The Mystic World (BOOK 1): Lo...

By AamirTullyKhan

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Arman's life was on a perfect trajectory until a mysterious text message from an unknown sender changed his l... More

Chapter 1: Dreams That Begin
Chapter 2: Words of Wisdom Never Betray
Chapter 3: Dream Demon
Chapter 4: Doors Have Ears Too
Chapter 6: Revenge is Served
Chapter 7: Lady Oh Lady
Chapter 8: Rajnath's Rage
Chapter 9: Wounded
Chapter 10: Predictions from the Unknown
Chapter 11: Surprise!
Chapter 12: He Knew It All
Chapter 13: Accidental Friendship
Chapter 14: Curiosity
Chapter 15: Unlike Minds
Chapter 16: Laomai
Chapter 17: Healios
Chapter 18: Distinctive Perspective
Chapter 19: A Needful Step
Chapter 20: Nocturno Perfection
Chapter 21: Where in the world
Chapter 22: Hocus Pocus 101
Chapter 23: Unusual People, Usual Attitude
Chapter 24: Unfit for a team
Chapter 25: Krypto Tango
Chapter 26: Utter Frustration
Chapter 27: Abhimanyu Knows
Chapter 28: Variation tricks
Chapter 29: Darkness Within
Chapter 30: The Sun, The Moon, The Stars
Chapter 31: Spell Bounded
Chapter 32: Destiny Prevails

Chapter 5: A Plan is a Plan

80 10 2
By AamirTullyKhan

Arman was astounded by what he had heard. How in the world was this taking place? He wouldn't even be aware that Rajnath was preparing a cunning plan to harm him if he hadn't been around in the first place. Did that imply that he found solutions as a result of his dreams? However, he was mystified as to how this might be achievable. He could not help but wonder if this was all a coincidence. Arman thought, "Coincidence or not, I need to concentrate on how to get back on this rascal right now."

After using the restroom, Rajnath and his companions made the decision to return to their lecture. Before Arman could exit the restroom, he had to wait a little while. He wanted them to be unaware that he was aware of their activities. After a few minutes, Arman emerged from his hiding location. The lecture had already ended when he dashed into his class.

A worried Ashita questioned, "What took you so long? The lecture got over five minutes ago." Arman inhaled deeply. He wasn't sure what to tell Ashita—should he tell her about the dream or only about Rajnath's scheme to really hurt him? He made the decision to keep the specifics of the dream to himself.

"You're not going to believe what occurred," Arman said. "What?" As she was bringing her bag out of the locker, Ashita inquired. Arman said, "Rajnath is intending to injure me this time, and much more disgrace me." Ashita started to worry. Her facial expressions conveyed her level of worry. She was aware that Rajnath would do whatever it took to hurt her pal. She wanted to let the principle know about it in an effort to assist him. But she knew things would get worse as Rajnath would harm him even more.

"How were you made aware of this?" Ashita asked, by this point somewhat anxious. "I was in the restroom, located on the second level," Arman said. "You were on the second floor, but why?" Ashita became perplexed. "We had a malfunctioning restroom on our floor," Arman claimed. "I found out while I was doing my work and overheard Rajnath chatting with his pals."

"Now what? What ought to be carried out?" Ashita was at a loss for what to do by now.

Arman grinned and added, "Well, a plan is a plan, so why not we create our own thing to backfire their plan." "I didn't understand," a bewildered Ashita remarked. Arman beckoned her closer so he could whisper his idea to her.

He informed her of his plans. He kept telling Ashita about his intentions, and she was starting to become worried. Arman urged her to relax, putting his arm around her shoulder and telling her he knew what he was doing. After Rajnath had harassed him so much, Arman decided to give him a lesson. He wanted to express to everyone that he's had it enough

"Are you sure he won't be able to hurt you?" Ashita inquired. "Relax, I know what I'm doing," Arman said confidently. Arman gestured Ashita out, sensing that Rajnath would soon arrive. He did not want his scheme to fail. Both of them left the college.

Ashita remarked, "You were incredibly fortunate to be there while he was talking about it; else, you would not have known." "Yeah of course," Arman said; he was aware that it wasn't just a matter of chance; his dreams had told him this would happen.

As he walked back home, he pondered whether this was all in his head or whether he was dreaming once more. He witnessed a dream that materialized. He wasn't prepared to accept that this was even conceivable.

"Even if it's true, it implies my dreams just provide hints of what's going to happen soon," Arman reasoned. "That implies I won't be able to figure it out if I don't comprehend the hints."

Arman got home and immediately went to study. His thoughts began to stray. How in the world could he see what will happen in the future in his dreams? He had no idea he was capable of such a thing. Although he never bought into the idea of sixth sense and similar concepts, it was feasible that they were genuine. Arman kept pondering, but he didn't find any answers. He made the decision to sleep as he knew he would need to be well-rested in order to carry out his strategy.

"It's payback time at last," Arman said as he began to close his eyes.

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