Beneath The Skies (Book 3 of...

By Wingerz17

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"Everyone has scars, just not all of them can be seen" 12 months is only a short period of time to heal. A sh... More

Chapter 1: Sector One
Chapter 2: Aired Voices
Chapter 3: Judgement
Chapter 4: Flirtatious
Chapter 5: Flew The Nest
Chapter 6: Fools Gold
Chapter 7: Red Paint
Chapter 8: England
Chapter 9: Model Me
Chapter 10: Felling The Forrest
Chapter 11: Mirage Intoxication
Chapter 12: Night Drama
Chapter 13: Beneath The Stars
Chapter 14: Cool
Chapter 15: Crying Skies
Chapter 16: I'm An Animal
Chapter 17: Feeding the Giants
Chapter 18: My Heart Will Go On
Chapter 19: Down Below
Chapter 20: Back Again
Chapter 21: Cold Turkey
Chapter 22: Fried Chicken
Chapter 23: The Call
Chapter 24: Lock Down
Chapter 25: New Faces
Chapter 26: Little Digs
Chapter 27: Unrecognisable
Chapter 28: Stabbing Pains
Chapter 29: Pumping Veins
Chapter 30: Lap Of Luxury
Chapter 31: Deep Fried Tarantulas
Chapter 32: False Looks
Chapter 33: Flat Tyres
Chapter 34: Night Wonders
Chapter 35: Take A Breath
Chapter 36: Days Like This
Chapter 37: Say Goodbye
Chapter 38: Skyline
Chapter 40: Last Breath
Chapter 41: Mended Tears
Chapter 42: Broken Wings
Chapter 43: Complications

Chapter 39: Blown

40 1 0
By Wingerz17

Halsey - I Walk The Line (Song for Chapter)

Thursday update.

Just watched my boys (Manchester United) win 3-0, so updated because I'm in a good mood!

This chapter...well, things happen. Not good things...

Song of the day: Lucy Spraggan - All That I've Loved

"Where do you go when your mind doesn't work with your soul? I had memories made, now I can't put a face to a name."



Chapter 39: Blown

The light etched its way through the side of the curtain, reflecting lasers throughout the room,

"Go back to sleep babe," Tayte mumbled. I didn't reply, "Keane,"

"I am," I replied quietly, he moved carefully to face me and kissed my lips softly,

"Don't let Noah know how much trouble we're really in," he whispered,

"I won't," I then sat up, Noah was completely flat out,

"Don't get up," Tayte said,

"I can't stay in bed..."

"What are you going to do if you get up? You said we can't leave the room. Just lay here with me and relax,"

"I told you relax isn't in my vocabulary"

"Well at least pretend," he rested his head on my lower chest, his hand moved precariously close to my groin area, I met his hand,

"No" I told him with a smile,

"I can't wait to get away again...maybe we should try Hawaii"

"Yes and Fiji, the Seychelles, the Maldives and the Cook Islands"

"All tropical islands, I see your theme"

"Hot sun, beautiful beaches, fresh seafood with someone who I can't be without" I said quietly, he kissed my stomach,

"I love you so much,"

"I love you so much too,"

Believe it or not, we both fell back to sleep. Only to be woken just after 9.30am by a hungry Noah,

"Can we go for breakfast?" Noah moaned,

"Just order what you want on room service,"

"Why can't we go down to the restaurant?"

"Because I'm being lazy, we'll eat breakfast watching more Once Upon A Time," I answered,

"Okay, I like that plan," Tayte and I breathed a sigh of relief, "What do you want?"

"Surprise us," I told him, his eyes lit up, I just knew he was going to order a feast. We got changed after a shower, then half an hour later give or take a few minutes, there was a knock on the door,

"I'll get it," I shouted, since I was the closest and just in case it wasn't room service. I opened the door, met by a waiter dressed sharp and smart and a trolley with silver dishes, I let him in and he brought it into the dining area and laid it all out on the table for us,

"Thank you" I said, slipping him a note, he grinned and nodded and then left.

"So let's see what you've got us all" Tayte said as we pulled the silver lids off.

There was a large amount of eggs both scrambled and poached, pork and chicken sausages, bacon, and mushrooms. A giant bowl of yoghurt with honey, fruit and homemade granola. A massive stack of pancakes lathered in syrup with crispy bacon and then Noah picked a Japanese selection of dumplings, steamed rice, seaweed, fried noodles and a few other things I wasn't quite sure of.

