Does It Still Hurt?

By Razia101

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Copyright© He held me and asked "what's wrong?" I looked at his beautiful forest green eyes and smiled and s... More

Chapter One: Welcome To Forest High
Chapter Two: Hello Beauiful, I'm Xavier
Chapter Three: Im Your What?...
Chapter Four: Starbucks
Chapter Five: Thinking Out Loud
Chapter Six: The Smile Is Fake, The Tears Are Real
Chapter Seven: You Wouldn't Understand
Chapter Eight: My Story (Part One)
Chapter Nine: My Story (Part Two)
Chapter Ten: Truly Beautiful
Chapter Eleven: Have Fun For Once
Chaper Twelve: Broken... Again
Chapter Thirteen: Hell Broke Loose
Chapter Fourteen: Oh Hell No!
Chapter Fifteen: The Punishment
Chapter Sixteen: The Game
Chapter Seventeen: Audition
Chapter Eighteen: There's A Bump
Chapter Nineteen: Girls Night!
Chapter Twenty: Pack Doctors
Chapter Twenty One: "Im Sorry"
Chapter Twenty Two: Gone
Chapter Twenty Three: Lucy's Funeral
Chapter Twenty Four: The New Beginning
Chapter Twenty Five: Hugs Give Me Life
Chapter Twenty Six: "Its Coming!!"
Chapter Twenty Seven: "There's A What?!"
Chapter Twenty Eight: Surprise
Chapter Twenty Nine: Amulet
Chapter Thirty: Intruder
Chapter Thrity One: Ross?
Chapter Thrity Two: Secrets Hidden
Chapter Thrity Three: Golden Eyes
Chapter Thirty Four: Parents
Chapter Thirty Five: Moving Out
Chapter Thirty Six: I'm Back
Chapter Thirty Seven: Captured
Chapter Thirty Eight: Time Stood Still
Chapter Thirty Nine: Moon Goddess
Chapter Forty One: Thank you
Chapter Forty Two: The Big Question
Chapter Forty Three: Forgetful
Chapter forty four: Graduation Day
Chapter Forty Five: Official Prom

Chapter Forty: Second Wish

478 32 6
By Razia101

Cause she was hurt, and she wasn't gonna recover fast ~Tumblr

{Rosalina's POV}

My body stood still against the carpeted floor. My body ached with new pain. I was debating on which hurt more, my slashed back and bruises? or my heart that was yearning for my old life?

Was this a good a thing? Could I live a life without Xavier, or any supernatural's beings existing. My mind was telling me it's a good thing, I'm having a new fresh start.

But my heart on the other hand, is screaming, and yelling telling me it needs our mate to hold us.

"Earth to Rosey" Serenity said snapping her fingers in my face. I blinked repeatedly debating if I was in a dream or not. I looked up and all the girls were giving me weird looks.

"Are you okay Rosey? You seem a little off" Lucy asked. I looked at her with a blank expression. Maybe this was a good thing my Lucy was back, she's not dead she's here with me. I smiled and got up.

"I feel fantastic!" I said getting up with a huge smile on my face.

"Good, because we have to go to school, like right now" Ariana said looking at her phone for the time. Now that was a bummer, I had to restart grade twelve. I let out a huff and smiled.

"Okay let's get going" I said grabbing Meghan's hand.

"Calm down buddy, are you sure you wanna go to school today? Your bruises look really bad" she said patting my back. I winced as her hand made contact with my back. The pain was unbearable.

"Rosey what's wrong?" Ariana asked looking at my back.

"Nothing I'm fine" I said backing away.

"Where did you get all these bruises from?" Serenity asked. Fuck I was hoping they'd let it go. I did a fake smile.

"How about we go to school and forget about the bruises" I said smiling widely. Lucy raised her eyebrow and looked at me with her stare so I could spill the truth.

"Tell me, so I can kill that motherfucker" Lucy said gritting her teeth. I walked over to her and calmed her down.

"Can you guys please stop asking me, I don't want to talk about it okay? Next time this happens I'll tell you. Can we just please let it slide this time?" I said running out of breath.

