One Direction drove me off th...

By Nloved1D

897K 3.2K 1.2K

Youé is a special girl, she's damaged and doesn't trust people. When she meets the 5 most amazing boys and a... More

One Direction drove me off the Road SEQUEL
Louis! Not again!
You ARE beautiful
The One and Only Liam Payne
The beetle
Youé's story
Camping in the garden
The crime and Derek
Shopping and clubbing
Just not fair
The little campire
What did I do?
What do we learn from this? CUPCAKES SOLVE EVERY PROBLEM
You're back!
Derek's place
Romantic... and playful kisses
A day at the park
Larry Stylinson
Larry Sty....what?
The fancy party part 1
The fancy party; part 2
Our trip begins here
There's no limit on a happy-meal, so STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!
The concert
Love makes people blind
The truth
Quick fire!
Just trusting you
Love in the air
Meeting Max
Ignoring you! HA
Not allowed to kiss Zayn
Please drive another girl out of the road...for me????
Mr. Romantic
We need to leave
Sleeping on the trampoline
Cold shower??
New tops
I'll look after you
Get out of my face!
I'll cry a river
Red paint fail
Forever and always, I will love you ~last chapter

Almost the same girls

19.7K 90 21
By Nloved1D

Youé's POV:

"Guys, what did I miss?" I ask, a little irritated now. They look at each other. "Nothing serious, we were just in the news a day ago and people go all over us today," the boy, Liam, says. I near my eyes at him. He's lying, but he tries to hide it. I nod once and I see Laura examining me, do I have something between my teeth?

"Alright, Youé, how old are you?" Harry asks me. "18," I answer and his eyes light up. "When do you turn  19?" Laura asks me with a smile. "My birthday was a week ago," I say and she smiles. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Harry asks me. ARROGANT BOY!

"Dejá vu moment," Liam says and I turn around and raise an eyebrow. "Nothing," he shakes his head at me. Those boys are irritating, saying things, but then stopping when I ask about it.

"You're irritating her," Laura says and she winks at me. How does she know? I didn't look irritated! I narrow my eyes at her and she does too. I bend my head a little a side, like I'm looking at her really good. Then everyone went quiet. "Girls?" Zayn asks worried. I look away. "Sorry," I say and stand up without thinking and fall down. Harry catches me and asks "where do you think you're going?" I sit down on the couch again. "Err, home?" I say. He looks sad. "What? Why? Don't you like it here?" he says. "Harry, look. I get hit by a car, go to a house with to many cute boys that will never like me, and I have no reason to stay here..." I say and then I realize what I just said. "Did I say that out loud?" They all nod. I slap my hand to my forehead and sigh.

"Why do you think us cute boys wouldn't like you?" he asks, frowning. "Err, duh," I say as it is obvious. I may sound really rude, maybe arrogant, but I have my reasons. People broke my heart, I've been betrayed to many times, lied to too many times.

"Why duh?" Liam asks. "Don't you guys think I'm annoying with my... attitude?" Harry shakes his head. People told me so many times that I have a attitude. That I'm annoying and arrogant, thinking I'm way to perfect for the world. WRONG.

"No of course not," Liam says. "You don't know you're beautiful," Harry sings in a way to familiar melody. "One Direction, what makes you beautiful," I say and his eyes get wide. "Do you like that song?" I ask him and he looks astonished with a grin. "Yeah, I really like that song." All the boys laugh.

"Alright guys. Tell me, now," I stand up and fall back again. I groan. Stupid hip. I lay my hand on it, it feels horrible. "Calm down, grumpy," Louis says and I glare at him. "Louis, don't you see she's annoyed, do you want to make it worse? It is your fault she's here now," Laura says. I hold back a giggle. That was the best comment of today, go girl. Louis shuts up and turns a little red.

"There's nothing, Youé," Harry says. "Liar!" I say. "What? How do you know?" he looks arrogant. "You turn your head a little a side and you moved your hands into your pocket, Curly," I say and he smiles at the word curly.

I look at Laura and I see her jaw has dropped. She looks me up and down. I see the boys looking at us from the corner of my eyes. 

"You..." she says and I raise my eyebrows, expecting a rude comment. "What am I?" I ask irritated. "I'm not going to insult you or something." 

My jaw dropped. How the fuck could she know? I didn't do ANYTHING that she could notice to show that I'm irritated. "You can.." I say, realized.

"Read body language?" we both say and we laugh together. "No, really?" I ask and she nods. "I thought that I was one of the only ones!" she says. I notice a sweet accent, It's kinda cute. 

