That's What You Get...

By signofthechimes

3K 300 34

full credit goes to wattpad user @mxxnlanding who wrote this before she had her own account More

Royals By: Lorde
Young and Beautiful By: Lana Del Rey
Hero By: Skillet
It's Time By: Imagine Dragons
She Will Be Loved By: Maroon 5
Brayden's ideas
Brayden's ideas part 2
As Long As You Love Me By: JB
Brayden's ideas part 3/Learn about Hannah
Team By: Lorde
Hurricane By: Bridget Mendler
Seven Nation Army By: The White Stripes##
Crazy By: Gnarls Barkley
Mama By: MCR
Use Somebody: Kings Of Leon
You Know What I Mean by The Cults
Knee Socks by Arctic Monkeys
Bankhead by
On watch
If I Knew By: Bruno Mars
Dollhouse By: Melanie Martinez
Mind Over Matter By: Young the Giant
Creep By: Radiohead
Happy Together By: Filter
Thats what you get by Paramore

Adventuretime by BryBry

119 10 1
By signofthechimes

Piper's PoV:

Okay, I might admitt, I did miss Eli, a little bit. But only a little. Jason was there for Leo, since, in his words, and I quote, "My heart has ripped out." I just rolled my eyes. I considered Sam a friend, but only because Leo's my somewhat friend and is Jason's best friend. I have a feeling only girls will understand the statement.......

Sam's PoV:

Leo smiled at me after we kissed. I can't believe I kissed him. He's sweet and cute, but I thought he wanted to just be friends....... Then, he surprises me and kisses me.

"Sam!" Eli called. Connor had walked out of the Big House, holding his cheek, two minutes earlier.

"WHAT?!" I called. We have the lungs for yelling all day, every day.

"YOU'RE HAIR!!!!!" She screamed. I laughed. She took me by the arm and started dragging me to the Aphrodite cabin to have my hair look better.

"Wait!" Leo called after us.

My best friend, winked at me before walking to the Girl Cabin. I knew we had only ten minutes before she'd get suspesus. I turned to the cute Latino boy and looked into his beautifully mishchevious brown eyes.

"Yes?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I-I-I-I was wondering i-i-i-i-if y-you'd like to um...." He mumbled. Was Leo asking me out? "H-H-H-Have d-dinner t-t-tonight?"

My heart raced. Nobody's really asked me out. Well..... There was that one time, but I....... It wasn't my ideal way of asking. I realized I had Leo waiting for a few minutes. Biting my lip, I considered the ups and downs.... More ups than downs.

"Sure." I give him an award winning smile.

He sighed and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back until I realized something. What would I wear to a date? Crap. I never thought this would happen, but I'd have to talk to the one person I had swear not give me clothign advice....... Eli.

It was at the beginning of our friendship and she asked why I wore sweaters. I made her swear not to give advice ever again, until that one day I asked. And I guess that's today... I will brace myself for the worst side of Eli. her girly side.

Eli's PoV:

I looked at my ponytail and red mini skirt and tucked in vlack button up shirt. It was a bit loose, so I didn't feel self concious. I see Drew come up from behind me and smile. It wasn't the look she usually gave people, it was actually genuine.

"You'd look good with your hair down." She said quietly.

"My hair is nasty. It has a mind of it's own." I shrug.

"Is it naturally wavy, curly, or what?" She asks as she takes our my hair. I straighten it, so it'll be straight if I ever took it out. "Straight?"

"Nah, it's wavy, but my hair and I have problems." I gulp.

"Here." She shoved some clothes into my arms and pushed me intot the bathroom. "Take a shower, because you smell, then, I'll do your hair."

I do as she says and wash my hair and dry it. As I put on the clothes, I tried to make the skirt go down, but it looked weird when I did.

"Oh hun, it's short for a reason. Don't pull it down." Drew said sneaking up on me. "Now sit down and let me fix your hair."

I followed Drew out of the restroom and onto a neatly made bed where I sat down. Drew went around to the otherside of the bed and sat behind me. I could feel Drew working her daughter of Aphrodite magic on my head, when Sam came into the cabin causing Drew to literally scream.

