Names And Their Meanings

By Tak1997

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By Tak1997

AFANAS (Афанас): Short form of Russian Afanasii, meaning "immortal."

AFANASEI: Variant spelling of Russian Afanasiy, meaning "immortal."

AFANASII: Variant spelling of Russian Afanasiy, meaning "immortal."

AFANASIY (Афана́сий): Russian form of Latin Athanasius, meaning "immortal."

AFANASY: Variant spelling of Russian Afanasiy, meaning "immortal."

AFON (Russian: Афон): Russian form of Greek Athos, meaning "immortal." This name was given to a mountain and monastery in Abkhazia, called New Athos. Compare with another form of Afon.

AFONASEI (Афана́сий): Variant spelling of Russian Afanasiy, meaning "immortal."

AFONASII (Афана́сий): Variant spelling of Russian Afanasiy, meaning "immortal."

AFONIKA (Афоника): Pet form of Russian Afon, meaning "immortal."

AFON'KA (Афонька): Pet form of Russian Afon, meaning "immortal."

AFONKA (Афонка): Pet form of Russian Afon, meaning "immortal."

AFONOS (Афонос): Pet form of Russian Afon, meaning "immortal."

AGRIPIN (Агрипин): Russian form of Greek Agrippas, meaning "wild horse."

AKIM (Аки́м): Russian form of Hebrew Yehoyakim, meaning "Jehovah raises up."

ALEKS (А́лекс): Short form of Russian Aleksei, meaning "defender."

ALEKSANDR (Алекса́ндр): Russian form of Greek Alexandros, meaning "defender of men."

ALEKSEI (Алексе́й): Russian form of Greek Alexios, meaning "defender."

ALEKSEY (Алексе́й): Russian form of Greek Alexios, meaning "defender."

ALEXEI (Алексе́й): Variant spelling of Russian Aleksey, meaning "defender."

ALEXEY: Variant spelling of Russian Aleksey, meaning "defender."

ALIK (А́лик): Short form of Russian Aleksandr, meaning "defender."

ALYOSHA (Алëша): Russian form of German Aloïs (English Louis), meaning "famous warrior."

AMBROSII (Амвро́сий): Russian form of Greek Ambrosios, meaning "immortal."

ANASTASII (Анаста́сий): Russian form of Greek Anastasios, meaning "resurrection."

ANATOLII (Анато́лий): Russian form of Latin Anatolius, meaning "east" and "sunrise."

ANATOLIY (Анато́лий): Variant spelling of Russian Anatolii, meaning "east" and "sunrise."

ANATOLY: Variant spelling of Russian Anatolii, meaning "east" and "sunrise."

ANDREI (Russian: Андре́й): Romanian and Russian form of Greek Andreas, meaning "man; warrior."

ANDRII (Андрий): Variant spelling of Russian Andrei, meaning "man; warrior."

ANISIM (Анисим): Variant spelling of Russian Onisim, a form of Greek Onesimos, meaning "profitable, useful."

ANTON (Антон): Russian form of Greek Antonios, possibly meaning "invaluable." Compare with other forms of Anton.

ANTONIY (Антоний): Russian form of Greek Antonios, possibly meaning "invaluable."

APOLLONII (Аполло́ний): Russian form of Greek Apollonios, meaning "of Apollo."

APOSTOL (Russian: Апостол): Bulgarian, Romanian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Greek Apostolos, meaning "apostle; messenger."

ARAMAZD (Armenian: Ահուրա, Russian: Арамазд): Armenian and Russian form of Persian Ahura Mazda, meaning "good and wise god."

ARISTARKH (Аристарх): Russian form of Greek Aristarkhos, meaning "best ruler."

ARKADI: Variant spelling of Russian Arkadiy, meaning "of Arcadia."

ARKADIY (Арка́дий): Russian form of Greek Arkadios, meaning "of Arcadia."

ARKADY: Variant spelling of Russian Arkadiy, meaning "of Arcadia."

ARKHIP (Архи́п): Russian form of Greek Archippos, meaning "master of horses."

ARSENI: Variant spelling of Russian Arseniy, meaning "virile."

ARSENII (Арсе́ний): Russian form of Greek Arsenios, meaning "virile."

ARSENIY: Variant spelling of Russian Arseniy, meaning "virile."

ARTYOM (Артём): Russian form of Greek Artemisios, a name derived from the name of the goddess Artemis, meaning "safe and sound."

AVGUSTIN (Августи́н): Russian form of Roman Latin Augustinus, meaning "venerable."

BOGATIR: Variant spelling of Russian Bogatyr, meaning "hero" or "warrior."

BOGATYR (Богатырь): Russian form of Turkish Baghatur, meaning "hero" or "warrior."

BOLESLAV (Болеслав): Slavic name composed of the elements bole "large" and slav "glory," hence "large glory." In use by the Russians.

