Newt Returns to New York (New...

Galing kay accionewtina

132K 3.7K 4K

Newtina Fanfiction: Newt has come back to New York after a year in England, where he has finished his book an... Higit pa

Back in New York
Tina's Assignment
The Beginning
Into the Case
Enter the Love Triangle
The Fight
Wrong Date
Leta Lestrange
First Date
Sisterly Love
Glimpse of Danger
The Caribbean
Grindelwald Returns
The Proposal
Her Choice
Queenie's Back
The Wedding
Kissed and Disguised
Return to Hogwarts
Nifflers and Engagement Rings


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Galing kay accionewtina

11 years later-

Tina woke up with her head nestled against someone's chest, reluctantly opening her eye. She felt his strong arms wrapped around her waist, seeing him smile as he sneaked a kiss on her forehead.

"Morning love," he said softly.

She leaned her head back on the pillow as he hovered over her, his arms on either side of her, their foreheads an inch apart.

She raised her eyebrows expectantly and he smiled, looking down. He leaned forward and was about to close the distance when Tina quickly rolled to the left and leaped off the bed, laughing as Newt rolled his eyes, turning on his back and placed his hands behind his head.

"You're a devil, you know that?" he said, smiling at the ceiling.

She shrugged as she pulled out an outfit. "You forget, today is Hope's first day of school. It's not me you should be worried about."

Newt grinned. "I don't have to be worried about her. It's the best wizarding school in the world, she won't be worried at all," he said confidently.

*The Scamanders arrive at the station*

"But Mom, I don't want to go to Hogwarts!" Hope Scamander insisted, clinging on to Tina's arm at the train station of 9 3/4.

"Hey, I told you to go to Ilvermorny," Tina said, throwing her hands up. Hope had been worried all morning. Newt rolled his eyes at Tina and knelt down next to his daughter, trembling next to her cart.

He took her hand. "Hope, sweetheart, it's going to be alright, I promise," he said, looking into her startling blue eyes.

"Why can't I just stay in your case forever and you can teach me?" she whined, holding on to his hand tightly.

He sighed. "Hope, I can't teach you everything," he said quietly. "But I can guarantee you will have excellent grades in Care of Magical Creatures. You already do so well with all of the creatures in our case. In fact," he smiled. "You'll probably be better than the teach-"

Tina swatted his arm.

He looked down, smiling, and shrugged. "It's true," he whispered into her ear, and Hope giggled.

"But what if I get put in a house I don't like?" she asked.

Tina knelt down next to her daughter. "You are going to be successful no matter what," she promised.

All around, cameras were flashing pictures of the Scamanders, especially of their daughter Hope. Newt and Tina had tried to keep her out of the spotlight after being warned by Dumbledore that Hope would have extraordinarily strong powers, considering her parentage. It didn't seem to be working now.

Newt nodded in agreement with his wife and kissed Hope on the forehead. "Nothing's going to go wrong, just do what you're told and you'll-" he stopped as he saw Hope's eyes widened. Newt immediately looked down at his case and winced.

The latch was open on both sides of his case.

Newt and Tina immediately looked at each other, and a feeling of dejavu entered both of their minds. "I knew that occamy wouldn't stay put," he muttered.

Hope put her head on the side of her face- this wasn't the first time. "I'm going to find a compartment, goodbye," she announced, exasperated as she started pulling her luggage onto the train and sat down.

Newt couldn't help but smile as he started looking around for the occamy, when he noticed Tina hadn't moved. He sighed.

"Tina please help me find the occamy, if it fills this space, it could be catastrophic-" he looked at his wife, casually looking at her fingernails. "Tina!"

She looked at him. "This is exactly why I told you not to take her to Hogwarts."

"She hasn't even gotten there yet, and that has absolutely nothing to do with it!" he said, frustrated as Tina shrugged. Then he took a deep breath.

Tina likes apologies, he remembered.

"Do you want me to drop to one knee?" Newt asked, exasperated.

Tina shrugged, before he wrapped his arms around her and she laughed as he sighed, giving in to her smile. "Fine," she said. She started looking around the corners of the station and underneath crevices.

"I do have a request," she said absentmindedly.

He waved his wand, casually lifting the train up to look for the occamy. "Yes?" he asked nervously.

"Just say it. I just want to hear you say it," she said. "'Ilvermorny is the best wizarding school in the world.'"

"I'm afraid I can't do that," he said sadly. "School pride and all that."

"Hufflepuff," she murmured.

"Thunderbird," he replied softly. She ignored him.

Then he looked over and saw the occamy slithering into the train and his throat tightened.

"Erm, Tina," he said quietly. "We might have a problem."

Tina put her hand up. "Don't tell me," she said, laughing with a look that told Newt she was very done. "The occamy is in the train, isn't it?"

