Summer Love Or More?- A.I (Se...

By smileforjeon

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Will the love story continues? Or it's more of forget and move on to someone new? This is the sequel to Summ... More

Chapter 1- Welcome Back Amy
Chapter 2- He Kissed My Cheek
Chapter 3- They Keep Taking My Apple
Chapter 4- What Happened?
Chapter 5- Welcome Back Sammy
Chapter 6- What's With Taking People's Food?
Chapter 7- Please Don't Leave
Chapter 8- Finally
Chapter 9- Meet Emilia
Chapter 10- On The Next Flight
Chapter 11- Blackmail? Seriously
Chapter 12- 2 Months
Chapter 13- Bye Bye Australia
Chapter 14- Bloody Finger
Chapter 15- Thinking About My Ex Not My Boyfriend
Chapter 16- Remember What We Used To Do?
Chapter 17- Except Sex!
Chapter 18- No Hugging Without My Consent
Chapter 19- He Tried To...
Chapter 20- I'm Done With Your Shit
Chapter 21- Who To Choose?
Chapter 22- This Moments
Chapter 23- Pretend To Be Together?
Chapter 24- That's What I Thought
Chapter 25- He's Just Being A Friend
Chapter 26- Finally Sleeping Beauty Is Awake
Chapter 27- Fixing The Situation
Chapter 28- You're Sleeping On The Couch
Chapter 29- No More Chances
Chapter 30- Time To Have Fun
Chapter 31- Voicemail
Chapter 32- Make Up Sex
Chapter 33- Are We Back Together Yet?
Chapter 36- Cousin Vs Cousin
Chapter 37- Your Fault
Chapter 38- Drunk Words Sober Thoughts
Chapter 39- Big Reveal
Chapter 40- I Still Hate You
Chapter 41- Maylor Returns
Chapter 42- I Always Get What I Want
Chapter 43- Move On Mate
Chapter 44 -Your Family Thinks I Abuse You?
Chapter 45- Next Flight To UK
Chapter 46- Flying To UK Secretly
Chapter 47- What Just Happen?
Chapter 48- Unfixable
Chapter 49- You're Lying
Chapter 50- Blocked Everyone Out
Chapter 51- She's Not Going To War
Chapter 51- Like You Fucked Ashton Over?
Chapter 53- Biebs & Sammy
Chapter 54- I'm Happy To Swap Places
Chapter 55- He's A Fighter
Chapter 56- Rocking Your World
Chapter 57- Next Stop: South Korea
Chapter 58- Separate Ways
Chapter 59- Letting Go Completely

Chapter 34- Outbursts and Returning Relatives

13 1 0
By smileforjeon

Ashton's Pov Continued
Waiting. I hated waiting, you could call me impatient but it was a fact waiting around to be with somebody that might never want to be with you again or wait for someone to decide when they were ready to be with you, nothing but a waiting game. A waiting game that had no specific time when it will end, I mean I could be waiting for weeks, months or possibly years for Sammy to say she was ready to be with me. Could I wait that long? Could I wait that long to be with her? I know I said I would wait for her no matter how long it takes but could I? Truthfully, I know I said the words but honestly, I don't know if I could wait for that long. I wanted to be happy, happy with Sammy but I couldn't wait forever no matter how much I loved her.

Sometimes you have to move on, I know that I don't want to move on because I love her but if it came to it I guess I would have to move on even though it would hurt me. I loved Sammy with all my heart, I've never loved anybody like I've loved her.  On the other hand, what if I did wait for her and she fell in love with somebody else?

Laying on my bed, I had my face on the pillow. I let out an agitated yell into the pillow, letting out my emotions better my pillow than anybody else. Sighing, I turned over onto my back and looked up at the ceiling. Why couldn't I just be happy? I thought to myself. I heard a knock at my door, "go away!" I called out. The door opened revealing Michael. "Well, come on in Michael. I did say go away but whatever, what do you want?" I spat. " Downstairs, we're watching a movie" He spoke. " I don't care, I'm not in the mood to watch a film," I say sitting up. " Let me rephrase myself, we're watching a film downstairs so get your ass down there otherwise I'm going to fucking pulling you down the stairs by your fucking ears. Do I make myself clear?" He spoke.

