One Direction drove me off th...

By Nloved1D

897K 3.2K 1.2K

Youé is a special girl, she's damaged and doesn't trust people. When she meets the 5 most amazing boys and a... More

One Direction drove me off the Road SEQUEL
Louis! Not again!
Almost the same girls
You ARE beautiful
The One and Only Liam Payne
The beetle
Youé's story
The crime and Derek
Shopping and clubbing
Just not fair
The little campire
What did I do?
What do we learn from this? CUPCAKES SOLVE EVERY PROBLEM
You're back!
Derek's place
Romantic... and playful kisses
A day at the park
Larry Stylinson
Larry Sty....what?
The fancy party part 1
The fancy party; part 2
Our trip begins here
There's no limit on a happy-meal, so STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!
The concert
Love makes people blind
The truth
Quick fire!
Just trusting you
Love in the air
Meeting Max
Ignoring you! HA
Not allowed to kiss Zayn
Please drive another girl out of the road...for me????
Mr. Romantic
We need to leave
Sleeping on the trampoline
Cold shower??
New tops
I'll look after you
Get out of my face!
I'll cry a river
Red paint fail
Forever and always, I will love you ~last chapter

Camping in the garden

18.2K 70 11
By Nloved1D

Youé's POV:

This was just perfect. All the girls and boys are snuggling up with each other. Let me tell you:

Zayn & Laura

Alexis & Louis

Catara & Niall

Aïsha & Harry

Liam & me

This night is just perfect. Everyone is happy and half of the time, I stared into Liam's eyes or looked at his face, adoring his perfection. Liam and I and on the couch, Laura next to me and next to her Zayn. Louis and Lexi are on the ground sitting, Aïsha is snuggling with Harry on a chair and Niall and Catara on the little sofa at the opposite of the room. No one was really watching the movie, I don't even know which movie it is.

Laura and I burst out in laughter once, no one understood us. Harry shifted and Aïsha did too, Niall followed with the shifting and Cat did too, then Louis, Lexy, Zayn and Liam. It was genious to see them all move just an inch from where they were, just because Hary shifted. I hadn't the feeling to explain everyone and Laura neather, so we simply didn't :)

I lay my head against Liam's chest and I hear his heart beating regular and peacefull. I closed my eyes and sighed. This is what I needed, this is what I missed all those years. Just snuggling up with somebody. I mean, I can snuggle up with the girls whenever I want, but I mean with a boy... It feels just right with Liam, complete.

"Did you fall a sleep?" I feel Liam's breath tickling against my ear. I shake my head and open my eyes, meeting his brown eyes. "Do you want to go to sleep?" he asks when I yawn. I think for a second and shrug. "Girls, are you going to survive here without me?" I ask and they nod. The boys look confused. I guess they are wondering why the girls need me... yeah.. why would they need me? I'm just a weak girl right? Wrong.

Derek was a special agent. Like the once you see on the tv in series like CSI, NCIS, crimenal minds.... that kind of things. That's why he did my case. He adopted me, I got on well with him before when I stayed at the office, hanging out. He learned me to protect myself and watch out for things. I loved it when he learned me stuff like that. When I finally go 15 years old, he learned me how to shoot, with a real gun. He had a couple himself, I wasn't allowed to touch it, so I didn't. I can be a brave girl if I want to, and mostly if I don't need to. I hate it when people force things. Cough... school.... cough.

The girls know it and told me that they feel safe around me, knowing that if something happens, I will always know what to do. And in most situations, I know what to do. So that's why I always ask before leaving them if they are alright with that, just me.

Liam and I stood up and walked to his room. Liam turns around and takes me into his arms. "You're amazing" he says and I smile. He takes a step closer and kisses my forehead. "I love you. I really do" he says. That just really made my life way better. "Liam, you are the first guy I trust since you know happened. I love you too, I really do, I feel safe and complete with you" I say and he looks me in the eyes. "You're beautiful" he says and I kiss him tenderly. He lays his arms around me and kisses me back soft. This is the kiss that I dreamed about. A kiss from a guy that is different from all those others outside, a kiss with no presure, a kiss from Liam.

"Cause you've got that one thing" Liam whispers into my ear and I laugh, walk backwards and fall down on the bed. He runs and jump on the bed, almost crushing into me. He grabs my waist and we wrestle around a little more. "GUYS PLEASE" Laura screamed and we laughed.