"Your hair!!!! Who would be that cruel and make your hair look so much worse than it did?!" Drew practically yelled. Oh gods....

"Oh I cut -HEY! My hair didn't look that bad before!" Sam replied with a slight scowl. Drew let out a slightly cruel laugh.

"Yes it did. Sorry Eli, but she needs her hair fixed more than you and she might need a whole new wardrobe. Like goodness did your parent not take care of you?" Drew said. I can see why Sam tends to not like her because Drew really doesn't care if she is being rude or not.

"Don't talk about my family! Also I like the way I dress." Sam said scanning her outfit of completely black converse hightops, light grey skinny jeans that are rolled up, a black red and yellow David Bowie t-shirt.

"So what did Leo want?" I asked Sam trying to relieve some of the tension. Sam blushed and started staring at her shoes. Now I really want to know.

"Heaskedmeonadate." she replied so quickly that I couldn't understand her. She blushed more and continued to stare at her shoes.

"Huh?" More blushing. Drew and I stared at her hoping that she would just spit it out."

"Leo, um, well he asked me on a date, and I said yes." After she said that she turned a deep shade of crimson. I squealed and Drew squeaked.

"Awwww!" we said in unison before bombarding her with questions.

Me: "When?"

Sam: "Tonight."

Drew: "What time?"

Sam: "7 pm."

Me: "What time is it now?"

Sam: "6:15."

Drew: "Ew you aren't wearing that are you?"

Me: "Drew we have more important things to deal with. You even out her hair, I'll get her nicer clothes.

Sam: "I did not agree to this."

Drew and I: "Too bad." and then I sprinted off to the cabin we've been staying in.

I knew the Aphrodite bunch had extra clothes that would've fit sam but she refuses to wear dresses, skirts, sandals, heels or designer clothes. So I was rumaging through my trunk (I knew Sam wouldn't have anything date appropriate, it's all to formal), when I found the perfect outfit for her to change into.

Sam's POV

Drew lead me from the bed I was sitting on to the bathroom where she made me sit on a hot pink stool. I saw her pull some hair tools from what looks like a medicine cabinet. Then she turned around and stood behind me evening out my hair. It was all going good until I heard a buzzing and the next thing I know, she's shaved of of my head.

As I was about to protest Drew makes a "shh" noise and then she sticks a hot rod, which I determined was a hair curling thing, into my hair. After several minutes she gives me one of the many mirrors lying around and I smile at what I see.

My hair is in small curls on the longer areas and the shaved part actually looks good. (A.N: Pic will be in side bar.... Maybe) Then she takes the mirror from me and sprays a cloud of hairspray in my hair. I started coughing from all the...... Hairspray.

"Cute hair." Eli says as she sets an outfit down on the counter. "I saw Leo and Jason squabbling to get him ready. Word of advice, don't touch his greasy hair. Jason's still trying to degrease it."

"Nice choice. " Drew nodded her head as she looked at the outfit. It was made up of black jeggings, a huge sweater that you would wear for a skiing trip, and a feather necklace with fashionable combat/hiking shoes. Something that I could actually stand.

Slipping into the outfit, I frowned at how the sweater slipped off my shoulder a bit. It was a little uncomfortable. I just ignored it. The minute I walked out, all eyes in the cabin went to me. Some of the Aphrodite boys winked and wolf-whistled at me. A deep shade of red engulfs my face.

"You clean up nice, kid." Eli smiles at me.

Her short black skirt went half way down her thigh, making some of the boys drool over her. The way her black hair tumbled down her shoulders would make any guy want her. A white shirt hugged her torso as the long sleeves didn't show her wrists with a modest neckline. Drew had leant her little black heels to go with her outfit. We were both in un suitable outfits.

"Ready?" She asks me after we both take in our outfits.

"Yeah." I breath as we walk to the Hermes cabin.

Some of the guys stop what they're doing and stare at us as we walk by. Even Jake Mason winks at us as we walk by him. I'm not used to this much attention from the male gender.

