By dearnoora

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What if love always left you??? What if the person you loved don't love you back the same way??? Dev is a ch... More

Episode 1
Episode 4
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 17
Episode 18

EPISODE 20 (Season 1: last episode)

1K 72 31
By dearnoora

Dev was being pulled mercilessly by the police forces towards the van and dragged inside. Ishwari, Asha and all look shocked.

The Inspector drags him inside the cell and throws him inside.

Natasha notices him and smirks..

“Hello Dev.. Sona also ditched you.. Did not she??” she says smiling villainously… raising her eyebrows..

Dev looks away with tears welling up in his cheeks..

The letter. It was the only thing he had of Sona. He took it out and stared at it… tearfully. Closing his eyes… he dashes against the wall.. Sitting on the floor.

He feels a hand.. Soft and smooth..delicate as a flower rubbing his tears off.. He opens his eyes.. To find Sona… smiling at him..

“Dev.. Please don't cry.. If you cry than I will not get any peace….please..”

“Sona...please Don't leave me.. After this many years.. I found a good friend--”

“Hush!” Sona says putting her fingers upon his lips..

“I want your love,Dev.. I want you… I want your everything.. Will you give me??” Sona says tearfully.

Dev walks towards her...He hugs and kisses her.. “I missed you a lot… Promise me.. You won't leave me…”

“I won't”  both were hugging each other… tearfully.. Krpkab tune played in the background.

The jailer who was on duty notices Dev.. And bangs on the bars that segregated Dev from him.

“Mad or what?? Who are you talking to and--?”

Dev was startled… and screams.. “SONA!!!”

Ishwari sat outside the police station… waiting to get a chance to speak to Dev. But the inspector pushed her away.

“It is a sensitive case ma'am.. We cannot allow you to--”

“He is my son!--”

“We cannot help it...you can meet him only after the hearing tomorrow…”

Bejoy walks in with his lawyer friend.

“Hello, I am Mr.Roy, Devs’ lawyer.. I would like to meet him.. If you would.. I brought every legal documents too..--”

“Please follow..”

Dev sits inside in the dark cell of the prison.. He reminisces his first meeting with Sona.. How loud spoken she was.. Yet soo friendly.. He thought.

Mr.Roy enters the cell and the inspector leaves saying,

“You have just 5 minutes..”

“Dev… I am Mr.Roy”

Dev looks on.. “I did not--”

“ what had happened exactly??”

Dev tells him everything that had happened..

Mr.Roy exclaims.. That means.. Only one witness.. The guard..You are convicted.. And Ritwick is the culprit”


“Mr. Dev, tell me about your relationship with Sonakshi Bose”

“She was my wife.. She became so, accidentally..I mean..--”


“Yes… I married her to save her from getting married to a middle aged man..she was kidnapped previously..--”

“Was that documented in the police records??”


“Hmm.. So you actually never loved her..--”

“She was my friend.. My best friend...that is more important..”

The inspector interrupts saying.. “Mr. Roy.. Your 5 minutes are up..”And guides Mr. Roy out of the cell.

The entire family rushes to Mr.Roy as soon as he was in their vicinity. The inspector receives a call. And then instructs his team to take Dev into remand to know further from him as probably he was lying.

Next day, in the courtroom every one was present. Ishwari kept praying for Devs’ release.

Both sides lawyer walk in. Mr.Mathur was the  lawyer fighting against Dev.. It is still not shown why the case is being fought.. But being a murder case.. It had to be known.. Who murdered her..

Mr. Mathur begins the case saying

“Your Honour, late Ms.Sonakshis’ family did not allow to take her body for post mortem.. But it is clearly evident that she was shoot.. This is the bullet that was recovered from her surgery..”

He hands over a packet containing blood stained bullet. And continues..

“I would like to send the bullet for a quick examination..”

“Permission granted” says the judge.

Dev who was standing in the box.. Suddenly he notices Sona.. Smiling at him..asking him to be relaxed.. He smiles at her...he was disturbed by the loud bang by the judge..and notices Sona gone..

Mr.Roy argued that all this does not prove Dev guilty…

Mr Mathur argued he has witness..and calls in Ritwick.. Dev glares at him..while Ritwick smirks.

“Morning! Your honour! Dev was never interested Sona.. He used behave roughly with her.. He even married her forcibly.. Though he had blamed Natasha to be the mastermind.. But it was his plan.. He even spoke to his lawyer friend to get their Divorce done”

The whole court starts to buzz around.. Ishwari , Asha and Bejoy look on shocked at the revelation. And Ritwick continues.. While Dev looked on.. With tears rolling off his cheeks...

“Mr.Batra...he is the one.. Who Dev had gone to talk about his divorce with Sona.If you don't believe.. Then you can surely--”

Dev gets agitated at all this.. And starts shouting at Ritwick.. “Tell the court about what you did..--”

Judge shouts.. “Order!”

Dev angrily shuts his mouth as Ritwick stares at him.

“Thank you.. Mr. Ritwick! You may please leave. Your Honour from what Ritwick has said.. It is clearly evident that Sona and Dev just pretended to be one happy couple but in reality they were not… I would like to call the guard on duty at that time..”

“Permission granted”

Dev looks on hopefully as the guard walks towards the witness box..

“Sir!! I have no idea about anything..but Dev and Sona did not share a good relation.. Many time Sona left office angrily..--”

Dev stared at him shocked..

