Orange is the new gucci (in p...

By TherealestVC

12.4K 271 64

What happens when Max agrees to go on a shopping trip with Victoria?...hilarity ensures, fluff, a bet, and ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Caesar salad and cheeseburgers
Food fight!!!!....and mall jail
Mall jail
Lets go to the movies
I like you okay?
Friday the 13th (special chapter)
Community service
I still get jealous
Fix you
Victoria's Secret
Sister Sister
Sisterly love....sisterly blackmail
Max's hometown visit part 1
Max's hometown visit part 2
Finals and Graduation

Valentine's Day

597 13 3
By TherealestVC

Two months after the mall incident

Max and Victoria had somehow been going strong after that has happened to them with being in mall jail and the movie date. But today was Valentine's Day, love day. The day you spend with your significant other. Since the pair still hadn't gone public with their relationship, their date had to be somewhere secluded.

However, they were unaware that their dorm floor mates and friends knew about them.

Well it all started like this...


Chloe was walking into the dorm bathrooms. She ran into Kate who was finishing noticed that the blue haired girl was struggling with something.

She asked "Hey Chloe, what's wrong?".

Chloe was conflicted on telling someone else about what she saw in that wooded area in January...but she wondered if Kate could handle it.

"Nothing's wrong KatieBug" Chloe answered nervously.

Kate noticed her tone too.

So she said "Oh no, do I need to get Max? Wait, where is Max?". She had a look on her face with wonder. She hadn't seen Max in a while.

Chloe regretted her next choice of words. It was a case of word vomit the worst thing ever.

"I don't know, she's probably with Victoria" Chloe quirked, unaware that she was starting to spill the secret.

Kate suddenly remembers about Max being good friends with Victoria it was still weird to everyone.

Kate says, "of course, she is...she told me her and Victoria are really good friends now".

Chloe says without thinking "More than you know" she mumbled under her breath. Kate could hear that.

"What do you mean 'More than you know'?" She asked confused.

Chloe thinks...'Damn I fucked up again, I better make up a quick lie or excuse to leave'.

"Oh nothing, would you look at the time, I gotta go see you later KatieBug" she gives the short blonde a hug then starts to leave. Only to be stopped by Kate staring at her with those big puppy dog eyes.

Chloe tries to side step Kate, but Kate meets her next move. "Chlobird, what aren't you telling me?" Kate says in that cutesy voice.

Starting to get even more nervous and not being able to think of anything. Chloe decides to tell her, "I saw Max and Victoria kissing in a wooded area on a blanket back in January" she says before wincing just waiting for Kate's response.

The small blonde in response just stares into space almost like she is in a trance.

She says in one phrase "I am shook". Chloe facepalms. She had broke Kate Marsh.

After getting Kate out of her state, Chloe says with all serious "You can't tell anyone, alright?" Kate nods. She checks her phone and says something about having to meet up with her church group.

Chloe decides to go get something to eat. The two girls opened the bathroom door, only to be met with an eavesdropping Dana and Juliet who are standing there with mouth wide open and shocked faces.

Chloe tells them what she told Kate. They agree not to tell anyone before parting ways. Chloe thought 'hmm maybe this won't be so bad' as she left the dorms to get some food.

But she was wrong...she was dead wrong. Julie saw this opportunity, so she spread it to Taylor and Courtney who went on about staging an intervention for Victoria.

Dana kept her promise, but said "It's about time" since she had noticed the stares the two gave each other in class when they thought no one was looking.

The news about the newfound relationship of their fellow dorm mates was all the rage, Kate told Alyssa who in turn told Brooke and Stella. Brooke didn't believe it and dismissed it saying "Max is in love with Warren". Once the news got to Rachel, she left an angry text message and voice mail on Chloe's phone.

There was no way that Chloe could fix this, she was screwed.

End of flashback

Max spent Valentine's Day morning packing for her and Victoria's camping trip. She had gotten the idea when her and Victoria were watching an old episode of Spongebob(don't ask). She had gotten a text from Victoria that morning that read:

Tori3: Happy Valentine's Day Maxine, I can't wait for our trip :*..Also you better be getting ready, I will take the captain

Yes she had known about the captain.

