The Secrets, The Lies | Three

By greedyvxto

13.5K 806 241

16 years after The Life She Lies, Demi and Wilmer have successfully raised two children who are now aged 15 a... More

|Playlist | Cast | Summary|
|Chapter Two|
|Chapter Three|
|Chapter Four|
|Chapter Five|
|Chapter Six|
|Chapter Seven|
|Chapter Eight|
|Chapter Nine|
|Chapter Ten|
|Chapter Eleven|
|Chapter Twelve|
|Chapter Thirteen|

|Chapter One|

1.3K 58 54
By greedyvxto

Demi ran her tongue along the back of her teeth as she yelled at Eddie to come down stairs for the third time, "You're not going to have time to eat breakfast if you don't hurry up!" The woman groaned, taking a sip from her coffee cup as the fully grown golden retriever sniffed around her feet, "Hey Bindy" Demi smiled, nudging the dog softly with her foot as Bindy looked up at her, collection of white hairs scattered over her back as she smiled. Well, she stuck her tongue out, that's smiling right?
Bindy was like a miracle dog, usually the life span for her breed was 10-12, but here she is standing strong at 16. Apart from being deaf in one ear, and partially deaf in the other.

"Morning Mom" Eddie said, rushing to the dining table, "Sorry, I was doing something"

Alaya looked up from her cereal bowl, "What, texting your girlfriend?" She teased,

"Shut up, lizard"

"What did I tell you about calling your sister that?" Their mother sighed, looking at her seventeen year old son blankly. "Apologise"

"Sorry" He muttered, taking a bite out of his toast.

Alaya rolled her eyes, "You wouldn't be so defensive if it wasn't true"

"Seriously? You two were so close when you were little, what happened?" Wilmer asked, walking into the room dressed in a black suit.

"They're not our babies anymore" Demi pouted before Wilmer pecked her on the lips, "How does your sister look like a lizard anyway?"

Eddie shrugged, pushing his plate away and grabbing the school bag that was next to his feet. "Hey Bindy" He smiled, kneeling down to the level of the dog as he pet her on the head. "Who's taking me to school?"

"Your legs" Demi placed her coffee mug in the sink, "I am"

"I can do it" Wilmer offered,

"Won't you be late for work?"

Wilmer thought for a moment, "That's a good point"

Demi chuckled lightly, taking her time when pressing her lips against Wilmer's, "I'll see you later" She winked as her two children screwed up their faces, "Watch it, how do you think you were created?"

"We really don't need to know the details" Alaya said, walking up and placing her bowl in the sink.

"Okay guys, let's go" Eddie huffed,

"Watch your attitude" Demi warned, looking at the boy sternly as his face softened,

"Sorry" He smiled softly,

"Thank you" She responded, "Okay, let's go" Demi grabbed her hand bag before blowing Wilmer a kiss, he smiled at the gesture before Demi left the house.

"Shot gun!" Alaya yelled, rushing to secure herself in the passenger seat of Demi's car,

"I shot gun for the way home" Eddie challenged as his younger sister rolled her eyes,



Alaya walked over to her boyfriend once she was sure her Mother had driven off and her Brother was out of sight. Of course Demi and Wilmer did not know about him. Scott was older, and Alaya was sure that her parents would have a hard time accepting him. "Hey baby" The older boy smiled, planting a kiss on the girls lips as she brushed her long brown hair out of her face.

"Hey" Alaya responded, a smitten smirk on her face as the man intertwined their fingers.

"I'm going to a party tonight, you should come" Scott offered, looking at his iPhone in his other hand as he spoke.

Alaya knew the answer straight away, "My parents won't let me"

"You haven't even asked yet" He chuckled softly,

"Trust me, they'll say no. Plus, they don't exactly know about you" Alaya explained. Scott wasn't exactly aware that she hadn't told her parents yet.

Scott turned to his girlfriend, "Why the fuck not?"

"Hey, don't swear at me... You're older is all, I'll tell them eventually"

"Whatever, I've got class, see you tonight" Scott huffed, leaving Alaya alone in the hallway as the bell chimed through the halls.

"Eddie!" Alaya chirped up, seeing her older brother walk past she rushed over to him, "Hey"

"What?" He asked, a sound of annoyance in his voice as him and the darker skinned girl next to him stopped walking. "Speak child" He rushed,

"I don't know..." The girl trailed off, not even knowing why she had stopped him, "What class do you have?"

Eddie rolled his eyes, "One that I'm going to be late for, worry about your own classes" He said, walking in the opposite direction.

"Great" The girl smiled awkwardly to herself, "Everyone hates me"

Eddie walked with the girl who had just started at his high school, she was a nice girl but not quite his type. The girl had introduced herself as Nia, she recently transferred here as her adoptive parents wanted her to go to school closer to home.

"My adoptive parents are really protective, I've only legally been theirs for about a year so I'm thinking that's why, but it gets annoying" Nia sighed, her curly dark brown hair springing from her shoulders as she walked.

Eddied nodded while taking in what she was saying, "So, you've never met your biological parents?"