It's late already, 1 am. I got some pj's from Laura and I slept with a top on. I lay down in Liam's bed. "I'm sleeping here, right?" I ask and he smiles. "That is what I thought, yeah" he says and walks to the bathroom.

I decide this moment to think a little.

Liam is prefect, lovely, he's special. That's what I feel. This is new to me, this feeling. And... I have to think about... yeah. What if he wants tonight? What if he wants to go on? Do I want to go on? I know that he would understand if I say no, but the feeling in my stomach is amazing when we kiss. The tenses he send down my spine, he's to die for. So why wouldn't I? Maybe I just have to try, and, just like earlier, say stop if I want to stop.

I hadn't realize that Liam was laying next to me again till I felth his hand touch my face. In a reflex, I turn around and turn his hand around. "Argg" he says and I quickly let go of his hand. "I'm so sorry Liam! It was an reflex, it's just... I'm so sorry" he looks at his hand and then smiles. "Doesn't matter, it just scared you." he says and I smile, he's special, I just know it.

"What were you thinking about? you had a... smile on you face" he says. I blush heavilly and first he looks surprised, then he get a huge grin on his face. "You're predictable, Youé" he says and leans foreward.

"You know what to do if, right?" he says and I nod. I have to say stop if I want him to stop, sweet that he says that again, just letting me know he cares about it.

He pulls me closer to him and we kiss, more pasionately. He rolls over so that I'm laying on his chest. He wrapps his arms around my back and we kiss, sometimes he opens his eyes to look at me. My lips move to his neck and he moans softly. I'm glad I picked this shirt, I pulled it open, I think that some buttons broke, but Liam doesn't mind I think. I just pulled at it and it tore open. Liam smiled against my lips and took his shirt off. While my lips explored his neck, my hands slided over his chest and stomach. He shivered slowly when I kissed the lowest point of his neck. He suddenly turned around and layed on top of me. His lips got to my neck and I slided my hands into his hair, my breath going faster and faster while he kissed my neck. I am wearing a top and he pulled up my arms so that he can shove it over my head. I chuckle a little and he looks surprised. "You're just perfect" I say and we started our kiss session again.

I tried to unbutton his pants but he grabbed my hands. Doesn't he want.. me? I feel hurt till he says: "Are you sure? I care about you, don't do this for me" that was one of the sweetest things I've ever heard. Most boys would go on, just for their own pleasure, but Liam asks me if I'm fine with it. He really asks me if I'm fine with going to bed with HIM? It has to be turned around. "I'm sure" I say and his lips crush into mine passionatly.

"Youé, we had an idea that we cou.... O MY GOSH" Alexis walks into Liam's room and runs away when she sees us, errr, bussy. "Alexis omg" I say and hide underneath the blankets. I feel Liam's chest move up and down, he chuckles. He takes my arms and lift me on top of him. "Don't hide your face, I like to see you" he says and I kiss him again. "Could you guys just, stop, for a moment?" Lexy asks. I can't see her, she's probably next to the door, making sure she can't see anything.

"WHAT?" I yell to her and she laughs. "Sorry for, errr, interupting you guys." she laughs. "But we all had an idea that we could sleep outside in tents tonight?" she says and I sigh really loudly. "Therefor you stopped us?" I ask irritated. "Sorry miss Payne" she says, still laughing and I roll my eyes. I look back at Liam and then lay my head on his chest, listning to his heartbeat. "Are you alright?" he asks me and I nod. "You're not saying anything" he says. "I'm listening" I say and smile a bit. "To what?" he asks, smart Payne. "Your heartbeat, it's relaxing" I say and he strokes my hair. "I'm glad you're relaxed" he says and his other hand slips underneath the blankets, resting on my stomach. This moment is just perfect, me and him, us, on his bed, no fear, no wrong tense, just us.

"Want to go outside to the others?" he asks and I nod. I slip out of the bed and stretch, when I turn around I see him gaze at me. "Like what you're seeing?" I say and he laughs, standing up and hugging me from behind. "I love you" he says. "I love you too" I say and I grab my shorts and top. "Is too it cold outside?" I ask him and he shrugs, walks to his closet and throws m a hoodie. I put it on and he smiles. "Love look adorable" he says and winks. "Sure, Payne" I say and turn around. He has put on his pants and a hoodie, now standing behind me and putting his hands in my pockets. "You really do" he says and I kiss him quickly before we both walk out of the room.

