
By MJsGirl1987

63K 2.6K 3.4K

Leanne was once a sweet, young and happy girl until she tragically lost her parents and went into the care of... More

New life
The past
Breaking rules
No class
Too close
Just pretend
Morning after
Playing games
True feelings
Start of something new
Girl problems
Father and son
Help wanted
Flash backs
First steps
Tell me
Don't go
Time's up
No more lies
Please don't
New start
Happy birthday
Who are you?
True identity
Set up
While you were sleeping
Old wounds
Lie or Tell?
Feeling guilty
The little thing's
Lisa's trial
Tell him
Talk to me
Strange behaviour
Mary's Trial P.1
Mary's trail Pt. 2
The truth
Tell her
Making plans
No more
Better off
For the best
Avoiding the issues
Too Many questions
Who's the father?
It's Over
Birthday surprise
What happened that day
Better this way
Dinner guests
Everything happens for a reason
Moving on


316 14 48
By MJsGirl1987

Leanne's POV

"Are you sure you wanna go back to the hotel? I can just go and check on things myself of it's too much for you? You can stay here and relax" Micheal says as i'm getting ready. "There's no need really, plus I can't just stay home all the time"

"Why not? you'll be home most of the day in four months from now" he smiles placing his hand I my tummy. "That's in four months and I'll be busy all the time at home, not just sitting around the house doing nothing all day. I hate sitting around doing nothing all day"

"If your sure your gonna be ok"

"I'm fine" I smile and peck his lips. "What about... you know?" He mumbles. "Emma?" I ask and he nods. "What of she starts questioning you again"

"She most likely will"

"And What Are you gonna say?"

"Same thing I said last time. After we went home, Mary and I had and argument and I left and haven't seen or spoken to her since, just like you told me to tell people. I'll be fine. I can't avoid her forever. i'll have to speak to her eventually. She works there" I shrug. "She doesn't have to"

"What do you mean?" I ask confused. "If her being there is a problem for you then I can just fire her and..."

"You can't do that" I cut him off. "She's a good worker and it won't be fair to fire her if she hasn't done anything wrong"

"But if it's making you feel uncomfortable"

"Then i'll deal with it. I'd rather feel uncomfortable than risk her going back to... her old life" I mumble that last part and he nods understandably. "If your sure you'll be ok"

"I'm sure" I nod "shouldn't you be at the office by now?" I change the topic seeing the time. "I'm gonna go later after I've checked on something"

"Check on what?" I ask confused and he doesn't say anything and I realise by his face where he's going. "What is there to check?"

"Just to make sure that nobody's been there and stuff. I won't be there long"

"Maybe I should go instead" I suggest and he shakes his head. "I don't want you near that place"

"But it's not fair you having to keep going. This is my mess" I mumble and he wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to him. "It's fine. That woman put you through so much trauma and alot of people would have snapped if they went through something like you did. You don't need to go there and keep being reminded of what she did to you and what happened there" he says softly. "But I've put you through so much too. You never would have had these problems if I hadn't turned up" I mumble. "You didn't just turn up. I came to you remeber? And I was the one that wanted you in my life and did everything I could to be with you"

"You didn't know you'd have this much drama though" I shrug "true.. but you've brought me so much more than that. I've never been so happy and felt so loved until you came into my life and I've brought many problems for you too remeber? but we got through both our problems together and if we can get through all that then we can get through anything.. and we'll get through it together" he smiles and pecks my lips.

Micheal's POV

After Leanne leaves Bugsy starts crying near the back door so I open the door to let him out then go upstairs to get ready.

I'm only going to be there a few minutes to check nobody's been there, but I still hate going there because I can't help but imagine the things that happened there and that's why I don't want Leanne going there. From the things she told me about her childhood, that house was once a happy and loving home for her which now thanks to Mary became the place where all her pain and misery started. Plus there being a dead body in basement makes it even more creepy.

That house was once the place where Leanne felt the happiest and she has all these great memories of her and her parents and even that may have been a lie. I'm still waiting for the test results to come back and even though deep down I already know what it's going to say. I'm still praying that the DNA test comes back as a match. Leanne loved her parents so much and I really don't want to break her heart by telling her that the two people she loved more than anything lied to her, her whole life and stole her from her real mother.

After getting dressed, I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and a hear a dog barking and a loud wailing sound and quickly rush downstairs and open the back door.

As I open the door a large dog that's by the bushes quickly runs away when it sees me and I rush over towards the bushes, where the wailing is coming from and see Bugsy lay in the grass shaking and covered in blood.