Max finished up packing with a reasonable amount of camp supplies, her clothes, and toiletries...she looked over to her guitar and thought 'Maybe I should bring that too'. She put her guitar in its case, she looked around her room to see if she had missed anything. If she did then Victoria would have extra of it. They were going to a wooded area by the lighthouse.

She texted Victoria asking if she was done packing...Victoria responded back asking her to meet by her car in the back parking lot. Max grabbed her things then started heading out, she was stopped by Kate who said "have a nice with Victoria". Max just shrugged at Kate's response then walked to the parking lot where Victoria was waiting for her with what looked like a huge suitcase in the back of her car.

Max facepalmed. 'Look at this idiot I'm dating'.

She greeted her girlfriend with a hug and kiss when they thought no one was around. She placed her things in the back of the car...well tried to place them in the back because Victoria's suitcase with god knows what in it was taking up half the space. In the end, Max would have her bag of clothes and necessities in her lap and her guitar would be placed in the empty space in the backseat. They got in the car and Victoria drived to their destination.

Jokes were cracked by Max "Geesh Tori, what did you bring half your dorm?".

Which was answered with "Maxine, who knows what dangers we will face in the woods? I brought enough things to survive a week and to escape a mountain lion" Victoria said seriously.

Max just laughed because they lived in Arcadia Bay, the odds of a mountain lion attacking a wooded area by a lighthouse were slim to none.

Halfway through the journey Max got a text from Chloe that read:

Chloe: I hope Icky Vicky doesn't end up killing u

Max laughed at this, because if Chloe knew how "close" they were, she responded back with a witty response that led into string of jokes and memes. Victoria took noticed Max was very invested in her phone and wondered 'Who is she talking to?'. So, she glanced over when they stopped at a stop sign. The name of the offender texting and making her Maxine laugh was Chloe.

'Of course, that Cleo...Clover girl taking Maxine's attention away from me, I bet if she wasn't with Rachel she would be pinning for Maxine'

She wasn't, of course not..

They finally arrived at their destination and parked grabbing their things out of the car...They had to walk up a short trail to get to the lighthouse and found the small wooded area, it was beautiful the sun was their main view with the beach and trees serving as a background. They took in their surrounding then decided to find a nice area to set up camp. There was an area that wasn't surrounded by that many bushes or trees. It was the perfect spot it overlooked the horizon which would be perfect for stargazing or watching the sunrise. Victoria set up camp, Max couldn't set up a tent to save her life so she just stood there.

When the tent was finished being set up, Victoria placed a welcome mat outside of it. Max giggled at the blonde's cute touch. They placed their items inside of it, the tent was hot pink and could fit a family of 8... 'Where Victoria got the tent?' Max wondered but didn't question it, she was just happy to spend Valentine's Day with her girlfriend. She decides to journal about the day.

Dear Journal,

I hope today goes great, the first few times we went out...they ended in disaster. Victoria is the best thing that has happened to me and I don't want anything to ruin it. It's almost lunch time and I'm starving. I should go!

Bye for now!

She put away her journal and helped Victoria get out their lunch. They had brought a picnic basket full of treats for lunch, dinner and breakfast. Whatever food that was remaining after each meal would be placed in the mini fridge they brought along.

They sat down outside the tent on a picnic blanket and got ready to eat. The first things out of the basket were the plates, silverware and drinks the two choices being iced tea and lemonade. Next was the food which were sandwiches made of turkey, lettuce, cheese, tomato, and mayo as a topping on sub bun. For the side was a mixture of fruit ranging from strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and all type of mixed fruits. And dessert, simple apple pie.

Once they situated their plates, they ate and chatted and joked around. Max thought it would be a good idea to throw little pieces of fruit in each other's mouths. It only turned out to be like...

*Max throws the blueberry at Victoria's mouth but hits in the face*

"Ouch, my gosh Maxine your aim sucks, I can see why you never played on a sports team" Victoria giggles wiping the fruit off her face.