The boys are singing and playing the guitar when we walk into the huge garden, The tents are set up already and Liam sits down, my between his legs, snuggling against his chest. Lexy grins at me widely and I give her a 'stop grining' look. Louis notices it and grins too. He does some moves with his hands, I give him my wtf look. "Did you guys have fun?" Lexy asks with a big grinn. "Yeah, as much fun as you guys had in the kitchen, yeah, I saw you" I say and they both turn red. Everybody laughs.

"Okay, the girls in one tent and the boys in one?" Louis asks. "NO" Liam and I yel together and then we blush. "Smooth guys" Cat says and that made my blush more. "Wait, Lexy, when you said that you saw" catara grins. "YOU LOST YOUR VIRGINITY ON LIAM PAYNE WHAHAHAA" She screams and I fall on my back.

*le dead*

Everybody laughs and Liam picks me up and I lay my head into his chest, inhealing and smelling his scent. "You're going to pay for that, Catara" I say and she laughs, but looks a little scared. "Arrww, don't worry, I will protect you from evil Youé" Niall says. "You're dead too Horan" I saw and smile evily. "We're screwed" Cat says and Niall looks from my to Cat and back. "The last time Catara insulted or ebarresed Youé, Youé scared her. She saw The Ring before. In that movie the victims get a phone call with how many days they still have to live. So Youé called Cat and said with a scary voice:"

"Tonight.... tonight" Aïsha explained at Catara turnd red. "Cat ran outside and screamed the whole time. She was brought home by the police." I say and everybody burst out in laughing, Cat turning even more red.

We talked and after while everyone was lightly drunk. Louis wanted to play strip poker, and we gave in. After half an hour, Lexy was sitting in her shorts and top, All the girls had taken of their socks and hoodie. Just Liam was still fully dressed. he boys where just wearing a hoodie with nothing underneath, so they all where topless and their socks were out too. Liam is good at poker.

"NO!" I scream an try to run away but Louis grabs my arms and pulls me down. I'm not going to take off my pants or top!" I scream and everybody laughs. Liam takes me in his arms and he pulls of his hoodie. "I'll pay for Youé" he says and kisses my forehead. "No, that's against the rules." Louis screams. "Do you really want to see her naked so much?" Lexy asks and Louis turns red. "Let's go to our tents" I say and everybody stands up. "You're not going to get out of that so easily" Louis whispers in my ear and I slap his chest. "We'll see that" I say and give him a quick peck on the cheeck.

Niall set up a couple more tents so that everyone can share a tent in pairs of two. I go to the girls and kiss them on the cheeck. "Just come to my tent if something happens, even if it's something stupid." I say but then Louis shows up. "I don't think that's necessairy, they have me and Niall, right?" he says and smiles. I glare at him and walk away. Louis can never replace me, Niall neither.

"You shouldn't have said that, I think" Lexy says to Louis and he chuckles. "She's a little irritable." he says and I try to not turn around and start saying rude words. I open the zip of the tent and fall inside, Liam catches me. "Wow, hello there love" he says and gives me a quick peck on the lips. "Hey" I sigh. "What's wrong?" he asks, embracing me. "Am I irritable?" I ask him and he kisses the top of my head. "Who said that?" he asks me. "Louis, I was a little irritated because he said the girls wouldn't need me. So I just walked away" I say and his grip tightens. "That isn't such an insulting, I guess?" he says softly. "No I know, forget about it" I say and lay down. "Want to go to sleep?" he asks, leaning on top of me. I shake my head. "kiss me" I say and he looks surprise. "Alright" he says. "Liam just kiss me" I say and crush my lips into his. He smiles and he sits down, pulling me up. I'm practically sitting on him while kissing, the tent is really small. "Don't make to much sounds tonight, guys" Harry says and I groan. "YOU RUIND THE MOMENT STYLES" I say and he laughs.

"Evil curly boy" I say and Liam leans in and nibbles a little on my jaw. I shiver. "Are you cold?" he asks, pulling me close to him. "You make me shiver" I say and kiss his neck. He moans and lays down on his back, pulling me on him. "You don't know what you're starting with those sounds, mister Payne" I say and he laughs. "I exactly know what I'm starting" He whispers into my ear and he founds my soft spot in my neck and he pulls me down underneath him. His body leans on mine and I feel the warmth. I makes me feel comfortable and we kiss a little more. then we turn around, me on his chest and his face in my hair. I hear his heart an suddenly he takes my wrist. "What are you doing?" I ask laughing. "You're hearing my heartbeat, I can feel yours" he says and kisses my forehead. Then he chuckles. My heart betrayes me. "Are we going to play this game" I say and turn around, place my knees on each side of his hip and my hand slides underneath his shirt. I kiss his neck and his heart goes crazy. "crap" he says and I laugh. "Revenge" he says.

