I Could Be Your Hero (GirlxGi...

By Riz3greym0n

487K 15.9K 1.3K

Luna and Sapphire are what you'd call complete opposites. Not to mention one of them isn't exactly human. The... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Thirty-Five

7.3K 296 40
By Riz3greym0n

All the shifters were all in their wolf form. The hunters had their weapons ready, and the one medic had his first aid kit ready in case of any possible injuries.

Carmen was on lookout along with Lily. Fortunately, they were friendly towards one another. Since Lily couldn't read Carmen's mind, they came up with a simple and easy system in order to communicate; Carmen would bark once for suspicious activity, and twice if she saw danger. Lily would do the same, but would shoot one of her hunting guns instead.

Back at the house, everyone else was preparing themselves. Darcy was keeping Sapphire company in the front yard. They were waiting for the rest of the group to step out.

Sapphire kept pacing around, kicking a fairly small pebble around. Darcy noticed how nervous the girl looked. "You okay?"

"A little." Sapphire confessed.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll kick ass." Darcy stood up with confidence.

Sapphire stopped walking around and sighed. "Its not us I'm primarily worried about."

Darcy walked towards her acquaintance, and nuzzled into her midnight fur. "She'll be alright. I mean, she's not alone, she'll have her siblings with her. Plus, she's been training with you."

Sapphire stayed quiet, but rested her was on Darcy's blonde fur.

After a few minutes, everyone finally made their way outside. Artemis stepped an greeted her sister. "You ready to go?"

Sapphire nodded.

Before Artemis could signal for the others to start moving, everyone froze when they heard a gunshot go off and then another. They them heard a howl in the distance. Artemis ad Sapphire automatically knew it was Carmen. To make things worse, the two sisters caught a few scents of their older siblings.

"They're here." Sapphire said, looking at her older sister.

Artemis barked at the group, letting everyone know to get going. Jack got on Sam's chocolate brown back and strapped on a bag filled with the various medication. His brother, Peter, climbed on Leo's back and steadied his bows and arrows. Then everyone took off towards the forest.

Back at Carmen and Lily's position, the pack had made an arrival. Everyone made an appearance in their wolf form, ready to go at it, but they were disappointed when they only saw one wolf and one hunter waiting for them.

"Carmen," Elder Nikki stepped up to the girl, "where's your backup? Surely they didn't leave you and this hunter alone to die?"

Carmen did nothing but snarl at her. She stepped in front of Lily, shielding her from the others.

"Wait," Elder Roth spoke up, "the others seem to be arriving."

The pack looked up towards the horizon. Their eyes caught the sight of their younger blood along with a few other wolves they didn't recognize, an of course, a few humans, but not the ones they were after.

"Where are your mates?" Alisha called out. "I was really hoping to teach that little brat who shot me with an arrow a lesson."

Carmen growled at the mention of Griffin.

"And what about the two sisters? Where are they hiding."

"Shut it, Alisha." Sapphire growled. "If you want to know where they are, then you're gonna have to try to force it out of us."

"Sapphire, calm down." Artemis told we sister. She turned back towards the pack. "Look, there's no need for this. Can't we just sit down and talk everything out? These specific hunters aren't a threat to us."

"Nonsense, all hunters are a threat to our kind." Elder Elizabeth snorted. "The fact that you decide to mate with them is disgusting."

"Not everyone falls into a certain stereotype. They're not out to kill us. If they were, I'm sure they would've killed us by now."

"They've obviously been corrupted." Elder May said through the pack link, only so that her allies could hear. "There is a possibility we can still prevent the deaths of our own blood though."

"No, they're too far gone." Said Elder Keith. "They're not willing to change they're minds at all."

"Are we to go through with the plan?" Zev asked in confusion. "Do we execute them all, or just focus on our main target, the hunters?"

Elder Elizabeth turned to her pack. "Because of your siblings, Zev and Topaz, out pack is at a high potential threat for extinction. Not to mention that they were the ones who were responsible for the death of my grandson."

Alisha barked. "Im not letting them off the hook for killing my brother."

"So it's settled?" Elder Roth asked.

The rest of the elders nodded, including Alisha. Topaz and Zev stood in the back, unsure of what to do.

"Okay then." The pack took their stance.

Artemis noticed the tension in the morning air. "They're about to attack." She whispered. She growled, signaling for everyone to prepare themselves.

Jack and Peter jumped off from their wolf allies' back. They went off behind a bush in order to stay hidden. Since one was a medic, and the other used arrows, it'd be to their advantage to stay out of sight.

Sapphire crouched down, and bared her teeth.

"Stay calm, sis. Let them make the first move."

Sapphire grunted at Artemis' words, but did what she was told.