"Ohh, that hurts right there in my cold cold heart" Max gawks jokingly.

*Victoria wipes the mess the blueberry made on her face off*

She turns to Max who is sporting a 'sad' look with an adorable pout on her face.

"Aww, what would make you feel better?" She says in a cutesy voice batting her eyelashes.

Max puts on a thinking face then says "Maybe a kiss would help, I am pretty hurt" .

Victoria comes closer to Max and brushes her nose against the brunette's, she glances in her blue eyes before pressing her lips against Max's lips they started kissing. Max moves her hand to Victoria's waist, this initiates Victoria to push her tongue against Max's lips telling her that she wants more, Max opens her mouth. Their tongues do a little dance. They go about this for a few minutes before separating for air.

Max breaths deeply, "Wowzer, this just gets better every time!".

Victoria smirks. "So I guess you're saying I'm good at making out?".

Max lightly pushes her shoulder. "Yeah sure Tori." She laughs.

The two girls decide to go explore before it gets dark, it had been a while since Max had been to the lighthouse and Victoria surprisingly had never actually to the place but driven by plenty of times. The lighthouse brought back good and bad memories. The doors to the place were unlocked so they went inside, from the outside it just looked like a plain old lighthouse but on the inside it was much more.

Max walked to some graffiti that was fading. It was a painting of a girl, with brown hair and green eyes. It read by the side "I'm still thinking about you". 'I wonder what the story behind this one was?', she turned and noticed Victoria walking up the stairs, she walked to follow her and grabbed her hand to hold it. Victoria felt the touch and intertwined their fingers. The couple walked up the stairs and stopped to look at the forbidden art on the walls.

"Wow, it looks soo beautiful up here". Victoria saying looking around in wonder.

"The only thing that is beautiful up here is you". Max smoothly says.

"Hehehe oh Maxine you are so cheesy, I love it". Victoria swoons.

They reached the top of the lighthouse and looked at the view from there to outside, it was a perfect view for Max to give Victoria her gift. She had hid it there Victoria wasn't looking. "Ohhh what is this?" Victoria noticed the bag with a card that read "Happy Valentine's Day Tori, I love you and so glad we are together". She opened the bag and pulled out a charm bracelet with 'm+v=3' engraved on the back, a box of chocolates, and some earrings. 'What a sweet present, I hope Maxine likes mine'. She looked at her gifts then turning to the brunette, pulling her into a soft kiss.

"I take it you liked them? Hehe" the brunette said rubbing the back of her neck.

Victoria giggled at her cuteness, "like them? I love them!...Ohh we should head back to the tent and get ready for dinner yeah?". Max nodded.

They headed back to their campsite. Victoria guided Max back to the tent, telling her to check something she thought she saw in there. Max stepped into the tent and saw a beautiful display, their bedding area had roses splayed on it 'When did she find time to do this?', with a box and a bag addressed to Max. She went to the bag first pulling out a big teddy bear, with a card that read "a sister for the captain".

She hugged the new stuffed animal then went for the box next. There are another card that read "Happy Valentine's Day Maxine! There is no one else in this world I'd rather spend it with than you. I hope we stay together for a long time! I love you! Xoxo Tori", opened up the box and saw a new t-shirt with a deer and a cat on it. She found it funny because it represented them. She called out to Victoria, who entered the tent. She walked quickly over to her girlfriend kissing her, knocking her down in the process. The two kissed for a few minutes, they smiled after they get done kissing. They both put their gifts by their things and get ready for dinner since it was almost 7 o clock.

The sun had gone down by 6:30, so they missed the sunset. However, they weren't going to miss the sunrise. For dinner it was salad, roasted chicken, and wine. Dessert was chocolate and s'mores they got finished with their meals...they started roasting marshmallows. This reminded Max of something, so she went back to their tent to get her guitar. Victoria sat on the bench next to her girlfriend wondering what she would be playing. Max started playing a familiar tune then started singing.

Let's gather round' the campfire and sing our campfire song.

Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song and if you don't think I can sing it faster then you're wrong but it would help if you just sing along Tori!