"When I said surprise us, I didn't mean get the whole menu,"

"There was so much choice, I wanted to get a bit of everything" he answered,

"Well that's what you did,"

"Dig in" He grinned, as he pressed play and then jumped into breakfast, figuratively not literally.

"I think that's the most breakfast I've ever seen you eat," Tayte and Noah said,

"Well, I thought why not. I am very full now though. Food coma," I said and they laughed.

"We'll go for a walk later to burn those calories off soon won't we?"

"Later on we will," I replied, "Right now, I'm not moving,"

"Sounds like a plan to me," Tayte agreed.

"Promise me we'll go and explore the hotel after chill time" Noah said, Tayte looked at me,

"Promise" I answered, he beamed.

We were chilling out watching TV, Noah was playing on his phone and Tayte was busy playing with my hair.

I heard the screams.



The sirens blaring.

Thudding footsteps.

Wailing Alarms.

"What's going on?" Noah asked, as I sat up from lying on Tayte. There was then a torrid of bangs on the door, then a voice came before I could answer,

"YOU NEED TO GET OUT," was shouted. I opened the door, Tayte and Noah were behind me, "There's a bomb in the hotel and they are evacuating, it's mad, crazy down there, just...get out as soon as you can" he said in broken out of breath English and dashed off before I could ask anything.

"Put important stuff into one bag, 2 minutes and we are out of here," I said, "NOW", I shouted as they both stood there. I got straight on the phone to Dad, but it just kept ringing and Mum's just went straight to voicemail, "For Christ sake," I mumbled. I took the bag from Tayte and slung it over my shoulder and then ushered them out of the door, Noah ran straight to the lift, "No kiddo, we have to take the stairs,"

The alarm was deafening, there were so many people hurrying around the stairs, flying through doors crying and in panic.

"Keane..." Tayte began,

"Let's just get out of here," I replied. We got to the ground floor,

"KEANE. YOU ARE GOING TO DIE," A voice shouted,

"MOVE" I screamed, we then heard laughing,

"It's too late Keane...GOODBYE,"

"BOMB," A terrified voice shrieked. "BOMB," I shoved Tayte and Noah under the large grand stair case as the explosion tore around and everything went black.

I came to, I couldn't tell how long after I was knocked out, my ears were ringing, my vision was blurry, head thudding and thick.

"Keane...KEANE," Tayte's terrified voice came into my hearing, my eyes met his, I blinked hard,

"Are you...are you okay? Is Noah okay?" I asked,

"We're both fine...we need to get out of here," He said, pulling me up, a pain shot through my skull and a wave of nausea rushed over me, "Babe..."

"I'm good," I then felt a hand in mine, Noah's, his face was etched with worry and horror. I squeezed it as amongst the shrieks, shouts, sirens and bodies, we got out of the hotel. We didn't stop until we were away from the perimeter down a small alley. I took Tayte's face in my hands, scanning every inch,

"I'm okay...I promise you," he kissed me, I then did the same thing with Noah before pulling him in for a hug, he was shaking. My head was throbbing, it was pulsating throughout my skull, throughout my brain. I ran my fingers through my hair, wincing as I hit near the back, blood covered my fingers, I felt so sick,

"Keane..." Tayte and Noah's eyes widened with fear, but my phone began to ring, I pulled it out, it was badly cracked,


Oh my God, are you okay? Are you all safe? We didn't know...I'm so sorry, we wouldn't have left you...

Mum we're okay. We are away from it all, in some small alley a few blocks from the hotel

Stay where you are. We're coming for you. Are you sure no one is hurt?

No one is hurt. We are all okay," that got me a glare from Tayte and Noah,

"Just don't move, we're tracking your phone," and she hung up,

"Let me see your head" Tayte told me,

"It's nothing," I said, taking a breath, which then followed with me being sick, it just made me feel worse,

"Oh that's nothing is it,"

"Shit Keane...they nearly...Christ," Noah said, crouching down,

"Ow...Jesus Christ Tayte,"

"I thought it was nothing," he said, "That needs sorting out straight away. Your probably concussed, how much pain are you in?," I pulled away and crouched down next to Noah,

"You are alive, Tayte is alive and so am I okay. That's all you need to worry about. They didn't succeed in killing me,"


"No buts kiddo," I hugged him,


"Round here Dad," our parents appeared, they pulled us all in for a hug,

"We are so sorry," Mum said, "It's our job to keep you safe,"

"And we didn't do that," Dad answered, he had his arm around Noah,

"Well, let's not worry about that" I said,

"Keane's right," Tayte agreed,

"Yes, you both are, right now we need to get out of here," Dad said, "There should be a black Mercedes GLS parked a few blocks away, keep your head down and don't attract the wrong attention," Dad headed off, still with his arm around Noah, we followed suit holding hands and Mum bringing up the back.