Newt sighed. Tina looked back at the cameras, wincing as she pulled Newt into the train and they ran in. Then Newt opened the first compartment and saw Hope immediately still, standing, and Newt and Tina, sensing something as well, frozen along with her.

"Oh no," Hope whispered to herself and then gasped as she looked up.

Newt cringed as he turned and heard a rumble throughout the train and looked to the left where a pair of occamy eyes was staring back at him.

He cautiously stepped forward and pulled out his case, and then heard a scream behind him. A girl from the compartment was looking in horror and startled the occamy. It started to writhe around and the train burst.

Immediately, Newt grabbed Tina, Hope, and his case and his wand seemed to materialize in his hand as he slid it out quickly, casting a protection spell around them.

They looked up and saw the occamy chirp and throw its head back, and Hope rolled her eyes, and then yanked her hands out of her parents arms. "I knew this was going to happen," she said, and approached the occamy.

Tina looked at Newt worriedly, but Newt shook his head. "Give it a minute," he said softly, cocking his head at his daughter as cameras flashed.

Tina glared at him. "That's our daughter, and you're just going to let her- you're insane!"

Newt smiled and pointed. Tina turned and saw Hope daintily walk towards the occamy. It looked at her suspiciously. She gazed at it without fear in her eyes.

Hope felt her heart pounding, but she steeled her nerves. She walked right up to the occamy and it squawked at her, getting defensive. She stopped, and held out her hand. It blinked, confused.

She slowly pulled out her wand, and whispered a spell. A teapot appeared in her hand, and Newt whispered to Tina, "That's my girl."

She was picking up an insect off the ground when the occamy perked up and started to lunge toward her. Tina lurched forward, but Newt's arm stopped her. "Wait, love."

She immediately flicked her wand, and shot a spell at it. It jerked back. "No," she said defiantly, determined to tame it back.

Tina nudged Newt. "The courage is from me," she said, shrugging proudly.

"The talent is from me," he defended. "It's amazing, the occamy is obeying her. I've never seen an occamy take commands."

Everyone watched in awe as the occamy waited for her command, and then lunged into the teapot, and she quickly capped it and stood up.

The cameras flashed like crazy as the wizards and witches stood up from their hiding places and started to clap for her. She blushed and walked back to her parents.

"Did you see that?" she said excitedly. "I just tamed an occamy!"

Tina smiled sadly. "Honey, you were amazing," she said proudly, ruffling her blond hair. Newt leaned down and kissed her on the cheek and flicked his wand as he murmured "Repairo," and the train became whole again. They walked her back on and she sat down as they wished her off from outside the train.

A boy came up and sat down next to Hope. She looked up, startled.

"Hello," he said, smiling. She smiled as she recognized him.

"Hi," she replied, shifting closer to him.

They started a conversation, and Newt's arm suddenly tightened as he realized this boy liked his daughter.

Tina laughed and rubbed his arm. "I'm not sure I'm ready for this whole growing up concept," Newt said, looking at his daughter laugh at something the boy had said.

Tina pushed him playfully. "Come on, don't you remember when we were deep in love, you and me?" she said, resting her head against his shoulder.

He smiled. "Who's to say that's changed?" he asked. "Every morning, I look at you and fall in love with you all over again."

Red pulsed through her cheeks, and she looked down, embarrassed. "I'll never get tired of you blushing," he added, and she rolled her eyes.

They looked up and saw the boy lean in. Newt stood up was about to give that boy a piece of his mind when Tina's arm wrapped around his waist.

"Slow down," she said. "Just look at me. They've known each other since they were kids. I'm sure-" she stopped.

Hope was standing up and it appeared that she was giving him a piece of her mind. Newt's smile, and he offered Tina his arm as his good mood returned.

Tina shook her head at him. "Let's go, I think she can take care of herself," she chuckled, taking his arm and resting her head on his shoulder. They waved to Hope as the train raced away

They apparated to his case and started their early morning chores. Tina beat him to the occamies and he met her there when he was done.

"I swear sometimes you love them more than me," he accused as she walked over and sat in his lap with an occamy cradled in her arms. She opened her mouth to respond, but then seemed to think for a moment.

"Do you ever wonder what would have happened if your Niffler hadn't gotten loose?"

He rested his head on the crook of her neck, wrapping his arms around her. "Never," he said. "Meeting you was the best thing that could ever have happened in my life."

She smiled, looking out into the distance with Newt by her side, contently resting her head back as she gazed into the stars as the moon rose to the top of the sky.

Hey guys! So I know I said I might write an epilogue, and I decided to write a send-off to Hogwarts for an epilogue, since it's the beginning and end of Harry Potter, so I thought it was fitting😂 but thank you so so much for 5k, it means so much. Every read, like, and especially comment makes my heart happy and I'm grateful that you guys have enjoyed this. Thank you all!❤️

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