He pulls my top over my head and his hands grab my waist roughly and he leans forwards, kisses me and pulls back but then leans in again. "oww, you don't understand how you make me feel" he says and I lay my mand above his heart. "Calm down Payne, don't get a heartatack from me" I giggle. "To late" he says and pulls me underneath the blankets he brought.

"STOP MOANING YOU GUYS!" Aïsha screams and I put my head out of the blankets. I have to take a breath. Liam tries to get me back underneath but I pull back. "Liam...wait...second...' I say gasping. "Everything alright?" he asks, worried. I get my breath back under control and smile. "Get back under here" Liam says and dives underneath the blankets. I laugh and stay on my place. I feel his lips going from my knee upwards to my upper leg. "Liam Payne, you will regret it when.." I start but then he starts tickling me. "Stop,, Liam" I gasp. "IF YOU TWO ARE NOT GOING TO STOP NOW I'LL SWEAR YOU'LL REGRET IT" Alexis screams from the right. "LOVE YOU TOO HUN" I scream back, Liam stopped tickling me.

"Liam, how about a little prank?" I say with a weird voice. "Sure" he says and I zip open the tent. He slapps my but. "LIAM" I scream and throw him backwards and he laughs really hard. I mess with his hair and then zip the tent open. He puts on his shirt and follows me. "Tell me" he says and I explain him my idea. We are going to scare Catara and Niall first. After that we're going to throw some water in Louis and Lexy's tent. Lexy hates water." I say with a huge grin. "Sure thing" he says with a huge grin too. We walk over to Niall and Catara's tent and I hear Niall snore.

"1...2..3.... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAh" We scream and Catara screams really loudly. "What happened?" I hear Niall yell and he gets the flashlighter. Liam and I can just see shades from them in the tent. We burst out in laughing. "YOU IDIOTS I THOUGHT SOMEONE WAS BEING KILLED!" Catara screamed and I could see tears welling up in her eyes. "Now you regret it, don't ya?" I say but then jump into the tent, land half on Niall and he moans. "You landed on my chest" He complains. "Be happy it wasn't you private area." I say and Liam burst out in laughing. I hug Catara and wink at her. She smiles back and I walk away with Liam. "That went well" I say and we take two buckets, fill them with water and walk to Louis and Lexy's tent. Their flashlight is still on and I can see them... kissing. Lexy is sitting on top of Louis and she bends forward. This is going to be awesome.

I zip it open and yell NOW to Liam and we throw the water into the tent. I close it and I fall on the ground, tears rolling down my cheeck from laughing. "YOU'RE GOING TO DIE YOUÉ!" Lexy screams but I can't stop laughing. They are soaking wett. Liam crawles back but I can't move. Louis takes of his shirt and squeezed it above my face, all the water dripped into my face. Then He picks me up and higs me tightly. "Now you're wett too" he laughs and I slap his chest. "You have to stop slapping me!" he says and laughs. "I'm going to change for a sec." I say, still laughing and Alexis went off to the bathroom. I walk inside and take off my shirt, then I realized Louis followed me. "Wooaah, finally I get to see you topless"

F*ck. "Louis turn around!" I hiss. "What, why babe?" OBIVOUSLY. I sigh and turn around. "Happy now?" I raise an eyebrow and he chuckles. "Really happy" he says and hugs me. "Louis you're still soaking!" I complain and he chuckles again. I walk to Liams room and take a random shirt. Put it on and walk back to my tent. Liam is almost a sleep. He's so cute when he's sleeping!

I lay down and just the second I close my eyes, I feel his arm around me. I snuggle up against his chest and exhale, pull op my legs and breath in his scent. "You always sniff me" he chuckles and I turn red. "You're cute" he says and pecks my lips, then turns around, me laying on top of him. "You're sexy" I yawn and he laughs. "Sleepwell love" he says but I can't reply, already sleeping.



How was this chapter? Please, vote, comment fan! Means a lot to me

I HAVE THE DAY OFF! And I have nothing planned :)

Sleepwell lads

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