"How's the head?" Tayte said,

"It's fine babe," I lied.

"Is that why your left eyebrow is slightly raised and your forehead is slightly creased. Is that why your front tooth is ever so slightly resting on your bottom lip. I know you babe and I know when you are in pain. Don't lie to me,"

"It's still bleeding and yes I am in fucking pain...I feel like my heads about to explode and I feel sick still." I took a breath, "Shit...I'm sorry,"

"Keane are you bleeding?" Mum asked before Tayte could answer me,

"Yes he banged the back of his head pretty bad and has also thrown up, so we need to get to safety so we can sort him out," Tayte answered.


I shut my eyes and rested my pulsing head on Tayte's shoulder. We were in the car, it was silent. I knew everyone was tense, worried and wondering what the hell was going to happen next.

"Where are we going?" Noah asked softly,

"To a safe house we know. It should be empty. We'll spend a night there and then that's it. We are getting out of here, no one else is being put in harm's way," Dad said.

Not all of us are going to get out alive, I thought.

Well, that's what I thought I thought, turns out, I said it out loud, my brain and head were seriously fucked up at the moment.

"Seriously" Noah snapped, "Why would you say that?"

"Because it's the bloody truth, you can deny it all you want, but I know that there is no way in hell that I am getting out of Tokyo, unless it's in a body bag," Dad pulled the car over and turned around.

"Don't you dare Keane. I don't want to hear you speaking like that, no matter how you feel. We are all getting out of Tokyo alive. We don't need negative attitudes, we need positive ones, because we're all each other's got right now and we have to help each other out. So unless you have something positive to say, don't say anything at all," Dad snapped, before pulling back off. I looked down in my lap, playing with my hands, my head was ripping through me, Tayte put his hand on my leg and slowly rubbed it, I didn't look at him,

"Keane I'm sorry I..." Noah began,

"Leave it Noah, he knows," Tayte said, I shut my eyes, wishing it was all a dream. Wishing I was back on the beach in Barbados with Tayte, without a care, without a worry. I hadn't realised we'd stopped until Tayte shook me, I opened my eyes wincing and climbed out after Tayte. The building looked old and rundown, but with safe houses I knew looks could be deceiving, I could see everyone watching me, so I pulled my hood up and kept my head down and followed everyone inside. After Dad's outburst, I decided I wasn't going to speak. I knew he was half right, I did need to stop being negative, but Galviao has been trying to kill me for over a year now. He literally rang to say he was going to kill me, I couldn't keep getting away with a gunshot here or there, no one else felt the feeling I had, the feeling of dread. No one had heard what I heard:

'One of you will fall. One of you will cry. One of you will be so close to heading up to the sky. Secrets will be spilled. And hearts are going to break. It's going to be so dangerous. How much can you all take?'

Inside was simple but had everything you needed, there were 4 rooms, two with double beds in, a small bathroom with a shower and the main living room with two sofas and a with small studio type kitchen.

"Babe...I need to clean your head," Tayte said, I nodded and sat down as he went off with Mum to get the things,

"Son I..." I didn't look at him, "I'm frustrated Keane...I am so frustrated with everything that has and is going on. I'm trying to stay positive in all this. Be your role models, keep you all safe. After everything you've been through, after everything you're going through. I didn't mean to snap at you like that I..." Tayte and Mum came back in, Noah was sat on the other sofa, I knew he was upset. I looked at Dad,

"I'm sorry," He mouthed, my eyes said what my words didn't.

