Born to Make Mistakes, Not Fa...

By xoxokensington

77.4K 2.3K 1.1K

Oliver Wood has sworn off falling in love. That is, until an important piece of his past is thrown back to hi... More

Born to Make Mistakes, Not Fake Perfection ( Oliver Wood )
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's note!

Chapter 11

3K 97 32
By xoxokensington

So here I am, in the hospital wing just hanging out with my leg in a sling propped above the bed.

What happened? Why don't you ask Oliver the bastard and his ginger minions!

I'm not sure how this topic came up while I sat to eat breakfast with my brother this morning for his birthday, but the 'Bat-Bogey hex' came about from the Weasley twins and I some how got tricked into a challenge.

And when I say tricked, I mean my pride and ego were tested until I cracked..

Oliver Wood vs. Jessica Cesari in a bat bogey hex stand off. Whoever defeats the most bats while standing wins.

Sounds simple, yeah? NO. When you have bloody bats crawling out of your nose and flapping around your head, shit gets real. You feel all light headed and all types of other nonsense.

But how is my leg in a sling? Well, that's because we didn't have a clear winner until after five tries..

Oliver caught the win because his bats thought it'd be nice to tag team with my bats and chase me through the court yard until I eventually tripped on a couple twigs that I am thoroughly convinced were planted so the sodding beasts would attack faster. 

The moral of this story is, do not - and I repeat, DO NOT - do this. The whole ton of bruises, scrapes and gashes from bat claws and teeth are NOT worth it. At all. Neither is the weeks worth of detention with McGonagall or the strained ligaments in my right knee. 

Sadly, Madam Pomfrey won't be able to fix this 'slight over stretch' as she calls it, so I'll be limping for a few days.

I bet the guys thought that would get them out of practice, but no! 

As I was being carried out over my brother's shoulder I called out and told them we'd still have practice tomorrow.

We can't beat Wood if my boys aren't in tip-top shape.

It may have crossed my mind that I might be being a little dramatic about this whole ordeal, but I have every right to be! 

I've been in this school for not even a whole month and managed to get put in the hospital wing twice because of the same person. *cough*OliverTheArsehole*cough*

You'd think he enjoyed it or something..

Speak of the devil, here comes Oliver Wood sauntering in here with that same stupid smirk on his face along with his gingers on his coat tails..

I think he thinks it's okay to speak to me. Well no, sorry. Keep it pushing, Wood.

I have no words for you, jerk face.

My eyes narrowed as they stopped at the foot of my bed. Instinctively, I sat up straight and pulled my leg down from the sling. 

You could say my nervousness around him died down drastically since those bloody bats.

I couldn't be too cautious around him anymore.

I avoided his eyes as I stuck my nose in the air, crossing my arms over my chest defiantly.

Oliver chuckled a bit as he gripped the foot board of the bed.

"Just here to remind you of our detention tonight, love." 

I rolled my eyes, mumbling a few...choice words under my breath.

"Wood? Why are you here?" Cedric's voice questioned.

He didn't look so pleased as he made his way over with a small package that coincidentally looks like Bernie Bott's Every Flavor Beans..

I hope it is. Pomfrey's starving me and not letting anyone bring me food..

Oliver's face twisted into a sneer when Cedric placed the box in my hands and kissed my bandaged forehead.

"Could be asking you the same thing, Diggory."

"No! Everyone out! I have to change Cesari's bandages!" Pomfrey rushed over, shooing everyone away from my bed

I chuckled as she shoved the boys out of the room but my amusement was cut short when she slapped the beans from my hand.

"No! You can't eat with the healing potion for at least three hours!" I fell back into the bed, slapping my arm over my eyes and sighed very, very loudly to ensure she heard my protest.

Three hours!

Three bloody hours!

Three hours of no food?

Kill me.

Kill me quickly.

* * * * * * *

"I'm freeeee!" I sang, half running, half twirling in circles down the hallway to get to the great hall, all the while pouring the saved amount of flavored beans into my greedy face.

Three hours is a hell of a long time when you think of it.

I wasn't even there for the full time with my constant moans and cries of hunger.

My stomach demonstrating whale mating calls didn't exactly calm Pomfrey's nerves either..