"They're waiting for us to move?" Elder Elizabeth asked herself. "That's going to be a mistake on their part." She then gave the signal for her pack to move.

Alisha ran straight towards Artemis. Luckily, she was prepared for her cousin's attack, so when Alisha began swinging her claws, Artemis kept counter attacking. Elder May and Nikki came to Alisha's side, but Sam came to defend Artemis from them.

Alisha managed to catch Artemis off guard by clawing her leg, causing her to lose her balance. Alisha jumped on Artemis, pinning her to the ground. Artemis struggle in her grip, but couldn't break free. Before her cousin could do fatal damage though, Sam came over and pushed Alisha off, causing her to slam into a tree.

"Thanks Sam," Artemis sighed, standing up, "I owe you one."

"No problem." He shrugged before one of the female Elders pounced on him.

Artemis knew he had the situation under control, so she focused back on her main target. Alisha's back was badly hurt, due to the amount of force Sam gave in. She was having trouble getting up. Artemis stalked over and growled deeply at her cousin.

"Oh, come on cuz, you're not really going to kill me are you?" She asked in a nervous tone.

"Was that a serious question?" Artemis asked. She could see the fear in Alisha's eyes, but her wolf didn't care. She was too focused on ending her life, and that's what she did.

Before Alisha could regain her composure, Artemis spirited over and suffocated her cousin by sinking her canines into her windpipe. After a few seconds of struggle, Alisha's body gave in, and she fell limp in Artemis' grip.

A few feet away, Lily jumped out from behind Carmen's protection, and took aim at numerous pack members that ran towards them. She shot off her guns at them, and they instantly dropped dead. Carmen took care of the ones that survived the bullets.

Topaz and Zev calmly walked towards their little sister, and cornered we against a prickled bush. Carmen noticed the look that they shared. They were pondering on what they should do.

"You guys, you don't have to do this you know." Carmen tries to negotiate with them.

"It's pack orders, Carmen." Topaz said. "We're loyal to this pack."

"But, is your loyalty really worth the death of your sisters?"

Zev and Topaz looked at each other once again. They closed off Carmen from their sibling mind link to discuss. Soon enough, try both came to a decision.

Leo was currently protecting his mate, Isabelle, from Elder Roth and a few others.

Isabelle was doing good fending off a few wolves, twice her size. She managed to kill one large grey wolf, but another grey one caught her off guard. The wolf by down on the back of her neck, and threw her across the ground. Isabelle whined in pain.

Leo noticed the action, stopped what he was doing, and went to defend his mate. He snarled and pounced on his enemy. They clawed at each other and bit viciously into each others skin. But, since Leo was an Alpha, he was a stronger opponent. He easily killed the grey wolf with little to no problem.

Leo ran over to Isabelle, and helped her up. "Are you alright?"

"Thanks to you I am." Isabelle nuzzled into Leo's neck.

The affection didn't last though. Elder Roth unfortunately took this opportunity to attack Leo. Without warning, Leo's neck snapped in half, and he fell to the ground, taking his last breath. Elder Roth grinned in triumph.

Isabelle felt her connection with her mate break. Tears fell down her eyes, and her legs felt weak. She fell to the ground, unable to grasp what just happened. At first, she didn't notice Elder Roth stalking towards her either.

When he was close enough for her to notice, she looked up at him, and said, "You might as well kill me too."

"You're not even going to put up a fight?"

"I have nothing left to fight for." Was all she said.

Elder Roth stared at the girl for a bit, but then he did what she requested, and killed her as well, making her death as quick as possible.

Darcy and Sapphire were also working together. Elder Keith and Elizabeth were attempting to take them down. Of course, Sapphire was facing her grandmother and Darcy took care of Keith.

Darcy was playing around, testing Elder Keith's ability. Right when her sister died though, she felt a horrible pain go through her body. She looked over to her right and saw that both her sister and Leo were dead. Darcy froze, and Elder Keith took the opportunity to strike.

Sapphire saw the Elder going after her friend, so she dodged an attack from her grandmother and then jumped on Elder Keith. The two rolled around butting at each other. Sapphire then clawed at his snout, leaving a deep gash near his mouth. This caused Keith to fall back a bit.

"Darcy," Sapphire growled, "you have to focus!"

Sapphire's voice brought Darcy back into reality. Instead of focusing back on Elder Keith, she went for Elder Roth. She took him by surprise by digging her claws into his back.

Elder Roth snarled in surprise. He tried to kick Darcy off, but she had a strong grip. Darcy then unattached herself then ran towards him. She managed to hold him off, and when his guard was down, she bit off a part of his ear.

Elder Roth was losing blood rapidly and he was feeling fatigued. "Damn my old age." He cursed to himself. He was running out of attack strategies.