"I'm going to clean it, then if it needs stitches or patching Rhina will finish it off okay," I nodded slightly and pulled my hood down. The blood had congealed and stuck to my hair, so it took quite a few attempts to clean it, it stung like hell when the antiseptic was put on it. "Sorry," he said when he saw me wince,

"The blood has clotted itself which is good. I'll just apply some butterfly stiches over it, as long as you don't sleep on it too rough, it should be okay, but don't be alarmed if there's blood on the pillow in the morning" Mum said, applying two thin butterfly stitches. Which were probably pointless as my hair was in the way and they'd just come out, but who I am to argue. "All done," I nodded and then stood up and went into the bedroom and shut the door,

"Tayte can you talk to him please. I honestly didn't mean anything by what I said," Dad said,

"I understand how he's feeling," Mum began,

"But you don't...none of us do and that's the problem. It's okay to tell him to be positive, but we don't know all the negative thoughts that are running around his mind, we don't know what he's being told,"

"I get that, but we can't help him if he doesn't tell us,"

"I just want Keane," Noah said,

"The last thing that he heard was this. One of you will fall. One of you will cry. One of you will be so close to heading up to the sky. Secrets will be spilled. And hearts are going to break. It's going to be so dangerous. How much can you all take? He has so much weighing him down, he is the strongest person I know, but there's only so much you can take, he needs us all supporting him, not shouting at him, because he is fighting so hard" He left them to ponder what he'd just said and entered the bedroom where I was led on my back staring up at the ceiling.

"Thanks," I said, he sat down next to me,

"You heard then," I nodded,

"I heard..."

"And you're not mad?" He teased trying to make me smile, he lay next to me,

"Everything you said was the truth"

"Doesn't make it right,"

"Well in this instance, it does,"

"We're going to be okay you know,"

"So you and everyone keeps telling me,"

"We can't all be lying," he moved and rested his head on my chest, "I'm not going to lose you babe,"

"We can't control fate,"

"Well, we can try," he said, "I already told you that, the door then opened, I didn't turn to look to see who it was, I already knew,

"Keane I'm sorry. I don't know what you're going though and I shouldn't have snapped at you. I just want my older brother. I just want everything to go back to the way it was, before all this shit went down and I know. I'm not so naïve to think that we'll ever go back to that. But I just want you to be pain free. I want you to be happy, I want you to be free,"

"I am happy," I answered, "I have you and Tayte in my life," Tayte and I sat up,

"I know you worry about me. I know you all worry about me, but I don't ask you too and I don't want you too. I'm sure one day things are going to get better, but until that day, I'm going to protect you the best I can and I'm going to never stop loving you, never forget that, no matter what happens, you are my everything,"


It was late afternoon, early evening, Dad and I had left the safe house to see if we could get some food,

"You know I am really..."

"Dad you don't have to say anything, it's all been said and it's okay...I promise, let's just focus on getting out of here as soon as we can, all of us, alive," he wrapped an arm around me and kissed my head,

"I don't know what we did to deserve a son like you," He said,

"Guess you got lucky" I grinned, he smiled,

"Very lucky,"

It got dark quickly, we ducked and dived around back streets and then found a street full of restaurants and takeaways.

"What do you fancy?" he asked,

"Nothing sushi like or fishy, I want a nice western burger," Dad laughed,

"Well let's see if we can find a western takeaway then,"

We thankfully did and managed to head back to the safe house unseen with 5 large burger meals. Which were met with thanks, we ate together sat on the sofas, with Noah sat on the floor.

There was banging on the door around half an hour after we'd finished dinner.

"Get in the bedroom" Dad said, "Quickly,"

"Do not open the door unless you hear our voices okay," Mum told us, "Okay,"

"Yes," I shoved the other two inside and followed, shutting and locking the door. We could still hear the banging, then it went silent, eerily silent.

"Do you think they're okay?" Noah whispered,

"I'm sure their fine,"

10 minutes later we heard the door click shut,

"You can come out" Mum called, I unlocked the door and we walked out. The room was all still in touch, nothing broken or wrecked, we looked at Mum and Dad, they were both fine, no blood, no nothing,

"What happened?" I asked,

"It was a friend, just making sure we were okay,"

"What kind of friend, an agent?"

"No, not an agent," I looked at Mum closely, it really pissed me off that she was keeping something from us. I don't know why, but it all kept coming back to that guy who gave me the envelope.

"I'm going to bed," I said, "Goodnight," and I left the room before anyone could even reply.

"We're heading off to bed too," Tayte said,

"Okay well, we'll wake up in the morning," he nodded and Noah hugged them goodnight before they both joined me.

