By overworkedwriter

339K 5.7K 3.3K

When Lu comes home from uni finding something she didn't expect, she packed her bags and left. Little did she... More

Before You Read and FAQ
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
iM lAuGhInG
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Q n A
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Q n A
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
whats happening
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63 (the end!)
thank you

Chapter 16

5K 98 73
By overworkedwriter

Simon and I headed towards the living room, where two bean bags were on the floor and the big TV was already turned on. 'What movie are we watching?' I asked as I plopped myself down on the couch, trying to act as normal as possible. My hands definitely weren't clammy and I definitely wasn't internally screaming.

'Whichever you want,' He replied with a sigh as he plopped himself down next to me. He quickly went to Netflix, and then gave me a knowing look to tell him what I wanted to watch.

I shrugged. 'I honestly have nothing particular in mind.' I told him. He scrolled down to the movie genres.

'Well, do you know what genre you want to watch at least? I mean, I know horror movies are completely out of the question but what about romantic comedies? You always loved those.' He proposed. 'Loved', as if my taste in movies would have changed in the past two months.

'Why can't you choose?' I looked up into his blue eyes, which were dark because of the dim lighting.

'Because I know I'll be up for anything you're up for.' A small smile played on his lips as he fiddled with the TV remote, still awaiting an answer.

'Fine, let's see what romantic comedies there are,' I smiled and sank back into the couch, forcing myself to relax a little.

We eventually settled for a movie neither of us had seen or heard of before. I grabbed a couple of the pillows that were already on the couch and cuddled them to get comfortable just as the movie was starting. As it was a romantic comedy we were watching, some moments were very cringey, like the protagonist having a bad first kiss and a bad first dance with a boy she had a huge crush on. I frowned to myself and hugged the pillows tighter.

'Why are you cringing so hard?' Simon laughed at me over the sound of the movie still playing.

'It's just– I don't know. It's just really cringe.' I bit down on my lower lip and continued watching.

'Want to watch something else?' He offered but I shook my head. We couldn't start a new movie now that I just got into this one. I heard Simon chuckle to himself softly, and then stretch his arms out. My heart started beating a little faster when he placed one arm on the sofa behind me so that he was leaning to my side a little.

Instead of the pillows, I was more leaning against Simon, my head lightly pressed against his arm. His deodorant smelled amazing, and I closed my eyes for a brief moment. It reminded me of the other countless Movie Nights we had had back in our own apartment. I wondered who was living there now. I remembered coming home after a long day of uni and sitting down at the dining table to start my homework, and then Simon would come up to me from behind and massage my upper back for me, since he knew I always tensed up. I remembered going to meet his parents for the first time and seeing the room he lived in when he was in high school, the stale smell of the same deodorant still hanging in the air.

'Lu?' Simon whispered and nudged me lightly, making me conscious of how I was completely pressed against him and started dosing off. But I was too comfortable, too warm and too tired to open my eyes and reply to him. I felt his chest move up and down as he chuckled at me, and then brought an arm around my shoulders to further pull me into him.

I bit down on the inside of my cheek when I suddenly thought about how Freya and Sarah would react to this. I wasn't sure if they would be fine with it or not, and that made me feel uncomfortable. Nevertheless, I couldn't see what Simon or myself were doing wrong in this moment, so I didn't budge. I enjoyed the music of the movie and the feel of his soft, warm, pale skin pressed against me. Thoughts were running through my mind but then they froze.

Simon pressed his soft lips against my cheek lightly. 'If only I could tell you how she doesn't even compare to you. I wish I hadn't let her kiss me.'

It sparked my consciousness a little, but then sleep pulled me in and my mind was at peace.

'For fucks sake, be quiet!' I woke up to Simon whisper shouting at somebody in the room. 'She's sleeping, allow her.' He still had one arm wrapped around me, but it sunk down to around my waist.

'Simon, it's past midnight, don't you think she should go home?' I recognised Josh's voice coming from the hallway.

'Not until she wakes up herself. She looks so peaceful...' He pulled a stray strand that had been tickling my nose and pushed it behind my ear.

'Freya and Sarah will be worried.' Josh stated in a firm voice.

'Josh–' Simon began to say but stopped when I stirred in his arms. I opened one eye slowly to see Simon looking down at me with a soft expression on his face. His eyes looked tired but happy.

I sighed and frowned to myself. I missed the entire second half of the movie. 'I'm sorry I missed the movie.' I croaked in a sleepy voice and Josh giggled to himself. I sat up straight, pulling myself out of Simon's hold.

'It's one in the morning, do you want me to drive you home?' Josh offered. 'I don't think Freya and Sarah would still be awake.' He reasoned.

Without answering, I sat up and checked my phone. It was indeed one in the morning, but I had also received a couple of messages from both Sarah and Freya.

Freya: tell us when you want us to pick you up, everything ok? xx

Saz: are you still alive??? what movie are you watching?? when do we have to pick you up??

Freya: Lu? It's almost midnight, are you guys ok?? slightly concerned..

Saz: bro why aren't you replying??

'Lu?' Josh asked when he didn't get an answer. I could tell Simon was reading the text messages over my shoulder.

'Josh, it's fine, I can drive her.' Simon told him.

'Alright,' Josh said and raised his hands in defence, slowly backing out of the doorframe and heading back up to his room.

I slowly stood up and gathered my things. I stumbled towards the front door and pulled my shoes on as well as my coat, slipping my phone in my pocket after having quickly replied to both Freya and Sarah.

Me: sorry, I fell asleep :/ on my way home now

I was surprised I immediately got an answer back from Sarah.

Saz: hurry up, I wanna know everything ;) no panic attacks?

Me: nope, ttyl

'Okay, have you got everything?' Simon asked as he slipped his own black winter coat on and grabbed this house keys from the dining room table. I nodded and avoided rubbing the sleep from my eyes because I still had makeup on. 'I swear to God, if you fall asleep in my car...' He joked and the both of us chuckled. He opened the front door and beckoned for me to step outside first. 'Ladies first,' He laughed, putting a genuine smile on my face.

The car ride back to my flat was quiet, since the radio had nothing fun so we turned it off. Simon kept one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the clutch, which I was very aware of.

'I had fun tonight, even if you did fall asleep. I missed our Movie Nights.' He said out of the blue. I pressed my lips together to make a fine line.

'I'm really sorry for sleeping on you,' He must've found it quite boring.

'You should really watch the end of the movie though, it was pretty good.'

'Wait, Simon Minter actually enjoying a romantic comedy?' I  let myself laugh, teasing him.

'Yes, what a miracle, who knew such a thing could occur?' He said sarcastically, with a thick, posh British accent.

'I had fun too,' I said in a soft, quieter voice.


I drafted this on Valentine's Day (I was sick and alone) so that's why it's extra long 😂 ... It's 5 months later and I'm still alone and sick again...

An even longer chapter will be up tomorrow :)

Mel xx

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