Grey Beach (Hajime Hinata x F...

By anna--senpai

204K 7.6K 21.5K

When you're trapped on the tropical Jabberwock Island with 16 other people and are forced to kill one another... More

Cry Baby
Wiped Out!
Far Cry
Beach Bummer
Lost Stars
In Your Arms
I Found
Wish Right Now
Cult Of Personality
Komaeda Ending
Hajime Ending
Double Ending
Nobody Ending
Chiaki Ending
Thank you for reading!


11K 415 1.3K
By anna--senpai

After the Monokuma annoucement played, I found myself lying in bed wide awake. I wasn't sure why, but I could barely shut my eyes to blink. In my state of restlessness, I made my exit from my cottage to go find something to occupy my mind. While I was a bit worried about being hurt or killed, I had faith in my classmates.

I was walking past all of the cottages when I noticed a bright light to my left. I turned and saw the hotel pool glowing an eerily bright teal. As I hadn't really noticed the pool at this hour before, it was safe to assume this was a normal occurrence. I walked towards the water and sat at the edge, dipping my legs into the cool chlorinated water. The water bubbled and waved due to the jets inside, distorting the reflection on my legs. In a strange way, it was soothing.

"(Y/n)-chan..." a voice called, interrupting my monologue. I craned my neck and noticed Komaeda standing behind me, his hands buried in his olive green pockets. "Why are you still awake? It's night time."

"Couldn't sleep," I mumbled, the boy nodding in understanding. He suddenly unlaced his boots and took off his socks, cuffing his pants and sitting next to me. I felt slightly flustered as I gazed at his pool-lit face.

"It's kind of dangerous, you know," he laughed hoarsely. "You're lucky I don't have any tricks up my sleeves!"

I chuckled nervously. "You're right. I don't really mind, though. I have faith in my classmates."

"You're so peculiar... even though you are cursed with the burden of bad luck, you trust so easily," he rambled, eyes transfixed on the moving water. I kicked my legs around, feeling the sensation of the moving fluid under my legs.

"You know what they say, don't you? 'One is innocent until they are proven guilty'."

"But, wouldn't your guard heighten after Byakuya's murder? Especially considering your history with me... you don't seem the least bit frightened by me at all," he explained, a growing sense of disbelief becoming more apparent in his words. I merely shook my head.

"You're normal now," I stated. "Plus, you haven't really hurt anyone since then. I think people have the capacity to change."

He snickered softly. "Thank you, (y/n)-chan," he exclaimed. "Now, let's drop that topic, shall we?"

"Mhmm," I hummed softly, my attention diverting to the boundless starry sky that acted as our ceiling.

"So.. is there anyone that you like in particular on the island?" He questioned in utmost innocence. Despite his good intentions, I froze up like a car coming to a screeching halt. What was I supposed to tell him?

"Well..." I giggled nervously, my kicking growing in intensity. It wasn't a flirty giggle, but more of a forced and anxious one. "I guess so. Everyone on the island is so nice, so it's hard to just pick one person, ya know?"

"I guess you could say that," he admitted. "However, I have my attention focused on one person alone."

"Oh? Who?" I asked coyly, my face growing hot. A nagging sensation of regret started to tug at me. He abruptly turned his head to look at me, a stoic expression on the face.

"I would rather not tell," he insisted firmly. I shrugged, though I had a glimmering hope that he meant me.

"That's alright," I assured him. I put my hands into the water, feeling the sensation of the jets through it. I then placed one at my side. Slowly, I felt the sensation of something landing on top of it. I turned and noticed Komaeda's hand resting on top of mine. My face flushed pink as his expression remained unchanged. That nonchalant bastard.

"I think it would be fun to go swimming during this time," I thought out loud, desperately trying to salvage the shred of normalcy we had in or conversation.

"Oh? Why do you think so?" He asked innocently.

"Well, it's all lit up, and there's no one around," I justified.

"Sounds like a good situation to go skinny dipping," he laughed hoarsely.

"What?! No! Oh my god!" I exclaimed, not even considering the prospect. He smirked deviously.

"Hey!" A voice cut through the awkward air, becoming my unexpected savior. We both turned in sync to find Hajime standing on his cottage porch, a furrowed brow on his face. "Why are you guys still awake? It's midnight!"

"Couldn't sleep," I reiterated. Komaeda stood up abruptly, extending a sleeved arm to help me up. I took it, shaking my legs slightly in a fruitless attempt to dry them. Before turning back to the cottage path, I turned back to Komaeda.

"Thanks for talking to me," I mumbled, wrapping my arms around the thin boy. He hugged me back, burying his face into my hair. I let out a small yawn, to which he laughed.

"Looks like I successfully made you tired!" He exclaimed. "Good night, (y/n)."

He made his way back to his cottage, leaving me standing alone in front of the pool. I glanced at Hajime, who was beckoning for me to go to him. I dashed towards his porch, leaving chlorinated footprints in my wake.

"Yeah?" I questioned, fatigue filling my body.

"What were you talking to Komaeda about?" He asked intrusively. I sighed softly before responding.

"Nothing much. We talked about who we liked as well as my talent. It was actually pretty normal," I recalled. Hinata opened his mouth as if to ask more, but then flushed red and promptly shut it.

"That's ok. As long as you're safe. I was worried he was threatening you again or something," he laughed in an uncomfortable way.

"Oh, god no," I scoffed. I yawned yet again, which acted as my cue to leave. "I have to sleep now. I'll talk to you tomorrow, Hinata-Kun."

"Wait!" He interjected. I turned back to him, a confused expression on my face.


"Don't go just yet," he pleaded. "I want to tell you... the person I like on this island..."

"Huh? Who?" I interrogated nervously. He cleared his threat and shut his eyes.

"...well... it's..." he suddenly turned bright red. "Never mind! It's too embarrassing! Good night!"

"Jeez! Just spit it out!" I yelled in annoyance. He suddenly bore an angry expression.

"Never mind. Forget I said anything. Good night," he scoffed as he turned back into his cottage. Suddenly, I felt guilt fill my veins. Did I do anything to upset him? Before I could dwell on my thoughts, I slipped into my cottage next door and conked out.

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