She eventually gave in, cursing my impatience and muttered some rather rude things about quidditch players.

It's roughly 11 o'clock. Give or take a few minutes, meaning I had to hustle to practice if I want to make lunch on time!

After stumbling into multiple door ways, I hip bumped the girl's toilet door open and ran for the first stall available.

I had to wee.. BAD.

Reaching over to flush the toilet after my long awaited tinkle, I froze in place when I heard a pair of girls shuffle in.

"Please, don't cry.." The first girl pleaded. 

Deciding to stay right where I was until they left, I placed the toilet seat down silently and got comfortable.

Emotional situations aren't exactly my cup of tea..

"I'm not." The second sniffled. I swished a ball of air between my cheeks as I tapped my fingers impatiently against my knee.

"I just thought he liked me. I never seen him with another girl more than once and we sex twice. I just don't know why he kicked me out yesterday.." My eyebrows rose as I let out the breath between 'O' shaped lips.

Things were getting a little too intense for me..

"Oliver Wood doesn't LIKE anybody but his bloody broom stick. You know he only gets what he wants then tosses you like yesterdays daily prophet." 

Whoa, hold the phone..

My chest tightened. Taking a few deep breaths, I stood from the toilet and stalked out of the stall to wash my hands as soon as I heard the girls leave.

Any old feeling that remained for Wood, flushed from my system.

How could he do that to that girl, let alone ANY female? He has a little sister for heaven's sake! What if someone treated Olivia like that? 

The thought of anyone emotionally scarring my baby girl made my blood boil.

He's going to get it.

* * * * * * *

"Wood!" Steve jogged up, meeting my pace as I made my way to pitch with my team, despite the twins complaints of me going back on my word.

Slytherin's booked the pitch for eleven on the weekends and I reasoned that if Cesari's working them for almost three hours a day, seven days a week, we're doing AT LEAST six days.

So, being the gracious captain that I am, I gave my team Saturdays off, only to drill them a hour longer on regular days.

I gave a curt nod, "Yeah?"

"I don't think you want to go down there so soon," He smirked, falling in step with me.

My eyebrows knitted together, "Why is that?"

"Let's just say, a certain munchkin is VERY pissed off at you right now, and it's not about what happened this morning."

With that he strolled ahead of me, down to the pitch with his hands shoved deep in his pockets.

Why would she be so pissed at me? Unless..

Unless someone told her about the bet.

No, Steve would have killed me first..

Oh shit.

Deciding facing her wrath before her aggression could build would be best, I jogged down to the field.

Luckily, she was still shouting last minute finishing drills while looping around random players, attempting to throw them off  their game.

I'd never say it out loud, but they're getting wicked good..

"Get down, stretch, make sure to drink lots of water and we'll meet back here at quarter past three tomorrow! DON'T be late." Her tone was icy.

I involuntarily sucked in a breath before stepping into view.

Steve was off to the side, leaning against the opening with crossed arms and smirk plastered on his giant pumpkin head.

His smirk grew once his eyes finally landed on mine and I rose a questionable brow

Then a force to my stomach made me double over, heaving for air, "YOU!"

I felt a fist collide with the side of my head, "Disgusting!"

Then on my arm as I finally stood erect, "Dirty!"

"Dog!" I yelped as Jessica stomped on my toes.

I gripped my foot in pain then she forced me into a head lock.

I groaned as she kneaded her boney knuckles into the top of my head, then I picked her up, slamming both of our bodies hard onto the grass

"What's your problem!" I snapped, forcing both of her hands down next to her head

Her face was tinted red, with pursed lips until she exploded again, "What's your problem? How could you treat women like that?"

She attempted to squirm out of my grasp, but I held her down with body. "What the bloody hell are you on about?"

She huffed, shooting her head straight up and hitting me square in the nose. "You know bloody well what I'm on about Oliver Patrick Wood the Fourth! Using women for sex!"

Kneeing me in my side, she scrambled back to her feet, glaring down at my gaping face.

"Oh," Were the only words I could manage to make out.

It never really seemed like a bad thing to do until she said it..

"Oh?" Jessica's eyebrows rose as her jaw clenched. "That's all you can say?"