"Okay fine, but next time we ask you something you better answer truthfully" Ariana said eyeing me. I nodded and grabbed my keys that were on the coffee table. I stared at my keychain and memories flood back.

There was a gold heart with the name Xavier imprinted on the heart. I smiled and looked down. How did I still have this? Wasn't all the memories and things he gave me suppose to disappear?

My hand flew to my neck and I felt my amulet. How did I still have my amulet? It was made by a witch how can I still have it?

"Can you stop day dreaming? We're gonna be late for school!" Meghan said grabbing my hand. We all ran outside to our cars.

Soon enough, I reached the school and I parked my car. All feelings were flooding through my brain. I looked at my phone for the camera and my bruises looked really bad. Maybe if anyone asked I could tell them I beat a girl up and they should see her before they see me.

I rummaged through my bag trying to find concealer. I smiled in excitement when I found my concealer. I applied some on my face and my bruises were barely visible. Better be, I paid so much for this little bottle.

I looked at my camera and I looked descent. I got out of my car and ran to the school doors. I guess the girls already went in.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw him "Xavier" my voice came out as a whisper. He was smiling and he was with the guys fooling around and throwing a football around. I ran towards him and he looked very shocked to see me. I jumped in his arms and tightened my hold on his torso.

"Oh my god Xavier, I missed you so much" I said with tears on the verge of falling. I didn't feel his arms around me. I didn't feel the sparks like I use to. It was gone, everything was gone. I looked up and he was silent.

"Uh do I know you?" He asked. My heart ripped into pieces. Tears fell from my eyes.

"You don't remember me?" I asked as I wiped my tears. He looked over at his friends and they were giving me weird looks.

"Um no I'm sorry. Wait do I know you from the club or something? I can't keep track anymore with all the girls man" Xavier said laughing and looking at his friends and they start laughing.

Did he just make me seem like one of those whores he sleeps with and forgets there's names?

Tears fell faster than all of my river of tears. I turned around and held my amulet into my hand. I missed Xavier and he didn't even remember me. My amulet wasn't glowing a beautiful green, it looked dead. Every time I would touch Xavier my amulet would glow but it wasn't anymore.

I start to walk, I didn't want him to see me crying. I just lost the one thing in this world that made me feel safe, from all of my demons.

"Hey can I at least get your name beautiful?" He shouted as I opened the schools doors. I turned back and his words sounded so familiar. They were the words he first spoke to me when I came to this school.

"Hello beautiful, I'm Xavier" His words played in my head.

"My name is Rosalina Newman" your mate. I said with a smile, but I left the mate part out.

He smirked and stared at me as I walked into the school. Could Xavier and I be together without the mate bond?

The answer was no! No we couldn't. The mate bond kept up balanced. The mate bond was something that always brought me to forgiving his mistakes. The mate bond made me want to try over and over again. I don't have it anymore, so we can never be together.

Tears ran down my face. " I don't think I want this life anymore" I whispered and held my amulet. I went to my first class.

Déjà vu running through my brain. I looked around feeling someone burning holes behind me. I looked over my shoulder finding a familiar pair of green eyes staring back at me.

I blushed when I realized he's been looking at me this whole time. I looked away with a slight smile. The bell rang and I ran out of class. I went to my locker grabbing my bag so I could leave. I thought I could come to school and act like everything is okay, but I can't it's too much.

I ran towards the parking lot and I heard footsteps following me. I turned around as my hair covered my face. I felt a pair of warm hands remove my hair and tuck it behind my ear swiftly. I looked up watching Xavier is awe.

"I feel like I've known you for years" he said in a whisper. His breath fanned my face and goosebumps were vivid on my skin. I looked down with embarrassed.

"You don't know me, I just moved here this year" I said looking anywhere but his beautiful eyes. He took another step closer. He studied my face and I just stared at his chest. The school's parking lot was empty. Birds singing in the stress and the restless leaves scattered everywhere.

"You're lying, now tell me how I know you" Xavier said with slight annoyance.

