Sons Of War || Andy Biersack

By Ms_SkyeClark

32.6K 1K 598

*COMPLETE* Description: Andy, Jinxx, Ashley, CC and Jake were disfavored angels in Heaven for thousands of ye... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 - The End

Chapter 6

1.4K 50 24
By Ms_SkyeClark

You got out of your bed again and walked slowly over to your window so you could watch as Angelo retreated back into the dark and didn't stay lurking. You found no signs of him when you looked out into the night, but now you were to startled to sleep. You opened your door, quiet as a ghost, and slowly walked down the hall to check on the angels. It was a silly thing to do, but since the situation was largely out of your hands, you felt the need to lay eyes on them; just to give yourself the delusion of control.
Looking into the bedroom they slept in, you found the only one in there was CC, who had taken the bed. You furrowed your brow and quietly came into the living room. Your eyes landed on Andy first, who was sleeping almost upright on the couch to one end, leaning on the arm rest with Ginger curled up in his arms.
Next your eyes found Ashley, who was on the armchair in a decidedly uncomfortable looking position. You noticed an open book on the ground that had clearly fallen from his hands when he'd fallen asleep.
As you went slowly into the kitchen, you found Jinxx and Jake passed out in chairs, leaning on the dining room table. It looked as though no one had consciously made the decision to go to bed except CC. The rest of them just stayed up until they passed out. Except Andy, whose drugs had probably kicked in at around nine to ten.
With the satisfaction of knowing that they were all okay and none of them had their wings out for Angelo to see, you decided there was nothing left to do but go to sleep and try and think of a good lie or something in the morning.
Sleep didn't come easy to you, but eventually you slipped off tiredly.
You awoke the next morning at 7 AM sharp and got up and to get dressed. When you came out into the living room, you found everyone awake except CC.
They were all sitting at the kitchen table, talking in hushed tones. When you walked into the room, they silenced and looked up at you. Ashley and Jake offered you sweet smiles, but Andy did nothing and Jinxx said, "morning."
"Morning. Are you guys hungry?" You asked as you climbed up on the counter to reach the bowls for cereal. They all informed you that indeed, they were hungry, so you ate a quiet breakfast together and supplied CC with some when he came out momentarily.
When you finished and took the dishes off table, you hardly had time to think about the issue from last night when there was a loud, fast knocking on your door. You almost screamed, "HIDE!" But that would have been impractical. Angelo already knew they were here. . .
"Who is tha-" Jinxx started to ask, but you shushed him and said sharply, "stay right here."
As you walked to the door and pulled it open, you saw the very person you were expecting to see standing on the other side, breathless from running.
"Hi, Angelo. What is it?" You asked innocently, your mind reeling. "Hello, Y/n, lovely morning isn't it? The birds are extra active today, with the rain being cleared up and all, so I thought I would go hiking for a while around the woods and the fields and get close to these little beauties and maybe try and snap some new pictures to hang up over my mantel--I didn't forget my phone this time. In fact, after yesterday I vowed to never go anywhere without it ever again-"
"Angelo, please. . . It's so early," you moaned, wishing you could just shake him and demand that he get to the point.
"Right, right, my apologies! I saw the pits, Y/n! I know those aren't your cousins!" You said nothing because you were simply to taken aback at the fact that he skipped right to his point. "I'm somewhat of an expert in biblical and mythological theories, but of course I never thought in all my life I would find something so authentic! It's marvelous, really! You must let me in, I want to speak with one!"
You shuttered slightly. Suddenly the image of Andy and the others hanging in cages from Angelo's ceiling in his basement came to mind.
"Angelo, I don't know what you're talking about-" you said unconvincingly, but before you could finish, he pushed right passed you and into your home. His eyes immediately went to the kitchen where you had told all of them to stay put. You were now wishing you had just screamed hide.
"Hello all! I'm Angelo Bradwidth, it truly is a pleasure to meet you!" Angelo burst out excitedly, sniffing characteristically as though his nose was running. It never actually was running, but he did it all the time. "Are you all Fallen Angels, or just this one?" He asked bluntly, advancing on Andy, who shrank back, startled.
"Angelo! Stop, you need to get a grip," you snapped, finally remembering how to move your feet. You quickly came into the dining room and pulling Angelo by the shoulder, spinning him around so he'd face you.
"How did he know we're angels? Did you tell him?" CC inquired in confusion. Your grip on Angelo's shoulder tightened and you hung your head and sighed. Cat's outta the bag now.
"No, CC. I didn't. You did, just now," you said regretfully.
"Aha! I knew it!" Angelo exclaimed victoriously, jerking from your hold and turning back around to face the table of angels. "I've done so much reading on your kind! It's fascinating, you're surely aware! You must tell me everything! This is a most exciting opportunity that no one before has ever gotten the privilege to experience before now! I'll write a book, surely! Or maybe a web page! Which of you is most photogenic? Smile!" He snapped a picture of Ashley, who wore the disgruntled expression of someone who is watching someone else vomit their guts out.