My mouth opened and closed multiple times, trying to piece together any explanation, but all I manage was , "I-I, erm.." 

"How could you?" She ripped my face up to look her in the eye with her small, lightly calloused hand.

The moment those beautiful dark mahogany eyes met mine, I buckled..

"I-I'm sorry.." I sputtered.

The Slytherins and my team were in shock, everyone wide eyed and open mouthed.

Never has any woman ever laid a threatening hand to me-

But then there was her.

Jessica Cesari.

The ONLY girl who ever threw a punch at me.

The ONLY girl who ever bothered standing up to me.

The ONLY girl who could keep me in line.

The ONLY person who could ever make me apologize.

My own mother couldn't even achieve half of what she's done.

Jessica was back..

And she wasn't dealing with my shit..

* * * * * * * 

"This is the first birthday in seven years that I've been able to spend with you," Stevie secured my broom and wild arms in place as he dragged me from the pitch.

"So, you're spending the rest of the day with me; eating lunch and dinner with me, sleeping in my room whether you like it or not. The works baby sister!" I rolled my eyes. .

Oh yes, Steven - I think me staying in the Gryffindor dormitories is safe for a certain stupid keeper at the moment. NOT.

"I don't know.." I shrugged out of his grip, dramatically weighing my imaginary options in my hands as we stepped into the castle.

Please, I think we all know I'm going to end up having a slumber party with the big bro. 

I could get in major prank time with Wood and the Weasels.. You don't just pass that kind of opportunity up.

"Pweaseee?" He pouted, busting out the baby voice for full effect. "You owe me!"

"How do I owe you?" My face scrunched in offense

He pulled me under his giant arm, squeezing my shoulders tight. "Because you're the stupid git who spent all morning in the hospital wing."

That was a logical explanation.

And who was I to argue with logic?

"The fault for that topic is debatable, dear brother." 

Stevie flicked my ear, "So yes?" I nodded, reaching up and plucking his nose in return. 

"You're not getting your presents until bed time then, fat head."

"Whatever you say." He grumbled, leading me down to the dungeons for my nightly supplies.

"Hurry up. I don't like being in dark places." My brother pushed as soon as I used all my might to drag him into the Slytherin common room.

I honestly think he's the only Gryffindor who wouldn't have an issue here.

"Oi, shut up ninny. You'd think for someone as big as you, you wouldn't be afraid of the dark."

Not bothering to wait for a reply, I raced up to my room to dig through my wardrobe.

Pulling out a Goblins duffle bag, I tossed in my essentials along with my alarm for the morning.

And, because I'm just the best sister in the entire universe, I pulled out my tee shirt that I had made especially for my brother's birthday and changed into it.

Taking my sweet time down the stairs, I flung the bag Stevie's chest then headed for the door.

"Steven's your fave?" He asked, referring to my white fitted top that spelled out exactly what he said in bold black letters and had his face - with a terribly ugly expression on it - right underneath.

"You already know, big guy!" I turned back for the sole purpose of a high five, and when he went to slap my hand I jerked mine away, shooting imaginary guns at him before saying, "Too slow!"

I could sense his eye roll as he followed me out and to the main stairway.

I blew out a long whistle, "Carry me up the steps?"

Stevie let out a way to dramatic groan before squatting down, allowing me to hop on his back.

"It's my fucking birthday. Carry me up the steps."

* * * * * * *

You guys, I did it again.

I ate another package of sweets that were randomly given to me at lunch.

I was so excited I took a brief moment to run over and share with my friends.

Turns out, the sodding Weasley twins (who are still holding a grudge against me for taking their things) sent me them while it was marked from Cedric Diggory and they were laced with laxatives. 

Not just a comfortable 'I need to get unconstipated' dosage, like a 'I need to lose twenty pounds and an extra organ before tonight' dosage.

The effects were immediate.

Merlin knows I never expected them to be fully weaponized cauldron cakes. Once again, everybody ate some. Everyone. 

We were all stinking up the toilets not even eight sweets in.

My brother thought my misfortune was hilarious.

He allowed me to finish my business with my friends so he could run off and screw one of his admirers.


"I swear!" Cassius grunted. "It was like streams of fire were bursting out of my arse!" He shook his head in disbelief. "I can't even move."

