The Princess of the Medji?!

By DanceOn1000

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Juliette is the twin sister of Jonathan and the big sister of Evy. In a cave in Hamunaptra, she discovers a s... More

Chapter 1 The puzzle box
Chapter 3 On the boat
Chapter 4 The People know my second name?
Chapter 5 It's very dusty in the desert.
Chapter 6 (imagine a good name for this chapter)
Chapter 7 The guy of/from my dreams
Chapter 8 Imhotep
Chapter 9 No Control
Chapter 10 visiting the museum
Chapter 11 Great, my sister is the target
Chapter 12 Kissing to the bone
Chapter 13 Pretending to be Zombies
Chapter 14 'won't live through it? I wanna join!
Ohne Titel Teil15
Chapter 16 'It's locked or something'
Chapter 17 Death is only the beginning
Everyone kisses except Jonathan #4everalone

Chapter 2 In Jail

11.9K 236 50
By DanceOn1000


'The Curator sits at his desk, staring through a jeweler's eyepiece at the key/box. Evelyn hovers behind him, excited.'

EVELYN: See the cartouche there, it's the official royal seal of Seti the First, I'm sure of it

CURATOR: Perhaps

JONATHAN: Two questions. Who the hell is Seti the First? And was he rich?

EVELYN: He was the last Pharaoh of the Old Kingdom, said to be the wealthiest Pharaoh of them all.

JONATHAN Alright, good, that's good. I like this fellow, like him very much.

EVELYN: I've already dated it, this map is almost four thousand years old. And the hieratics over here.... (Inhales deeply) It's Hamunaptra.

'The Curator freezes, suddenly very nervous, then he recovers'

CURATOR: My dear girl, don't be ridiculous, we are scholars, not treasure hunters. Hamunaptra is a myth.

JONATHAN: Are we talking about the Hamunaptra?

EVELYN: Yes. The City of The Dead. Where the early Pharaohs were said to have hidden the wealth of Egypt.

JONATHAN: Right, right, in a big underground treasure chamber. Everybody knows the story. The entire necropolis was rigged to sink into the sand. On Pharaoh's command, a flick of the switch! And the whole place could disappear beneath the dunes.

EVELYN: All we know is that the city mysteriously vanished around 2,134 B.C.

'The Curator holds the map closer to the burning CANDLE-LAMP. CURATOR: As the Americans would say: it's all fairy tales and hokum.

'The map 'accidentally,' CATCHES ON FIRE. The Curator throws it to the floor. Jonathan drops to his knees and quickly puts it out. Lifts it up.The left third of the map is now missing.'

JONATHAN: You burned it! You burned off the part with the lost city!

CURATOR: It's for the best, I'm sure. Many men have wasted their lives in the foolish pursuit of Hamunaptra, no one has ever found it, most have never returned.

JONATHAN (devastated): You killed my map.

CURATOR: I'm sure it was a fake, anyway, I'm surprised at you, Miss Carnation, to be so fooled.

'The Curator reaches for the key/box. Evelyn quickly snatches it off the desk and gives him a very angry, suspicious look.'


Cairo prison. One of the worst hell holes on earth. Every low-life form of scumbag can be found here. The Warden, a first rate scumbag himself, escorts Evelyn and Jonathan across the gallows courtyard.

Evelyn whispers to Jonathan.

EVELYN: You told us you found it on a dig down in Thebes!

JONATHAN: I was mistaken.

EVELYN: You lied to us!

JONATHAN: I lie to everybody, what makes the two of you so special?

EVELYN: We're your sisters.

JONATHAN: That just makes you more gullible.

EVELYN: You stole it from a drunk at the local Casbah?!

JONATHAN: Picked his pocket, actually.

'The Warden ushers the three of them into the holding pen.

EVELYN: and what is he in prison for?

WARDEN: I did not know, so when I heard you were coming, I asked him that myself.

EVELYN And what did he say?

WARDEN: He said,....he was just looking for a good time.

'The interior cell door BURSTS OPEN. O'Connell is in chains, dragged by four guards, they shove him up to the cell bars. From the looks of it, he's been here awhile; his face is half-hidden by long hair, a scraggly beard, and many new bruises. Evelyn looks at him, disgusted by his appearance.

EVELYN: But he's just a filthy criminal?

JONATHAN (cringing) Way to go, Evy.

