Love Makes Us One (Part 2 of...

By K_Williams1

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Ronnie has been through a lot in her life and now she's able to start anew with her daughter Amy, her brother... More

Chapter 1 The Move
Chapter 2 - Committment
Chapter 3 - Volunteering
Chapter 4 - New Friends
Chapter 5 - Dinner
Chapter 6 - Life Goes On
Chapter 7 - What to Do...What to Do
Chapter 9 - Here We Are
Chapter 10 - Love RH Style
Chapter 11 - Meeting the Grandfathers
Chapter 12 - Thanksgiving with the Cranks
Chapter 13 - Peace at Last and Unexpected Apologies
Chapter 14 - A Blast From the Past
Chapter 15 - Christmas With the Parents
Chapter 16 - I Was Hoping...Nevermind
Chapter 17 - Okay...
Chapter 18 - Spring Break
Chapter 19 - Why?
Chapter 20 - Taking Down An A**hole
Chapter 21 - Just When I thought it Was Over
Chapter 22 - So...It's My Birthday
Chapter 23 - Dances and More Court Dates
Chapter 24 - The Rest of the Time
Chapter 25 - Good Times
Chapter 26 - The Trip
Chapter 27 - Home Sweet Home
Chapter 28 - It's The Holiday's Again!
Epilogue - 10 years later

Chapter 8 - Looking for a Solution

10.5K 622 70
By K_Williams1


I wake up this morning snuggled in Solomon's bed. It smells so much like him, that I don't want to get out of it. The only thing that would make it better is if he were here with me. I reluctantly move and get ready for the day. Luckily, when the girls and I went shopping yesterday, I bought myself a couple of things, so I have a change of clothes.

I check on the girls and they're already dressed and playing in Megyn's room. I go downstairs and the smell of breakfast entices me towards the kitchen. As I walk through the entryway, Tyler is finishing up some French toast. I sit down at the counter, "Good morning. That smells so good!"

"Here you go," Tyler sets the plate down in front of me with a bottle of honey, "French toast tastes heavenly with honey."

"I know. That's the only way I eat it," I pour some honey over the French toast and take a bite. It tastes divine.

"Have the girls eaten?" I ask in an afterthought.

"Yep. We were just waiting for you," Solomon says.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I take another bite of my food. It's so good.

"Just like you made us rest, we let you have a day of rest. You need it also. How did you sleep?" Grey rubs my back. I smile. I'm falling more in love with all three of them every single day.

"Thanks. I slept very well. What do you all have planned for today?" I ask.

"We want to go to the park and have a picnic before it starts getting colder. What do you think?" Solomon says.

"Sure, sounds like a great idea. The girls will love it!"

"How about you? Do you love the idea?" Grey asks.

"I do love the idea," I tell them.

After I finish eating, we finish getting the girls ready, while Tyler gets our food for the picnic ready.

When we pull up to the park, it's nice and sunny outside. There are a few other families there enjoying the weather also. We watch the girls as they run and play on the jungle gym with the other kids. Solomon pulls me between his legs and I lean back into him relaxing, while looking at the girls play.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Mmhm," I respond. Of course I'm purring on the inside. They all have that effect on me. We all sit back and watch the kids play. After a little while, they move me and I'm lying on Greyson. The purr stays the same, but I feel so safe. After we've sat and chilled for a while, Tyler pulls out our food for the picnic. As he lays out the spread, I call the girls over to eat some lunch. I look at what he's laid out. There's turkey sandwiches and cut up veggies. The girls come over and immediately start eating. When they finish, Tyler pulls out a couple of brownies for them and they squeal. After woofing them down, they run back out to play. I help the guys clean up and when we settle in again, I'm sitting with Tyler. I relax back into him and drift off.

I feel Tyler stroking on my arm waking me, "Wake up sleepyhead. Time to go."

I open my eyes and look at all of them, "What time is it?"

"It's three pm." Grey answers.

I sit up and stretch, "Wow. You guys make the best pillows."

All three smile at me and Solomon calls the girls over. They come running over and we tell them it's time to leave. They both protest, but they do look a little peaked. We fold the blanket and pick up the basket, then head to the SUV, we pile inside and get situated.

"I think we all need to look into SUV's. Solomon states as he pulls out of the parking space. The guys agree and I'm thinking about it. If we're going to be spending this much time together, then I do need a SUV. We spend the ride to their house talking about the day and listening to the girls talk about what they were doing today like we didn't just watch them play all day. We get to the house and I tell them Amy and I need to go home. Everyone protests a little bit and finally make me promise to call or text when I get there.

Amy and I spend the rest of the evening on the patio relaxing. I order dinner in and we go to bed early. If I can spend days like this with the guys, I'll never let them go.

Monday proves to be a busy day for me. I'm glad that Amy's at school today or I would go crazy! When a last minute emergency at work pops up, I call Frankie to go and get her. As always, she's there to help.


We watch as she and Amy drive away. We walk inside and get Meg settled in front of the tv with her favorite movie before going into the kitchen to talk.

