Love Makes Us One (Part 2 of...

By K_Williams1

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Ronnie has been through a lot in her life and now she's able to start anew with her daughter Amy, her brother... More

Chapter 1 The Move
Chapter 2 - Committment
Chapter 3 - Volunteering
Chapter 4 - New Friends
Chapter 5 - Dinner
Chapter 6 - Life Goes On
Chapter 7 - What to Do...What to Do
Chapter 8 - Looking for a Solution
Chapter 9 - Here We Are
Chapter 10 - Love RH Style
Chapter 12 - Thanksgiving with the Cranks
Chapter 13 - Peace at Last and Unexpected Apologies
Chapter 14 - A Blast From the Past
Chapter 15 - Christmas With the Parents
Chapter 16 - I Was Hoping...Nevermind
Chapter 17 - Okay...
Chapter 18 - Spring Break
Chapter 19 - Why?
Chapter 20 - Taking Down An A**hole
Chapter 21 - Just When I thought it Was Over
Chapter 22 - So...It's My Birthday
Chapter 23 - Dances and More Court Dates
Chapter 24 - The Rest of the Time
Chapter 25 - Good Times
Chapter 26 - The Trip
Chapter 27 - Home Sweet Home
Chapter 28 - It's The Holiday's Again!
Epilogue - 10 years later

Chapter 11 - Meeting the Grandfathers

9.7K 564 47
By K_Williams1


I wake up this morning wrapped around Solomon. My man. I smile into his chest at that thought. My mind goes back to the events of yesterday and the fact that I now have what Frankie and my brothers have. It's amazing! I have three boyfriends and I thought that I couldn't even find one. I guess God brings someone into your life when you're not looking for it. As much as I want to stay in this position, my bladder is pulling me towards the bathroom. I reluctantly start to untangle myself out of Solomon's arms and they tighten around me. I stay still for a minute until they relax and then gently pull away again and go into the bathroom.

When I come out of the bathroom, he's sitting up waiting for me, "Where did you go?"

I give him a look, "Where do you think I went?"

I see a small blush make its way up his face, "Duly noted. What time is it?"

I walk over to pick up my phone off of the night stand, and when I look at the time, I widen my eyes, "It's nine am. We have to get ready for the Grandfather's!" I look around in a panic.

"Don't worry. We're here. What do we need to do for their arrival?" He asks calmly.

"We need to clean up and we need to make sure that everything is put away..." I stop babbling at his face.

He looks around, "Done," he looks at me again, "Honey, do you need to mentally prepare for them? Your house is spotless. Is there anything you need to put away so they don't see it when they arrive?"

I run my hand through my hair, "I don't know. I'm just so nervous to see them. Everyone in the family wants their favor. What if they don't approve of us?"

He grabs my other hand and pulls me into the bed to him, "They already approve. Frankie has already spoken to them about us and they approve. All we have to do is meet them and we'll be on our best behavior. We'll be fine." He tilts my chin up to his face and starts the kiss off gentle and lets it build into an intense make-out session. My whole body is vibrating and I feel my purr in the back of my throat. Solomon adjusts me under him and slides one of his legs in between mine. My arms go up around his neck, playing with the hair at his nape. I feel his hand under my night shirt, his thumb rubbing my ribs.

There's a knock on the door, "Mommy! Are you up yet? Meg and I want breakfast."

Sol lifts his head, looking down at me. Crap. I'm glad at least that she knocked on the door instead of barging in on us, "Coming pumpkin. Get dressed and we'll be out shortly."

"Can we have pancakes?" Meg's voice comes through the door.

"Of course. Now go get dressed," I say a little too forcefully.

I look up at Solomon who hasn't moved us from our spot and he has a smile on his face.


"You look so cute when you're frustrated," his smile gets wider.

"Do you know how long it's been for me? Too long. I know that we weren't going to do anything this morning, but it feels so good to kiss you finally. I didn't want it to end," I drag my finger down his cheek.

He lets out a low moan, "I know exactly how you feel and we have all of the time in the word. It's been a long time for me also and when we do make love, it will be hot, wonderful and all night long, because I know that I'll never get enough of you."

This time I smile. I think it helps to know that it's been a long time for him also. He moves off of me and we go into the bathroom together, getting ready for the day.

I make the girls breakfast and clean the kitchen. Tyler and Greyson arrive and we go next door where everything looks fine, but Frankie is running around frantic like I was this morning. Finally, Cameron throws her over his shoulder and carries her out of the room. Dylan looks at Tyler and asks him if he could fix lunch for everyone since the Grandfather's will be here in two hours. Of course, Tyler says yes and after laying a quick peck on my lips, goes to the kitchen and starts making lunch for everyone.

I go through the house to see if anything needs to be put in its place and everything is done. I check the rooms that they'll be staying in and the bedrooms are impeccable. They have everything that the Grandfather's will need when they arrive. I head back downstairs and pull out the glasses and port, putting them on a tray and taking them into the living room.

The last thing I do is make sure that the girls are okay and they're sitting in Amy's room over here playing quietly. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, the front door opens with a flourish and the Grandfather's sweep into the room with a majestic air like they normally do.

"Hi Grandfather," I approach them both with a smile, giving them a hug.

"Hi Baby," Grandfather R gives me a big squeeze. He pulls back and surveys the room.

"How's my granddaughter?" Grandfather A pats my cheek.

"I'm doing fine. How are you two doing?"

"We're doing great as always. Now where are these young men of yours?" Always getting straight to the point. I really wish Frankie was down here right now.