Bom bom bom

She started singing faster

C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song

C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song

And if you dont think that I can sing it faster then you're wrong

But it'll help if you just sing along Tori!

She waited for Victoria to sing but all the blonde did was sit there grinning at her silly girlfriend. She decided to humor her and started singing along.


It'll help

It'll help

If you just sing along!


The two girls started laughing at how silly they looked.

"That was soo cheesy Maxine, but it's a reason why I love you!" Victoria laughs and kisses her.

She places her guitar down and kisses her back.

They eat more s'mores, talked about many things, told ghost stories that didn't scare Max but scared Victoria even though she wouldn't admit it. They decide to leave the fire going it was cold that night, got ready for bed, and went to the tent. They made out for a while, before settling down and going to sleep. Around 3 am Max is awoken by Victoria who is looking scared and mumbling about seeing a bear and a ghost from the story she told her, insisting Max to go check outside with a flashlight.

Max steps outside the tent, she surveys the area and sees nothing is touched but the marshmallows they left out. Whatever touched the marshmallows left a trail, she follows the trail which leads her to a family of rabbits who are using the marshmallows as pillows. She decides to pick a baby and humor her girlfriend. She walks back to the tent and starts screaming, she lays down placing the baby rabbit on her and plays dead. Victoria rushes out of the tent and sees her girlfriend laying down with a rabbit on her.

She rushes over to Max, cradling her in her chest after moving the rabbit who hopped back to its home but not after stealing another marshmallow.

"Maxine! Can you hear me?! When I find that rabbit I'm gonna give it a piece of my mind" she strokes the girl's cheek.

Max 'wakes' up "Tori, I-is that you?" She squints her eyes.

Victoria looks shocked at this nearly in tears "oh no, that rabbit must've hurt you".

Max decides to end this ruse. "Yeah...but first off...really a rabbit? The noise was the rabbits taking back marshmallows to use them as pillows for their home".

Victoria perplexed by this discovery is brought back then punches Max in the shoulder.

"You scared me...I thought you were hurt!" Victoria pouts.

Max realizes that her scream must've really scared Victoria, so she comes up with a solution. "Maybe we could cuddle to see if you feel better" Max suggested shrugging sticking her hand out. Victoria grabs her hand. Max leads the way back to their tent, the pair cuddled like they did after they had their movie date. Victoria's heartbeat slowed down and matched with Max's. The pair slowly fell back to sleep, having sweet dreams.

Morning came and Max and Victoria's limbs intertwined, neither of the two girls wanted to get up and face the realities of school and their classmates. They had gotten up in time to see the sunrise, with bedheads the pair sat on the beach cuddled up together with their breakfast bagels and coffee. Watching the sunrise in Arcadia Bay was beautiful, the colors from the sun emulated on the beach water. The colors hit it just perfectly, Max quickly went back to get her camera and capture the beautiful moment she took two pictures, one for herself and the other for Victoria.

They both looked at each other after the sun rose and realized it was time to pack up and get ready to go back to school. They packed up their things after getting ready, looking back to their now empty campsite.

They intertwined fingers heading to Victoria's car. Victoria stops Max by a pull of her hand. "I have to ask you something" Victoria nervously asked.

Max shrugged indicated her to continue on, "Umm yesterday when you were texting your friend Clover a lot...You two were just friends right? there isn't anything going on?" Victoria asked avoiding eye contact. Max realized Victoria may have been worried because her and Chloe were best friends. She reassured her "Yes, Tori I love you...if I had any romances in the past I would've told you by now. Chloe is my best friend we've known each other for a long time, you have nothing to worry about okay? There isn't anything going on".

Victoria lets out a sigh of relief at this.

They continued on to Victoria's car. After they place their things in her car and get it, Victoria pushed the key in the ignition, she thought 'Silly me, of course Clover and Max were just friends...I've got nothing to worry about right? Right?'. She started her car, holding her right hand with Max's left hand, squeezing it and smiling at her.

The drive back to Blackwell Academy was with no worry...Yet was replaced with the time they spent together on Valentine's Day.

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