Merlin Fairytale Series

By PrincessAvatarRose

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Hello, lovelies. I've returned with another story. This one is based off of various fairytales: A story of a... More

Journey to the Past: Introduction
Chapter 1: Rumors
Chapter 2: Journey to the Past
Chapter 3: Once Upon a December
Chapter 4: The Deal
Chapter 5: In the Dark of the Night
Chapter 6: The First Accident
Chapter 7: Princess Lessons
Chapter 8: The Dance
Chapter 9: A Nightmare And a Confession
Chapter 10: Haven
Chapter 11: The Truth At Last
Chapter 12: The End
A Second Chance: Introduction
Chapter 1: And So It Begins
Chapter 2: A Reunion And a Deal
Chapter 3: The Thing He Wasn't Prepared For
Chapter 4: Love Will Find a Way
Chapter 5: What Was Meant To Be
The Gift of True Love: Introduction
Chapter 1: A Beautiful Budding Romance
Chapter 2: An Arranged Accident
Chapter 3: On Board the Good Ship Misery
Chapter 4: Don't Make Me Laugh
Chapter 5: Looks Like I Got Me a Friend
Chapter 6: The Final Fight
The Cursed Princess: Introduction
Chapter 1: Forbidden Love
Chapter 2: The Curse/True Love's Kiss
Chapter 3: Saving a Princess
The 12 Dancing Princesses: Introduction
Introduction Part 2
Chapter 1: Tragedy
Chapter 2: The Princesses
Chapter 3: The Princes
Chapter 4: A Magical Encounter
Chapter 5: The King's Plan
Chapter 6: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 7: I. AM. EMRYS!
Chapter 8: Merlin Reveals the Truth
Chapter 9: The Year of Jubilee
Forbidden: Introduction
Chapter 1: A Feud, A Fight, and A Proclamation
Chapter 2: Love At First Sight
Chapter 3: A Forbidden Romance
Chapter 4: The Secret Wedding
Chapter 5: A Devious Plot And a War
Chapter 6: The End of the Feud
Sequels Galore!!
Special Announcement


376 2 1
By PrincessAvatarRose

Heyyy, my lovelies!! Storytime!!
Part 1 of Merlin Fairytale Series
Picture is an eight year old Rose.

     The Kingdom of Paradise, many years ago....
     The kingdom of Paradise, and all its surrounding land, was once beautiful and plentiful. The place was one of few that accepted magic. Magic was actually a part of everyday life and everyone, regardless of gender, or where they came from, or what talents they possessed, or what family they'd been born into, was accepted.        In short, Paradise was a place of perfection. But all that changed when a curse ravaged through the land, destroying everything and, nearly, everyone. This is how it happened....

     Paradise had become a safe haven for many people, and this was in no small part due to the just King Nicholas and the wise Queen Anastasia (AN:Yea don't judge what I did there). The two were both wonderful people, smart, brave, kindhearted, and they both genuinely cared for their people. They had a number of children together: a son, Alistair, and six beautiful daughters, Evelyn, Marina, Sapphira, Ruby, Belle, and Rosalia. Rosalia was the favorite of the family. This, of course, is her story....

     The Night of the Kingdom's 300th Anniversary......
     The kingdom was full to bursting with guests, thanks to the celebration of its 300th anniversary. People had come from all around to celebrate and no one had turned down their invitations. Especially not family.
     Into the Grand Ball swept Regina, the queen of Haven and Anastasia's older sister. She'd been living with her extended family for the past couple of weeks, as she often did, as she loved seeing her family.      Unfortunately, due to unforeseen issues in Haven, this would be her last night in Paradise. She made her way to her own special seat, a place reserved just for her visits, as she was greeted by her family and several guests. In the distance, she could glad see her favorite niece, her little Rose, dancing with her father, laughing joyously.
     A few moments later, the little princess rushed over to fling herself into her aunt's loving embrace.
     "I heard stories, Aunt Regina. Please say you're not leaving me."
     "I wish I could say that I was staying forever. Unfortunately, there have been problems in my home, little Rose, problems that need a queen. But don't be sad. I've brought you a gift." Here she pulled out a beautiful necklace:

     "I think every beautiful little princess should have one of these."
     Regina joyously placed the necklace around the little princess' neck. Then she pulled out a glittering silver box.
     "And this," she said, flourishing the gift, "is very special. Watch."
     Opening revealed it to be empty.      Regina gave her little Rose a secretive smile before fitting the pendant of the necklace into a slot on the front and then opened it to reveal a stack of letters.
     "You see, my darling, it can only show you its secrets with the key. This can be our own little secret! And you can put whatever's precious to you in this box."
     Little Rosalia leapt into her aunt's arms.
     "And there's one more thing. I want you to come visit me in Haven."
     "Really? Oh I'd love to, Auntie!!"
     Neither one realized they were being watched. A dark haired boy was peeking through the door, watching as the young princess' eyes lit up at the joy of seeing her favorite aunt.
     The little boy's name was Merlin and to say he had a crush on the princess was putting it mildly. Unfortunately, in a world where status determined everything, he knew he had no chance and the constant reminders from Aurora, the bratty daughter of the head of the servants, did nothing to tell him otherwise. But he sure wasn't gonna give up without a fight.
     He saw the entire exchange- from their union all the way to the gift giving. However, a moment later, a hand clasped him on the shoulder, pulling him back, away from the ball, and he came face-to-face with Aurora.
     "You little maggot! You know you're not supposed to go anywhere near that room! What if the Royals saw you?!"
     "I was just looking, Aurora! It's not a big deal, ok?!"
     "Oh I know full well what you were looking at, Merlin!" She spat out the boy's name as if it disgusted her.      "And you know very well you can't act on anything. You're a servant, Merlin, and a rather useless one at that, and that's all you'll ever be. Now come on, boy, before you get yourself in even more trouble!"
     Then she dragged him away, shutting the door behind them. The Royals, of course, were unaware of anything that had occurred behind that door. Except one. Rosalia swore she saw something but then again, her child mind didn't stay focused on any one thing for long.
     Meanwhile, the party was in full swing:
Nicholas and Anastasia were watching their family, proudly. Evelyn was slow dancing with her husband, Charles, and their children, Callista and Jason.

Princess Evelyn

Prince Charles, Evelyn's husband

Lady Callista, Evelyn's daughter

Jason, Evelyn's son

     The other four daughters- Marina, Sapphira, Ruby, and Belle, were dancing together, each catching the eyes of good looking noblemen.

Princess Marina

Princess Sapphira

Princess Ruby

Princess Belle

     And Rosalia and Regina were discussing their plans for when the former would visit her aunt in Haven.
     This joyous moment was cut short when the great hall suddenly went cold and a loud clap of thunder shook the palace. Then the doors were flung open and in stepped a cloaked figure all in black, followed by a big black wolf. He made his way to the throne where he, at last, pulled back his hood to reveal a very handsome man that they all knew, only too well:

     Karayan. Former advisor and second in command to the king. He who had betrayed them many years ago. An evil sorcerer that they'd come to fear.
     "Greetings, your majesties." Karayan said smoothly. "A glittering assembly I see, a joyous celebration. It's a pity I didn't warrant an invitation."
     "HOW DARE YOU RETURN TO THE PALACE?!" Nicholas boomed as the lot of his children, grandchildren, and wife kept their distance.
     "And why shouldn't I? I am your confidant after all."
     "Confidant? Once perhaps but no longer. Not since you betrayed me."
     "I did not betray you, Nicholas. You were the one who denied me what was rightfully mine."
     "My daughter has not now, nor ever will, belong to you. I told you before that Rosalia will marry someone when she comes of age but it will never be you. Especially not when I know what you're capable of. It. Will. Not. Happen! NOW GET OUT!"
     Karayan paced before the king, "You think you can just banish me from your kingdom and your presence?! Very well." He reached inside his robes and pulled out a small glass vial with a strange glowing substance inside. "Then by the unholy powers vested in me, I banish you, Nicholas Swan, with a curse."
     Gasps rang out in the room.
     "You and your family shall pay the steepest price for your debt to me. You and your family will die for what you've done but I shall receive my reward. Oh yes! Your daughter will be my queen, one way or another." Here, he raised his voice. "I SHALL NOT REST UNTIL I HAVE MY REVENGE! I'LL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES, IF IT COSTS ME MY OWN LIFE, I WILL SEE THE END OF THE SWAN LINE...FOREVER!"
     And, with a great bout of thunder and lightning he was gone just as swiftly as he'd arrived.
                       * * * * *
     Consumed by his hatred for Nicholas and his desire to one day marry Rosalia, Karayan took drastic measures. He allowed himself to be possessed by spirits and sold his soul so he could finally have the power to destroy them. However, there was a drawback: his life force was bound to his power aka the vial he carried in his robes. If it was damaged or destroyed, he would die a most painful death. And so his great work began...
                          * * * * *
     It was some weeks later that his work finally started to pay off.
     Other kingdoms grew jealous and hateful toward Paradise. They began whispering of overthrowing the Swan family from power. Allies were made and soon after, a great siege took place. The Swan family had managed to hold on for awhile, using magic, but they were running outta options when their enemies started to slip into their walls.
     One night, Rosalia was shook awake by her Aunt Regina.
     "Rose, hurry, we must flee! Our enemies...they've already killed your father and sisters and they'll be coming to get you soon!"
     The two raced outta the room as more people were being attacked and killed by mercenaries and Saxons. Rosalia saw her mother and sighed in relief but before they could reach her, she was viciously murdered. The young princess began crying.
     "It's ok, Rose, we'll take the southern exit."
     They ran back the way they came when Rosalia remembered that she'd left her aunt's precious gift in her room and raced to get it. Said aunt raced after her, crying, "Rose! Come back! It's not worth it!"
     Meanwhile, Merlin was escaping with his friend, Will, when he saw the young princess and her aunt heading in the wrong direction.
     "Get out, Will, I've gotta go back!"
He raced after the foolish royals.
     Rosalia reached her room and rummaged around until she found what she was looking for. Regina and Merlin ran in behind her, her aunt foolishly slamming the door closed. She grabbed ahold of her niece and backed toward the door, only to find it locked from the outside. Saxons were crawling into the corridor to rip open the door and retrieve Karayan's prize.
     "Oh no! We're trapped!"
     "My lady, come this way!" Merlin addressed Regina hurriedly. "Take her out the servant's entrance. You'll go down a long tunnel that leads to a gate. Open it, climb the flight of stairs, and be back above ground and a good ways from here. A carriage should be waiting for you not far from that location."
     "Thank you, boy!" Regina beamed as she pushed her niece through the hole and into the passage.
     Rosalia dropped her beloved box again but Merlin shut the door, protecting her,no matter how much she wanted to go back and retrieve it. Merlin sealed the last means of escape mere moments before the Saxons burst into the room.
     "Where are they, boy?" One snarled.
     "I'll tell you when hell freezes over!" He remarked bravely grabbing the first thing he could get his hands on, launching it at the nearest Saxon. He didn't get to see if it was worth the effort because the next moment, he was knocked out cold by one of those evil men, landing, coincidentally, right next to the forgotten box.
                          * * * * *
     Following Merlin's instructions, Regina and Rosalia made it out of the palace without any problems. Now, all that was left was getting past the woods, to where all the carriages and coaches were waiting. It was cold, snow was falling in torrents from the sky, making it harder for Regina to navigate the woods.
     They were getting close- a few more feet and they'd be outta the woods and in sight of the station -when Karayan​ suddenly appeared, grabbing ahold of the young princess.
     "Karayan! Let her go!!"
     "You'll never escape me! YOU WILL BE MINE!!" He tightened his grip on her. "The curse will be complete tonight! The Swan family is no more and soon, dear princess, once you come of age, you'll be my queen!"
     While Karayan was distracted, Regina aimed a well-placed spell that sent his power source flying across the air.
     Karayan raced to grab it, releasing Rosalia from his grip. He grabbed the vial off a patch of ice but the ice cracked out from under him and he fell into freezing water, supposedly dying. Regina grabbed her niece and they raced toward the station.  
   Unfortunately, since it had taken so long to get there, the last coach was already rolling away. They put on a last burst of speed and Regina got on the coach, trying to pull Rosalia behind her but the coach was picking up too much speed.
     Regina lost her grip on the young princess, and Rosalia got knocked back, hitting her head really hard. Regina was screaming her head off, as the other people in the coach restrained her. "There's nothing you can do."
     So many lives were destroyed that night. The Swan line was almost completely obliterated. And Rosalia, the last surviving member, would wake up the next morning remembering absolutely nothing.
To be continued......

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