Graham nodded his head in agreement. "My stomach blew up like a balloon," He shuddered. "Oh Merlin, the rumbling began and I almost shat myself getting to the toilet!"

"I was losing my will to live!" Miles hobbled out of the bathroom for the final time, shutting the door tightly behind him.

I moaned, rolling over on his bed. "Serves you all right for eating more than fifteen." Daphne quipped, snuggling into Grahams chest. 

Rolling my eyes, I propped my head up on one arm and placed the other on my lower belly. "I feel like I power washed my intestines."

"I'm surprised I have any bones left in my arse and legs.." Miles flipped me back on my belly and layed on top of me as if I wasn't even there.

The boys door creaked open, "Is Jessie in here?" Kara voice was small, "Ohh! Cauldron cakes!" 

"NO! If you're going to eat them, eat one. Two if you're brave!" Marcus bellowed, lightly pushing his way past her and into the dorm..

"Why?" Of coarse she was the only one not to try them. I groaned, trying to bump Miles off of my back but to no avail.

"Because I think we've all just broke Hogwarts septic system, that's why." Cassius replied. 

I applaud Oliver's attempts to bring me down. He's getting me real heated with this whole messing with my food business, though. He's doing me real dirty.

"Is this my shirt?" Miles asked, playing with the hem. I took in another shallow breath under his weight and nodded into the pillow.

"I've been wondering where it went! I've been looking for it for ages!" He scooted over next to me and I sucked in a relieved breath as I rolled onto my back.

"My favorite shirt, too.." He mumbled, placing the hem back down.

I've actually acquired quite the bit of the boys clothes over the past month. I have about six of Miles and Graham's shirts, a few pairs of shorts from Cassius and I believe a jumper or two from Marc's wardrobe. 

Do I plan on giving them back? No. They're mine now. Too bad, so sad.

"Is it time for dinner?" I sat up, swinging my feet over the edge of the bed.

"You've got an hour, fat girl." Daphne quipped, taking a brief second from snogging Graham's face.

I scoffed and headed out anyway, figuring something from my stash could satisfy me until then.

I have a brilliant idea to get Wood and the ginger minions back too, and it will be stinky!

Giving myself a mental pat on the back, I raised my brows when I found three big boxes outside of my door labeled 'Fan mail'.

This could be fun. I remember one time someone from Thailand sent me these finger traps and I put one on each of Stevie's fingers while he slept and used Daddy's wand to charm these old model dinosaurs to bite his toes.

I opened the door and pushed the boxes in with my feet, deciding I'd sort through those while I eat.

Picking a box of gummy fangs, I settled the top box onto my bed and hopped next to it.

Opening a parcel, I pulled out the note first.

Jessica Cesari,

I know you probably wont read this,  (Lies, I did.)

But I want you to know that I am your biggest fan and I love you! 

I hope you enjoy the gifts that I sent you. 

Love, Unjin Xin from Tokyo, Japan.

Aww, that's so nice. Reaching in, I pulled out two headbands. One had elephant ears while the other had cat like ears. A lion, maybe?

Whatever it is, Miles and I are about to get bizzaay!

Deciding dumping the rest out was my best bet, lots of little individually wrapped sweets fell into my lap along with flavored bubbles. 

Who come up with this stuff? Opening the lid, I pulled the stick out and blew.

Lots of bubbles filled my room and I hopped up, chasing them around to taste them.

I gagged. Soapy strawberry is not the way to go Unjin. 

It went like this until I noticed I was about to be late for supper. 

I received weird stares as I walked into the great hall. Shrugging it off and plopping into my usual seat, someone slapped this weeks issue of 'Witch Weekly' on my plate.


That was the headline with a picture of Cedric and I in the nook in Ravenclaw tower with me on his lap and his arms around me. 

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets. I gulped as I slowly raised my head. "Who did this?" 

"Read the seventh line." Daphne snapped. I counted down to the said spot, holding my finger in that place.

'Theresa and Mary Cesari, Jessica's siblings, comment on their sister's budding romance, saying that Jessica's never been happier. Unfortunately, the young man's identity has not been disclosed.'