"I have to go" I turned around and unlocked my car. His hand grabbed my arm spun me around facing him. My hands rested on his broad chest as my breath hitched. I've been in this position more than once with him I mentally groaned.

"I've only met you today, but yet I can't seem to get you out of my brain. Every class I go to your face pops up in my head, and your name gets repeated on my lips. Now I'm not gonna ask you again, how do I know you?" My eyes widened at his words I didn't know how to tell him. Did he feel some sort of connection towards me?

What do I say? Oh moon goddess get your mighty ass out of the sky and help me! I mentally screamed in my head.

"I-I u-um, well y-you s-see-" Xavier cut me off.

"Are you always this nervous?" He asked with amusement in his eyes. He was enjoying this. I stepped backwards and I felt my car hit my butt.

What do I tell him? Or should I just make a run for it?

"Tell him to meet you at pine forest at exactly 5:30 sharp" A familiar voice spoke to me. I shook my head. Why is there a voice in my brain?

"Tell him Rosalina, before midnight, or else you'll life will be stuck like this forever" The voice spoke once again. I know this voice. It was soft angelic like. It was the moon goddess?

"Yes its me moon goddess, princess Mariah. Now tell him before your life is bound without a mate" She spoke in my mind.

"I'll tell you everything. Just please meet me at pine forest at 5:30 sharp" I said looking up at his confused face.

"What does pine forest have to with any of this?" He asked.

"Just please do it" I said holding his arm. He looked shocked that I touched him. His muscles relaxed and his eyes softened.

"Okay, I'll be their. But don't leave me hanging you better be their too" he said with a smile. I nodded.

I opened my car door and sat inside. I rolled my window down and smiled at him one last time.

"I'll see you soon Rosalina" his husky voice spoke. The way my name rolled off of his tongue just made me miss him even more. I drove off and didn't look back. Now why did the moon goddess want me to meet him at Pine forest?

I went to the nearby beach that I always went to when I skipped my classes. I sat down on the soft warm sand. I let my feet sink into the warm sand. I shut my eyes and rested my head in my lap. What have I gotten myself into?

I heard shuttering in the background and I looked up as the sun was kissing my skin. It was a crumpled piece of paper rolling around. I got up and grabbed it. Curiosity ran through my veins as I sat back down unfolding the paper.

My eyes widened when I saw my name written in big bold black letters. The paper had a photo of me saying "missing" on the front of it. They made posters of me when I got kidnapped by Ryder?

How could this paper still exist if I was in a different dimension? I looked over the paper and my first and last name was given.

Xavier's phone number was written on it. It said to call this number if I was seen. There was even money involved if anyone found me. I looked closely and the date was written.

The year 2017 was issued on. Good, so this poster was made in 2017, but I'm living in 2016 right now. I huffed and slid the paper in my pocket. I looked over at the water and remembered that last time I came here.

I did, I missed everything. I missed my brother, my mate. And the way my friends use to be. I just wanted everything to go back like the way it was. I was gonna miss Lucy but she was bound to die.

I can't just keep living in this dimension just because Lucy is alive. It wasn't fair for anyone. I got up and dusted the sand off of my jeans.

I got in my car and started my engine when I saw a young girl with dark purple hair staring at me. As soon as she saw me making eye contact she ran away. I was shocked to see her run, was she afraid of me? I started my car and chased her.

Something inside me was telling me to run after her. She ran into an alleyway and my car wouldn't fit inside. I got out and parked my car near a café.

I ran into an empty neighborhood and I couldn't find her. I heard noise from behind me and saw the girl was running into pine forest.

"Hey stop! I just want to talk to you!" I yelled and ran after her. She pulled her dark hoodie over head and ran faster.

I finally reached inside the forest and new a shortcut to where she was running. I ran the other direction and stood still behind a tree. Once I heard the girl's footsteps coming closer I got ready to grab her.

She looked around trying to find me. As soon as she turned around I tackled her down. I got on top of her and wrapped my legs around her laying body.

"Let me go!" She yelled and tried struggling in my hold.