I step into the kitchen and watch Tyler as he opens the picnic basket and pulls everything out. Grey and I don't do anything in here because it's Tyler's domain. He keeps it exactly the way he wants it and we don't mess with it. He won't even let us wash dishes.

"What are we going to do? I know you two love her also," I sit down on the stool.

I watch Tyler as he moves the dishes to the sink and start filling it up with water, "I don't know. I thought one of us would start spending more time with her and she would pick, but that hasn't happened.

"Should we ask her to pick?" Grey asks.

"I don't know about that either. We could all lose her that way," I feel my gut stirring. I don't mind if she's with them as long as she's with me, but I don't know how to make that happen.

Meg walks into the kitchen, "Amy's Aunt Frankie is married to all of her uncles."

We all turn to her. Sometimes that child is just too smart for her own good.

"How do you know that?" Tyler asks.

"She told me. They had a wedding on the beach a couple of months ago. She showed me pictures and everything," She walks over to Tyler, "Can I have a juice?"

"Of course, sweetie." He walks over and gets her one out of the fridge and hands it to her.

She starts to walk out into the kitchen and stops, turns around and looks at all of us, "I love Ronnie. I want her to be my new mom." She turns and walks out of the kitchen.

We look at each other. Would it work?

"I thought something was different about their relationship," Grey rubs his hands together.

"Can we do this guys? Without the jealousy and whining?" I ask.

"It doesn't bother me to see her with one of you two. I'm sure if I saw her with someone else, it would be a different story," Tyler is drying the dishes now.

"Same with me. Maybe we should do some research before we make our final decision," Grey says. Tyler and I agree. I know that we are going to do this, because none of us can see our lives without her. We just have to figure out how we're going to do it. I go to bed tonight feeling a bit more optimistic.

I pull up to the school ready to see Ronnie today. I walk over to our area and she isn't there. I keep looking around for her and she doesn't show up. I wonder where she is. I look around for her one more time and I see Frankie and Rand come around the corner. Where is she? I try to text her, but I don't get an answer. I look at them and I see how he hovers around her protectively. I know that I want that for me and my friends.

One of the vultures try to approach them and he takes one glance and when she opens her mouth to speak, he says, "No."

She tries again, he says, "No." I watch as he pulls Frankie closer to him. She starts to try to speak again and he flat out tells her, "What part of 'no' don't you understand? We are here to pick up my niece, not to chat with you. Now go back to where you came from before I unleash my wife on you. The last person she let go on, ended up in the hospital." He gives her a hard stare and Frankie steps in front of him and gives her the same stare. I laugh as she slinks back to her friends.

I walk over to them and say hi, "I love the way you handled them. Where did you learn that?"

"We tried to be nice to women, but they won't take a hint. You saw that it took three times and me threatening her before she finally decided to walk away," he smiles down at Frankie.

I have to ask, "Did she really put someone in the hospital?"

She turns red and he answers proudly, "She did. Two guys attacked her and Ronnie when they were coming out of the furniture store and she beat them both up, because one of them slapped Ronnie."

I smile at her, "I know now to never mess with you." I look up and address both of them, "Would you have time to talk with us about your relationship this evening?"

Frankie looks up and smiles, "I knew it! Of course. Where and what time would you like to meet?"

I text the guys really quick, and we agree on a time. I tell them and Frankie assures me that all of them will be there.

"May I ask, where is Ronnie?"

"She had a work emergency. There is a girl who is in the position she was exactly and they needed Ronnie to counsel her right away to help her and make sure that she knows her options," Frankie tells me. She leans forward and whispers, "I wasn't supposed to tell you that so..."

"Your secret is safe with me," I tell her. The bell rings and the kids start pouring out of the door.

"Why don't we take Megyn with us today and we'll leave her with Ronnie and Amy. We'll come up with some excuse and meet you," Rand says.

"I definitely appreciate it," I tell them. Amy and Meg come out last, like they do every day. One day I'll have to ask the teacher why. I give my babies a hug and tell Meg that she will be going home with Amy today. She asks why and I tell her that all of us have to work late tonight. She accepts that answer and takes Frankie's hand as they walk to the car. I help them get her booster seat out of my car and into theirs.

After we get her situated, Frankie states with a knowing grin, "I guess we'll have to buy another one of these." God, I hope so.

I hurry home and Grey and I get ready quickly so we can meet them on time. We're both anxious at what this meeting will mean for us. We love her so much and we want this to work. We've done some research and it will be good to get the perspective of someone who is living it.

We arrive at the restaurant thirty minutes before we're supposed to be there. Tyler meets us at the door and he's as anxious as we are. He sits us in the back room, "No one has to order because I've set up a tasting menu for us so we can get started as soon as possible." We both nod in agreement.

Waiting for them to arrive seems like a lesson in torture. It's only a few minutes, but it seems like a few hours. I'm bouncing my leg and rubbing my hands on my thighs. Grey keeps running his hand through his hair and Tyler keeps running back and forth from the door to here.

Finally, they arrive. Tyler escorts them back and they have a seat on one of the couches. Frankie looks around, "I love the way you've done this restaurant. It makes me want to have some meatloaf or something."