"Nope" Nia shook her head, "Well, when I'm a baby I'm sure, but not that I remember"

"That's got to be rough" He sighed,

The girl shrugged, "My biological parents apparently aren't good people, it's probably for the best that I have nothing to do with them"

"I get that, my biological Dad wasn't a good man" Eddie admitted,

Nia looked up, "You and your sister don't have the same Dad?"

"I think there's a difference between a Dad and a Father. You have to earn the right to be called someones Dad. Wilmer, my Dad, has been there my entire life, even before I was born. My Mom left him when she was pregnant with me. I've never known quite what happened, but my Mom and Dad say that he wasn't a good man" The boy explained in the best way that he could. He genuinely didn't know much about his Father, and it made him curious sometimes as to where he comes from. That's half of him that he can't connect anything to.


"I met Eddie's girlfriend today" Alaya smirked, looking down at her phone as she sat in the back seat of the black SUV.

Eddie bit the inside of his cheek, "She's not my girlfriend, she's a girl who's a friend"

"Okay, so a girlfriend?" She said as she knew she technically wasn't wrong.

"You're so annoying" Eddie rolled his eyes, "Can my friend who's a girl come over later to study?"

Demi narrowed her eyes, "As long as you're safe" At that, Alaya burst into a fit of over-exaggerated laughter. "I'm serious, you too Alaya if you ever want a guy to come over"

"Just because you accidentally got pregnant twice, doesn't mean we will" Eddie rolled his eyes,

"It's safe to say I'm not worried about you getting pregnant Eddie" The woman smirked as she pulled up the driveway to their family home. Five years before Nick's release date from prison, Demi and Wilmer made the decision to move houses. They didn't want to risk the fact that Nick use to know where they lived, it put all of them in danger.

"My friend who's a girl will be here soon" Eddie announced as they walked into the expensive home.

Demi smiled widely, "I can't wait"

"Oh lord" Eddie groaned, wishing they would believe him when he said there was nothing more going on. If only they knew.


The doorbell rang as Eddie and Alaya raced to answer it, "Get out the way, Lizard!" He hissed, the girl stepped back, slightly hurt as it did every time he called her the mean nickname.

"I don't even look like a fucking Lizard" Alaya muttered as Eddie opened the door, revealing the girl that she had met earlier today.

"Watch your language" Wilmer warned from the kitchen.

"Hi, I'm Nia" The girl smiled, introducing herself to Demi and Wilmer. The married couple exchanged a curious and concerned glance for just a moment when she introduced herself.

"They think we're dating" Eddie rolled his eyes, assuming that's what his parents behaviour was about.

"Oh, we're not dating" The girl said to them, "We're genuinely just friends"

"Friend-zoned" Alaya hissed to her brother.

"Actually he friend-zoned me" Nia announced, a slight tone of embarrassment through her voice.

"Okay, that's enough" Eddie interrupted, "All good? Great" He dismissed himself, taking the girl upstairs with him.

"Nia" Demi let out a breath that she didn't even realise she was holding in. "You don't think?"

"No way" Wilmer shook his head, "You know what I do think about though?" He asked, inching closer to his wife as he pulled her into him.

A blush came upon his Wife's face, "What might that be?"

"You... Naked... On top of this kitchen counter" He bit his lip at the thought,

"Does a bed suffice?" She questioned

Wilmer nodded, "Definitely"

"Wait, what about the kids?"

"Just lock the door and don't be too loud" Wilmer instructed as they headed upstairs.


Demi arched her back in pleasure as she ran her fingers through her husbands hair, which definitely needed to be cut soon.
"I need you" Demi moaned quietly as Wilmer ran his tongue through her folds. He inserted his fingers as Demi shook her head, "All of you"

"All of me?" Wilmer smirked,

Demi nodded eagerly, grabbing the box of condoms from her bed side table and passing them to Wilmer. "All 8 inches" She winked as he placed the condom over his erect length.
Demi let out a heavy moan as Wilmer entered her, instantly slamming his body against hers as their bed made a soft creaking sound.

"Baby..." She let out a breathy moan as Wilmer's hands dug into her ass,

Wilmer attached his lips to the woman's neck, nibbling his way down until he reached her nipples. He ran his tongue over the hard surface before pulling back and blowing over it. The sensation made Demi bite her lip, it made her tingle.

"I'm so close" Wilmer warned, Demi took the opportunity to grab her husbands hips, making him move faster and harder against her. "Fuck" He let out before relaxing on his wife.

"I should go check on everyone" Demi said, rolling out from under Wilmer's body as he grabbed her by the arm,

"I'm not done with you yet" He smirked,

Demi raised an eyebrow, "You're not?"

"Get your sexy ass on this bed" Wilmer ordered, Demi didn't hesitate to follow his instructions as he instantly began to pleasure her exactly how he knew she liked it.

Okay I feel SO weird writing in third person, I high key hate it but I feel like this chapter needed it to get everything in and to flow better and stuff. I think for the next chapters I'll be having them in like first person but a different one each chapter. Next one will be Demi, then Eddie or Alaya idk.

What did you think of this chapter? I know I said I'd wait a bit to post this but idk

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