"No! Not until you tell me who you are" I said holding her hands above her head. She gritted her teeth and stared at my amulet. Her eyes widened as she saw it and then she looked away.

"You know what this is?" I asked holding my amulet. She didn't respond. I grabbed her chin forcefully.

"Answer my goddamn question!" I said. That's when I realized this girl looked about the same age as me.

Her violate eyes made me curious to who she was. Never in my life time did I see someone with violet eyes. Her tan skin made her seem just as beautiful.

"I'll answer any question you have as soon as your fat ass is off of me!" She yelled. I felt a bit offended but took it as a complement for my ass. I got off of her and crossed my arms on my chest.

"I swear if you run, next time my fat ass is sitting on your face" I said with a smirk. She looked at me seriously and so did I. We both stared at each other for the longest time. All of the sudden I burst out laughing and so did she at the same time.

"That was actually funny, I'll give you that one" mystery girl said fist bumping me. I nodded and smiled.

"Now, what's your name?" I asked staring at her purple hair. She looked up.

"Melinda Lancaster" she said. "You?" She asked.

"Com'on don't act dumb with me. I know you know me. I just don't know how you know me?" I asked acting all criminal minds on her ass.

She raised her eyebrow. "Damn your good. Alpha Xavier was very lucky to have you as his Luna" she blurted out. She bit her tongue as soon as it came out.

"Ha, I knew you know me!" I said pointing my finger in her face. She nodded and huffed.

"Nice finally meeting you Rosalina Newman" she said with a slight smile.

"So I'm not going crazy? You know about supernatural's?" I asked feeling uneasy. She nodded.

"I'm a witch. In fact I'm the one who made you that amulet" she said pointing to my neck. I held my amulet and felt Xavier near me.

"So you're the witch he made make me the amulet?" I asked staring down at it. She nodded.

"Thank you Melinda" I said with a smile.

"I helped Xavier and your friends to find you from Vampire boy" she said I looked up at her confused.

"No way! So you know that the moon goddess granted my wish?" I asked. She nodded

"I shouldn't be telling you this but, the moon goddess did this all as a test. She's testing your strength Rosalina. She believed that she made a mistake with you and Xavier" Melinda said with sad eyes.

"She thinks Xavier and I shouldn't be mates?" I asked.

"No, she just thinks she made a mistake. She always trusts her gut feeling that's all" Melinda.

"She granted my fucking wish because she made a mistake and she's making it seem that its my fault!" I screamed and Melinda flinched at my tone.

"All you have to do is prove her wrong" Melinda said.

"Of course she is wrong! Xavier and I aren't mistakes. He'll always be my mate and I'll be his" I said as tears ran down my face. Melinda came closer and wiped my tears.

"Don't worth Rosalina, all you have to do is take back your wish for your old life back" she said with sad eyes.

"How do I do that? Melinda I'm so lost" I said willing my damp tears.

"Meet Xavier at pine forest at 5:30 sharp. There's a reason why you have your amulet, it will help you get your old life back" Melinda said confidently. I nodded.

"What do I say when he comes?" I asked.

"Don't worry you'll know what to say" she said patting my back. "If it comes from the heart Rosalina your second wish will be granted. Be careful with the wish, so it doesn't get twisted by the moon goddess" she said with a faint smile.

I nodded and smiled. "Thank you Melinda you've been a big help in my life" I hugged her and she hugged me back tightly.

"The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for making me a part of your life Rosalina" she said sincerely holding my hands. She closed her eyes and stood still for a while. Her eyes opened and a big smile was plastered on her face.

"Your a strong girl Rosalina, and something tells me you're gonna make history. I predict a bright future for you and Xavier, and the little ones he's gonna make you carry" she said with a goofy smile.

My breath got caught in my throat. She just told me my future. "Can you see my future?" I asked bewildered with this crazy girl in front of me.

She nodded. "I have to go now, good bye Rosalina we will see each other again soon enough" with that she turned around.

"No wait!" I yelled but it was too late she disappeared in the fogs of the forest. I huffed and ran my hand through my long hair.