"What's wrong?" Tayte asked,

"Their hiding things, they knew whoever banged on the door...just forget it. I need to sleep, my head is killing me," I laid back on the bed,

"Aren't you going to take anything off?" Noah asked,

"We don't have any clothes except from what we're wearing, plus if something happens in the night I don't quite fancy having to quickly pull clothes on. Not that anything is going to happen," I said,

"I see your point, but at least take your shoes off," Tayte said, I smiled tiredly and pulled them off and then laid back down. I was then joined by my two boys.

"Get under the sheets Keane," Noah said sternly, I couldn't help but laugh, but did as I was told.

Let's hope we make it through the night.


"Boys, boys get up...quickly," I heard Mum's voice and shook the other two awake, throwing the sheets off, "QUICKLY"

"What's happening?" Noah said groggily,

"You need to get your shoes on," I said, "Come on Noah, get to it," he snapped awake and jumped off the bed,

"Come on, quick as you can," Mum said,

"Are there people here?" I asked,

"Yes," I heard glass shatter, "Quickly, come on..." we dashed out of the room, avoiding a flying bullet and into Mum and Dad's room,

"Out the window, Dad's just pulling up the car," Mum said, Noah climbed out,

"I'm right behind you" I told Tayte, who climbed out, "Mum..."

"We're going to be fine..." she said as the door flew open, I dived out and she followed, we dashed to Dad in the black Hyundai Tucson, I flung the door shut and Dad zoomed off, looking back I could see 4 men getting into a silver Toyota highlander and darting after us,

"SHIT..." Dad shouted banging the steering wheel. Bullets came flying and hit the rear end of the car, "Heads down, all of you..." I pressed Tayte and Noah down, as bullets flew through the rear windscreen, smashing it completely,

"You three, don't get up, don't move," Mum said, tyres screeched as Dad flew round the corner, I sat up, pulled back down by Tayte, more bullets smashed against the side of the car, they were continuous for 30 seconds,

"Do you have a gun?" I asked, "Stupid question, I know you do, give it to me,"


"For Christ sake Mum, give it to me, don't be so naïve to think I haven't used one before," she looked at Dad, "We need to do something, before they hit one of us, or a important part of the car, such as tyres,"

"Take them out son," Dad said, Mum handed me the gun,

"You two, stay in the foot wells" I said to Tayte and Noah,

"For Christ sake be careful," Tayte told me, as more bullets flew and Dad swerved,

"Aren't I always," I cocked the gun and sat up, shooting out the open back windscreen.

Come on can do this. Aim for the tyres. Two bullets literally avoided my head by less than an inch,


"I'm okay," I said, taking aim again.

Three, two, one.

I heard the piercing of the bullets into the tyres, saw the car dip, swerve and then crash. The explosion lit up the rear view.

"Nice shooting," Dad said, tearing off, I handed the gun back to Mum and Tayte and Noah sat up, he kissed me hard,

"You're an idiot",

"An idiot who just gave us a bit of time," I told him, "What are we going to do now?"

"We're going to have to split up and I know you all don't want too, but it's our safest option right now," Mum said,

"And where are going?" Tayte asked,

"We will give each of you directions to a car. In that car is everything you need to get to safety. We should all meet up at the same spot,"

"Are you sure we're going to find these cars?" I asked,

"Yes, you'll find them. Drive fast, but be safe. Don't get stopped by police. Don't stop for anyone. You will be able to communicate with each other through the cars, so your only way of knowing if everyone is safe, is getting to the cars,"

"Do we have to split up?" Noah said,

"'s our safest option," Dad said, "Son, you'll be okay. You can do this", we swung around a corner and then down a small alley, coming to a stop. We were then handed a small mobile type device,

"Follow this, don't sway from it. We know you can all handle this, and we will all be with each other again soon enough,"

We got out of the car and were hugged by Mum and Dad,

"Take care, be safe and be wise," the three of us walked down the alleyway together, looking back at our parents, they waved us on.

"Be careful. I love you both so much," I said kissing Tayte and hugging Noah, "I'll see you on the other side,"

"I love you," Noah said,

"I love you babe..."

We all ran off in different directions.




This was it.

It was really happening.

We were splitting up.

We were going on our own.

Were we all going to survive?


Oh Wow. Yes!

The next chapter. I'm not ready for.

So all of you aren't either!


Next update: Next week!

Love you


Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

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