The creature deep within

By Udumise

68 34 2

a simple man becomes a victim of a terrible experiment that turned into a vicious creature and placed itself... More

When I was human
The beast unleashed
On the run
The new ability
The comet
On the run from Lance
The beast vs the slayer
The tournament
The cold
Dariella's parents
The big mistake
The return
Phase three
The Beast Colony
Back to Silverdale
The mutant phase
Q&A (Questions & Answers)
Clarence and Lorelei (Origins)

The baby's arrival

3 2 0
By Udumise

Clarence was free from the awful grasp of prison but he felt like an outcast in his home town. One day Clarence woke up early to check on Lorelei just in case the baby was gonna arrive. "Not yet babe" said Lorelei. "What?asked Clarence. "The baby it's not here yet" said Lorelei. "Oh okay want some breakfast?asked Clarence. "Are you gonna make it?asked Lorelei. "Yeah" replied Clarence. "Okay" said Lorelei. Clarence walked up to the kitchen and made pancakes while he did Natasha came in "Oh what's cooking chef" said Natasha. "Ha ha ha very funny I'm making a crême bruleé" said Clarence sarcastically. "Enough with the jokes what are you making?asked Natasha. "Pancakes" said Clarence. "Cool" said Natasha as she nodded her head and sat in the living room. As Clarence was in the kitchen he heard Lorelei screaming" CLARENCE HELP!". Clarence rushed to the bedroom "What's wrong?asked Clarence. "The baby it's kicking" replied Lorelei. "So um... should i take you to the hospital or something?asked Clarence. "What do you think?asked Lorelei. "I'll take that as a yes" said Clarence. He picked Lorelei up and got into the car,he drove to the hospital with great velocity. He rushed upstairs,got into a room and he placed her on a stretcher. He walked up and down the passage repeatedly until a doctor came out of the room "Sir we have your wife stabilised it's just a matter of her being 8 months pregnant so next month if she feels like her water broke,we'll prescribe some pain killers to ease the pain" he said. "Oh okay " said Clarence. "Would you like to see the scan?asked the doctor. Clarence nodded his head and entered the room,he walked up to Lorelei and kissed her on her forehead. "Sir here are the baby's pictures" said the doctor as he handed him the pictures. "Wow thank you" said Clarence as he looked at the pictures. Lorelei woke up and saw Clarence "Hey babe" said Lorelei. "Oh you're awake" said Clarence. He handed her the pictures "This is our baby" he said. Lorelei smiled as she looked at the pictures "Wow is that a boy?asked Lorelei. "Yes ma'am you'll be having a boy" replied the doctor. "Yay oh this is so good,Clarence why not buy some baby clothes?asked Lorelei. "But shouldn't we wait for the baby before we choose the clothes?asked Clarence. "No the scans said it will be a boy so it's a boy" said Lorelei. "But why not buy both types of clothes?asked Clarence. "C'mon please" said Lorelei. "Okay" laughed Clarence. Clarence drove Lorelei home and then drove to the babies clothing store and went to the boys isle. As Clarence was browsing he saw Lorean,he turned his trolley around but Lorean felt suspicious of why the person turned around when he saw her, she followed him and pulled down his hood "Clarence Jones well color me surprised" she said. "Hey don't pull down my hood i need to keep a low profile" said Clarence. "Whoa why are you so uptight,can't i greet a special someone?asked Lorean. "Well the jokes on you I'm married" said Clarence. "So what?asked Lorean. "We can't meet,anyway how'd you get here?asked Clarence. "Oh it was just a matter of escaping,don't think i didn't see what you turned into Mr monster" said Lorean as she put her hand on his chest. "Quiet there are cameras and audio sensors everywhere" said Clarence. "Okay chill out don't transform" laughed Lorean. "Just leave me be" said Clarence. "Okay fine we will meet again till then i leave you with a kiss" said Lorean. She kissed him on his cheek and walked away,"That girl just doesn't know when to quit" thought Clarence. He took the clothes Lorelei told him to get. Meanwhile at home Lorelei's friend Kenya was there "Girl i know you're not gonna like this but,you know i work the cameras right?asked Kenya. "Yes" replied Lorelei. "I saw some girl kissing your man" said Kenya. Lorelei dropped her glass of champagne and bursted into tears. "I don't believe it,why Clarence would do this to me?asked Lorelei as she wiped her tears. "Girl i told you he was to good to be true" said Kenya. She hugged Lorelei. "I'm so sorry girl" said Kenya. "It's okay but what did she look like?asked Lorelei. "She had black hair and a pink dye streak going down her hair,why'd you wanna know?asked Kenya. "Oh you'll find out" replied Lorelei. After a few hours Clarence came back with the clothes "I'm back" said Clarence. "Are you cheating on me?asked Lorelei. "What?asked Clarence. "You heard me" said Lorelei. "What no?,why would i do that?asked Clarence. "Who is this woman?asked Lorelei as she showed him the footage. "That's Lorean i met her in prison" replied Clarence. "Oh so you did meet someone else in prison?asked