"Thank you" I whispered and ran the other direction towards my car. I got in my car and saw that the time was passing by really fast. I looked up at the sky and the clouds looked like they were battling. I drove to my apartment and got in quickly.

I saw the girls seated in the living room watching some kind of movie. I tried passing through to my room without them noticing. The floorboards creaked and all heads turned towards me.

Meghan turned the TV off and everyone gave me disappointed look.

"Where the hell were you?" Ariana asked walking towards me.

"Don't worry mom I was at the library" I said grabbing the bag of chips from Serenity.

"Hey! I was eating that" Serenity said pouting as I shoved my face with chips.

"Wait so correct me if I'm wrong. You skipped your classes to go to the library?" Ariana asked with her eyebrows scrunched together.

"Yeah why?" I asked trying to hold back my laugh.

"Dude we're not stupid so spill the truth before I tickle you to death" Lucy said eyeing me. I laughed.

"Shut up, it's the truth" I said throwing the bag of chips back to Serenity.

"Oh yeah? so where's your backpack?" Meghan asked with a smirk.

"In my car, why?" I asked with a smirk back at her.

"Well played" Meghan said with a smile.

"Why thank you" I said bowing. I went to my room and laid down on my bed exhausted with my whole day. I looked over at my alarm clock and saw that it read 5:00.

"Shit I have thirty minutes before I have to leave" I said getting up and changing my clothes. I grabbed my leather jacket and wore it on top of my white t-shirts. I kept my ripped skinny jeans on. I brushed my long hair into a high pony tail and ran out of my room.

As I was gonna open the front door Lucy stopped me. "Hey where do you think your going?" She asked worried. The sun was going down outside, of course she would be worried. I smiled and hugged her.

If my wish worked then I would never get to see Lucy again. Because in my dimension she's dead. I hugged her tightly and didn't want to let go.

"I'm gonna miss you" I said teary eyed.

"Why? I'm gonna see you for dinner right?" She asked bewildered. I nodded.

"Yeah don't worry I'll see you at dinner" I said as tears ran down my face. She wiped my tears and smiled at me.

"Are you on your period? because you get really emotional when you are" she said. I laughed and shook my head.

"I'll see you guys soon" I said waving at the girls. They smiled and nodded.

"Bye Lucy, I love you" I said kissing her cheek.

"Bye I love you too Rose forever and always" she said with a smile. Damn I was gonna miss this moment so bad. I nodded and turned around before more tears fell.

I ran towards my car. I was always running today I bet I lost more pounds than I can gain.

I drove to Pine forest in a speed. I finally reached it. I saw the cliff and shadow of a boy near the cliff. I got out of my car as I parked it beside Xavier's. He turned around and saw me. I walked towards him and he just stared at me.

"Hi" he breathed out. I looked up and his beautiful eyes were shining with admiration.

"Hi" I repeated. A smirk played on his face as soon as he felt my nervousness.

"I wasn't gonna come you know? But something about you you pulled me over here" he said burning holes in my eyes. I had a frown on my face. Of course he felt like that.

"That's fine" I said confidently trying to hide the fact that I wanted to crawl in a corner and cry. I felt footsteps coming closer. His manly scent came in full view as I felt his fingers touch my face. He lifted my chin and I stared into his forest green eyes.

"Now tell me why I feel like I've known you for years?" He asked as his lips parted. I moved his hand away from my chin and held it into mine. He seemed shocked to why I held his hands in mine.

"We're mates" I said holding onto his warm hands.

"We're mates? Like the word Australians use as in best friends?" He asked confused. I laughed at his adorable confused look.

"No, what I meant to say is mates, like soul mates. We've been destined for each other by the moon goddess" I said looking at him hoping he would understand.

"Girl you're crazy" he said letting go of my hands. My heart fell in my stomach as he turned to walk away to his car.

Tears fell from my eyes. There was no way he was gonna believe me. There was nothing I could do. "Show him you care" the voice spoke in my head.

"How?" I whispered.

"How do you show someone you care?" the voice asked. I thought about that day when I was ready to jump into the waterfall and Xavier saved me. I'm gonna repeat a memory and hopefully he remembers.