"Ssshh... It's ok. Your safe now" I say softly as I place him gently in the front seat of my car and wrap the blankie I put around him a little tighter around him and stroke his little head then quickly make my way to the vets.

Leanne's POV

I'm. Still worried about seeing Emma again especially after how things went last time. I've already told her what Micheal told me to say if anybody asks about the trail or Mary, but I'm still worried about seeing her and worry that she'll be able tell I'm lying. When we were both at the brothel, I tried to lie to her about me and Micheal and about us getting close, but she saw right through my lies and I'm worried she'll see through this one too.

When I get to the hotel I see Emma dealing with a customer then walk away and walk over to try and quickly get to my office before she sees me, but I'm called over by Sarah the other receptionist.

"I have some messages for you" she smiles and I smile back as she she starts going through some papers and I turn and see Emma come back, but she doesn't say anything or even look in my direction and continues working.

After giving me a huge list of messages I go to my office and sign heavily and sit down at my desk. Normally it doesn't take me too long, but since I haven't been here for awhile everything's started to pile up which is going to take me forever to get through.

After an hour or more of working there's a knock on the door.

"Hey" I mumble, nervously opening the door to Emma. "I've not come over here to fight with you. I just wanna talk... please?" She says softly and I nod letting her in and I close the door behind us and Emma walks over to my desk.

"So what happened?"

"I already told you. Mary and I got into an argument and I went back to Micheal and haven't heard from her since" I shrug walking over and sitting back at my desk.

"But why did you lie in the first place? And why didn't you hand in that tape? Leanne, that woman murdered your parents and you defended her. Why?"

"She told me that the tape was edited and I know this sounds stupid, but at the time I honestly believed her and when she said she'd changed I..."

"You believed her?" She cuts me off and I nod. "I'm sorry for what I did" I mumble and she sighs heavily. "It's not all your fault. I know how Mary can get inside people's heads" she says softly. "I just wished you'd come to me or Micheal if you didn't feel comfortable telling me. Do you still have the tape?" She asks and I shake my head. "I'm sorry" I mumble and she sighs slightly.

"At least your away from her and your safe. That's something I suppose, but you do realise what could have happened if you hadn't left that night? She already got in your head many times before, just like she has mine and many others, but if you'd told us what was going on then we could have helped you. You do realise the danger you put yourself in and your baby's too. If she had no problem doing what she did to you then who knows what she could and would have done to your baby" she says soft yet sternly and I nod, not saying anything.

"I'm sorry" I mumble "just don't keep thing's bottled up again ok? And come to me if you need help. No more trying to deal with everything yourself. You have friends and Micheal and his family all around you and we're all here if ever you need help or just someone to talk to" she smiles at me through pursed lips and I smile back the same way.

"I'm due my lunch hour soon. You wanna go get something to eat?"

"Sure" I smile, standing up then quickly sit back down, holding my head, feeling a little dizzy. "Are you ok!? Is it the baby!?" Emma worries, rushing towards me. "I'm fine. I just got up to fast and got a little light headed is all" I smile and take a drink from my water bottle.

"Are you sure you working here isn't too much for you in your condition?"

"I'm fine. Like I said. I just got up a little fast is all. So where do you wanna go eat?" I ask changing the topic and get up from my seat again only this time not so fast. "Well instead of going out. I though we can get take out. There's this really nice place that does deliveries"

"Sure, we can do that" I smile and sit back down.

Micheal's POV

"Is he ok?" I ask the vet nervously as she walks out of the room.

"He's been bitten pretty deep on his tail and his right ear, but we've treated and bandaged the wounds and I've given him some antibiotics your to give him twice a day. He's also still pretty shaken from the whole thing. So he'll need a little more TLC than normal" she explains and I nod "So he's going to be ok?"

"He's going to be fine. Luckily you got to him on time" she smiles at me through pursed lips. "I have no idea where that got came from"

"Well I'd suggest checking your fence to see if there's any gaps. It most likely got through that way. I'd also recommend keeping him in doors for awhile" she explains and I nod.

After signing some forms and getting the medication, I put Bugsy back in the car with his blankie around him and drive over to Leanne's old house.

"I'll be right back, I promise" I say softly to Bugsy and make sure he's warm and comfy and leave the window open a crack so he can have some fresh air then make my way into the house.

I go through the back door as always So nobody sees me and go look around, checking all the windows are still locked and if anything has moved and check the padlock to the basement door is still locked, but don't open it then make my way upstairs to do the same.

