell are you-"

"You asked me about myself earlier, lady. Remember?" He laughed. His dimples popped up.

What the heck?! I can almost see him in Cauli. His dimples... he's outfit...

"Let's go, ate. I want to go home." Jasper butted in.

I almost forgot that Jasper is with me now.

I cleared my throat.

"Okay. Fine. Thank you for taking good care of my baby-"

"He's your son?" His eyed widened.

"Yes. My son." I smiled playfully.

His forehead creased.

"Joke! Hahahahahaha." I laughed hardly that made him laugh too.

I carried Jasper.

"Seriously, thank you because you found him."

"No. He found me. And with that... I guess I found you too." He smiled sweetly.

I was stunned.

"O...kay. hehe. Bye! Nice to meet you!" Then I ran away.

I think I'm blushing. I want to scream, shriek and squirm.

Oh my god! Is he the one?

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