Darcy kept going after him though. Her wolf was out for blood, and that was apparent due to all the blood stains on her blonde fur. Her human self had no more control of her body.

Elder Keith noticed that his brother was in trouble. He ran over to defend Roth, but he was unable to reach him before a poisonous arrow stuck him in his chest. He stopped in his tracks, and collapsed to the ground, unable to get up again.

"Keith!" Both Elder Roth and Elizabeth cried out.

With the death of his brother as a distraction, Darcy made the decision of making her move. She pinned Elder Roth against the ground with his back facing her. She then leaned down to chomp down in his neck. She was able to rip out in just a few seconds.

"Damn it!" Elizabeth cursed. She turned to her granddaughter, who was eyeing her with intensity. "I would've never thought that your allies would be this strong, Sapphire." She then looked over to where the arrow came from. She noticed Jack and Peter, hiding behind a bush. Peter was shooting his arrows, attempting to kill off the remaining pack members. "But let's face it, they're not that bright." She then ran over towards the two boys.

"Shit!" Sapphire said. She barked at the brothers in an attempt to warn them.

Peter noticed Sapphire growling and barking at them, but he wasn't sure why she was doing so. "Hey, Jack, that's Luna's girl isn't it?"

Jack peeked over to get a better look. "Yeah, why?"

"What is she doing? You think she's trying to tell us something?" Peter shot off another arrow.

Jack shrugged. "I don't know, I don't speak wolf." He said, then sat back. He looked forward again, and saw a large grey wolf staring him down. "Uh, bro, I think we have company."

Peter turned to see Elder Elizabeth stalking towards them. "Crap... Jack, give me that arrow that's sitting right next to you!"

Jack nodded, and have his brother the paralysis arrow that his brother wanted.

Peter steadied his grip on his bow and took aim. The arrow just missed Elizabeth, who was now picking up her speed. Peter then reached for another poisonous arrow, but when he released it from the bow, he missed his target once more.

"Jack, I'm out of arrows!" He called out. "Are there anymore by you!?"

Jack frantically searched for one, but he couldn't find any.

Elder Elizabeth was now sprinting towards Peter. She tackle him to the ground. Peter was able to hold off her bite with his bow, but Elder Elizabeth easily snapped it in half in no time. Peter was unable to hold her off anymore, and before his brother could help out, Elizabeth went for the kill. She lifted one of her paws, and pressed down on Peter's neck, which made it difficult for him to breathe.

Once she was sure the boy was dead, Elder Elizabeth got off of Peter. She looked at Jack who was now pondering on what he should do. He was skilled with medicine, he wasn't any good at using weapons.

Luckily for him, Sapphire and Zev came to his rescue. Zev went to comfort Jack while Sapphire faces her grandmother.

"Zev! What do you think you're doing? Kill the boy already." Elder Elizabeth called out.

"No. I refuse to follow your orders."

"What are you talking about?"

"Topaz and Zev have agreed to fight on our side." Sapphire spoke up. "They're not part of your pack anymore."

Elder Elizabeth looked over to see that she was right. Topaz was currently helping Lily and Carmen fend off the last few members of the pack. "The pack is falling apart..." She said to herself.

"Just give up now." Sapphire requested. "Its not too late to rally up the rest of your troops, go back home, and to leave us alone."

Elder Elizabeth growled. For once, she wasn't sure what she was to do. She took at few steps back, as if she was about to retreat. But, she soon caught an unfamiliar scent. A few actually. They didn't belong to any wolf, rogue or, pack member. These belonged to humans, and not the ones that were currently on sight of the battle.

"Two of these smell like they've been marked... Of course, this is the trail of the three siblings." Elizabeth smirked. She turned back to her grandchildren. "Why would I wan to give up now? Not when I know where your precious mate has run off." She then turned to follow the trail of the scent into the main city.

Sapphire's eyes widened. "Zev, stay here and take care of Jack. If anyone asks where I've went, tell them I've gone into the city." Was all she said before she ran after her grandmother.

Sapphire made sure that no other human outside would see her. She wasn't sure what path her grandmother took, but she still caught a trace of her scent. Not like it mattered. She just had to get to Luna and the others before Elizabeth did.

"Luna, stand guard, and keep hidden... Your hideout has been discovered."

Um, yeah, I can't write fight scenes to save my life lol.
But, I hope you guys like it at least.

PS: When this story ends, I'll still work on Hidden Fangs, but I also want to start another story.
Idk if any of you watch/know of Naruto, but I have a story based on that manga/anime.
I also want to do some short stories based on ICBYH and its characters.
AND, I have a vampire/werewolf story planned.
All will be heavily GirlxGirl based.
So which would you rather see first? Please let me know. ^-^

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