I get to the top of the stairs and hear a loud scratching sounds from downstairs and stand nervously for a moment then quietly walk back down the stairs and the scratching is getting louder.

I nervously walk into the hallway and am about to unlock the basements when I hear crying and quickly run towards the front door.

"What the fuck!?" I say to myself, looking through the peephole and see Bugsy scratching and crying at the front door.

I carefully open the door slightly, making sure to keep my head behind the door and quickly grab him and close the door before anybody sees.

"Are you trying to get me caught?" I frown and he meows softly and struggles himself up in my arms. "Your so luckily your cute" I say giving him a cuddle then place him on the sofa and go and check upstairs.

After I'm done I go back down to get Bugsy so we can leave, but I stop suddenly seeing Lisa standing in the hall way.

"W-what are you doing here?" I ask nervously.

"Were you expecting someone else?" Lisa says with and attitude, standing with her arms folded.

"What are you doing here?" I ask again. "Well I did come to see you at home last night, but you were a little busy with that tramp!" she scoffs. "Have you been spying on me!?" I frown. "Of course not! But it wouldn't kill you to close your drapes if you have a hooker with you. How could you take her back after everything she did!?" she scoffs. "And what's all this? You have another woman? Different house for each woman? How many are there?"

"Leanne and I never broke up and how the fuck did you find me!?"

"I came to talk to you again this morning after she left, but you rushed out before I had the chance and..."

"So you've been stalking me!? What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I snap cutting her off. "I wasn't stalking you! I came to your house so we could talk and I was gonna give you a second chance and..."

"Why the fuck would I wanna second chance with you?" I frown confused and she sighs heavily. "Micheal, why are you still fighting it? You and me belong together and you know deep down it's me you love and we can be happy again. All three of us. We can be a family. You me and our son" she says softly. "That's not my baby" I frown.

"But he can be. He can be the son you always wanted and i'll be the wife you always wanted. I know I've made mistakes in the past but..."

"Mistakes!?" I cut her off "Lisa, you lied to me, used me for my money, fucked any man that came near you and oh yeah.... YOU ALMOST FUCKING KILLED ME!!"

"That was an accident and..."

"Are you actually being serious?" I cut her off again. "How many ways do I have to tell you? I... Don't... want... You" I say slowly. "I love Leanne and we are having a family. Not me and You. Me and Leanne. That kid of yours is not my problem. So if your looking for someone to come help you and take care of you both, then go and find he's daddy and have him take care of it. I have my own life and my own happy little family and I don't need or want you around fucking everything up"

"If you love her so much then why are you messing around with other women huh?" She raises an eyebrow "What are you talking about?" I frown confused.

"Who is she? Is this her house? Because I don't see Leanne anywhere. You never cheated when you were with me and you know why? because you loved me and I made you happy. If you loved Leanne and she made you as happy as I did then you wouldn't be messing around with other women and..."

"I'm not cheating on anybody and even if I was, it's nothing to do with you, you fucking phycho and... wait how did you get in here?" I ask "the door... duh" she shrugs sarcastically. "Which...." I pause seeing the light shining by the front door.

"You fucking stupid bitch!!" I snap rushing over and closing it quickly "did anybody see you come in!?"

"Why? Scared one of your little side pieces will see me?" She says sarcastically "I'm not fucking around with you! Now tell me. Did anybody see you or not?" I say sternly and she opens her mouth to speak and there's a knock on the front door. "We have to go" I say nervously heading towards the kitchen "Why? If your so inocent then you won't mind me talking to whatever whore you were waiting for. Which you were. I can see that guilty look all over your face" she says with an attitude "don't open it" I whisper in a hushed tone as she walks to door and I rush into the kitchen and unlock the back door then realise Bugsy is still in living room and I stand nervously behind the door listening to Lisa and whoever is at the door.

"If this is your house then who was the last owners that sold it to you?" The woman asks Lisa suspiciously. "It doesn't matter! Fact is i'm here now and all you hoes can keep away!" Lisa snaps "And who are you exactly?"

"Lisa, Marie, Presley, Jackson... exactly! Now if you or any other whore tries to come over here again it'll be the last thing you ever do!" She snaps.

Stupid bitch! I say to myself then I hear Bugsy, crying and looking around for me.

I kneel down near the door and when he gets close enough. I quickly grab him and quietly open the back door and I hear Lisa slam the front door and I quickly rush out the back and into my car and drive away before anybody sees me.

