The Wonders of Hogwarts --DIS...

By anonymous12234688

296K 4.2K 7.3K

Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico go to Hogwarts. (After BoO) The Golden Trio are in their 7th year. This is... More

Chapter 1- The New Quest
Chapter 2- The Letter
Chapter 3- Hogwarts Express Pt 1
Chapter 4- Hogwarts Express Pt 2
Chapter 5- Sorting
Chapter 6- Rooms
Chapter 7- Breakfast
Chapter 8- Prof. McGonagall
Chapter 10- Potions
Authors Note
Chapter 11- Nico's surprise
Author's Note
Chapter 12- Here He Comes
Chapter 13- Five more minutes
Chapter 14- Yeah right
I'm so sorry
Chapter 15-Infirmary
Chapter 16-Did she say 'Gods'?

Chapter 9- Divination

14.3K 244 285
By anonymous12234688

Wattpad has been acting up and I had to rewrite the last 500 words 10 times. I hope you guys like this chapter. I'm currently skiing in Colorado, so I'll have less time to write this story. Happy reading!

Italics are their thoughts.


Harry p.o.v

The ES are definitely Death Eaters. This morning during breakfast, the were burning their food. That's suspicious. Anyway, I saw Percy's arm with a black mark. Once he realized I was looking, he quickly covered it up. Extremely suspicious.

Next they had Divination. I feel just the smallest bit sad for the ES, because Trelawney would predict their death. Harry snuck up on them, hoping to embarrass them, but before he reached them they turned around with annoyed looks on their faces. The emo-kid asked with a glare plastered on his face,

"What do you want?"

"Well since we have Divination next, the professor predicts everyone's death. Just do you know."

"How do we know that this isn't a trap?" Thalia asked, then muttered something that sounded like, you can never trust boys.

Harry just went to his best friend and said,

"Let's go, I want to be there when their deaths are predicted."

"This is gonna be so funny!"

The boys reached the tower and the trap door fell down. They climbed up and saw the ES already sitting at a table. How did they get up here so fast, we left before them! There were no more seats anywhere else, so Harry and Ron had to sit next to them.

Professor Trelawny came in and Harry heard Annabeth mutter something like,

"She smells like cabin 10." Then, Percy, Nico, and Thalia started snickering.

"You boy, beware water for you will die drowning!" She said looking at Percy, but instead of looking shocked, the ES started laughing. Trelawny turned to Nico and said,

"Beware ghosts, you will die at the hands of the Ghost King!" Again, instead of looking shocked they started laughing again. Looking annoyed, Trelawny turned to Thalia and said,

"You will die at the shock of lightning!" They just started laughing even harder. Now looking really mad, Trelawny turned to Annabeth and said,

"You will die because of a poorly planned battle plan." They laughed so hard I though they might explode, but when they settled down, Annabeth turned to Trelawny and said kind of annoyed,

"When you predicted my death, you insulted me, my half-siblingsnd my mom. You do not want my mom on your bad side. Percy is on her bad side but he is only alive because my mom doesn't want me to be depressed."

" O-ok, then lets-" Professor Trelawny voice turned metallic, then started saying,

"You shall go west, and face the *cough* who has turned, You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned, You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend, And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end.

You shall sail the iron ship with warriors of bone, You shall find what you seek and make it your own, But despair for your life entombed within stone, And fail without friends, to fly home alone.

Five shall go west to the *cough* in chains, One shall be lost in the land without rain, The bane of *cough* shows the trail, Campers, and Hunters combined prevail, The *cough* curse must one withstand, And one shall perish by a parent's hand.

You shall delve in the darkness of the endless maze, The dead, the traitor, and the lost one raise. You shall rise or fall by the ghost king's hand, The Child of *cough* final stand, Destroy with a hero's final breath, And lose a love to worse than death.

To the north, beyond the gods, lies the legion's crown. Falling from ice, the son of Neptune shall drown.

Wisdom's daughter walks alone, The Mark of *cough* burns through Rome. Twins snuff out the angel's breath, Who holds the key to endless death. *Cough* bane stands gold and pale, Won through pain from a woven jail." She took a breath and said one last thing,

"Seven half-bloods shall answer the call, To storm or fire, the world must fall, An oath to keep with a final breath, And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death." Once she finished everything was quiet. The ES were pale and Percy was on the floor shaking violently. Trelawny asked,

"What happened l? I only tripped."

Percy then started muttering words,

"Bob... Damasen... kill... NO!" Annabeth was crying silently while Thalia and Nico looked so sad, the complete opposites of their usual faces. Annabeth sat down next to Percy and put his head in her lap. He awoke suddenly and started to cry while saying things like,

"I could have saved them. I should've gone and visited Bob more..."

"Percy, they died a heroes death. Bob and Damasen chose to fight him and help us get out." She started crying even more, then it was Percy's turn to comfort her. He sat up and kissed her, Annabeth returned it and when they finally broke apart. Thalia, Nico, Annabeth and Percy, stood up and walked out, while saying,

"We will not attend your classes for it will only cause our worst memories to come up, and when you have been through 2 wars you get a lot of bad memories."

Once they left everyone started talking at once and you could hear everything like,

" 2 wars!"

"Maybe he has PTSD"

"What just happened?" And so on. The class got let out early and so they went to the common room. Once Harry and Ron entered, they saw Hermione talking with the ES and then got a sad look on her face. 'Mione then said,

"Lets go tell Luna and Drake." The demigods all walked upstairs to the extra room and Hermione opened the door and Harry saw Luna and Malloy sitting there. He got angry and asked,

"What are Luna and Malloy doing here?"

"We are sleeping here since we are all family. Now if you don't want to be drowned, shocked with lighting, swallowed by the earth, be outwitted, covered in rainbows that make you itch, and have all your possessions stolen, I suggest you leave." In Nico said angrily. They all glared at Harry and he ran away. Malfoy is sleeping here and is related to Hermione! How could she not have told Ron and I!?!?!

I have nothing to say so...

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