"Angelo, enough!" You snapped finally, grabbing the front of his shirt and pinning him against the closest wall. You were more than a little vexed with him at the moment.
"I'm sorry, my dear, but surely you must see how incredible this is!" Angelo said excitedly. You could practically see the gears turning in his brain.
"I'm aware. Angelo this is a deathly secret that you now have to keep! The world cannot know about them. Think about how the government would react if they found out!" You exclaimed, releasing your hold on him slightly. All five angels were quite alarmed by Angelo's mannerism.
Angelo thought over what you said with painful care and then nodded slowly. "But of course, why didn't I think of that? Their existence cannot become known! Why, I would never forgive myself if I were the reason behind them being taken in for experimentation for the rest of their lives! You have my oath,
Y/n. I won't breathe a word of this to a single soul."
You felt you could trust Angelo. He had a good heart, and if he said he wasn't going to tell, he was most likely not going to tell. Especially because if they did get taken, he wouldn't be able to talk with them, nor question them about paradise. You thought you might warn him that that was a slippery slop to be walking on. But then again, it might be fun to see him find out for himself.
Jake, Ashley, CC, Jinxx and Andy stared at you both wide eyed at the exchange.
"Experimentation? What now?" Jinxx asked nervously.
"Don't worry about it, guys. You just can't let people know you are fallen angels," you said quickly before Angelo had time to start lecturing and traumatizing.
All of them nodded and Andy shot an uncertain glance around room. Angelo was just bursting at the seems with questions, so you figured you may as well let him have at it. After all, he was in on it now, and there was no turning back. He may as well satisfy his curiosity.
You left the room with a sigh to go take a shower and clear your head (you felt no inclination to be present with your guest. He was occupied to the extreme, and you didn't invite him anyway), and while you were in there, an amazing idea struck you. Angelo could be a major asset in getting the guys world ready. He was always so keen to lecture and he could practically go on talking forever. Everyone always cut him off eventually, so this had never been tested. But you felt sure he would simply adore having minds to mold and teach. Yes, this would definitely work. He was probably way more qualified for the job than you were anyway.
When you came out again, you found that the angels had practically made a run for it. Angelo had managed to corner Andy, who was, at the moment, considerably slower than the others, and was talking so quickly and asking so many questions that Andy couldn't have answered them even if he had had intentions of doing so. His posture was started and defensive, but Angelo didn't seem to notice this in the least. He (Angelo) was just in the middle of a long winded speech of regret for having not brought a notepad along with him when Andy's desperately roaming eyes found you in the doorway.
"Y/n!" He burst out, probably involuntarily. Angelo stopped talking and you winked at Andy just a second before he turned around and looked at you.
"Angelo!" You said scoldingly. "Andy needs to rest, I can practically see him turning pale."-Angelo opened his mouth to dispute this, because if anything Andy was a trifle red, but you carried on quickly-"You are exhausting him. For shame."
You quickly made your way to the corner Andy had backed himself into and took him by the arm gently.
"I'm sure CC would like to answer some of your questions. Come on, Andy. Try not to faint. There, there." Andy turned even more red with both rising anger and indignation while you tried your best not to start laughing your ass off as you lead him out of the room and into the guest bedroom.
By the time you got there and closed the door, Andy turned around to face you immediately after you let go of his arm.
"You over played that a bit," he said critically.
"Oh, please! It was just a bit of fun. Plus, I saved your ass, so just thank me and we can move along. I need to change out your bandages too, so go sit down.
Andy sighed, but considered the fact that this was a big improvement to his situation two minutes previously. He sat down on the bed like you asked and waited patiently for you while you got out your bandages and your sterilizers and such.
"Shirt," you said promptly, and he lifted it over his head and set it down next to him. Cutting away the old bandages, you were pleased to see that the wound was healing nicely and you would be able to take out the stitching in just a few days. Considering, of course, he didn't fuck it up again. He averted his eyes the entire time you had the bandages off of him and tried to not look at it. Once you put on the sterilizer and re-bandaged it, you rolled up his pant-leg and made quick work of replacing the bandaging and cleaning the cut. That one might even be better by overmorrow.
"Are you finished?" He asked you impatiently, sliding his shirt back over his head.
"Yeah I'm finished," you confirmed, rolling his jeans back down. You stood up and he gave you a faint smile.
"Er, thanks for this," he said awkwardly, looking somewhere else. You grinned and said nonchalantly, "don't mention it."
Once you were satisfied that everything was in order with Andy, you went to go save CC from Angelo.
"You can come back at dinner, but for now go home, Angelo!" You said exasperatedly, breaking into his speech about why exactly right now would be a bad time to end the conversation for the third time.