My jaw clenched.  

I stomped over to the Gryffindor table and spotted them laughing amongst their friends.

Gripping the closest one up out of her seat, I slammed Theresa against the wall.

"How dare you?" I hissed. She pushed off but fell right back after I punched her in her mouth

She sunk down the wall and onto her bum clutching her jaw and I followed down with her.

My arm cocked back as I straddled her, repeatedly punching her face until I was forced off by my waist 

"Cut it out!" Stevie scolded, squeezing me tighter against his chest, trying desperately to get my flailing limbs to relax. 

I squirmed around trying to get out of his grip until Oliver gripped my face in his hands.

"Stop this bullocks right this second Jessica Cesari. Someone could have snapped a picture and you could lose everything over this one moment. Do you want to lose your endorsements? Do you want to lose your fans because of something stupid?"

"Bring her to my office, Steven. Oliver, make sure Theresa gets there. Mary Cesari as well." Dumbledore's voice wasn't it's usual soft and inviting voice, but a strong and authoritative one.

The boys nodded. Oliver had the Weasley boys snatch up my 'sisters' and sent them ahead. He turned back to me and mumbled something under his breath then said, "Are you okay?"

Stevie's grip loosened when the Weasley's were no longer in view and I quickly squirmed away, making my own path out of the great hall, ignoring the numerous stares. 

Their foot steps followed soon after, though. I only rolled my eyes and waited for the stairs to turn. 

His office entrance was already open when we arrived and Oliver headed up first because he 'didn't want me to kill my sisters'.

That probably would have happened though.. Only if they looked at me.

Both of my parents were in the room when we made it up. How they got here this quick was beyond me.

My mother sat with Theresa and Mary on one side, while my father sat on the other with two empty chairs beside him.

"Jessica," My father's voice was stern as he hugged me before I sat. 

"Daddy, it's not true!" I shouted. "They're trying to sabotage me because I joined the Slytherin team!"

"You shouldn't even be here!" Theresa hollered back. "Go back to your stupid tutor!"

I lunged at her, ready to finish ripping apart the rest of her bloody and bruised face, but my father caught me and pushed me into the chair, sitting on my legs to hold me in place.

"She has every right to be here, just like you Theresa." My father reminded. 

My father always said he wanted me to live a normal life after that day before my ninth birthday, but he didn't deem me ready until this year. 

I think he was the one not ready.


 "You will stay in here and play with your cousin, Johnny, do you understand?" My mothers firm voice informed as she shoved me into my 'play room' once again. 

"No! No Mummy! He hurts me!" I pleaded as tears streamed down my face. She roughly gripped my jaw with her right hand and glared into my eyes.

"You insolent little girl! You will go in there and you will play with him." She harshly shoved me into the room, making me land on my hands and knees.

"JESSIE!" The sound of my cousin's voice made the tears fall harder as I shook with fear. I couldn't look at him. His short, pale, boney stature towered above me.

He was twenty-two years old, but had the mind of an ten year old due to his mental retardation.

Ripping me off of the wooden floor, he flung my tiny body onto the sofa like he's done for the past five years and ripped off my tee shirt and shorts.

I felt the familiar blade touch run over my skin once more and I cried harder.

"Jessie! Shut up!" His voice was slow and almost sounded like a whine.

He never cut too deep, but it was always in the same place. Like it was every week. Right on my left rib cage below my armpit and up to my shoulder blade. It was the same words every time because he couldn't spell anything else.. 

'LOVE YOU' was carved into my skin twice a week, every week, for the last five years. The pain never went away and it was always at times when my father wasn't home. 

My mother threatened more days with him if I ever told anyone and I was petrified.

But today was different. Johnny never takes off my shorts. I felt him press himself on top of me as he carved the last 'U'

He tossed the blade to the side then proceeded wiggle around on the sofa. I didn't know what he was doing until I felt him pull down my underwear.

I was in hysterics and was sobbing my heart out. Mother always puts silencing charms on the room and locks the door from the outside so nobody would probably hear me.

I screamed for him to stop as he ran what felt like a giant finger over my bottom.

That's when the door opened and I heard Oliver scream for Stevie and Harry.

