
By Viviloana

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Where all the random challenges, tags and non-stories come to die. More

Day One: Name
Day Two: Genre
Day Three: POV & Writing Style
Day Four: Inspiration & Messages
Day Five: Main Character Biographies
Day Six: Main Villain Biographies
Day Seven: Third Important Character(s) Biographies
Day Eight: All Other Important Characters
Day Nine: Main Plot
Day Ten: Setting
Day Eleven: Relationships
Day Twelve: Favorite Characters
Day Thirteen: Least Favorite Character
Day Fourteen: What Character Are You Most Like?
Day Fifteen: Are There Any Prequels or Sequels?
Day Sixteen: Favorite Part Of The Story
Day Seventeen: What Book Is It Most Like
Day Eighteen: What Stage Of Writing Are You At
Day Nineteen: Writing Playlist
Day Twenty: Chose A Director And Band
Day Twenty-One: Dream Cast
Day Twenty-Two: Ten Best Things About Your Story
Day Twenty-Four: What Are Your Plans When The Story Is Done?
Day Twenty-Five: Main Plot Lines
Day Twenty-Six: Most Exciting Part
Day Twenty-Seven: How And When Do You Write
Day Twenty-Eight: Who Else Has Read Your Work
Day Twenty-Nine: Critique Your Own Work
Day Thirty: Post An Excerpt
Bonus Question #1: What Motivates Your Main Character
Bonus Question #2: What Motivates Your Villain
Bonus Question #3: First Sentence

Day Twenty-Three: Ten Things You Could Improve

16 4 2
By Viviloana

23: Ten things you could improve.

I think this means in general and not specifically to each story…so here goes.

1. Descriptions: I tend to get to the point (working from my outlines), and I miss the opportunity to describe things for my readers like…how my characters look like and their surroundings. Some people say this stuff is important.

2. Timing: Another problem of mine, is hurrying along the plot line. I know of several places where I can separate chapters, or just add so much more detail to explain things better. Sometimes I just speed through things, assuming everyone can read my mind.

3. Length: All my chapters are around 1500 words or less and I’d really like to be able to write more. I suppose if I add more descriptions it would do the trick.

4. Reality: There're a few cases (especially in CAL) that I'd like to be more realistic. This means research for me when I start editing. I don’t care so much about Veeran, because it’s fantasy and ROQE is meant to be odd.

5. The Struggle: This is something I noticed reading WP stories…my characters need to struggle more. Their journey needs to be more difficult so the reward is greater. I’m working on this for the edits (for CAL), and in my plans for Veeran.

6. Romance: I don’t like romance books. I don’t mind if the main genre is something else…but I don’t particularly care for it. I’ve noticed my stories avoid it almost completely, and I don’t like being scared of something. I plan on incorporating this and other genres I typically stray from in my future work.

7. Character Variety: Along with trying new genres, this is something that really bothers me. All my characters read the same to me. I’m pretty sure I'm just recycling them in different situations. I need to make distinct characters, and have them stay consistent.

8. Updating: I would really like to post on a timely schedule. Sometimes I'll write for days and other times I can go weeks (or months) with nothing. This is no bueno and I need to fix it.

9. Action: I need help in writing things that don’t involve dialogue or an inner monologue. I need a lot of help. Seriously. Someone, help me.

10. Grammar/Sentence Structure:   Ugh. I know my writing sometimes doesn’t make sense. It just reads all awkward. I promise that at some point, I will learn how to write. 

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