"Alright, fine, Y/n, you win! But you can be sure I'll be back at 5:30 sharp, not a minute later!"
"Or sooner, I hope," you mumbled under your breath once he finally left.
"He won't really be coming back, right? He asked me to take out my wings like six times. . . Normally I wouldn't have a problem with it, but being put on the spot like that. . ." Ashley mumbled, shaking his head.
"I'm sorry, guys, but I think he will actually be a good asset here once he calms down a little bit with his excitement. I need to get you guys world ready, and frankly a little help would be a nice thing to have," you said apologetically. You only hopped Angelo would be able to get himself under control.
"Alright. . . " Jake said. You could tell he wanted to object, but he was to polite for that.
"What? Hell no!" Andy, who was not to polite for that, exclaimed. "That guy was a nightmare! What do you even mean by 'world ready'?! We know how to function! We are not small children!"
"Well down here on earth, you are! Deal with it! You wouldn't last a day in modern society, so swallow your enormous ego and try not to choke!" You shouted, clenching your fists.
"Not again!" Jinxx exclaimed in panic, running from the room. Jake, CC and Ashley followed his example to the letter.
Both you and Andy watched them leave and rolled your eyes dramatically, then turned to glare at each other.
"I don't want to have to explain my life to him. He asked questions I'm not willing to answer," Andy said heatedly, picking up where you left off. You got the feeling he was almost starting to enjoy these little shouting matches, as you were. Watching his muscles tense with rage under his skin, his face flushed, biting his lip with suppressed anger, his deep voice somehow getting even lower. . . It was fucking hot. He had very similar ideas about you, but hated just as you did to admit to them.
"You have to! You need to fucking face the fact that you will not make it on your own! You need education, and you will fucking get it!" You said venomously, taking a dangerous step closer to him.
"You don't get to tell me what I need, back off!" He shot back, taking a step closer to you, as you had done, until you were practically nose to shouting insults at each other.
"You need to back the hell down," you informed him loudly.
"And you need to shut the hell up," he retorted, enforcing this by grabbing your hair and roughing connecting your lips so you couldn't say another word.
It happened within the blink of an eye, and suddenly your lips were smashed together. You had sensed it was coming though, and reacted immediately by twisting the front of his shirt in your hands angrily and shoving yours bodies closer, causing heated friction. You forcefully moved forward, asserting your dominance by making him move backwards, kissing even more roughly. His hands grabbed your ass hard as he moved his body forward against you. You both stood pressed together rigidly, trying to make the other one bend to their will, now fighting with your tongues to try and claim the other's mouth. Since this battle was nowhere near over, Andy suddenly lifted you clean into the air with his superior strength, and you wrapped your legs tightly around his waist. Now that you were kissing down at him, rather than up, you grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled downward, exposing his neck and giving you a better angle to angrily assault his lips with your own. He walked blindly in the direction of the couch and threw you down none to gently, immediately climbing over you so your body was completely under his, never disconnecting your lips. However, he underestimated your strength and your abilities to get out of being pinned, and you wrapped your legs around him and shoved, which flipped you both so now he was under you and you straddled his waist.
"You're so fucking hot when you're pissed," he growled into the kiss, pulling your hair roughly to gain access to your neck, which he then proceeded to attack. You grabbed his collar and pulled on it hard, in order to get him closer, letting out a low moan and fighting desperately for breath.
"Yeah?" You questioned seductively, running your fingers through his hair and rolling your hips against his, making his grip on your hair tighten and a choked gasp escape his mouth. You put your lips close to his ear and purred, "Make me really mad, darling, see what happens. . ."
"Whoa! We left for five seconds--oh my lord! ASHLEY THEY ARE MAKING OUT. OR FIGHTING WITH THEIR LIPS. OR BOTH," Jinxx screamed shamelessly down the hall. Andy had basically forgotten that they even existed until that second, and was startled so badly back down to earth that he instinctively flung you off of him like hot coal. You landed on your ass with a thump. Had there been a coffee table around to fall on, you would have.
"Owww, Andy what the hell!" You moaned, getting to your feet and rubbing your butt irritably.
Andy was the color of a beet as Jinxx retreated down the hall in loud, uncontrollable peels of manic laughter. His eyes moved to you and he sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and face-palmed.
   "I'm so sorry," he groaned into his hands. You couldn't tell if he meant he was sorry for Jinxx's actions, for kissing you, or for throwing you on the floor. Either way you decided to disregard it with a huff.
"Just please play nice with Angelo," you requested, turning to leave the room.
"Yes, ma'am," was the muffled reply.

Yay! Your first bit of physical romance with Andy. . . Okay, not the most romantic romance ever, but still very spicy in other ways. Tell me what you think guys, and thanks for reading this!

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