I groaned, "fine, only because I don't feel like having my ears stretched today not because I'm giving in and wanting to watch a movie," I say getting off the bed and standing up, walking out the room with Michael following behind me. "Don't lie, Irwin, we both know you like the thought of the roughness" Michael joked.

Third Person Pov.
The movie had started after everyone had agreed upon a movie to watch, they had chosen to watch Suicide Squad. They were all spread out in the living room, Calum and Hailee were sat on one sofa, Amy and Luke were sitting in a single chair well Amy was sitting on Luke's lap. Michael was sat on another sofa with Connor and Ashton. They were watching the movie in silence, however, it didn't get past the boys that Sammy and Ashton were sitting separately after all the boys didn't know that Sammy and Ashton hadn't sorted out their relationship. Luke was sat there trying to watch the movie they had all agreed upon to watch but he couldn't focus because he didn't understand why Ashton and Sammy weren't sitting next to each other when he presumed they had sorted out their relationship. Luke had tried to shake off his thoughts about it but he couldn't. It was annoying him badly.

Luke tilted his head to look at Amy. "Babe" He muttered not wanting to interrupt the others as they were busy watching the film. "mhm?" Amy looked at him. "What's going on?" He whispered. "what do you mean?" She asked, eyebrow raised from confusion. "Sammy and Ashton-" "Hey Luke shut the fuck up," Michael said as he could hearing Luke talking but not what he was saying. " I'm not going to shut up. I'm curious alright" Luke looked at Michael. "Curious about what?" Calum asked joining in on the conversation. Ashton paused the film and turned to look at everyone, "Why are we talking when we're supposed to be watching the film?" He asked annoyed. After all, Michael did make him come downstairs to watch a film with them all and now they're talking through the film and not watching it. "I'd like to know what's going on with Ashton and Sammy" Luke spoke up. "Can we just watch the film please?" Sammy asked. "What do you mean, what's going on with me and Sammy?" Ashton asked, trying to sound like there wasn't anything wrong even though there was.

" I just find it weird, why are you both sitting apart?"  Luke asked suspicious, noticing they weren't sat together. "We don't have to sit together all the time," Sammy said quickly. Everyone looked at her, "if I'm not mistaken Sammy being in a relationship you do sit together because you like to be near the person you're in love with like Amy and Luke, Calum and Hailee are. They're sitting together because they love each other and want to spend as much time as possible with their other half. You know there's one thing I envy about them as couples no matter what happens they always find a way to move past it and get together. They don't  let anything hold them back, no insecurities. They don't waste precious time because they don't think they're ready" Ashton spat looking at Sammy. "Hang on for one second, Ashton! I never said I was fucking insecure. All I said was I wasn't ready to be with you again. I'm sorry I can't go jumping into another relationship with you, I can't beside you said and made it perfectly clear you were fine with waiting for me. Now, you clearly saying your not happy waiting" Sammy raised her voice.

Sammy's POV.
I looked around and noticed everyone was looking at me. I should have known Ashton wasn't fine with waiting for me to be ready to date him again, I should have known he was lying." Of course, I'm not happy because I love you and you don't want to date me" " I never said that I'm just ready. I needed time, I need time Ashton. I need fucking time to be ready to date again.  Don't think for one minute that it's easy for me to say I need time because it's not. I want to be with you but I can't, not now not right now. I need time to be by myself. I need time, how long I don't know but I would love it if you would respect my fucking decision and stop going in a mood over it. I can't rush into it, Ashton." "I'm not somebody else, yes my best friends might be able to get past the issues they have and sort it out but I'm not them. I'm not Amy and Luke. I can't go through so much and just move past it and get back together with someone. I'm not that strong. I'm not that strong as they are Ashton. They've made mistakes and they've moved on somehow but that's because they're a strong couple deep down. I'm not saying we aren't but I can't just move on like that I've made so many mistakes Ashton. So many, I don't want to make any more mistakes anymore, I want to be certain about the next decision I make. I want to be sure I'm doing the right thing" I explained.