O'Connell gives Evelyn the once over, then looks at Jonathan.

O'CONNELL: So, who are the broads?

While Juliette is amused by the choice of words, Evy is more furious than ever.

EVELYN: Broad?!

JONATHAN: My sisters, actually.

O'CONNELL: Yeah? Well, ....I'm sure she's not a total loss.

WARDEN: I'll be back in a moment.

O'CONNELL (sarcastic): I tremble with anticipation.

'A Guard CLUBS O'Connell across the head, O'Connell's face bounces off the metal bars. He shows no pain, but just looks back and gives the Guard a nasty look. Evelyn steps closer.'

EVELYN: We uh,...found .... your puzzle box and we've come to ask you about it.



O'CONNELL: No. ...You came to ask me about Hamunaptra.

Evelyn and Jonathan quickly look around, hoping the guards didn't hear him.They step closer. Evelyn plays coy.

EVELYN: How do you know the box pertains to Hamunaptra?

O'CONNELL: Because that's where I found it. I was there.

Evelyn is dumbstruck. But Jonathan looks suspicious, while July just smirks.

JONATHAN: How do we know that's not a load of pig swallow?

O'Connell looks closer at Jonathan, a glint of recognition.

O'CONNELL: Hey,....don't I know you?

JONATHAN: Um, well, you see....

JULIETTE: He stole it from you.

O'Connell's fist comes flying through the bars, hits Jonathan square in the jaw and decks him. He hits the floor. Out cold.


JULIETTE: What, you told me I was not allowed to hit him anymore, so I made him do it.

A Guard CLUBS O'Connell. Evelyn looks down at her brother, then back at O'Connell.

EVELYN: You were actually at Hamunaptra?

O'CONNELL: I just decked your brother

EVELYN: Yes, well, (shrugs) I know our brother.

O'Connell almost smiles.

O'CONNELL: Yeah, I was there.

EVELYN: You swear?

O'CONNELL: Every damn day

EVELYN: No, I mean--

O'CONNELL :--I know what you mean. I was there, alright. Seti's place. The City Of The Dead.

EVELYN: What did you find? What did you see?

O'CONNELL: I found sand. I saw death.

The warden enters. Evelyn quickly leans closer to O'Connell.

EVELYN: Could you tell me how to get there? The exact location?

O'CONNELL: Want to know?

'Evelyn leans in even closer'


O'CONNELL: Really want to know?

'She leans her face right up to the bars, nervous and excited'


'O'Connell steps forward and kisses her full on the lips.'

O'CONNELL: Then get me the hell outta here

'Evelyn is stunned. A Guard clubs him, his face bounces off the bars again, but before he can react the Guards GRAB him, YANK him away from the bars and DRAG him out of the room.'

EVELYN: Where are they taking him?

WARDEN: To be hanged.

Evelyn is shocked. The warden shows off his green teeth

Juliette: I have to go, call when needed.

EVELYN (whispers): Here, take the box and the map with you.

Juliette POV

After I told Evy that I would meet up with them, I went home to pack my things, after all, we will travel to Egypt for a period of time. But before that, I will have to find a way to hide the Box in my backpack.

As I pick up the Box, I suddenly see images flash before me:

a sarcophagus with something on it, 'He who shall not be named',

a strong build man with tattoos on his cheeks and his forehead,

many more come flashing before my eyes, so many I can't even focus as suddenly my whole world turns black.

*Time skip 5 min*

As soon as I am met with the light of the world and the sound of my doorbell, I jump up and go to the door.

'Opens the door'

JULIETTE: I'm here! I'm here. Don't get your panties in a twist, baby sister.

EVY: I am not and you obviously spent too much time with men.

JULIETTE: Well, what do you need?

O'CONNEL: Your sister thought it would be the best if I stay here for the night.

JULIETTE: Ok, sure come I, I will go get a scissor, for your hair, if you can call that hair and some clothes, By the way, I didn't quite catch your name.

O'CONNEL: My name is Rick, how come that you are so nice to me?

JULIETTE: Well, first of all, you didn't kiss me and second of all, I am sure that somewhere under all this hair is a person and third of all, you have clean teeth, I like clean teeth.

O'CONNEL: Ok, we need to be at the port at 9: 00 in the morning.

After that, they both ate, did Ricks' hair and went to sleep.

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