"I want her back by ten, got it, Valdez?" Eli says as her eyes narrow at the guy I like. Being her, she gets a case of OPSS. Or OPBFS. Which ever you want. Anyways, she gave him a lecture about safety and if he broke me, she'd break him. It made both of us remember that she is crazy.

When we finally leave, the dinner bell rings. Instead of going to the pavilion, Leo take sme into the forest. It's a few minutes before we fins a clearing. It's pretty with the stream and a huge trees, then a meadow of little flowers. As I said before Pretty. A little picnic is set up under the huge tree. I smile at this. It's........ Timeless.

"Do you like it?" Leo asks as he leads me to the checkered blanket on the ground.

"Yes." I smile. "It's very timeless."

His smile widens. "I like you- I mean I like your body- No wait, I mean your hair! I LIKE YOUR HAIR!" He kept correcting himself. I just giggled.

"So, what did you bring?" I eyed the basket, realizing I hadn't eaten all day. The idea of food excited me. Fooooooooood....

"I brought a lot of things. I kind of just grabbed anything I could find and threw it together." Leo said. He opened the basket and I saw something that immediately caught my eye.

"CHOCOLATE PUDDING!!!!!" I screamed as I grabbed a cup thing and ripped it open, pouring the most brilliant substance ever made in my mouth. This caused Leo to laugh hysterically and fall on his back.

"What? Is my love for chocolate pudding funny to you?" I asked in a mock serious voice.

Leo tried to supress his smile, "Not at all, not at all." Which caused us both to laugh like mad men.

After finishing eating Leo helped me up and we went on a walk along a stream. His hand brushed mine as if he wanted to hold hands, so under that assumption I grabbed his hand. He looked at our intertwined fingers and then to my face and smiled.

"You know what would suck? If we were siblings," He said. I don't even think he realized he said that. "No, oh gods I didn't mean to say that." His smile faded in realization and his palm grew sweaty.

"It's fine, it really is. Also I don't think we have to worry about that, I am the least handy person you could meet." I reassured him.

We continued walking hand-in-hand in a peaceful silence for a while when I asked, "What time is it?"

"10:30" Leo said confused at first but then he realized I had to be back at 10 according to Eli.

"Shi- I mean crap! We need to go before Eli kills us!"

"Hold on." He said before grabbing my face and kissing me.

I didn't know what to do, so I kissed back. We stood like that until I realized it was raining. We still kissed. His chapped lips moving in perfect sync with mine. It wasn't until I was almost out of breath that we broke apart. Our foreheads rested against each other.

"You're beautiful, Sam." Leo whispered to me. I just blushed.

"Thanks. You're too shabby yourself." I remarked.

"SAMANTHA MERALON!" ELi's voice rang through the whole forest and camp. Crappers.

"I better go." I say quietly.

"Okay." He kissed me on the cheek. "Bye."

Eli's PoV:

They made me wait. No. Don't do that.

Sma walked out of the forest, looking a bit flushed. Oh, so he kissed her on the first date. Mr. D some how walked up next to me and was standing next to me, arms crossed. I felt heat around my wrists. Great, my hands are on fire, I'm so mad.

"I don't want messing around with that boy, Sam." Mr. D said very seriously.

"It's not your problem." She glared before lookign at me. "I'm sorry. We just sort of got lost in the moment."

"Lost in the moment? What if it went too far? What if-"

"Young lady, it is my problem. Both of you two ladies will be meeting Chiron and I in the Big house at once." And with that, he went up in a puff of smoke.

"What's his problem?" Sam made a face.

"Beats me, but you and I are havign a talk when we get to the cabin." I say before walking to the Big House.

The moment our feet touched the porch, I saw a leapord curl on the top of Sam's head with a wine glass floating above it. I screamed. When Sam saw me, she screamed. Our screaming woke up all the campers and made Mr. D and Chiron walk out of the house. In the window, I saw sparks circling my head. That's unusual.

"All hail Sam Melaron, daughter of Dionosyus, God of Wine, and Eli Delarosa, Daughter of Hecta, Goddess of Magic!"

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