My guys step up, Solomon speaks first, "Hello sir. I'm Solomon. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Tyler speak next, shaking their hands, "I'm Tyler. I'm honored to meet you. Please excuse me, I have to go back into the kitchen and finish our lunch.

"You made lunch?" Grandfather A asks.

He nods, "I wanted to help Frankie out a little, so I made lunch for all of us."

"Thank you young man. I guess we'll see you shortly then," Grandfather R says. They both look at him strangely. I think he made some points with them since he's helping Frankie.

When he walks away, Greyson steps forward and shakes both of their hands with a smile, "I'm Greyson. I'm happy to meet both of you."

"So you are my granddaughter's men," Grandfather R inquires.

"Yes sir. We love her very much," Solomon responds.

They both study Solomon and Greyson closely for a minute, "We'll talk to you after lunch. Our Frankie has nothing but good things to say about you. I hope you live up to her praise," his eyes scan the room, "Where is Frankie?"

"Right here Grandpa," she's walking down the stairs with Cameron behind her. Before she can walk towards the Grandfathers when she gets to the bottom of the steps, Dylan pulls her to him and kisses her on the cheek. I see him whisper something in her ear and she nods her head. Rand does the same and then she's heading to the Grandfathers. The both crush her in tight hugs one at a time.

"What were you doing? Running around trying to prepare for us again?" Grandfather A asks. She looks at him bashfully and nods her head.

"We've told you so many times to relax. Why do you do this to yourself?" Grandfather R asks.

She grabs their hands, "I just want everything to be perfect for you. Sometimes I go a little crazy." They both kiss her hands smiling.

"You like to take care of those you love. We understand and we are honored. Other than that one over there," Grandfather A points at me, "no one else treats us the way you do. When is lunch?"

Tyler steps out of the kitchen, "Right now. If everyone would go into the dining room, lunch is served." I call the girls down and they come down the steps like little ladies, I'm so proud of them.

They both walk over to the Grandfathers. After giving Amy a hug, Grandfather R asks, "Who is this young lady?"

"This is my friend Megyn. Her daddy is Solomon." Amy pushes her forward. Meg looks up at them completely intimidated.

Grandfather A stoops down to her height, "You may call me Grandfather, okay?" She nods and he gives her a hug. Grandfather R does the same thing, "Me too. Call me Grandfather," he hugs her tight. She looks relaxed by the time he pulls back.

We pile into the dining room and Tyler has done us proud. He set up a buffet style lunch with just about anything you can think of on it. I put smothered steak, red potatoes and spinach on my plate. The girls have spaghetti and everyone else has different things.

The Grandfathers sit at the end of the table by the guys and me. Frankie tries to sit nearby to help if needed. They spend the next two hours grilling the guys and they handle it with grace. My guys are awesome! When the Grandfather's found out that they were wearing Greyson's designs, they were over the moon. They rave to him about how much they love his suits and why. Grey offered to measure them and design a special suit for each of them while they were here and you would have thought the heavens opened up and the Angels started singing.

Then they found out that Solomon went to the same college as Grandfather A, I knew that they all had won them over for sure. I'm sure everyone saw the relief on my face. Frankie's also, since she vouched for them.

When lunch is over, Frankie starts to collect the dishes, but Tyler won't hear of it. He says that since he cooked, the kitchen is his today and he'll clean it up. Frankie looks at him strangely until Grey tells her that it's just the way he is and they don't even touch anything in the kitchen at home because of it. She relaxed when he told her that.

We spend the rest of the afternoon, relaxing and listening to our Grandfather's tell us stories about when they were younger with Frankie asking them to tell stories they've already told her. They beam at her proudly every time she does it.

They ask about Thanksgiving and Frankie gives them the rundown. They think it's a great idea and asks about her peach cobbler. She assures them that she made enough for everyone. They tell Tyler that they're glad that he's helping her because she takes too much on herself. We finally go out to dinner and when we get back, our Grandfather's retire for the evening.

I hug Frankie and my brothers and my guys hug Frankie thanking her for her help before we leave. Amy and Meg ask if it's okay if they stay the night with Frankie and she tells them they can. I tell her that I'll get Meg some clothes and bring them over and she tells me that she already has clothes for Meg over here. I love my sister in law.

My guys come home with me and they all decide to stay the night since I have enough room. Grey spends the night in my room this evening and after kissing, Solomon and Tyler goodnight, we retire to my room.


We get settled into bed and I ask her, "Does it bother you that the Grandfather's dote on Frankie so much?"

She shakes her head, "Frankie is the one person who deserves it. I've always had a good relationship with them and that's not going to change. But Frankie didn't have any love growing up. Her parents abused her mentally and physically. She had people in her life who looked out for her, but never someone who loves her like all of us do. She is such a good person and I'm glad that they dote on her like that."

"But she knows all of their stories," I rebut.

"I do too. I just grew up not being able to ask like she does. Our parents didn't allow us to. I love it when they start telling stories in front of our parents and Frankie eggs them on. I love those stories. Our parents always get this pinched look on their faces, but won't say anything because they don't want to get into her bad graces. It's a wonderful thing." She sighs into my chest.

I smile, "I just wanted to make sure that you're fine with it. If you weren't, I was going to have a word with them tomorrow when I measured them for their suits."

"You don't have to. I'm enjoying watching Frankie getting the love she deserves from all of us. She's blossomed under it. You wouldn't know the person she was when we first met her. She was very quiet, reserved and the guys had to talk her into even buying her dinner. Now, she's a different person. Still genuine, but loves to take care of the people who she loves and takes care of her," she puts her chin on my chest and looks me in the eye. I can see that she means every word she just said.

I pull her closer to me, "I love you. Go to sleep."

I hear her yawn, "I love you too."

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