" What you're saying is you don't want to rush into getting into a relationship with me because you might regret it that's what you're basically saying" He scoffed, " I didn't say that!" "No Sammy, you basically did but it's absolutely fine just take all the time in the world. I'll just tell you this, don't expect me to wait around forever Sammy because I fucking won't. Time passes by Sammy, life carries on and I'm not going to waste too much of my time waiting for a girl to want to be with me" Ashton said before he got up, left the living room and the front door slammed. The room went silent. I couldn't believe him, I felt so embarrassed by it and mostly upset. I couldn't stay in the room. "Are you okay Sammy?" Calum asked me. "What the hell just happened?" Luke asked. "Guys, I really don't think asking questions is the best thing to be doing-" Hailee said. I got up and ran out of the living room not before hearing, "Sammy!" My eyes were teary as I ran up the stairs heading to my room. I wanted to be alone, I needed to be alone. I didn't want to anybody's pity or help, this was my fault because I wasn't ready to get back with Ashton. The truth, I was scared that if I was to get back with Ashton and we broke up that he would do the same thing Tristan did. I couldn't be responsible or the reason why somebody else killed themselves. I couldn't risk it. I slammed my bedroom door shut, locking the door and ran to my bed and cried into my pillow.

Downstairs with the others, Luke's POV.
It was quiet in the living room after the outburst of Ashton slamming the front door and Sammy running out of the room and up the stairs going to her room I presume. " Well, I didn't expect that to happen," Hailee said breaking the silence. "Haven't you learnt by now to expect the unexpected" Michael spat leaving the room. "Where the hell are you going?" Calum called after him. "Going to Sammy!" He called back and did just that Connor followed after him. "I'll come too" Then there was just me, Amy, Calum and Hailee left in the room. " it just seems like if one couple isn't having problems another couple is" Hailee said. I nodded my head in agreement. " I just hope they sort it out, they're better off together than apart," Amy said sighing. I tilted my head to look at her. "they'll work it out babe" Amy looked at me. "and if they don't?" "and if they don't, then we will help them. We all help each other that's just the way we are, Amz" Calum said. "Exactly, what Calum said" I added. "I just wish we all could be happy" " Maybe one day babe," I said kissing her cheek. "Yeah maybe" She sighed.

That Night: At Luke and Amy's apartment.

Amy's POV.
I was lying in bed with Luke relaxing after today. I still couldn't believe what happened at the house with Sammy and Ashton. I knew they weren't back together yet because Sammy needed space but I never thought Ashton would have an outburst like that. It was shocking really unless it's getting to him more than I once thought. It's got to be hard to be with somebody who doesn't want to be with you at the precise moment in time. " I really thought Ashton and Sammy would get back together," Luke said from beside me. "Yeah well, you heard them earlier today Sammy isn't ready to get back with Ashton just yet," I say to him. " I just don't understand why they both love each other. I don't see what the problem is, Sammy should just get over the issues and get with him before Ashton decides to move on" Luke stated. "How do you know he would move on?" I questioned looking at him. " I don't know, I'm just saying Sammy wants to wait right but seriously how long is she going to want to wait? Weeks? Months? Years? It's a big ask to make Ashton wait."

