Saved By 5SOS (In the process...

By Meganator300

37.4K 597 103

I continued running down the street, my ankle hurting with every step. I don't know where I'm going, but I ne... More

Author's Note & Before You Read
Chapter One (Edited)
Chapter Two (Edited)
Chapter Three (Edited)
Chapter Five (Edited)
Chapter Six (Edited)
Chapter Seven (Edited)
Editing This Story (This is an A/N)

Chapter Four (Edited)

808 24 1
By Meganator300

~~~Late night conversations, led to complications.~~~

Kelly's POV

I watch Amber carefully as she starts to walk toward this Cody guy. I watch him like a hawk while they talk. I smile to myself as I see that Amber is staying a safe distance away from him. That's my girl. I quickly realize that I am too far away to hear what they are talking about or see their facial expressions. Damn, some binoculars would be really useful right now. But I guess we can't all have cool spy-gear. Maybe I should consider buying some that would be really awesome. I could use it to spy on random people. Or I could- 

"Dammit! Kelly focus!" I yell at myself, but in a whisper because I am trying to be sneaky here. "Now is not the time to be considering how totally awesome it would be to have spy-gear!

"In my defense I tend to get distracted by stupid things. I mean, Who doesn't?"

"Yeah, but now is not the time to be! You are supposed to be the lookout. You are supposed to have Amber's back. You can't do that when you are sitting here arguing with yourself about stupid shit!"  

I promise I'm not crazy. I'm sure everyone has little battles with themselves inside their heads. Right? Anyway, I turn my head to see Amber start to walk over to the nearest bench. 

"Oh, no Amber. Don't turn your back on him!" I whisper to myself hoping she can hear me, when deep down I know she can't. And that is the problem. It is like watching a horror movie and screaming at the main character on the screen to not do something stupid that will get them killed, but they can't hear you and do it anyway. We think that if we yell at the TV, that maybe they will hear us. Or if the remote doesn't work, we spam hit all the buttons in the hopes that it will work, even though we know the batteries are dead. 

So here I am, silently yelling at Amber to not turn her back on the guy, when I know that she can't hear me. I proceed to watch in shock as Cody tries to back her into a corner. Before I know it, Amber tries to run, but Cody grabs her and has her trapped in his grip. It wasn't until he shoved a cloth over her mouth, that I realized what was going on and sprang into action. I started running to where they were, but I knew that I wouldn't reach them before Amber passes out. So I continued to run toward them. 

As I was running, I was forming a plan in my head. Half of me wanted to beat him up, but the more reasonable half worried about the consequences of that action. He could drop Amber when I hit him. I could get caught beating him up and go to jail. So what do I do? Before my mind had decided what to do, my instincts took over.

"HEY!" I shouted at him. "What the hell do you think you are doing?"

His head shot up in surprise. Yeah you little jerk, I'm here. "Um...It's not what it looks like-" 

"NOT what it looks like- I mean it is pretty obvious what you were trying to do! I think you need to put her down before I give you a ride on the pain train." 

"You don't understand-" 

"Alright. You asked for it. HIIIIIIIYYYYYAAAAA!" I yelled as I landed a kick to his shin. He immediately recoiled back in pain and let go of Amber. But alas, I was expecting this reaction, so I quickly caught Amber before she fell. I set her down on the nice comfortable grass as I turned back around to face the jerk. 

I was just about to deliver another kick to the groin that would allow me to grab Amber and bolt, when he stopped me by grabbing my foot. "WAIT! Let me explain please."

"Oh yeah. Give me one reason that I shouldn't call the cops right now." 

"Because I only did this because I was forced to!" Cody exclaimed. I stared directly into his eyes, and I could see the guilt and shame on his face. My gut told me to hear him out. 

"Go on."

"I got a letter from some random person that said if I don't do exactly what it said, that he would hurt my family!" Cody said. I could see the fear in his eyes now. 

"Why didn't you go to the police?" 

"The letter said that if I go to the police, then he would know and he would hurt them. I couldn't risk that." 

"Okay. How do I know that you are telling the truth? How do I know that this isn't a trick to get out of going to jail for attempted kidnapping?" I asked him.

"Um....let's take Amber back to her dorm, and them we'll go to my dorm and get the letter so you can see it."

"Okay fine." I proceeded to step close to him and grab his shirt collar. "If you are playing some kind of joke on me, just know that I will hunt you down and kick your ass many times."

"I'm not. I promise." 

We each supported one of Amber's arms as we made the short walk back to her dorm. I used the extra key that she gave me to get in, and we gently set Amber on the bed. Then I made sure she was covered up and then we left to go get the letter. When he handed me the letter, I quickly read all of the instructions that he was given to myself.

"It says that you were supposed to kidnap her, but what next?"

"When he sent me the chloroform and stuff, there was another letter that said that I was to wait for further instructions once the action was complete." Cody finished.

"Is he going to call you?"

"I don't know, probably. The other letter didn't say how he could give me more instructions, it just said he would give me some." 

"Cody. I know you aren't going to like this, but I think we need to go to the cops."

"No. I know I feel bad. But he said no cops or he would hurt my family."

"I know, but know Amber's life is in danger, and besides I know someone who can keep this very low profile. My dad works with this kind of stuff every day." I told him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. He is a professional. He will make sure that all of this is kept secret while he conducts an investigation into the person who tried to indirectly hurt Amber and threatened your family." 

"Ok. You better be sure about this."

"I am. Trust me and trust him." 

"Ok. I guess I don't have any other choice." Cody agrees as I pull out my phone to call my dad.

"Hello." My dad picks up after a two rings.

"Hey dad." 

"Kelly! How are you?"

"I'm good. But there is a situation that I need to talk to you about. Can you meet me at the dorms as soon as possible?"

"Is it an emergency?"

"Yes, someone tried to kidnap Amber." 

"Oh my. I'll be there as soon as I can." 

"Okay, thanks. See you soon." I said as the call ended. "He is on his way now." 

"Okay." Cody said.

I noticed that Amber was starting to stir on the bed. "Hey, she is waking up."

"Amber?" I asked her.

"Whoa. What happened? And what is he doing here?" She said as she looked around.

Cody and I exchanged a look. "It is a long story." 

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