Lisa's POV

After slamming the door and locking it on the little tramp, Micheal invited over I go into the kitchen where he was hiding and I see the back door wide open and Micheal driving off and I sigh heavily and close the door.

My talk with Micheal didn't exactly go as I'd hoped, but I know I can still win him back. I knew Micheal has had a lot of anger and hurt feelings towards me after our divorce, but now he's gotten all that anger of his chest, it'll be much easier to talk to him next time.

I always knew Micheal loved me more than he loved Leanne and all this has just proved that. Micheal never cheated on me during our marriage because he loved me and didn't want anybody else and if he's cheating on Leanne then clearly he doesn't and never really has loved her.

After getting a glass of water, I make my way back outside through the back door close it behind me.

I'm gonna give Micheal a few days to calm down from his little tantrum he just had then it'll be much easier to talk to him. He may be a little hesitant right now, but I know he'll give into me eventually.

Micheal's POV

When I get home. I see Leanne's car outside and I take Bugsy from the seat and carry him inside.

"I'm back!" I call out and hear Leanne coming downstairs. "Hey, have you seen Bugsy? I can't.... WHAT THE FUCK!!?" She gasps taking him from me. "He had a little accident, but he's ok and.. "

"Ok!!? He's missing half a fucking ear!!! How is that ok!!? What happened to him!?" She snaps and cuddles him while I tell her about the dog that got in our yard.

"Who's dog was it?" She frowns. "I have no idea. I haven't seen it before, but there's something more important I need to tell you"

"About what?" She looks at me nervously and I sigh heavily and tell her about Lisa and what happend at the house.

"I had no idea why she was following me, I made it clear to her time and time again, but she just won't seem to listen and..."

"Did anybody see you?" She cuts me off and I shake my head. "No, but whoever was at the door saw Lisa and the stupid bitch gave the woman her name" I frown, still pissed and confused why she did that. "But she didn't give yours?"


"Are you sure? And a your definitely sure they didn't see you?" She asks nervously and I nod. "Nobody saw me and when I opened the door for Bugsy. I was behind the door, nobody would have saw my face and I heard Lisa close the door before I snuck out the back and she never said my name"

"Then your ok then? Nobody saw you or knows your name" she tries to reassure me and herself. "No, but they saw Lisa and know hers"

"But you said she told the woman she lived there?"

"She did but..."

"Then we're fine. They probably think I just sold the house and... wait what about... You know? Did she see?" She panicks and I shake my head. "The basements padlocked and we're the only ones with a key" I reassure her taking the key from my pocket and she nods.

"We're gonna have to do something about her soon" she says nervously and I nod. "I'll speak to Joesph and ask him to come over and help try and figure out what to do" I say and she nods nervously still cuddling Bugsy.

I called Joesph and asked him to come over, but he was in meetings all day. He was really pissed when I told him about Lisa turning up and what happened, but he said he'd come over first thing tomorrow to help figure out what to do.

It's getting late and Leanne and I are on the sofa cuddling and Bugsy is sitting on Leanne's lap while she feeds him the chicken she cooked fresh for him.

"I think someone's getting a little spoilt tonight" I chuckle watching them. "He deserves it. Don't you?" She coos at him, giving him the last piece of chicken and he meows softly and yawns.

"You getting sleepy too?" I smile stroking his head. "Maybe he should stay with us tonight?" Leanne suggest and I shake my head. "He's not sleeping in our bed. He'll get cat hairs all over and..."

"He almost died today" she cuts me off. "Don't you remeber how that feels? And do remeber how safe we both felt after we were back home and snuggled up together?"

"Of course I do but..." I pause when Bugsy moves closer to me and stares at me and I can't help feeling sorry for him with all his little bandages and sad eyes looking up at me.

"Why do have to do this to me?" I sigh, giving in to his sad stares and pick him up. "He can sleep in our bed tonight, but then tomorrow he's back in his cat bed and your changing the bedsheets first thing in the morning" I say sternly, getting up from my seat. "Thank you" Leanne smiles and gets up and leans over to take him from me. "It's fine. I'll carry him for you" I mutter stroking his little head as he snuggles up to me an we all go upstairs to bed.

I haven't said anything else to Leanne since I spoke to Joesph because I don't want her panicking, especially in her condition, but I'm still really worried about what happened today and I have no idea what we're gonna do, but hopefully Joesph will be able to figure out a way for us to get her out of there soon. We got lucky today, but the longer Mary's in there. The more chance there is of someone finding her.

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