BORIS (Борис): Russian name said to originally derive from Tatar Bogoris, meaning "small." Later, however, it was taken to be a short form of Borislav, the first element coming from the root bor- ("battle"), hence "fighter, warrior."

BORISLAV (Борислав): Slavic name composed of the elements bor- "battle" and slav "glory," hence "battle glory." In use by the Bulgarians and Russians.

BORYA (Боря): Pet form of Russian Boris, probably meaning "fighter, warrior."

BRONISLAV (Russian: Бронислав): Slavic name composed of the elements bron "protection" and slav"glory," hence "glorious protector." In use by the Czechs, Russians and Slovaks.

CHERNOBOG (Чернобог): Russian form of Slavic Crnobog, composed of the elements cherno "black" and bog "god," hence "black god." In Slavic mythology, this is the name of a god of evil and darkness, the counterpart of Belobog ("white god").

CZERNOBOG (Чернобог): Russian form of Slavic Zherneboh, meaning "black god."

DANIIL (Даниил): Russian form of Greek Daniēl, meaning "God is my judge."

DAZHDBOG: Slavic myth name of a solar god, the son of Perun by a mermaid, meaning "give-me god," probably in the sense of a giving god. He is thought by some to be the progenitor of the Russian people.

DEMYAN (Демьян): Russian form of Greek Damian, meaning "to tame, to subdue" and euphemistically "to kill."

DESYA (Деся): Pet form of Russian Modest, meaning "moderate, sober."

DIMA (Дима): Pet form of Russian Dmitri, meaning "loves the earth" or "follower of Demeter."

DIMI: Pet form of Russian Dmitriy, meaning "loves the earth" or "follower of Demeter." Compare with another form of Dimi.

DMITRI: Variant spelling of Russian Dmitriy, meaning "loves the earth" or "follower of Demeter."