They ran in seconds later and threw every toy and book we had laying about in the room, screaming about how our father was going to kill him while Oliver hugged me as I cried

"I'll protect you forever, I swear it!" He promised.

Oliver saved me from a bad man..


"No, she doesn't! She's always been your favorite! Why don't you just take her back home with you to be daddy's perfect little boy again?!" Theresa had tears trailing down her cheeks 

I was livid. Nobody, and I mean nobody knows why my father is the way he is with me besides Oliver, my brothers, my mother, and father.


Harry and Stevie kept Johnny in a corner, kicking and punching him until my father got home from work.

He flipped out when he found Oliver hugging me on the sofa with a blanket wrapped around me while my brothers beat my cousin the best they could.

My father demanded Oliver, Stevie, and Harry leave the room and they agreed after watching my father hit Johnny twice in the ribs.

My father practiced all three unforgivable curses in front of me that day.

He used 'crucio' first. Then, 'imperio' was used to make him carve himself deeply in the chest and abdomen with 'LOVE YOU'. Last, he killed him. 

My father took me in his arms right after and demanded my brothers and I pack our bags.

My sisters were out with my mother, but he packed their bags as well, completely ready to up and leave.

The moment my mother walked through the door my father knocked her right back out of it.

He placed me in Harry's arms and demanded to know everything she knew about Johnny hurting me.

She admitted she never loved me and wanted me gone. 

Nobody else had to endure the torture she had placed on me, but why? I was practically a baby..

My sisters refused to leave with my father so we ended up moving over to the Wood's home next door.

They lost it when my father told them what happened, leaving out the fact that he killed the guy, and they took us in immediately. They were our family. Our real family.

We were curled up with my brother's in one of the guest bedrooms and I was still shook up from earlier's encounter.

"I promise I'll never let that happen to you again, baby girl. I'm so sorry!" My father's eyes were bloodshot and puffy from constant tears spilling down.

He changed the bandage on my back for the second time that hour. The bleeding finally stopped and I haven't left my father's sight. 

"I don't want to tell anybody else, daddy.." I sniffled, wrapping my tiny arms around his neck.

"Don't tell Trishie, Reese or Mary, please? I don't want them to make fun of me anymore.."

My father's eyes welled up once more and a single tear escaped. "I promise, baby."


"You have no fucking idea how good you have it! Shut your mouth you stupid git!" My blood was boiling at the sight of my mother smiling at Theresa, trying to calm her down while rubbing her arm.

"Relax, Theresa." My mother cooed.

My breath caught in my throat. She never spoke to me like that. Never. Not once in all fifteen years.

I felt tears prick my eyes but they automatically went away when Theresa jumped up.

"No, Mum! She's not even related to us! Why should I calm down? Daddy left you because of her!"

Not related? My face scrunched up as I peered up at my father. "What does she mean?" 

He physically tensed as he got to his feet. A sigh left his lips and he refused to meet my eyes.

Stevie and Oliver took the places beside me and grabbed my hands. 

"What does she mean, dad?" My tone was impatient. 

His voice trembled as he spoke, "Y-you aren't related.."

"What are you on about?" I pushed, ripping my hands free and rising to face him.

My father looked me dead in the eye and you could see the fear in his face.

"We're not your biological parents.." He choked out. My bottom lip quivered as I glanced over at the blonde woman who sat beside a smirking Theresa. She had a devious smile on her face as she shook her head.

My breaths were speeding up as the adrenaline pumped in my chest.

I swallowed hard, bracing myself for the next question I was going to ask. "Who is?"

You could cut the tension with a knife.

The woman I thought to be my mother spoke first. "Some Armenian whore left you out to die in the garbage while we were on vacation." She chuckled.

I took in a sharp breath and looked toward my father with watery eyes. He nodded, looking down.

Biting my lip, I only turned to Dumbledore to keep the tears from spilling. "What's my punishment?"

"I think you've endured enough emotional trauma for one afternoon. Twenty points will be deducted from the Slytherin house, as well as Gryffindor. I trust this kind of incident won't happen again, Jessica."

I nodded and left without another word. 

I didn't even head back to the dungeons. Pushing the entrance doors open, I took in the chilly October air and took off running.

Heey everyone!

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