"Thanks," Tyler tells her, "All we have to do is order our drinks. I've set up a tasting menu for us and it does have meatloaf in it." She smiles widely. The waitress arrives to take our drink order and we make small talk until she comes back with our drinks and leaves, closing the door behind her. "I've told them to knock before coming in since we are discussing such a delicate subject," Tyler tells them. They nod.

I take a sip of my drink and clear my throat, "How did you guys come to the agreement for this arrangement?"

"It was something that we came to agree upon before Frankie came into our lives. We grew up with such shallow people around us and we've seen so much wrong in our parents that we wanted different for ourselves. We all would date and when we think we found someone, they would turn out to want us for our money or what we could do for them. Finally, when we couldn't find what we wanted in different women, we decided we would find someone to share," Cameron states.

"Frankie came along at a time when we didn't think we would find anyone period. She's so pure. Everything about her. She only wants us for us. We had to convince her to even give her dinner. We went slowly with her until Christmas and our family almost ruined it for us. She disappeared for two weeks. We decided that the minute that we found her, we would tell her how we feel. Her absence affected us in such a way, that we couldn't function properly. Luckily classes were out or we would have been failing," Rand says looking sadly at Frankie remembering that time.

"Luckily, I found her," Dylan says, "We went to her and told her exactly how we feel about her and told her our plan. Luckily, she feels the same way about us and couldn't choose. She was willing to enter this relationship with us and we haven't looked back." He looks at her with so much love in his eyes and I see the other two looking at her like that also. She has a soft smile on her face.

"How do you know that she feels the same way about each one of you?" I ask.

"She knows who we are without seeing us," Cameron leans back in his seat with a smile on his face.

"What do you mean by that?" Grey leans forward in his seat.

"It's as if she senses us. We can be in a completely different room than where she is or not even home. When we walk in the door she has exactly what we want or need. I can think that I want a glass of water and go to the kitchen. If she's in there, she'll have one ready for me. If I'm sitting, thinking about wanting a glass of water, she'll walk in the room with one," Dylan says.

We look back and forth between them like they are crazy. Cameron continues, "The first time it happened, I had put my foot in my mouth. I knew that I needed to make it up to her and couldn't sleep that night. I decided to go downstairs and get something sweet to eat. I walk into the kitchen and she's already there, heating up her dessert from earlier that evening. She doesn't turn around, but she walks to the silverware drawer and picks up two forks. As soon as the microwave is done heating up this dessert, she pulls it out and walks right over to me, sits it down in front of me and hands me a fork. I can't explain it, but she knows." Cameron looks over at her with a smitten smile on his face.

"I always wondered what happened that night. Now we just need the rest of the story," Dylan says.

All three of us look at Frankie in awe.

"How do you work out time with her," Tyler takes a sip of his drink.

"We worked out a system between us before she ever came into our lives. We knew that we had to have a basic plan in place before starting. We make adjustments along the way. There are times that one of us doesn't get the time they need with her. We may be working too much or it may be something that's going on with her time wise that one of us misses out. We voice our opinions to her and each other. We make it work. Communication is key," Dylan takes her hand and kisses the back of it. I see her wedding ring. It's a humongous diamond with smaller diamonds surrounding it, except at the four corners and there is a different stone on each corner. Her wedding band is surrounded by diamonds with the four different stones placed strategically around it.

There's a knock on the door and Tyler walks over to answer it. The server and someone who's helping her come inside and sits the first course on the table. There are about three different appetizers and I don't want any of them, I just want to hear what they have to tell me.

I dutifully pick up a couple of appetizers because I know Tyler and he'll be offended if I don't. Whatever. "How do you handle the wedding?" I see forever with Ronnie and I know that Tyler and Grey do also.

"I married Dylan legally at the courthouse and then we had a commitment ceremony on the beach with all three of them," Frankie smiles at me.

"Why did you choose Dylan to marry her?" Tyler asks.

"Because although our Grandfathers blessed our union, our parents didn't. Our grandfathers looked over all of our paperwork and found that Frankie would be in a better position if she married Dylan," Rand answers.

"But why the legal marriage?" Grey asks.

"We have to protect Frankie. If something happens to all of us, although we've left everything to her, our families would fight it. With one of us legally married to her, she will at least have what Dylan has left her because the family can't fight it." Rand says. Frankie has a frown on her face like this isn't something she wants to think about. I understand where she's coming from.

"Do you have a prenup?" I ask.

"In a way. We don't ever plan on breaking up with her. We love her too much, but we did it again to protect her. We want to make sure that she's taken care of even if we break up. We may not be inclined to do so if it's a bitter break-up, so we made it legal. We made a contract," Dylan says, "You will have to adjust to your situation. Ronnie is a very rich woman and you all need to protect her at all costs. From yourselves and other people. Both of you also have children to consider. Before you approach her with anything, please talk this out and come to an agreement between yourselves."

We nod. I look at Grey and Tyler to see if they haveany more questions and they don't. Wespend the rest of the evening, eating and talking. We have a lot to think about and talk aboutbefore we approach Ronnie. I can't keep the smile off my face because we have a solution. 

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