"Yeah, but if he respects her, he should respect her decision, Luke.  There has to be a reason behind why she wants to wait. You heard her she said she didn't want to make any more mistakes in her life."  I looked at Luke, he looked at me. "Do you know what the reason is?" He asked me, looking at me like he was trying to figure out if I knew more than I was saying. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned, sitting up a little in the bed. "Like what? I'm not looking at you in anyway" He said smiling at me.  I couldn't help myself when he smiled at me, I had to smile back at him. His smile was infectious. He made me so happy. " I have, to be honest, I do think she's holding back because of what happened to Tristan," I say honestly.  " Mm, saying that it makes sense to why she said what she did." Yawning, I laid back down my head hitting the pillow, I closed my eyes for a couple seconds to reopen them to come face to face with Luke. "Oh hello there," I said with a sleepy smile. "Let's go to sleep, I know you're tired," He said, I nodded my head and yawned again. "Sounds good,"  I say moving so I had my head on Luke's chest, my body on top of his, legs tangled. "Goodnight beautiful" I heard Luke say as I closed my eyes. "Night handsome" I replied back.  " Love you" "love you too Luke"

I thought one thing before I fell asleep,  we were finally back on track, life was finally great and nothing could ruin it.

The Next Day: Third Person POV. The girls and the boys were out for lunch at no other place than Maccas. The place they always found themselves at all the time, I mean come on what beats McDonald's? Don't answer that it's a rhetorical question. Sammy's phone went off, "you got a message, Sammy," Michael said. "Point out the obvious Michael," Sammy said sarcastically as she picked up her phone, looking at the message on her phone,  she started to beam. "What's got you smiling so badly?" Ashton asked suspiciously, thinking there could be somebody else. "You would never guess who has just confirmed they're coming," Sammy said looking at everyone but mainly Amy and Calum. " I don't know," Calum said munching on fries. " Someone hot and sexy," Amy said jokingly before sucking on her straw.  "Hey, I'm right here you know," Luke said staring at her. " I know, I'm only joking Luke,"  She said going to kiss his cheek but he moved his head a little so she kissed his lips instead. He kissed her quickly.  "Smooth Luke!" Hailee said giggling.

" Amy definitely knows it," He said smirking at her.  Amy rolled her eyes playfully. " Oh shut it, so who's coming then Sammy?"  Amy asked looking at her, refocusing the group. "Well, Thomas has just confirmed he's coming to visit," She said excitedly. "No way, your lying!"  " No, I'm not Amz. He's actually coming to visit. He's coming to stay. I'm so excited" Sammy said happily.  "No way I can't believe it.  It's going to be sick with him here" Calum added. "He's fucking funny!" Amy said. " And he's a pain in the ass" Michael muttered to himself. "You're only jealous because Thomas is a better cousin" Amy teased him. "Oh shut up, everybody knows I'm better than Thomas, right guys?" He said to the boys. It was silent.  "Anyway when is he coming?" Calum asked.   Sammy was about to continue talking when Amy's phone started ringing interrupting her. "Sorry girl, just continue. I'll just have to take this call" Amy said picking up her phone, answering. "Hello?"

Amy's POV.
"Hello?" I said into my phone, I felt Luke's arm around my waist. I looked at him, he was looking at me.   I smiled at him. "Guess who?!" I heard my cousin's voice. "You do know I have caller ID right, I know it's you, Emilia," I said rolling my eyes at her stupidity. "Yeah yeah, anyway I have great news that's going to be great for you," She said, her tone indicated she was very happy.  "Well, what is this great news that you're so excited and happy about to tell me?" I asked. " I'm coming back to Australia, I have great news to tell ya" "Oh, that's great. You're coming back here, why can't you tell me over the phone what it is?" I ask curiously. "No, I'll tell you when I get there" "And when will you be here?" I ask. "Soon" She added. "Bye see you soon". She hung up on the phone.  I placed my phone back onto the table. I noticed everyone was looking at me. "Who was that?" Calum asked. "That was Emilia, she's coming back to Australia," I say.

"She's coming back, why?" Michael asked. "She has something 'great' to tell me but she wouldn't tell me over the phone and she'll be here soon but I don't know how soon, soon is at all so," I say taking a sip of my drink. "I wonder what she wants to tell you,"  Sammy said. "I have no idea, it can't be nothing bad as it's supposed to be great news" It couldn't be anything bad, right? I thought to myself.

AN. Hey guys, Well, here is my part. Enjoy reading, stay tuned as @Smileforhemmings, Mary Anne will be writing next! :)

- Amy, @Jet-Black-5SOS.

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