“Ae.. Didn't you hear Sona cry for help.. --”


Judge frustratedly tells Dev

“You are having a murder case charged against you.m yet you stand over here.. And speak to people like this??”

Dev was enraged..but sits down silently.

Mr. Roy argues that Dev and Sona did not have a strong bonding that would lead to marriage.. It was a part of Devs’ humanity.. That he married to protect her..

Mr.Mathur argues that whether Dev would do this for all other girls..

Mr. Roy stares at Dev. As the court gets adjourned, Roy scolds Dev for hiding this divorce matter from him.. The guard,their only witness also is now against them..

He speaks to the family and says.. If Asha wishes.. She could speak to the judge and decrease his punishment.. As it is not filed by the Bose family, at the most they could decrease his punishment..

Saying so Roy leaves.

Dev was being taken by the police as Ishwari falls on the ground..”Ma!!” Dev screams.. Hw wanted to run towards his mom.. But the police forces grabbed him tightly.. While he tried to free himself..


Dev was brought into the lock up.. He sat there depressed..

“Dev!!”  he hears Sona..

He looks around.. “Please come back Sona.. You made live life again…”

And reminisces his times spent with Sona.. Slowly Dev gets flashback of what had happened during his drunken state and realies.. That they had consummated their wedding..

He looks around worried..

“What happened…??”

He looks around hearing Sona..

“Come and stand in front of Sona.. I want to feel peace.. By putting my head over your lap..”

Sona is heard chuckling..

“The proverb goes right.. When you lose something,you understand it’s value”

Sona is seen in a beautiful red saree...Dev looks into her eyes… Both staring into each other.. Lost in love..


The constable brings in a plate of food for Dev, and notices him again standing in a weird position. He bangs on the bars with his stick. And points towards the food. But Dev was reluctant to eat. He was being taken into remand.

Dev keeps saying what he had been saying. And screams for Sona. He was going insane. The police in charge injects him something right behind his neck.. While Dev keeps screaming. He floundered back into his cell,another constable supporting him. He was bleeding.

As he closed his eyes, tears pour down through the corner of his eyes.


A few masked men is seen taking a coffin into a van. Another man(his back shown) is seen paying them money. The men leave. As the other man gets into the van driving away.(his face not shown yet).


The court session resumes, the next day.

Mr.Mathur is seen entering. All of Dev and Sonas’ family is sitting in the room. As Dev was being brought. Tears rolls down their eyes seeing his pathetic condition. His vision blurred due to the effect of the medicine. He was agitated.

Mr. Roy too enters the court.

Mr. Mathur starts the session.

“Your honour, yesterday Mr.Ritwick spoke about some Mr.Batra.I would like to interrogate Mr.Batra..”

“Permission granted”

Mr.Batra walks into the witness box. And says

“Your Honour, Dev is my childhood. He got married by accident.. I mean.. Only to save Sona. And both wanted to take divorce as it was not out of choice. Sona too had a responsibility towards her family as Dev too had. And hence before informing their family.. They spoke to me.. But as the law says...they had to stay together for 6 months before they could go in for a divorce.”

“Thanks, Mr.Batra.. But how do you know that the story Dev told you was true??”

Mr.Batra looks on. “He never lies.”

“Thank you.. You may leave.”

Mr. Mathur then says.. “Your honour as you can see they wanted Divorce… But may be Sona started to feel for Dev and hence--”

“Your Honour--” chirps in Mr.Roy.

“It’s clearly evident from what Mr.Batra said that both Dev and Sona respected each other and would not have killed her possibly”

“All the witness had hinted that Dev alone killed--”

“Mr. Mathur.. Court needs proof..--”

“Your honour.. The gun that I had given for examination.. It was found out that it was registered under Devs’  name”

A commotion begins in the court about Dev owning a gun. Whole court stares at Dev as the judge shouts.. “Order! Order!”

Mr.Roy looks on at the Bose family as the judge was about to give the verdict.

Asha stands up tearfully. She knows Sona loved Dev. Whether he killed her or not.. Did not matter but what mattered was she loved him. If he would be hurt than Sona too would be hurt.

Hence, she looks at Dev and then at the judge..

“Your honour.. Could I say something to Dev??”

The judge nods.

“You are forgiven…I forgive you.. I don't know what is the truth.. But I know as you protected her before.. You would never harm her.Please.. Your honour.. Leave him. It's a case against my daughter.. And I don't want him to be punished.”

The judge gives his final verdict.

“Keeping every witness and proofs in mind and also the request by the deceased person's mother.. Dev is found guilty but instead of the normal punishment of being hanged to death or life imprisonment.. He would be in rehabilitation until he gets of his grief… that is only because his blood reports showed presence of anti depressants.”

As the court session ends, Dev is taken to a deep dark room for rehabilitation. He staggered around the room, reminiscing Sona.

Ritwick is seen walking towards Devs’ room.

“Dev, I had no option.. But I was forced to do this.. I promise---”

But Dev faints. Ritwick calls for the doctor.

“Please.. He is in a very fragile state of mind.. It is best if none meets him.”

Ritwick leaves sadly.


A man is seen pulling the coffin open. Sona was seen lying inside. The man injects something into her veins, caressing her face.

He puts her on a stretcher and pulls it towards another car. It was driven towards the airport.

The airport officials hurries her into a jet. The man too climbs in.

Ritwick is seen being pulled by another group of men,blindfolded towards the jet.


That is the end of season 1.. :)... Leap promo will be updated soon...
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