Merlin Fairytale Series

By PrincessAvatarRose

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Hello, lovelies. I've returned with another story. This one is based off of various fairytales: A story of a... More

Journey to the Past: Introduction
Chapter 1: Rumors
Chapter 2: Journey to the Past
Chapter 3: Once Upon a December
Chapter 4: The Deal
Chapter 5: In the Dark of the Night
Chapter 6: The First Accident
Chapter 7: Princess Lessons
Chapter 8: The Dance
Chapter 10: Haven
Chapter 11: The Truth At Last
Chapter 12: The End
A Second Chance: Introduction
Chapter 1: And So It Begins
Chapter 2: A Reunion And a Deal
Chapter 3: The Thing He Wasn't Prepared For
Chapter 4: Love Will Find a Way
Chapter 5: What Was Meant To Be
The Gift of True Love: Introduction
Chapter 1: A Beautiful Budding Romance
Chapter 2: An Arranged Accident
Chapter 3: On Board the Good Ship Misery
Chapter 4: Don't Make Me Laugh
Chapter 5: Looks Like I Got Me a Friend
Chapter 6: The Final Fight
The Cursed Princess: Introduction
Chapter 1: Forbidden Love
Chapter 2: The Curse/True Love's Kiss
Chapter 3: Saving a Princess
The 12 Dancing Princesses: Introduction
Introduction Part 2
Chapter 1: Tragedy
Chapter 2: The Princesses
Chapter 3: The Princes
Chapter 4: A Magical Encounter
Chapter 5: The King's Plan
Chapter 6: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 7: I. AM. EMRYS!
Chapter 8: Merlin Reveals the Truth
Chapter 9: The Year of Jubilee
Forbidden: Introduction
Chapter 1: A Feud, A Fight, and A Proclamation
Chapter 2: Love At First Sight
Chapter 3: A Forbidden Romance
Chapter 4: The Secret Wedding
Chapter 5: A Devious Plot And a War
Chapter 6: The End of the Feud
Sequels Galore!!
Special Announcement

Chapter 9: A Nightmare And a Confession

78 3 1
By PrincessAvatarRose

Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnddddd.....cue the love confession! Kisses all around!
Above gif is Merlin all happy that Rose loves him.
Summary: Karayan makes Rose have a nightmare that leads to an unexpected heartfelt confession.

     Since the incident on the deck, neither Rose nor Merlin had spoke one word to each other. Merlin was being secretive and Rose knew it. It was for this precise reason that she consulted Nyx about it, once Merlin had made himself comfortable and fallen asleep.
     When Rose questioned Nyx about Merlin's behavior, Nyx simply replied, "If I know anything, I know that men never know what they want. And they're usually either too full of pride or fear of rejection to do anything if they do."
     While this wasn't all that helpful, Rose was grateful that Nyx was trying to help. Soon afterwards, they both settled down for the night. Nyx shapeshifted into her dragon form and curled up to sleep while Rose cuddled next to Lyall and fell asleep.
                        * * * * *
     Meanwhile, in his prison, Karayan watched the scene with Seth beside him.
     "There she is, Master, all sound asleep in her little bed."
     "Indeed." Karayan agreed. "Now, I know how best to win you over, my love. Not with tricks and stunts and not through physical ways. Oh no! First I must get inside your mind where you can't escape me." Rising once more to his feet, Karayan boomed, "Somnium!"
                       * * * * *
     Rose found her in the most beautiful forest she'd ever seen. The grass glowed gold with the light peeking through the trees and was covered in various types of wildflowers. She'd woken on a bed of flowers. Looking down at herself, she saw that she was wearing a beautiful white dress:

    "Rose..." A voice called, drawing her attention to a tall, handsome man with tidy, black hair and eyes that changed from blue to green. "You didn't forget about me, my love, did ya?"
     "Who are you?"
     "Come with me, my love, and all will be revealed. You will remember our love."
      The man turned, and started walking through the woods and, because Rose was curious, she followed the man, unaware of his true intentions.
                             * * * * *
      In reality, Rose had got out of her bed and left her room on the ship, making her way down the hall. Lyall, noticing his mistress' disappearance, ran to wake up to only one who could save her: Merlin.
                            * * * * *
      They'd left the woods behind, heading down a beautiful path. All the while, Rose saw people she could've sworn she recognized: men and women, all finely dressed. She found a rocky terrain above her. The man walked up it, holding out a hand to encourage her to follow. She took it and began to climb.
                           * * * * *
     Rose had reached the deck and was moving across it, battling against wind and rain as she was determined to find out who the mysterious man in her dreams was. She had no idea that she was heading into a trap.
                           * * * * *  
     Lyall had finally managed to wake Merlin who immediately sensed something was wrong. Finding that Rose had disappeared, he ran as fast as he could to save the woman he cared so much about.
                          * * * * *
     Rose followed the man all the way to the side of a cliff. The man jumped over the cliff and Rose rushed forward to find him down below, swimming, looking perfectly fine.
      "Come here, love." The man gestured in a come-hither motion. "Jump in, love, jump!"
                         * * * * *
      Merlin rushed after Rose, scared that he was gonna lose her forever. He finally found her; she was standing on the edge of the boat, one foot off, about to jump.
      "Rose! Nooooooooooo!!"
      Merlin raced towards Rose whose dream had become a nightmare.
      Suddenly, the man from before transformed into a man who seemed so familiar to her then into a monster. She screamed as he grabbed her, pulling her forward, when suddenly she felt herself being pulled backward.
       Merlin grabbed Rose, pulling her back onto the boat. She was screaming and thrashing, hitting him in the face, but still he held her, yelling at her to wake up.
      At long last, Rose opened her eyes to see Merlin looking at her. "Merlin! You have to help me! The curse! He's come back for me! Please!"
      Merlin shook her, gently. "Curse? What curse, love?"
      "I'm so scared, Merlin. So scared he'll take me." She buried her face in his chest and Merlin let her, knowing she needed it.
       It was after a few minutes, once he was sure the hysterics had calmed down, that Merlin decided to speak to Rose. He placed a finger under her chin and tilted her face up so he could gaze into her eyes. (AN: Yayyy! Romance time!!)
      Merlin decided it was best not to question Rose about her words, as she most likely wouldn't remember or want to talk about it. Instead, he consented to do something else.
      "Rose, do you remember earlier, when we danced?"
      Rose gazed into his eyes. "Yes, of course. I thought...I thought you were going to kiss me."
     "I wanted to." He confirmed. Rose looked at him in wonder. "Do you know why I didn't?" She opted to shake her head. "I didn't kiss you because I was afraid. I was afraid because...I've fallen​ in love with you. I love you and I was too afraid that you wouldn't love me back and I let that keep me from telling you."
      Rose was still gazing into his eyes but now the look in them had changed. "Merlin...I thought you were rejecting my love for you. I had no idea."
      Merlin swallowed, nervously. "You love me?"
      "I do."
      They both leaned in and, a moment later, they were kissing. His hands moved to her face, stroking her cheeks gently. Her fingers were in his hair and neither one could deny that this was best moment of their lives.
      Neither one had any idea that far away, Karayan was screaming his vengeance into the abyss.
To be continued...

Somnium! = Dream!

So I decided to have a romantic love confession because I hate waiting til the end. Hope you guys enjoyed anyway. Bye!

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