"That's why you noticed! I thought I was over reacting or something," I say and she shakes her head. "The boys are really bad at lying so..." she says and we laugh.

"Wait a sec! You both can... do that thing?" Niall asks and we nod, both grinning. "My day just got a lot better," I say and she comes over, and shoves Harry aside. He falls down on the ground. We start talking and the boys look at us with a surprised look.

"This is going to take forever," I hear Harry say while I'm in a conversation with Laura. She's older than me, so I'm the youngest. We laughed and I see the sparkling in her eyes, she has lived for too long with these boys. "Don't you get sick of them sometimes?" I ask and all the boys turn around. "HEY," they yell and we laugh really hard. "Yeah, a lot of times, but I love to go to Starbucks here." She tells me and I frown. "Don't you have friends here?" I ask and her smile fades for a second. "I hate to say goodbye,  and we move from place to place, so it's better for me not to make new friends. We're on holiday now," she tells me but then her eyes widen. She looks at the boys and they make a lot of movements to say to her that she can't tell me. That she can't tell me what? She looks at me and notices my irritation.

"Boys we have to tell her! She's annoyed, I would be too," she says but they all shake their heads. She sighs. "Alright, I'm leaving," I say showing my irritation and standing up again. This time I took a step but that was the wrong turn. I fel down and hit the table with my bruised hip. I moan really loud and everyone jumps to me.

"Damn it," I hiss. "You get that you can't walk, do you?" Niall says to me and I roll my eyes. "Smart, Irish," I say and everyone laughs. "What is so funny?" I say loudly. "You use the names that Laura uses too," Zayn explains me and I frown, looking at her as she nods, smiling. " I think it's a girl thing," Laura says and I giggle. Harry turns around and looks at me. "I'll get some more healing cream," she says and walks away. I sighs, she's nice, so my first impression was wrong, that's not usual with me. That sounds arrogant, I know.

"Do you mind... with the boys..." she says when she returns. I shrug. Liam winks at me and all the boys smile, just Harry has a huge grin on his face. I see it and look at him. "Turn around, Curly," I say and his smile fades. Laura chuckles and Harry turns around, disappointed.

I lift my shirt up and she puts some more cream on my bruise. I hiss a little when she touches it. "Liam, can you look at it for a sec?" She says and I frown. "Liam knows the most about bruises and stuff like that," she says and smiles. I nod and Liam walks over, lifts my shirt a little up and bites his lower lip. He lifts his hand up and comes a little closer. In a reflex, I take his hand in a firm grip really fast. "I'm sorry but I have to touch it," he says with a smile. "Sorry, reflex," I say, and put my hand down.

He lifts his hand up, slowly this time, and he lays his finger on my hip. I close my eyes.

Don't think about the pain, don't think about the pain. I say to myself while Liam pushes softly on the painful spot. I hold my breath and then I feel a hand slip in mine, I open my eyes and see Laura sitting next to me. "It isn't broken, but you can't walk until tomorrow evening, otherwise it's not going to get better," he says and pulls my shirt back down. "You'll be fine," he says and I let out my breath. "Thanks Liam," I say and he winks at me. Liam seems nice. But I'm still wondering about what they meant with 'tell her' and everything.

"I'm going to grab some food, anyone want some?" Niall asks, and I smile at him. He looks so relaxed, it's just relaxing to look at him. "I know," Laura says to me and all the boys turn around to us. "What?" Niall asks and looks on his pants to see if he has a spot. "Nothing, boys," I say and they all narrow their eyes. "I can be mean too," I say and Laura chuckles. 

"Okay, I'm going to grab some cherries," Niall says and he looks at Laura and runs as fast as he can to the kitchen. "NIALL DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THE CHERRIES," Laura screams after him and she runs to the kitchen.

I lick my lips a little and Harry laughs. "What are you thinking about?" he asks me, cheeky boy!

"Cherries," I answer him and turn away, looking at the other boys. Liam gasps for a second but then restored himself. I let out a little chuckle. "She's so nice," I say to the boys and they smile. "Yeah, she is," Zayn says and walks to the kitchen, relaxed too. Now I have the couch for my own, Harry notices it and he stand up and let himself fall down on the couch, too hard.  "Ouch," I gasp and grab my hip. Harry sat down too fast and he lifted me from my spot, nice move, Curly.

Liam runs to me and lifts me up. He looks around where he can lay me down and then he frowns. I chuckle. Then he sits down himself and lays my shoulders on his legs. "This should get the weight from your hips to you legs, it helps," he says and I roll my eyes and laugh. Laura runs screaming into the living room, Zayn chasing her and grabs her waist, lifting her up. "Oh ow," Liam says and he lifts me up really fast. I groan, painfully. 

