My Perfect Crush

By StaceyHemmington

17.9K 451 61

#169 Gorgina suffered for her whole life. She was treated blankly by her nana. Her life is miserable at its b... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 26

212 5 5
By StaceyHemmington

Gorgina's POV

Class, power, authority and wealth shout the entire house. There are paintings hang on the walls, a big mirror, white sofas, wide screen television. The entire house is clean, refreshing and relaxing.

I put Hazel down. She went to her room? I guess. Her room is located at the second floor.

There are also antiques like vases. The color of the house is white. Very different from Cauli's condo unit which is almost matte black. There are also maids. They are around five above?

"Come on Jasper! Ate is waiting for you!" She's trying to grab Jasper's hand.

Poor Jasper! How I thought how sweet and beautiful his dreams are but Hazel just interrupted it. He's rubbing off his eyes, using barehands, to make his vision clear while walking lazily towards me.

I walked to them while smiling. They stopped walking and let me reach them.

"Jasper!" I proclaimed his name joyfully. He just stared at me for a while and began spreading his beautiful smile, maybe when he realized it was me.

"Ate!" He offered his little shoulder, as a sign of wanting me to lift him up. I bend down to reach and carry him.

Damn. I really miss this cute little boy.

"I miss you so much little boy." I said and kissed him on his cheeks.

"I miss you too, ate." He pouted.

I put him down and kissed Hazel's cheeks.

"Where's mom and dad?"

"I don't know. Who are you talking about?" Her forehead creased.

"Your mom and dad." Her eyes widened and her genuine smiles spread all through out her face.

"Really? You're calling my mom and dad the way I call them?"

"Yes, honey." I smiled.

Her contagious smiles faded. I was a little bit worried and full of wonders. What's wrong? Why do her smiles fade? Doesn't she like it?

"I'm so happy ate but..." I stared at her Hazel eyes.

What a beautiful eyes. Her name fits the color of her eyes. Just like mine, I have green eyes. That's why Emerald. And Jasper, yes, he has blue eyes.

"... but I don't know what would be Ate Ruby's reaction when she'll know about it."

I'm a little bit frozen because of what she said.

Ruby? Ruby Mercalesia?

"Is she our sibling?"

I'm a little bit craving for the answers. What if Ruby is my sister? But what if not? She doesn't look like mom nor dad.

"No. And she knows nothing 'bout it." Mom butted in.

Questions are running through my head. She's just adopted? She has no Mercalesia blood? How come? Who's she? Who are her parents?

"We kept it from her because we have no chance to reveal her true identity." Dad butted in.

How did they do it? Like, keeping secrets for a long period of time. Hiding the real identity of Ruby... how? And why? Why did they keep it?

"Because once she'll know about it, she would run away. We love her. We took good care of her. We gave everything she wants. We provide everything she needs. We treat her like our own child because we always believe that if we'll take good care of her, it's like taking good care of you too."

I still don't get it. But of course, I believe in them. I believe they have good intentions.

It's the matter of real identity after all.

What they did is like what nana did to me too. But what's the difference is, Ruby is fortunate but I'm not.

"Where's Ruby by the way?"

"She had her vacation in Philippines. She'll be back by next week."


"Yes. With her friends." Mom smiled. I can sense that she's trying to explain everything to me.

"Okay." I slowly nodded.

"Please, let's not talk about it now. Now that you're here, why don't we just enjoy your presence? Cherish every moments with you. You still have loads of things to know Gorgina."

"Yes dad." I looked down.

"Ate." Hazel whispered.

I rested my knees on the floor to reach her.


"I'm hungry. Let's eat?"

"Oh yeah. The dinner is ready." Dad butted in, chuckling.


We marched the way to kitchen. It is so simple yet, classy. Long table with chairs beside on it, and crystal chandeliers that boost your mood.

The foods are ready. The viand is sinigang na baboy. It is a type of viand which the main ingredient is pork or what we called baboy. The broth is sour or acidic because of tamarind or green mango added on it.

"Wow! Sinigang na baboy! My favorite!" Hazel shouted out loud joyfully.

"Hey calm down honey." I whispered and cracked a laughter.

I pulled the chair so Hazel could sit on it. There's a small chair or something where the baby sits and there's a "table" provided. It is where Jasper had his meal.

I sat beside Hazel. Mom and dad are in front of us. Jasper is at the center.

"The Hamlet's business will be merged with ours." Dad said, in the midst of meal, and took a sip of pineapple juice.

Hamlet's business? What's their business?

"Really?" Mom asked in shocked voice.

"What's their business dad?"

"It's about jewels, sweetheart." Mom answered with a smile.

"You have that kind of business?" My eyebrows met.

I thought mom is a fashion designer... ONLY?

"Yes, sweety. Don't you know it? Ruby is handling it." Mom smiled.

I gulped once.

What?! How come I didn't know about it? Well, besides of being far from them but... I should know it like from news or articles, right?

"How come I didn't know about it?"

"Eme... we're still on process. We still have no desicion."

Oh well... I hope that won't happen.

"And who's handling Hamlet's company?"

"Of course, the one and only son of my buddy... Cauli."

If that would be the case... should I worry? Well... there's nothing to worry about, right? I believe in Cauli. He won't hurt me.

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