Lorelei. "What?no why are you acting like this?asked Clarence. "That's it Clarence I've had enough of you" said Lorelei. "What?, why?"asked Clarence. "I'm going to my moms house and i'm taking the kids" said Lorelei. She packed her things as well as the kids' things she took them by their hands to the car. "Where are we going?asked Mark. "Away from here" said Lorelei. "Is dad coming with? asked Diane. "No" said Lorelei. "Why not?asked Mark. "Let's just go" said Lorelei. She put them in her car and drove away. Clarence kneeled on the ground and covered his face. Natasha walked up to Clarence and hugged him "Sorry about that" said Natasha. "Ugh it's not your fault" said Clarence. Natasha leaned over to him and kissed him on his cheek,Clarence stared at her and said" I'm sorry but i can't" said Clarence. "Whoa i didn't mean it like that" said Natasha. "Oh my bad" said Clarence. Clarence went to his bedroom and slept. Meanwhile at the government tower a worker rushed to the supervisors office "Sir there have been rumours that Clarence Jones is here" said the worker. "Oh i guess we should inform the public and test the citizens of Silverdale for fingerprint scanning" said Henry. The worker nodded her head. In the morning Clarence woke up to Natasha shaking him "Clarence wake up" she said. "What?asked Clarence sleepily. "Their scanning fingerprints cause they're looking for you"said Natasha. Clarence got up,ran to the basement and locked it,he searched the basement for his hood until he found it. Meanwhile an agent bursted through Clarences door "Do you know Clarence Jones?asked the agent. "Never heard of him" said Natasha as she lifted her hands. "Hm... that's what they all say,line up anyway,i'm gonna search this house" said the agent. The agent searched the house but stopped at the basement he struggled to get the door open until he finally bursted through with his gun. He walked slowly around the basement until he found Clarence hidden behind a geyser but luckily for Clarence he put his hood on. "Trying to get away from scanning,not for long" said the agent. Clarence walked outside with his hands up. Meanwhile at Lorelei's moms house Lorelei was watching TV until her mom opened the fridge "Oh dear Lorelei honey could you go to town and get me some cheese?asked Lorrel who was Lorelei's mom. "Okay,kids you coming?asked Lorelei. "Can we visit dad?asked Mark. "No we talked about this" said Lorelei. "Well then enjoy going shopping alone" said Diane. Lorelei rolled her eyes and slammed the door as she exited. As she drove to the store she got pulled over by an agent" Excuse me ma'am are you Clarences wife?asked the agent. "Not anymore" said Lorelei. "Ma'am we still need you to line up for fingerprint scanning" said the agent. Lorelei scoffed and got out of her car. Meanwhile Clarence was emerging the front of the line,he startedgetting nervous,once he got to the front they scanned his fingerprints and saw that they found him "Get down now" said the agents. Clarence laid on the floor but an agent stepped on his shoulder,Clarence started breathing heavily and transformed into the beast and roared. The citizens scattered in fear screaming,the beast clapped its hands and the agents flew into a building. The beast sprung into the air and landed next to a petrol station,it grabbed a gas truck and smashed it into the ground,a huge explosion scattered through the city but in the middle of the blaze the beast stood still. The beast roared and sprung into the air and landed in front of Lorelei's car it bumped into the beast and flipped over. Lorelei crawled out of her car screaming "Mom help! Lorrel ran out of the house and saw the beast she fell to the ground in shock. Lorelei reached her hand out to the beast,the beast grabbed her hand gently and transformed back into Clarence. "Clarence help!screamt Lorelei. Clarence transformed and tipped the car over. He picked Lorelei up and drove to the hospital? Clarence rushed upstairs to a room. Clarence paced up and down the passage repeatedly until the doctor came out of the room "Sir we have just delivered your baby" said the doctor. Clarence nodded his head and entered the room he saw a nurse carrying his baby "Congratulations sir it's a girl" said the nurse. Clarence took the baby and smiled as he looked at her. Lorelei woke up "Hey" said Lorelei. "Oh you're awake" said Clarence. "Yeah" said Lorelei. "Check out our beautiful little girl" said Clarence. "Oh okay um... wow,i thought we were gonna have a boy" said Lorelei. "Exactly scans don't always tell the truth" said Clarence as he handed her the baby. "What are we gonna call her?asked Clarence. "Hm... will you do the honours?asked Lorelei. "Oh thank you hm... Rebecca" said Clarence. "That's a beautiful name" said Lorelei. Lorelei hugged Clarence and said "I'm sorry for the way i acted,but that woman did you kiss her?asked Lorelei. "No she kissed me" said Clarence. "I feel so stupid,can you forgive me?asked Lorelei. "Obviously i love you" said Clarence. "Thanks" said Lorelei. Clarence carried on keeping a low profile ever since.

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