Harry jumps off the couch as Zayn throws Laura on the couch and almost jumps on her, their fight ending in a snogging session.

"There they go again," Louis says and all the boys walk away to their different rooms. I'm still in Liam's arms. "Err..." He says. "Shall I take her to my room?" Harry asks way to happy. "No, I'll take her to mine," Liam says and walks with me to his room, lays me down on his bed. This is more comfortable. I lift up my shirt a little and feels my bruise, it looks pretty bad. Shit, I have to record a couple of songs today, that's not going to work... I sigh.

"Sorry for... that," he says and I chuckle. "Doesn't matter."I say and he sits down next to me, slowly. I lay down on my back and close my eyes. "Do you want to sleep?" he asks, "No, no, this bed is just really comfortable," I say and he smiles. He's really hot, all the boys are. Why are those boys all together with one girl?

"Want me to stay with you or go away?" he asks. "Do what you like... Liam?" I ask. "Yeah, alright, then I'm staying," he says and lays down on his back next to me.

"So, sports, hobbies, family," he says and I smile. "Sports: err, I can play volleyball, I think, and, I can do flips on at trampoline. But all the other sports I suck at," I say and he grins. "The same as Laura, exactly the same." he says and I smile back. "Hobbies: singing, listening to music, jogging, usual girl things.," I say and he nods. "Family: err... None," I say and he frowns. "None?" I sigh and he understands. "Aaahh, I get it, if you don't want to talk about it.." he says and I shake my head. "No, I just lost my parents and twin sisters," I say and Liam looks up.

"You lost you parents and both sisters?" he asks and I nod, examinating his face. "Now I get a little scared...." he says and I look scared. "What? Did I say something wrong?" I say and he shakes his head.

"You like volleyball, singing, gymnastics, and lost your parents and sisters?" I look a little irritated. "Yeah..." What's weird about that. "You are exactly the same as Laura. You have exactly the same situation," he says and I smile. "Those are usual things, I just lost mine now," I say. "Sorry that I have to ask you, but did you lose your sisters and parents in a plane crash?" he asks and I raise my eyebrow.

"No, something really different," I say and he sighs. "Alright, because if that was the same too, I would run out of this room, screaming," he jokes. He isn't funny, I want to say that to him, but that's rude.

"So, Harry seems to like you," he says a little irritated. Jealous Liam? "Err, no," I say irritated too. "He really irritates you, doesn't he?" Liam says with a smile. "Yeah, I just can't stand how he can flirt with me right now, I'm hurt, have just known you guys for a couple of hours and he calls me beautiful already." I sigh and Liam stares at me with a funny look. "What?" I ask. "You... just...." he looks up and down and smiles at me. "Liam, what?" I ask again. "All the girl I know would fall on their knees for Harry to say that she's beautiful. And you get IRRITATED from it? I just think you're the smartest girl I've ever met," he says and I smile. His smile gets bigger. "So I can say that you're smart, but Harry can't say you're beautiful?" he asks. He noticed it. I blush. "FINALLY!" he says and falls back on his back. I laugh and bury my face in one of the pillows. I feel a hand pull my face up. "You're blushing," he says with a huge smile. "What's so weird about that? You gave me a compliment, and I'm a girl, I blush," I say, still a little red.

"A lot of girls would prefer beautiful as a compliment, rather than smart," he says, he looks like he's very amused. "I like you already," he says and I roll my eyes. "Ah, so that's not okay with you, alright," he says. "Now I finally get why people think I'm annoying," I say and he laughs. "Learned it from Laura," he says and I wink at him.

We talk for a bit longer and then I realize that is has to be almost 5 pm. I have to get back to home soon, I promised Cat and Aïsha that I would cook tonight. I try to stand up but fall down with a painful groan. "You really can't move, Youé," he says and stands up. "Do I have to get something for you?" he asks friendly, gosh this boy is nice. "I think I should get back to home soon. My friends are waiting for me, I have to cook," I say, making a face. "You can stay here if you want, I'll order some pizza for your friends, it's just around the corner," he says and I laugh. "You're nice, Mister," I say and he winks. "Do you want to stay over tonight?" he asks, blushing a little. I chuckle a bit and his eyes get wide. "I mean... not with me... err... you know.... like... errr." he says, looking at his feet. I can't hold back my laughter and burst out laughing. "I would love to stay over tonight, I say and he sighs, relieved.

This boy is nice.


Lovely's <3

How's this chappie? Like? dislike? tell meee! Maybe writing another tonight, depends on how much comments I'll get :) So guys, please comment! 

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