"Wait, stop!" I yelled and ran towards him he turned around.

He turned around and I ran and jumped in his arms wrapping my legs around his waist. He looked shocked until I grabbed his face and my lips locked with his.

My lips moved swiftly against his. His lips didn't move, then slowly he played around with my lips as if I was his toy. He bit my bottom lip asking for entrance that I gladly gave him. His hand supported my back as it slowly snaked down to my butt holding it.

I pulled his bottom lip as I was breathless, but he didn't seem breathless at all. A smirk played on his lips. "We're mates" I said touching his cheek and I felt electricity run through my body. He felt electricity as he held onto my body shocked.

"Now do you believe me now?" I asked as he looked at his hands then back to me. He nodded.

"I love you Xavier" I said smiling as tears ran down my face.

"I love you too Rose" his words came out like a flow. He looked shocked at his own words. He put me down and shook his head as if someone was speaking to him.

His eyes shut and opened as plain white eyes appeared. I stepped back bewildered his green eyes were gone.

"Now Rosalina tell me what you wish for?" His voice came out deeper. He's been possessed my mind told me.

I knew my answer this time, I wasn't gonna hesitate to answer. This is it Rosalina, you can do this.

"I wish to be in my mates arms" I wished and closed my eyes.

"Your wish has been granted" I heard the un-human voice come from Xavier. I shut my eyes as a shrieking pain struck in my mind. I let out a cry of pain as I opened my eyes and stared at the sky. The clouds were moving backwards as the sun set was rising once again. I closed my eyes as a bright light invaded my sight.

My breath hitched, and after some time I decided to open my eyes. I didn't hear the sound of trees swaying and the wind picking up. I heard silence, I opened my eyes fully and I looked down to find myself in a basement, all alone.

Tears of joy fell onto my clothing as I realized I was back in my own dimension. I looked down and my chains were shattered broken. I silently thanked the moon goddess and got up from the cold ground. I was in my old clothes and I didn't smell too pleasant.

That's when I heard screaming and yelling from outside. Gun shots ran through my ears as I flinched. My back was burning with every step I took. I ran up the wood stairs and hoped the chained door was open.

My shaky hands made its way to the doorknob and it opened with a push. I let out a breath of relief and ran around the house finding the entrance.

I followed the yelling and I made my way outside. I saw blood scattered on the once green grass and the girls fighting vampires with their guns.

I looked everywhere trying to find Xavier. I finally saw my mate fighting with Ryder in the middle of the forest. Xavier had Ryder from the back as his hands circles around his head. Xavier made eye contact with me and that's when I started sobbing like an idiot.

Xavier snapped Ryder's neck in a second. Ryder's body fell onto the bloody grass limb, and lifeless. I winced as I saw his cold eyes slowly shutting.

He's dead, my brain whispered. I swear I saw a tear escape Xavier's eyes when he stared at me. I cried and ran as fast as I could.

He opened his arms for me, as I jumped into his arms and wrapped my skinny legs around his hips. He held onto me for dear life and I cried on his shoulder.

We didn't speak I just cried in my mates arms as he held me tight against his body. I sobbed and he whispered soothing words in my ear.

"I love you baby" Xavier's voice cracked as I saw tears running down his face.

"I-I love y-you too" I said grabbing his face in my hands and wiping his tears away.

"Never leave me again" I cried and he kissed my lips. Electricity ran through my body, and that's when I knew he would always be mine forever.

"Never baby, I promise" he said stroking my cheeks. I rested my head on his heart as he still held me to his body like I was a baby being carried. I couldn't think of anything better than being in my mates arms, safe and sound.



Yes, yes I know its been awhile since I've last updated. Don't kill me just yet, I think I have delivered a long enough chapter right? Yeah hopefully.

Anyways what did you think??!!??? I hope you enjoyed awesome people.

I'm deciding to end this book on chapter 45 so five chapters left. If I get more votes or comments asking for a sequel I will gladly accept, but that's only if people ask me too. Maybe in the future sometime.

Don't forget to...



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