DMITRII: Variant spelling of Russian Dmitriy, meaning "loves the earth" or "follower of Demeter."DMITRIY (Дми́трий): Russian form of Greek Demetrios, meaning "loves the earth" or "follower ofDemeter."DMITRY: Variant spelling of Russian Dmitriy, meaning "loves the earth" or "follower of Demeter."DOBRASHIN: Variant spelling of Russian Dobrushin, meaning "goodness." DOBRUSHIN (Добрушин): Russian name, derived from Slavic dobro "good," meaning "goodness." DOROFEI: Variant spelling of Russian Dorofey, meaning "gift of God."DOROFEY (Дорофей): Russian form of Greek Dorotheos, meaning "gift of God."EFIM (Ефим): Russian name meaning "holy, pious."EFROSIN (Ефросин): Russian masculine form of Greek Euphrosynê, meaning "joy, mirth."ERMOLAI (Ермолай): Variant spelling of Russian Yermolai, meaning "people of Hermes."EVGENI: Variant spelling of Russian Evgeniy, meaning "well born."EVGENIY (Евгений): Russian form of Greek Eugenios, meaning "well born."EVGENY: Variant spelling of Russian Evgeniy, meaning "well born."FADEI: Variant spelling of Russian Faddei, meaning "courageous."FADDEI (Фадде́й): Russian form of Greek Thaddaios, meaning "courageous."FEDAR: Variant spelling of Russian Fedor, meaning "gift of God."FEDIR (Федір): Ukrainian form of Russian Fedar, meaning "gift of God."FÉDOR (Фёдор): Variant form of Russian Fyodor, meaning "gift of God."FEDOT (Федот): Contracted form of Russian Feodot, meaning "God-given."FEDYA (Федя): Pet form of Russian Fyodor, meaning "gift of God."FELIKS (Russian: Феликс): Polish and Russian form of Latin Felix, meaning "happy" or "lucky."FEODOR (Фёдор): Variant spelling of Russian Fyodor, meaning "gift of God."FEODOSIY (Феодосий): Russian form of Latin Theodosius, meaning "god-giving."FEODOT (Фёдот): Russian form of Greek Theodotos, meaning "god-given."FEOFAN (Феофан): Russian form of Greek Theophanes, meaning "manifestation of God."FEOFIL (Феофил): Russian form of Latin Theophilus, meaning "God-friend."FEOFILAKT (Феофилакт): Russian form of Greek Theophylaktos, meaning "God-guard."FERAPONT (Ферапонт): Russian form of Greek Therapon, meaning "servant, worshiper."FILAT (Филат): Pet form of Russian Feofilakt, meaning "God-guard."FILIPP (Филипп): Russian form of Greek Philippos, meaning "lover of horses."FLORENTIY (Флорентий): Russian form of Latin Florentius, meaning "blossoming."FOKA (Фока): Russian form of Latin Phocas, meaning "seal (the mammal)."FOMA (Фома): Russian form of Greek Thōmas, meaning "twin."FYODOR (Фёдор): Russian form of Greek Theodoros, meaning "gift of God."GAVRIIL (Гавриил): Russian form of Greek Gabriēl, meaning "man of God" or "warrior of God."GEDEON (Гедеон): Russian form of Hebrew Gidown, meaning "cutter down; hewer," i.e. "mighty warrior."GENNADI: Variant spelling of Russian Gennadiy, meaning "noble."GENNADIY (Геннадий): Russian form of Greek Gennadios, meaning "noble."GENNADY: Variant spelling of Russian Gennadiy, meaning "noble."GEORGII (Георгий): Russian form of Greek Georgios, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."GEORGIY (Георгий): Russian form of Greek Georgios, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."GEORGY: Variant spelling of Russian Georgiy, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."GERASIM (Герасим): Russian form of Greek Gerasimos, meaning "old age."GERMAN (Герман): Russian form of Roman Latin Germanus, meaning "from Germany."GERMOGEN (Гермоген): Russian form of Greek Hermogenes, meaning "born of Hermes."GERVASII (Гервасий): Russian form of Greek Gervasios, meaning "spear servant."GLEB (Глеб): Russian name meaning "bread." GOGA (Гога): Russian Georgi, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."GOGIL: Variant spelling of Russian Gogol, meaning "golden-eyed duck."GOGOL (Го́голь): Russian name meaning "golden-eyed duck."GORA (Гора): Pet form of Russian Yegor, meaning "earth-worker, farmer." Compare with another form of Gora.GORYA (Горя): Pet form of Russian Yegor, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."GRIGORI: Variant spelling of Russian Grigoriy, meaning "watchful; vigilant."GRIGORIY (Григорий): Russian form of Greek Gregorios, meaning "watchful; vigilant."GRIGORY: Variant spelling of Russian Grigoriy, meaning "watchful; vigilant."GRISHA (Гриша): Pet form of Russian Grigori, meaning "watchful; vigilant."GUGA: Variant spelling of Russian Goga, meaning "earth-worker, farmer." Compare with another form of Guga.GUGAL: Variant spelling of Russian Gogol, meaning "golden-eyed duck."IAKOV (Яков): Russian form of Greek Iakob, meaning "supplanter."IERONIM (Иероним): Russian form of Greek Hieronymos, meaning "holy name."IGOR (Игорь): Russian form of Old Norse Ívarr, meaning "bow warrior."ILARI: Variant spelling of Russian Ilariy, meaning "joyful, happy."ILARION (Russian: Иларион, Ukrainian: Іларіон):: Russian and Ukrainian form of Greek Hilarion, meaning "joyful, happy."ILARIY (Иларий):: Russian form of Greek Hilarion, meaning "joyful, happy."ILIA (Илья): Variant spelling of Russian Ilya , meaning "the Lord is my God." Compare with another form of Ilia.ILLARION (Илларион): Russian form of Greek Hilarion, meaning "joyful; happy."ILYA (Илья): Russian form of Greek Elias, meaning "the Lord is my God." INNA (И́нна): Russian unisex name meaning "strong water." The name was originally a male name, but became somewhat popular as a religious girl's name due to the misidentification of the sex of the Russian martyr Inna, a male student of the Apostle Andrei.INNOKENTI: Variant spelling of Russian Innokentiy, meaning "harmless, innocent."INNOKENTIY (Инокентий): Russian form of Latin Innocentius, meaning "harmless, innocent."IOANN (Иоанн): Old Russian form of Greek Ioannes (English John), meaning "God is gracious."IOAKIM (Иоаким): Russian form of Greek Ioakeim (Hebrew Yehoyakim), meaning "Jehovah raises up." IOSIF (Иосиф): Romanian and Russian form of Greek Ioseph, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)." IPATI: Variant spelling of Russian Ipatiy, meaning "most high, supreme." IPATIY (Ипатий): Russian form of Greek Hypatos, meaning "most high, supreme." IPPOLIT (Ипполит): Russian form of Greek Hippolytos, meaning "horse-freer."IRINEI (Ириней): Russian form of Greek Eirenaios, meaning "peaceful."IRINEY: Variant spelling of Russian Irinei, meaning "peaceful."ISAAK (Russian: Исаак): German and Russian form of Greek Isaák, meaning "he will laugh." ISAI (Исай): Russian form of Greek Esaias, meaning "God is salvation."ISAY: Variant spelling of Russian Isai, meaning "God is salvation."ISIDOR (Russian: Исидор): Russian form of Greek Isidoros, meaning "gift of Isis."IVAN (Иван): Russian form of Greek Ioannes, meaning "God is gracious." In use by the English, Czechs and Ukrainians.IVANN (Иванн): Russian form of Greek Ioannes, meaning "God is gracious."JASKA: Pet form of Finnish Jaakko and Russian Iakov, both meaning "supplanter." JULIJ (Юлий): Russian form of Roman Latin Julius, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)."KARP (Карп): Russian form of Greek Karpos, meaning "fruit, profits."KAZIMIR (Казимир): Russian form of Polish Kazimierz, meaning "commands peace."KENYA: Pet form of Russian Innokentiy, meaning "harmless, innocent." Compare with feminine Kenya.

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